Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 512 How Can I Look Back?

There was a thunder on the ground.

Feng Yun, who was sitting quietly drinking tea in the inner hall, felt as if his brain had been struck by lightning before he took a sip of hot tea.

She couldn't believe what she was hearing.

Tang Shaogong's next words were like lightning piercing the sky, making her dizzy and solving many mysteries that she had buried deep for a long time.

Pei Ran said that Tang Shaogong joined the army as a consultant to Xie Jiajun.

She thought that Pei Ran and Xie Jiajun were related.

I never expected that Pei Madang was actually Xie Xian's son...

Behind the confusing coincidence, it turned out that it was not God's will.

Feng Yun walked to the window.

The sky was overcast and the birds were flying low, as if it was going to rain.

When Pei Ran came in, he didn't make a sound. He just stood next to Feng Yun quietly and looked towards the courtyard with her.

The silence stretched out.

The space seemed to become narrower and my breathing became tense.

Feng Yun had to admit that Pei Gou was calmer than her.

It was clearly him who was lying, but he was upright and calm, as if nothing had happened, and he was surprisingly calm.

She admired it.

So he spoke first.

"Your Majesty, do you have nothing to say to me?"

Pei Ran: "I'll wait for Yun Niang to question."

Questioning is a wonderful use.

Feng Yun sneered, "Your Majesty is very self-aware."

Pei Ran: "It's also to make Yun Niang like me, so I took great pains."

The anger that rushed to Feng Yun's throat was inexplicably blocked by these words.

Pei Ran's face was calm and serious, as if he didn't know what a funny thing he said, let alone sincerely teasing her.

"Okay. Then I'll ask."

Feng Yunshu unfurled his frown, and the heavy pressure relaxed a little.

"You already remember when something happened to General Xie. Therefore, you readily agreed to Feng Jingting's offer of beauty because my surname is Feng and you want to take revenge on the Feng family."

She started asking from the beginning, but didn't give Pei Man a chance to answer. She spoke in a determined tone every word.

"Even if Feng Jingting gives you Feng Ying or another Feng family girl when An Du presents her beauty, you will still nod and accept it with a smile..."

"No." Pei Ran interrupted.

"No need to coax me." Feng Yun looked at him lightly.

Pei Ran said in a cold tone: "Just because it's you."

Feng Yun snorted.

Although sweet words are false, who wouldn’t listen to them? Especially Pei Ran's solemn expression and tone.

She smiled and was about to speak when Pei Madang added.

"The person who predicted Xie Jiajun's fate at the age of three was you, not Feng Ying."

Feng Yun took a breath.

very eloquent.

The look in her eyes that stared at Pei Mang became sharp in an instant.

"So you were waiting for revenge? It's great. I finally said what I was thinking..."

Pei Ran: "I've already reported it."

Feng Yun looked at him slowly, "What?"

Pei Madang: "I slept with you for three years in my previous life, and I will sleep with you for another lifetime in this life. I have avenged all my revenge."

Feng Yun: "..."

Her eyes narrowed.

If this were said by Xiao San or Chun Yuyan, it would still be a bit of a joke, but this man Pei Ran...

He is really serious.

He said such sultry words with a serious face, which made some people angry and laughed at others, but in the end it seemed to make some sense.

Taking possession of a woman's best things is not revenge, so what is it?

Feng Yun: "So, you hate me?"

Pei Ran: "Hate."

Feng Yun snorted coldly, and the tall man beside him stood a little closer, and the shadow shrouded him. The advantage of his height and body shape made him imposing.

"I hate that you hate me."

Feng Yun was slightly startled.

Pei Madang said again: "I hate you for falling in love with him."

He frowned slightly, without any deliberate sensationalism or excessive expressions. He was just so cold and indifferent, his tone was unquestionable, and his attitude was as frosty...

Then he stretched out his arms, hugged her, and leaned against the half-open window, his whole body was stiff...

There was no lust, and the black eyes were cold, but Feng Yun couldn't help but shudder.

Yecheng had just been recovered.

There are patrolling guards coming and going from time to time outside...

The cold wind blew over, making the back of my neck feel cold.

"There's someone outside..." she said.

"Who dares to look?"


Feng Yun tilted his neck back and stared into the man's deep eyes.

"It's all my fault. You lied to me. You didn't do anything wrong at all?"

Pei Ran: "When did I lie to you?"

Feng Yun snorted, "You haven't lied yet? You said General Xie Xian was kind to you, but you didn't say you were his son..."

Pei Madang: "The grace of giving birth and nourishment is also grace."

Feng Yun raised his eyebrows and was about to choke back, then heard him say:

"Yunniang, you never asked me about my life experience, and you never cared. In your last life, you were thinking about how to leave me. In this life, you are thinking about how to use me. Have you ever asked me one more question?"

The conversation was full of resentment.

At the end, he asked calmly: "Throw away the fetters and get what you want. Don't talk about love, don't talk about marriage, don't be a concubine, and don't have children. Have fun when we get along, and don't get involved when we are separated. Have I wronged you?"

Feng Yun was speechless.

Seeing her silence, Pei Madang slowly leaned forward and lowered his head, smoothing away the strands of her hair that were blown by the wind.

