Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 513 Lingering and Distant

Pei Madang is not good at talking.

Standing in the cold wind, he remained silent for a long time before speaking again.

"After my mother left, I lost too much blood and fainted. When I woke up, I rummaged through the nearby haystacks, but there was no trace of my sister..."

"I don't know whether she was taken away by the pursuers or left on her own. I searched along the way until she found her mother's body..."

At this point, he paused for a long time.

"Later, it was my now father who took me in."


At that time, Mrs. Xie chose to escape to the border of Bingzhou in order to get rid of Qi's pursuing troops...

It was Pei Chong's personal entourage who discovered him.

At that time, the little child was digging a grave to bury his mother. His drab gray clothes were covered in blood, and blood dripped from the unbandaged wounds, dripping into the soil and onto his mother's body. Although he has not yet grown up in stature, the tenacity on his face looks like that of an adult...

The sky and the earth are cold and the wind is biting.

He didn't even shed a tear...

The personal entourage brought the injured child to Pei Chong.

At that time, Pei Chong was also seriously injured and could not walk with his lower limbs. He also had no children at home and his old mother was seriously ill and it was difficult to fulfill her long-cherished wish.

This kid picked it up just in time.

Pei Chong lay on the hospital bed and asked the child four questions.

"May I have your name?"

"Long domain."

Children don't lie.

Two words, no last name.

Pei Chong said silently, "Xie Qilang, Xie Xian's son."

He was injured, but he was sitting in Bingzhou. As the commander, the Qi army was searching for the "remnants of the Xie family", so he was not ignorant of the news.

Then he asked a second question.

"Can you forget it?"

Overnight, from the pampered legitimate son of the Xie family to a homeless fugitive, his family was destroyed, his life was turned upside down, and his destiny was rewritten...

His mother in a pool of blood, his father who died in Bingzhou and the innocent ghost of Xie Jiajun were all looking at him.

The child did not nod or shake his head.

Instead, he asked, "If you were the general, could you forget it?"

Pei Chong nodded and asked the third question.

"I'm Pei Chong, you may have heard of me. In the battle of Bingzhou, you lost your father, and I killed you. I injured both legs, and your father chopped them off. Do you hate me?"

The child shook his head.

"Generals go to war on the battlefield, each doing their own thing and leading an army. You and my father have no enmity, only mission. You are not wrong, I don't need to hate you."

Pei Chong did not expect that such a young child would have such a broad mind and knowledge. He felt sad, happy and emotional, and then asked the last question.

"Are you willing to be my son? Change your appearance and inherit my legacy."

Pei Ran's answer back then was, "You save my life, and I'll take care of you until you grow old."

Feng Yun felt suffocated again.

for him.

For the ill-fated Kochiro back then.

"You suffered."

Pei Ran said nothing.

More than ten years have passed in the blink of an eye. When he thought about the events of that day again, his deep black eyes were filled with desolation.

"This rumor is very similar to that day."

The sudden emotion made Feng Yun feel sad.

"Do you still remember what your sister looks like? Is she Li Sangruo?"

Pei Ran shook his head, his dark eyes looking cold.

"I can't remember. Yes or no, it's all Tang Shaogong's opinion."

Feng Yun heard what Tang Shaogong said just now.

There is no need for Pei Mad to repeat it again.

Tang Shaogong said that he crawled out from the dead in the Bingzhou battlefield and was lucky to survive, but found that he had nowhere to go.

Xie's army was wiped out, and Xie Xian's home was ransacked. When he was on the run, he learned that the Qi army was searching for the remnants of the Xie family.

Tang Shaogong was overjoyed to learn that the young master was still alive.

In order to repay his lord's great kindness, he also followed the search...

It was he who first discovered the daughter of the Xie family who was crying for her mother. The little girl told him that her brother was dead and her mother was missing...

He took his children everywhere to look for Mrs. Xie, but unfortunately he was a step too late...

Seeing Mrs. Xie being insulted, he was alone with her child and did not dare to step forward to rescue her. When he turned back after placing the little girl, Mrs. Xie was already a corpse...

In order not to alert others, he endured the humiliation and left, taking the little girl around to search for the whereabouts of the young master. However, he still had no news, so he had no choice but to take the girl from his lord's family and defect to Li Zongxun, the governor of Bingzhou at that time...

Li Zongxun loved the child very much when he saw it. It happened that his wife died of a daughter in infancy. She was heartbroken, so he raised her under his knees and named her Li Sangruo...

