Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 516 Pretending to be serious

In the study.

Ji You stood outside the door, Qian Sanniu poured tea in front of the wooden case, and Pei Madang sat upright with a volume of documents in his hand.

Feng Yun stepped over the threshold and saluted Yingying.

Only then did Pei Ran look up and said, "You all, go down."

Qian Sanniu was relieved.


The door closed and the footsteps faded away.

Feng Yun came closer and looked at his messy desktop. It was all official documents, and he became a little more serious at the moment.

"Is it tricky?"

Pei Madang looked at her quietly, put down the official documents, and took out two porcelain bottles from the drawer.

"Come, let me help you apply the medicine."

The green bottle looked very familiar. Feng Yun's eyelids twitched slightly, and his cheeks immediately felt hot.

"Need not……"

Pei Ran: "It was a bit rough last night."

There are some things that two people can say no matter what they say at night. If they come to the study room during the day and say these things eye to eye, even if Feng Yun wants to pretend that nothing has happened, it will be very strange.

But Pei Ran had a serious expression...

After all, he cared about her, and Feng Yun couldn't fault her.

Flicking her hair lightly, she said awkwardly:

"Thank you, Your Majesty. I'll take it back to my room. I can do it myself..."

Pei Ran: "You can't see clearly."

He was very patient. He carried Feng Yun over and sat on the wooden table in front of him. Feng Yun's back stiffened and he wanted to run away, but he circled him back again.

"What are you ashamed of?" Pei Madang grabbed her hand and clasped it on the wooden case, "Where haven't I seen it?"

If something like that happened between a man and a woman, there would inevitably be a sticky feeling when they get along with each other. Even if they don't say anything, their expressions and movements are extremely subtle.

Feng Yun gritted his teeth, his voice trembling.

"That's different."

She struggled, feeling that Pei Madang had no good intentions.

"Brother is still waiting for me, let's talk about it tonight..."

Pei Ran glanced at her and said, "You are willing to give up, but I am not willing to give up. I just saw you walking, did you feel uncomfortable?"

Feng Yun:......

Just when he and Wen Xingsu entered the door, Feng Yun came out to greet him. He thought he was dignified and decent, so if he felt any discomfort, he couldn't show it...

She said: "The king didn't even look at me just now."

Pei Ran said calmly, "It's inappropriate for your brother to be here."


Do you know how to be decent?

"Have you asked Zuo Zhong to interrupt us again and again at inappropriate times?"

Pei Ran held her chin and kissed her.

"I didn't mean to interrupt your conversation, but in fact... I was concerned about Yun Niang's well-being, and it was difficult to concentrate."

Feng Yun looked at him sideways.

Pei Madang straightened her chin again and kissed her again.

"Apply medicine."

"I don't." Feng Yun felt awkward, "Didn't we agree on a quarter of an hour? Let's go out to eat quickly, brother is waiting."

"A quarter of an hour is enough. I won't do anything else."


Regardless of whether it was decent or not, Pei Madang hugged her firmly, rolled up his sleeves, and opened the hem of her skirt.

As if the world was spinning, Feng Yuncheng just sat down, and his calves felt cold.

He cleaned his hands, but the water stains were still wet. From the fingertips to the palms, they were cold.

Feng Yun shivered and sat stiffly.

"Then there's King Lao."

She also didn't want to look delicate and helpless.

She has been married for such a long time, and she is not an inexperienced little girl. Of course, more importantly, she felt that if she showed shyness, Pei Gou might be even more proud...

He loved playing with her.

He doesn't say anything on his lips and behaves honestly, but in fact he uses one method after another...

Feng Yun could look at him calmly at first.

From top to bottom, look at the deep eyes, the high bridge of the nose, the concentrated and tight mouth...

He lowered his head, his forehead was full, and his eyelashes were very long...

Because Pei Madang was tall, Feng Yun rarely looked at him from this angle.

very nice.

Without the halo of "General Hell", he is masculine and handsome, which still makes people's hearts beat...


Feng Yun soon had no time to be distracted.

His hand in applying the medicine was gentle and slow.

Apply the ointment with a smooth texture slowly, and then spread it slowly, as if you are caring for the fragile petals...

The cool ointment brings inescapable relief and boundless pleasure.

