Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 515 Confused

Feng Yun didn't know what had stimulated Pei Jue, which was very different from before.

At this moment, he was like a wild beast, with a wildness that was extremely uncalm, and he wanted to eat her up silently, bite by bite.

When Feng Yun was ruthless, he was really ruthless.

When he was delicate, he was really delicate.

How could this young and delicate flower be destroyed?

"Pei Gou, are you...sick?"

"Yeah." Pei Jue's palm covered her soft curves, and his voice was low and muffled, "Yun Niang has medicine."

His breathing became heavier, but his words were still so irritating.

Feng Yun was ready to get angry back.

"I went to Fangyun Palace today. I went there to bully people... Don't you want to listen to me?"

"No." He fell down completely, hooked the soft and thin pajamas, and took them off.

"Lie down."


"Be obedient."

Feng Yun's almond eyes glared slightly, and she raised her foot to kick him, but unfortunately fell into the devil's claws...

Pei Jue restrained him with one hand.

With the other hand, he undressed.

Feng Yun stared at him, eyes burning, only breathing.

There is a knife above the head of lust.

It's not just Pei Cong.

She is often tempted by lust.

Perhaps he was too anxious, he didn't take off the complicated robe, loosened the belt, and pulled it open, revealing a strong chest, a narrow waist, and blood rushing. He knew the danger at a glance...

He was completely different from the elegant gentleman like Xiao Cheng.

Physical strength, vitality, wildness, power, and agility like a cheetah.


Feng Yun actually wanted to use "vivid and colorful" to describe it.

Obviously inappropriate, but it just happened to describe Pei Cong at this moment.

The serious and law-abiding Prince Yonghuai, even if he was not a moral gentleman, was serious to everyone...

Who would have thought that he would be so reckless when he was in love...

Things between men and women are fluid, you come and I go, and there is tacit understanding when you are in sync.

No matter how distant they say they are, just enjoy themselves without getting entangled, just ambiguous without emotions, but what goes deep into their bodies is their bodies, and what moves their hearts is their hearts.

When she reaches the extreme of desire, her eyes turn red, her neck stretches out, and she is as weak as a piece of water grass drifting with the current, being manipulated skillfully by him, lying, kneeling, crawling, and entangled, uncontrollably following him up and down.

"Yun Niang." Pei Jue hugged her tightly, pressing their two sticky and sweaty bodies tightly together, breathing heavily, stopping, staring at her: "What did you want to say just now? You can say it now."


Talk about a dog.

Feng Yun's eyes turned red.

She was pulled down from the clouds by him, and her heart tightened and beat wildly.

The dog man deliberately hung her.

"Pei dog, you can't do it?"

"What do you think?" The man's breath sprayed on her neck, and he grinded back and forth expressionlessly, "Is it better for me, or is it better for Xiao San?"

Feng Yun: "!"

Sweat seeped from her forehead, and her face became even redder.

She knew what Pei Heong was asking...

They had never talked about this for so long.

Before, he couldn't ask because she didn't open up to him about rebirth. Now that they were honest, she couldn't avoid talking about...marrying Xiao Cheng in her previous life in front of Pei Heong.

If there were no children, she could still make up a lie that "she was not favored and never slept with him."

Why do men care about this?

Xiao Cheng had asked this before.

Feng Yun's mind was in a mess.

If she was more conscious, she could ignore it, not answer it, or just say two or three words to get rid of it.

But she didn't know it at the moment, and Pei Heong was forced into a dilemma. She was in a mess and was completely controlled by him.

"I don't know..."

She didn't want to talk about it.

Nervous, but also guilty.

But this time, it was hard not to let Pei Heong know.

The body's reaction couldn't be lied to. The warm suffocation and repeated constriction almost took Pei Heong's life.

"Really?" His dark eyes held her tightly under him, and suddenly accelerated, as if he wanted to punish her for her betrayal in this way...

Feng Yun couldn't stand this sudden stimulation.

Unconsciously, soft and whimpering.


"What about me?"

She wrapped her hands around his neck and offered herself to him.

"You...are better."

Pei Jue's arms were slightly stiff, and he groaned, grabbing her knees, shaking violently together, unable to separate for a long time...

Feng Yun thought that Li Sangruo might have cursed her.