Tang Shaogong also said that after he became the shogunate of the Li Mansion, he did not stop looking for the young master. But the world is so vast that finding someone is like looking for a needle in a haystack, and he didn't dare to look for it blatantly. In the end, he missed it.

He saw him again a year later in Zhongjing. He recognized the young master at a glance, but learned from others that he was the son of General Pei, whose surname was Pei and whose name was Ran...

Therefore, he no longer recognized Pei Ran, but waited silently for the young master to grow up. At the same time, he fulfilled his responsibilities in the Li Mansion, helping Li Zongxun from being the governor of Bingzhou to the prime minister of the Jin Dynasty...

He gained Li Zongxun's complete trust.

Unexpectedly, when the young master grew up, he seemed to have completely forgotten the blood feud of the Xie family. Not only did he regard the thief as his father and treat Pei Chong as the most filial piety, he also fell in love with the daughter of the enemy Feng family and married him as his official wife. He was full of favors and protected her like a treasure. …

Tang Shaogong said that when he saw this scene, he was heartbroken and had to take action...

From inciting Li Sangruo to deal with Feng Yun, breaking up the young master's marriage, to pushing the Li father and daughter and Pei Jue to turn against each other, forcing Pei Jue to embark on the road of totalitarianism, from the nine gifts to the monopoly of power, from the Zhongjing Incident to the destruction of Yecheng...

"It is indeed one-sided." Feng Yun smiled, with a slight raise of her eyebrows, "After all, Li Zongxun is dead, and it was Tang Shaogong who shot him. There is no evidence."

Pei Jue nodded calmly.

"I don't believe it completely."

Feng Yun suddenly smiled and said, "Then what's the next step? What does he plan to ask you to do? The road to revenge is not over yet."

The culprit of the extermination of the Xie family was Feng Jingyao and the Southern Qi court. Even if the emperor at that time was not Xiao Cheng, the hatred could be extended...

In Tang Shaogong's eyes, she Feng Yun is also a member of the Feng family.

She is the daughter of the enemy of the Xie family.

The current Southern Qi court is also the culprit that caused the annihilation of the Xie family army.

Pei Jue did not speak.

He handed a small seal to Feng Yun in silence.

Feng Yun was startled, "What is this?"

Pei Jue said, "Tang Shaogong brought it."

Tang Shaogong used two pieces of evidence to prove that Li Sangruo was Pei Jue's biological sister.

One of them was this seal.

It was a token that Mrs. Xie gave to her daughter and son before she left.

She gave her son a jade pendant given by Xie Xian, on which was engraved Xie Xian's small characters - Zi Jin.

The jade pendant was taken away by Pei Chong that year, and it was not returned to him until Pei Jue got married and came to Xinzhou.

Mrs. Xie gave her daughter her own small seal, which she used to read books and paint in her boudoir. Even after more than ten years, Pei Jue could still recognize it, and it was indeed his mother's legacy.

Another strong evidence was Li Sangruo's marriage.

Tang Shaogong said that at first, Li Zongxun did intend to marry the Pei family and marry Li Sangruo to Pei Jue.

It was he who secretly arranged the incident at the hunting ground, leaving Emperor Xifeng and Li Sangruo alone in a room... thus destroying the marriage between the two families.

"Just because I know that siblings cannot be husband and wife."

"Young Master, think about it, the Li family has more than one daughter, Li Sangruo. If it wasn't an accident, how could Li Zongxun easily offend General Pei and marry off his daughter who had already arranged a marriage with the Pei family? If he wanted to climb up the dragon and attach himself to the phoenix, he could just change another daughter, or he could just not arrange a marriage with the Pei family in the first place, why bother to make a big enemy in the court?"

"Young Master, you don't know how much I spent to persuade Li Zongxun to stop your marriage..."

These are Tang Shaogong's original words.

He even felt sad for not educating Li Sangruo well, which led to her bad temper, and cried in front of Pei Jue...

Everything sounded reasonable, and there was this small seal as evidence, so there was no flaw.

But Feng Yun was still not so happy.

Li Zongxun was dead.

Many things depend on Tang Shaogong's words...

How to prove the truth?

Even if Tang Shaogong is really Xie Xianzhong's servant, more than ten years have passed, and the world has changed. Who knows whether the person standing in front of him is a human or a ghost?

Feng Yun took the small seal and looked at it for a long time.

"It is said that blood is thicker than water. If you want to recognize your relatives, I can't stop you, but one thing is one thing. I can't let go of the grudge between me and Li Sangruo, and you don't persuade me to be magnanimous."

Pei Jue's face was indifferent, "I won't persuade."