She couldn't control her body's reaction, she gritted her teeth secretly, and let out a fine breath from her nose...

Pei Ran raised his head and said, "It hurts."

Feng Yun glanced at him.

He lowered his head and said, "Then I'll be gentle."


Then, where Feng Yun couldn't see him, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

Feng Yun couldn't bear it, and wanted to urge him to hurry up, but he just yelled.

Pei Ran: "What's wrong?"

Asking knowingly.

Feng Yun gritted his teeth: "If you continue to be so careful, a quarter of an hour won't be enough..."

Pei Ran frowned, "What does Yun Niang want to do to me?"

Feng Yun almost made him laugh angrily.

As if his serious expression could hide his irregularity.

"Stop pretending." Feng Yun glared at him, "Don't you just dislike me for causing trouble for your good sister yesterday? I also called away the palace servants of Fangyun Palace. She has no one to serve her, so she is not allowed to scream or make trouble. . Someone has come to you, right?"

Pei Ran showed no expression, "I told you, you make the decision."

Feng Yun raised his eyes and said, "You came to ask me what to do with my face. Should I send it back to her and continue to mess with the palace? Or do you want to pick one or two that you like to serve me?"

Pei Ran pressed his fingertips, and Feng Yun's words stopped abruptly...

The crimson cheeks are so pretty.

Hey, hey, all the displeasure was reflected in his slightly narrowed eyes.

"Are you ready? Hurry up, hurry up."

Pei Madang arranged her dress for her.

"Okay, let's go meet your siblings."

This sound of hands and feet had a sarcastic tone.

Feng Yun had not yet adjusted his breathing. He half-opened his eyes and stared at his handsome profile.

Silent, suddenly said something.

"In this life, I hope that you and your eldest brother... will be healthy and prosperous, and never make the same mistakes again."

Pei Madang's back stiffened.

In his previous life, he and Wen Xingsu fought countless big battles.

Till death.

Wen Xingsu cost him half his life.

In the end, he died in his hands.


In the dining hall, Wen Xingsu waited for two quarters of an hour before he saw the couple coming together.

Pei Madang held up his hands and said, "Brother, I've been waiting for a long time."

Wen Xingsu stood up and returned the courtesy, saying humbly, "Your Majesty's words are serious."

Feng Yun sat down with a smile on his face, "Let's serve."

The servants are here.

The meals had been prepared long ago and were placed on trays. They filed in and placed them on the wooden tables of the host and guest respectively.

There is no round table like in Huaxi where you can eat at the same table. The three of you sit at a table and share the meal, and the atmosphere is very harmonious.

When Feng Yun heard that Wen Xingsu was leaving tomorrow, his eyes showed obvious disappointment. During the dinner, he asked Xiao Man to serve him dishes and soup from time to time.

"Brother, use it more. I've been out on the march these days, so I haven't been able to have a good hot meal."

She felt sorry for her brother and was very calm, not noticing Pei Ran's gaze at all.

He also marched and fought...

But no one rewards me so warmly.

The two were talking and laughing. Feng Yun didn't hear Pei Man's voice and turned around to smile.

"General, use it more."

Pei Ran hummed, lowering his eyes and saying nothing.

Wen Xingsu seemed not to notice their glances, he was elegant and gentle, and spoke to Feng Yun openly.

The two people have the same temperament.

Pei Ran didn't say much.

After a long while, he stroked his sleeves gently, leaned forward and put a fried fish in front of him onto Feng Yun's plate.

Feng Yun looked up.

Pei Madang turned away and asked Wen Xingsu.

"Has the wedding date been set?"

Just now I was discussing with Feng Yun, but it has not been finalized yet.

Wen Xingsu exchanged glances with Feng Yun again, then continued the previous discussion and smiled lightly.

"Ayun means, it's not good to postpone it until next year. I think it will be at the end of the twelfth lunar month. I'll go back and find someone to do some calculations before making a decision."

Pei Ran nodded.

Wen Xingsu said: "I hope the king will show his favor and take the time to attend..."

At this time, Feng Yun had slowly eaten the small fried fish.

Yecheng had just been recovered, and there were still a lot of chores in Xijing. It was impossible for Pei Madang to put down his government affairs like her and concentrate on staying in Andu to wait for the wedding.