Serving a man is indeed not an easy job...

When she woke up the next day, her body seemed to have been torn apart by a beast.

In a trance, she looked at the bright sky and sat up suddenly, "Xiaoman, help me change clothes quickly, I want to pick up my elder brother..."

Xiaoman laughed softly outside the tent.

"My wife is confused from sleeping. It's almost noon, and the eldest son has arrived long ago and is discussing matters with the king in Xingren Hall."

Feng Yun sighed.

This is not to blame others.

If she really wanted to refuse, he would not force her. In the end, she was addicted to it, so she fell into his trap and let him get ahead of her...

Xiao Man was forced to listen to Zuo Zhong's room last night. She knew what was going on, but she was too embarrassed to think about it, so she quickly found a topic.

"There is an embarrassing thing in Fangyun Palace today. Do you want to hear it?"

Feng Yun said lazily, "The embarrassing thing in Fangyun Palace is my happy thing. Tell me."

Xiao Man smiled, a little shy.

"Yesterday, the two palace maids received a new task and went back to Fangyun Palace to get their clothes... But they didn't dare to enter the palace, so they had to ask the female historian... Who knew that the female historian went to the wrong place and brought out a bunch of portraits..."

Feng Yun: "What's so embarrassing about the portraits?"

Xiaoman saw that she was distracted and blinked hurriedly.

"The person in the portrait is the king!"

The female history officer was newly promoted and had no fear of Li Sangruo, the old tiger who was under house arrest.

Originally, if she took the wrong thing, it would be fine if she returned it. But Li Sangruo was wronged and couldn't find anyone to vent his anger on, so he yelled at her.

This made the female historian anxious.

Shake out the portraits in public and say they were taken from the Queen Mother's room.

"There are some in military uniforms, some in casual clothes, some in court uniforms, and some... those wearing less clothes... which made the female historian laugh a lot."

Nobility and insignificance are impermanent.

A female historian was riding on her head, and she was afraid that Li Sangruo would cry again and lose his temper.

Feng Yun raised his eyebrows, "Does the king know?"

Xiao Man nodded and said: "The Empress Dowager Li naturally refused to admit that the person in the painting was the king. She only said that he was the chief of her palace... I heard from the palace people that those faces are somewhat similar to the king."

Feng Yun snorted coldly.

Those faces were all arrested like other palace people.

Li Sangruo, the instigator, seems to be fine and is still dominating Fangyun Palace.


The weather was perfect today, Feng Yun had a quick bite, and Wen Xingsu came over.

With Pei Ran, the two of them were in tandem.

Pei Ran's face was stern, as unsmiling and expressionless as ever. Feng Yun looked at it twice and wondered whether he was often "ghosted"...

When you put on clothes, you become a different person.

Pei Madang glanced at her and said calmly, "You brothers and sisters talk."

He nodded to Wen Xingsu expressionlessly and went straight to the study, leaving it to them.

Feng Yun glanced at the tall back and said nothing.

Wen Xingsu saw the interaction between the two in his eyes, his smile did not change, and he saluted warmly.

"How is your waist doing lately?"

Feng Yun calmed down and returned the greeting with a smile.

"I'm a follower and I'm fine if I don't go to the battlefield. I wonder how my brother is doing? Have you ever been injured?"

She looked at Wen Xingsu.

Concern seemed to overflow from his eyes.

Wen Xingsu inexplicably remembered the time when he was injured in Andu and his waist and waist were bandaged to stop the bleeding...

His throat tightened, his eyes softened, and he couldn't help but smile.

"With your waist and waist in mind, my brother doesn't dare to get hurt."

Feng Yun also laughed, "You are very good at coaxing people."

The two were talking when Zuo Zhong suddenly came over.

"Princess, the king would like to ask you how to deal with the facial expressions in the palace."

Feng Yun was startled.

Even Wen Xingsu was shocked.

What should Feng Yun do about this kind of thing?

Feng Yun felt that this was just looking for trouble and didn't want to pay attention to it, but Zuo Zhong was waiting there, waiting for her to speak.

I have no choice but to maintain harmony between husband and wife in front of my eldest brother...

She smiled slightly and said, "Let your Majesty make the decision, there is no need to ask me. If you really want to ask, you should ask Queen Mother Li."