Feng Yun raised his eyebrows, "Then if I want to deal with her, you won't intervene?"

Pei Jue hesitated, "No intervention."

"Bah!" With such a connection, Feng Yun didn't believe that Pei Jue could be indifferent to his own sister.

She could see that Pei Jue also had doubts about Li Sangruo's identity...

However, Tang Shaogong relied on this small seal and his eloquence to at least make him believe it.

He despised Li Sangruo's character and didn't want to recognize her, but a sister is a sister, and he couldn't do it if he really wanted to be cruel.

Feng Yun didn't have such a good demeanor, and his words were not very pleasant.

"Forget it, I won't force you to choose. Anyway, this matter is over, and you don't need me. I will go back to Andu tomorrow and won't interfere in your family affairs. I will take revenge on any hatred or resentment..."

"Yun Niang." Pei Cong frowned.

"Don't persuade me." Feng Yun's face sank.

Staring at him for a moment, he raised the corners of his lips and showed a gentle smile.

"I understand your dilemma, and please respect my feelings. Other things can be discussed. The bottom line must not be crossed."

Pei Cong: "What do you think?"

Feng Yun suddenly remembered that day when Pei Cong asked her if she wanted Li Sangruo's life...

It turned out that at that time, he was testing himself.

"I said that I would not take her life."

Death is not the heaviest punishment.

Sometimes, it is the easiest.

Feng Yun gathered her cloak, walked back to the hall slowly, sat down by the stove, took a cup of hot tea from the stove, and tasted it carefully.

After a moment, she raised her eyes and smiled, looking at the calm and handsome man standing by the window.

"How I treat her is my business, you don't have to worry about it."

Pei Jue glanced at her sideways.

Slowly, he walked to her and stared at her with his head down.

"Who am I? Who are you? Who am I to you?"

Feng Yun frowned, and looked back at him without moving.

Pei Jue's eyes suddenly became misty and a little wet.

"Feng Yun, you are a heartless person."

These words made Feng Yun a little annoyed.

If she hadn't just heard his story, she might have turned hostile on the spot...

However, she couldn't turn her hostile to him.

Yecheng is not like Huaxi. Even in Huaxi, it is the world of the Great Jin Dynasty. Anyone who dares to turn against King Yonghuai may think that his life is too long...

Feng Yun calmed down.

"I am arrogant because of my favor. What I said just now was too much."

She looked flexible and smiled slightly. Her fingers pinched the edge of the teacup, and she spoke slowly and seriously. But in Pei Zhuo's view, it was all hypocrisy.

"The king's family affairs don't allow me to say too much, not to mention my identity... As a daughter of the Feng family, I always have the suspicion of being in the melon field and plum. It's really wrong to destroy your brother-sister relationship."

"What did you say?" Pei Zhuo clamped her chin and lifted it up.

Feng Yun stretched out her arms and hugged him tightly, got into the wind cloak to keep warm, and put her cheek against him, showing a lingering and gentle tenderness.

"I said I was wrong and made the king embarrassed..."

"Really?" Pei Jue looked down at her, his dark eyes were filled with ups and downs, "How could I be embarrassed?"

Feng Yun frowned, "Brothers and sisters are brothers, connected by blood, and cannot be separated. Broken bones are still connected by tendons. As for husband and wife, they gather and separate due to fate, and change with things. After all, their feelings are still shallow. How can I be ignorant..."

"You can talk." Pei Jue bent down and touched her shoulders, kneading them gently, pushing them back a little, staring at her with cold black eyes.

Her delicate face was like peach blossoms, the distant mountains were covered with dark blue, and the autumn water was full.

He didn't know when he had been obsessed with her to the point of almost losing his mind.

And she...

Pei Jue's fingers touched her face.

Her red lips trembled slightly, her eyes were charming, seductive without emotion, and life-threatening when emotional.

It made people addicted.

But there was not a trace of sincerity.

Pei Jue suddenly let go of her, stood up and brushed his robe sleeves.

"Your brothers will come to Yecheng tomorrow, and you can meet before you leave."

He left.

He turned around expressionlessly and strode away.

Feng Yun was motionless, angry and heartbroken.

Li Sangruo!

What a good fate, to have a brother?

But it's useless...

Between them, there is only life and death, no forgiveness.

But the bastard...

He should be comforted.

Even if he said to use it, it must be used well, to the death!

Pei Jue: How are you going to use it?

Feng Yun: Use it horizontally, vertically, forward, backward...

Pei Jue: I understand, you think I don't have enough postures. Okay, then let's learn from each other...

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