Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 511 Jealous Again

Feng Yun had just been sitting in the inner hall drinking tea and warming himself by the fire, enjoying the "courtesy of the Queen Mother" from Li Sangruo. He smiled slightly, walked up to Pei Manang, and bowed his hands.

"Your Majesty."

Pei Madang stretched out his hand towards her, motioned for her to sit close to him, and said warmly:

"Why didn't you come out just now? What were you doing hiding in there?"

Feng Yun glanced at him sideways, "The generals are discussing matters. If I come out and talk nonsense, the king will be blamed."

She was smiling, her eyes full of amusement.

Pei Ran looked at her doubtfully and pinched her face, "When have I ever blamed you?"

So doting.

Feng Yun was a little unaccustomed, so he pulled his lips and smiled uncomfortably.

"Just assume I'm self-aware."

Pei Madang raised his eyebrows without any trace, "Then Feng Changshi can say it now. What do you think of what the Lord has discussed?"

Feng Yun met his eyes and smiled slowly, "Can I say it casually?"

Pei Ran: "Tell it like it is."

Feng Yun curled his lips and smiled, suddenly grabbed his arm and squeezed hard.

During the siege, she saw that Pei Ran was injured, but now he had obviously been bandaged, with no trace of blood on his face, and no trace of injury on his face.

This force made the man frown.

"What a cruel woman."

Feng Yun said: "Look, isn't this the true form revealed?"

Pei Ran frowned and looked at her,

The smile on Feng Yun's fair face did not change, but upon closer inspection, there was a hint of mockery in his beautiful eyes.

"The king already knows how to deal with it, so why bother to ask? It's hypocritical. You were distracted and injured because of her, are you still willing to let her die?"

Pei Madang's eyes trembled slightly as he looked at Feng Yun without saying a word.

Feng Yun chuckled, the corners of his eyes raised slightly provocatively, "So, what is my humble opinion? Does your Majesty value it?"

Pei Ran stretched out his hand, silently put his arm around her shoulders, circled her around, sat in front of him, faced her face to face, and looked into each other's eyes.

"Mother Yun, if someone says that Li Sangruo is my biological sister, do you believe it?"

Feng Yun was surprised.

His eyes were extremely surprised.

Li Sangruo is Pei Madang's sister?

"If it's true, it's just a story about ghosts and ghosts."

Pei Madang breathed a long sigh of relief when he saw that she was not angry or angry.

"I don't believe it either."

Feng Yun's heartstrings tightened, he stared into Pei Madang's bright and dark eyes, and suddenly smiled, "But the king is afraid of missing his relatives. He doesn't dare to believe it, but he doesn't dare not to believe it."

Pei Ran was silent.

Feng Yun smiled slightly, "Is it Tang Shaogong who said that?"

Pei Ran hummed, "He was originally from the Xie Jiajun who consulted to join the army."

Feng Yun was surprised and dubious.

"So, Tang Shaogong turned his back on Li Zongxun and turned to you. He didn't just change his side at the last moment, but he had a premeditated plan... and has been helping you secretly?"

She did not forget that Pei Ran said that the Xie family was kind to him, and he had a deep relationship with the Xie family, and even hated the Feng family because of it...

If Tang Shaogong thanked his family and helped Pei Ran, Pei Madang would naturally look at him differently and not doubt his words.

But Feng Yun is different.

Tang Shaogong was her nightmare in her previous life...

From the beginning to the end, his impression in Feng Yun's heart has not changed. He has always been cold, ruthless and inhumane.

Such a person, because he was loyal to the Xie family army, would still work hard to help Pei Madang, who was related to the Xie family, many years after the Xie family army was destroyed?

"Your Majesty." Feng Yun stared at Pei Madang's face quietly, "Do you still remember how Tang Shaogong died?"

When I ask this question, I am of course referring to my past life.

Pei Ran looked back at her and frowned inadvertently.

"He was a guest of the Li Mansion. The last time I saw him in my previous life was at the Andu Peace Conference. I don't know whether or how he died later."

Feng Yun's black eyes darkened, and he was very surprised.

"Your Majesty, you don't know?"

Pei Madang narrowed his eyes dangerously, "Did Yun Niang know about it? You should not have been in Dajin at that time."

Feng Yun noticed the darkness in his eyes, and raised the corners of his lips slightly, revealing a difficult smile.

"Yes. I was in Qi State at that time. It was Xiao Cheng who told me that Tang Shaogong, the diner of the Li family who had hurt me, was ordered to be executed by Prime Minister Li Zongxun. More than 20 members of his family were killed, and no one survived."

After saying that, she quickly continued the next sentence without waiting for Pei Madang to think about the relationship between her and Xiao Cheng at that time.

"The whole family was executed, and more than twenty people were killed. Xiao Cheng, who is far away in Southern Qi, knew about such a huge movement. There is no reason that the king does not know..."

Pei Ran was silent for a moment.

Slowly, lower your gaze.

"Perhaps I was recovering from my injuries at that time. While I was recovering from my injuries, I didn't ask about court affairs for a long time."

Feng Yun felt suffocated.

She remembered.

At Shiguan Pier, Wen Xingsu took an arrow to his chest...