Zuo Zhong responded, "Yes."

Feng Yun and Wen Xingsu continued to chat.

When talking about this war, both of them felt a little emotional.

Wen Xing traced back: "It was as if in a trance, Yecheng was restored."

Feng Yun smiled softly and said, "That's really a trance. It's been two years."

Wen Xingsu nodded and took a sip of tea, "It's been two years, so fast."

Feng Yun raised his lips and chuckled, "No. The eldest brother is two years older. I, the person waiting to hold my eldest nephew, am almost old..."

Wen Xingsu smiled and shook his head without saying anything.

His wedding to Puyang Yi was originally scheduled for May.

It makes sense that it was postponed due to the war.

But now that Yecheng has been restored, it would be bad to find any excuse.


He doesn't want to marry.

Feng Yun felt that the eldest brother was indeed too inactive when it came to marriage, and had no sense of urgency to be the groom's official.

There was a little more scrutiny in Feng Yun's eyes.

"When is the wedding date, we have to give the eldest princess a confirmation. Brother, we can't delay this matter any longer..."

"Okay." Wen Xingsu didn't hesitate, wasn't very happy, and wouldn't resist. His expression was indifferent, with a relaxed smile, "It's just a matter of arrangement."

Feng Yun looked at him sideways, "This is your lifelong event, you have to take it seriously."

Wenxingxu humming sound.

Feng Yun asked: "Do you want to invite people from Taicheng?"

Wen Xingsu hesitated for a moment, then smiled and said, "Look at you."

How can I look at her?

It doesn't matter whether the Feng family invites them or not, but Mrs. Chen is Wen Xingshu's biological mother...

Feng Yun thought of the last time he beat Mr. Chen in Huaxi and didn't care about Wen Xingsu's face, so he softened his tone slightly.

"Then we send the invitations, and it's up to them whether they come or not?"

Wen Xingsu said slowly, "Okay."

The date had not been finalized yet, Zuo Zhong came quietly again.

This time he said: "Your Majesty said that General Wen should be celebrated when he returns from victory. He has asked the dining room to prepare meals..."

Feng Yun narrowed his eyes.

"What is the king doing?"

Zuo Zhong muttered, "Look at the booklet."

Feng Yun smiled slightly, "I have so many things to do every day, but I can still think of these chores. Thank you for your kindness."

Zuo Zhong was sweating slightly on his back, and without looking at her and Wen Xingsu, he cupped his fists and handed them over.

"I will report back now."

As soon as he left, Wen Xingsu looked back and asked with a smile:

"in argument?"

"No." It was indeed not a quarrel.

Feng Yun didn't want to talk more.

No one else would understand what happened between the two of them.

Wen Xingsu looked at her inadvertently frowning, his eyes darkened, "Or is he not treating you well? He has a new love, or..."

"No, no." Feng Yun laughed softly.

If he continues to guess, Pei Gou will lose his face.

It was inconvenient for her to tell Wen Xingsu about Li Sangruo because it involved Pei Madang's life experience.

She smiled and shook her head, "I want to go back to Andu, but he is not very willing and has some disagreements."

She said it easily, as if nothing had happened.

But how perceptive was Wen Xingsu?

She is also someone who understands her very well...

The waist has a secret to him.

When Wen Xingsu saw the hidden marks on her neck, his eyes darkened a bit, but his tone was still smiling.

"Do you want to go back to Andu?"

Feng Yun knew that his eldest brother was worried about him, so he smiled and nodded.

"I have to go back early to arrange the marriage for my brother. He is not restraining me, he just wants me to stay with him for two more days..."

As she spoke, she smiled freely.

"After I got married to him, we got together less and separated more. To be honest, I also suffered a loss from him."

Wen Xingsu smiled.

"It's okay."

As soon as his voice fell, Zuo Zhong came over again.

As soon as Feng Yun saw him appearing, his face darkened.

If Pei Madang is not sick, he will twist off her head!

"Princess." Zuo Zhong still looked serious, but his words were more direct than the previous two times, "The king said that we have something important to discuss, so I will delay you for a quarter of an hour."

After saying that, he turned sideways and saluted Wen Xingsu.

"Please sit down in General Wen's dining hall. Drinks have been prepared. Your Majesty and Princess will be here soon..." (End of Chapter)

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