"If I hadn't been stalking you, you would have given up long ago."

Feng Yun told him not to stop.

Before Pei Madang came in, she had accumulated a lot of anger and wanted to question this bitch who deceived him, but now, it was all her fault...

He is the one who feels wronged.

Poor him.

It was he who endured the humiliation.

And she...

She is like a scumbag in his mouth!

When did Pei Gou start to grease his mouth?

He usually keeps silent, but when he speaks, every word is a threat to her life.

No, no...

This is very wrong.

Feng Yun became a little more sober, avoiding the handsome face in front of her that could make people lose their sense of propriety, and stood up straight to look at him.

"You lied to me more than just this one. What about Li Sangruo? What about Li Sangruo?"

When Li Sangruo was mentioned, Pei Jue's eyes were slightly angry.

"I don't want to disgust you."

Feng Yun pursed her lips and smiled silently.

I don't know if she believed him or not.

Pei Jue: "Do you want to hear about my story?"

He held Feng Yun's cheek in his palm, and gently stroked the soft white skin with his fingers. His face was cold and his voice was cold. It was like a cold winter wind that suddenly broke into his heart, hit hard, and then fell lightly.

Before he said anything, Feng Yun's heart ached inexplicably.

Her intuition told her that it was not a pleasant story.

"I'm all ears."

Pei Jue said, "I was nine years old when my family was exterminated."

His voice seemed to come from another world, calm and lonely, as if he was telling someone else's story.

Xie Xian and his wife were married by imperial decree. Mrs. Xie had red lips and white teeth, and her face was peerless. General Xie was handsome and talented. They were originally an enviable couple. Who knew that after marriage, they were not in harmony and hated each other to the point that they had nothing to say to each other in private. Although they gave birth to a son and a daughter, their feelings were extremely weak.

When the news of Xie Xian's death in Bingzhou came, Mrs. Xie happened to take her son and daughter back to her mother's home in Cangzhou to celebrate her grandfather's birthday.

Cangzhou was still more than 200 miles away from Taicheng, so the news was much slower. When Mrs. Xie got the news, she took her children and hurried back to Taicheng to attend the funeral.

It was also their fate that the mother and her three children would not die. They stopped by on the way and met the imperial guards who were going to Cangzhou to arrest someone. They accidentally learned that the Xie family had been confiscated and the court wanted to wipe out the roots...

No one knew how Mrs. Xie felt about Xie Xian, but her maternal instinct made her not cowardly surrender in the crisis, but chose to escape with her children.

She could not go back to her husband's house, nor could she go to her parents' house.

In such a big world, where could they find a place to stay?

Mrs. Xie gritted her teeth, disguised herself with her children, and headed west, preparing to flee to Yunchuan...

To go to Yunchuan, you have to pass through Bingzhou.

But at that time, Bingzhou was occupied by the Jin army.

Mrs. Xie could have taken a detour, but she went to Hengqu Pass.

Hengqu Pass was on one side of the Qi army and on the other side of the Jin army. Going west was Yunchuan, and going north was Bingzhou.

She led her children out of Hengqu Pass and headed north. She did not enter Bingzhou City, but paid tribute to Xie Xian and the dead Xie family soldiers in the suburbs of the city. She placed animal sacrifices, spirit tablets, burned paper money, and said many things that Xie Xian did not have time to say to her before he died...

This was the only time that the couple was deeply in love.

It also caused the three of them to suffer a great disaster...

After paying tribute to Xie Xian, Mrs. Xie was caught up by the Southern Qi Tiqi on her way to Yunchuan...

Nine-year-old Pei Cong already knew how to fight with a knife, but he was too young after all. He was seriously injured in his first real fight. Fortunately, several loyal servants risked their lives to save him and entangled the pursuers. Mrs. Xie fled with her children in a panic...

But the loyal servants could stop them for a while, but not for a lifetime.

In desperation, Mrs. Xie hid her injured son and daughter in the straw piles in the fields, and went alone to lead away the pursuers...

"Before leaving, my mother told me in tears that I was the last male in the Xie family and the only blood of the Xie family army, and I must find a way to survive..."

"My mother ran very fast without looking back..."

The dignified and quiet Mrs. Xie had never run so fast in her life. Following the afterglow of the setting sun, she went farther and farther without hesitation...

"Later, I found my mother's body in the weeds."

Pei Jue's eyes closed slightly.

He didn't look at Feng Yun, and his voice was so low and hoarse that it seemed to be blocked by sand.

My mother was humiliated before she died.

Her eyes were wide open, she was in a mess, and she was still holding the man's clothes in her hands, refusing to let go...

He didn't tell Feng Yun how heartbreaking it was for a nine-year-old child to see his mother being abused to death...

But Feng Yun felt a pain in her chest because of his eyes.

She gently hugged Pei Jue, "If you want to cry, just cry, no one will laugh at you."

Pei Jue: "No."

The man's eyes were sharp, like ice and snow.

"No matter if it's Xie Xian's son or Pei Chong's son, you shouldn't cry."

Feng Yun sniffed, "Then how did you and your sister... get separated? How did you go from being a son of the Xie family to a son of the Pei family?"

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