Pei Madang was seriously injured and was bedridden for more than a year to recuperate.

Moreover, there was no direct competition or conflict between Pei Madang and Li Zongxun in his previous life. How could he, a majestic general, care about a diner in the Li Mansion?

Pei Madang looked at her with warm eyes, was speechless, and gently touched her face.

"Don't be sad, the injury is healed."

Feng Yun's heart suddenly throbbed, and he put his hand on his chest.

"is it here?"

Pei Ran hummed and held her hand, "It's a small injury."

"Your Majesty, there are times when you are stupid..."

Feng Yun felt that this man loved to lie to others, he would bear everything by himself, and then he would pass it off calmly.

Pei Man took her hand and put his palm on his chest.

"I won't be hurt again in this life, don't worry, Yun Niang."

Feng Yun smiled slightly, his eyes full of gentleness.

"It seems that Tang Shaogong's death in his previous life was related to his betrayal of Li Zongxun. If it weren't for deep hatred, how could he kill more than 20 members of his family?"

Pei Madang suddenly frowned.

"The whole family..."

He murmured, and suddenly raised his eyes as if he thought of something.

"Mother Yun, could it be that Xiao Cheng is lying to you?"

Feng Yun was slightly startled.

Pei Madang said: "As far as I know, Tang Shaogong did not marry a wife. He followed Li Zongxun and lived alone... How could he have a family of more than twenty people when he was alone?"

Feng Yun was suddenly shocked.

"No family?"

Pei Ran thought for a moment and said, "Let me check it out."

Feng Yun felt a little bad all over.

In the previous life, Xiao Cheng mentioned Tang Shaogong to her on a sunny afternoon.

The night before, Xiao Cheng stayed in her palace.

She screamed in the middle of the night, sweating profusely and woke up from the nightmare. Xiao Cheng hung up the tent hook and held a lamp to look at her, his eyes as deep as frost and blades.

"What did you dream about?"

At that time, Xiao Cheng had great distrust of her.

In fact, she dreamed about Shiguan Pier, the battle that was enough to make her nightmares last forever, and she also dreamed about Pei Man, riding on a horse and looking back covered in blood...

She didn't dare to say it.

So he lied and told Xiao Cheng how Tang Shaogong captured her from the general's mansion and put her in a jar to threaten her.

Xiao Cheng comforted her a few words at that time but didn't say much.

In the afternoon of the next day, when she was taking a nap, Xiao Cheng came to the palace to tell her the news.

Feng Yun had forgotten the original words.

I only remember that Xiao Cheng had sharp eyes and a cold face that day, but he was extremely gentle to her.

And she believed from the bottom of her heart at that time that God has eyes and evil will be punished.

If Tang Shaogong has no family, then Xiao Cheng is lying.

As an emperor at that time, he should not have to tell such a lie...

Feng Yun was puzzled.

"Don't think about it." Pei Ran gently held her chin and asked her to raise her head to look at him levelly. With his other hand, he slowly pressed her waist tightly, his words lazily.

"When I think about it again, I still miss him."

A faint sourness spread from his dark eyes.

"I don't want to." Feng Yun raised his face with a smile on his lips, "Except for Pei Lang, there is no one worth thinking about."

Pei Ran smiled lightly and said, "Be well behaved."

Feng Yun's cheeks felt slightly warm, and he raised his head and closed his eyes.

In the quiet palace, the cold wind blew from nowhere and ruffled her hair.

Everything is silent except for the red lips.

Pei Madang tightened his arms and slowly lowered his head.

The soft lips touched her and she trembled. Before she could taste it, someone came calling outside the door.

"Your Majesty, Mr. Tang would like to see you."

This was because he couldn't wait for Pei Ran to summon him, so he came to the door on his own.

Pei Ran: "Please."

Feng Yun looked at Pei Ran, pointed to the curtain, and hid in again.

Pei Ran had no intention of letting her leave, so when he saw this, he pressed his temples helplessly, and then sat upright.

Tang Shaogong walked very lightly.

It seemed like every step was done with just the right amount of effort, and the steps were very rhythmic, making you feel calm and calm as soon as you heard them.

"Young Master Tang is here to meet your Majesty."

He bowed his head towards Pei Madang and raised his hands flat to touch his eyebrows.

Pei Ran: "No courtesy."

Tang Shaogong said: "This servant is waiting for a crime. He came without announcing it and kowtows to the king. It is really rude..."

Pei Man raised his hand and motioned for him to sit down and talk.

"There's no need to be polite. Why do you want to see me, Mr. Tang?"

Tang Shaogong's eyes flickered, "I'm here to ask for a favor from the king."

Pei Madang pondered for a moment, "Mr. Tang helped the Northern Yong Army attack the city. He lives in a great position. I will not treat you badly. When you return to Beijing and report to His Majesty, you will be rewarded..."

Tang Shaogong's expression remained unchanged.

"I don't care about this."

Pei Ran looked at him indifferently.

Tang Shaogong calmly clasped the purse around his waist, untied it, took out a small seal, and presented it to Pei Man with both hands.

"My servant has been waiting for my young master for many years."

Pei Ran: That’s nonsense. How could I be jealous?

Xiao Cheng: ...Okay, if you don’t want to eat it, give it to me?

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