She expected that Pei Ran wouldn't have that time.

Smiling slightly, he put down his chopsticks.

"Of course he will come. Brother, why are you being polite to him? Don't talk to two people in one family."

"What Yun Niang said makes sense."

Pei Ran looked back at her, and his face softened as he met those sparkling autumn eyes.

"My uncle is happy, why shouldn't I fail to do so?"

Wen Xingsu hurriedly said: "Pengpi brings brilliance."

After the meal, the couple went back and forth in a gentle breeze and drizzle, looking like a loving couple. However, Wen Xingsu's meal was a little tasteless.

Feng Yun was closer to him in the past.

Whether they were in Taicheng or Bingzhou in Andu, whether they were in love with Xiao Cheng or married to Pei Man, the relationship between them was beyond the reach of outsiders...

But now, he clearly feels like an outsider.

The relationship between Yao Yao and Pei Madang is not necessarily inseparable, but it has obviously heated up a lot.

After the meal, Pei Ran personally sent someone from Yecheng Si Tianjian to come over and settle the wedding date for Wen Xingsu and Puyang Yi in front of Feng Yun...

After some operations, it was earlier than the time they had just discussed.

"On the fifteenth day of the twelfth lunar month, there is no better day than this in the whole year."

Si Tianjian was categorical.

Feng Yun calculated the days and said with a smile:

"I'm in a hurry. Fortunately, everything is prepared before the wedding, so it doesn't take much trouble...Brother, what do you think?"

Since it is the best day, there is still enough time.

What can Wen Xingsu say?

His eyes were smiling, like a gurgling clear spring, and he bowed his hands and thanked them one by one as if the spring breeze was blowing on his face.

"Then it's settled."


Wen Xingsu said goodbye and left, and the smile on Feng Yun's face disappeared.

Instead, there was a look of scrutiny.

"Is your Majesty really going back to Andu for the wedding?"

Pei Ran: "Why, you're not welcome?"

Feng Yun glanced at him and said, "You can come. Just don't bring your family..."

She nodded slightly, raised the corners of her mouth, and spoke in a serious tone, but she sounded a bit weird no matter how she sounded.

The atmosphere became slightly stagnant.

Pei Ran faced her.

"My only family member is you."


Wen Xingsu left before dawn the next day.

Because it was still early, I didn't come to say goodbye to Pei Madang and Feng Yun.

Feng Yun was also in a hurry to return to Andu to prepare for the wedding. He took Pei Madang's official letter to Xijing, sent an urgent report to the Princess's mansion as quickly as possible, and then started packing.

When I came, I brought a small man and two cages with me.

When I returned, there were countless attendants and two carts full of luggage.

Feng Yun didn't like the atmosphere of parting.

The night before leaving, she did not go to bed early as usual, but sat and watched the updates, waiting for Pei Madang to come back.

Then he changed his clothes with his own hands and said softly:

"I will set off tomorrow. Does your Majesty have any instructions?"

Pei Madang stared at her, his dark eyes soft.

"I'll come home after I finish arranging the things at hand."

Return home...

Feng Yun smiled slightly and gently stroked his collar with his fingers, "Okay. I'll wait for you in Huaxi."

Pei Ran was silent.

Feng Yun raised his eyebrows, "Without me here, I don't know what kind of monsters the people in Fangyun Palace would be. And Tang Shaogong..."

She spoke lightly, not hearing Pei Ran's words, so she couldn't help but pursed her lips and spoke mockingly.

"You don't need me to remind you, Your Majesty? The more sinister the conspiracy, the more hypocritical it appears...Family affection is often the best trap."

Pei Madang grabbed her arm, hugged her and walked inside.

"take note of it."

Feng Yun was startled, aware of his intention, and kicked and hit him in his arms.

"I haven't finished speaking yet..."

Pei Ran: "The night is still long, so speak slowly under the covers."


Feng Yun didn't calculate the day of the trip, but when he woke up the next day, the wind was sunny and the weather was good.

However, Pei Ran was not around.

Qian Sanniu said that the king got up very early to patrol the camp and could not see him off today.

"Your Majesty has specially sent General Ao to accompany you to escort your wife back."

Feng Yun was startled.

Now, isn't he afraid of her seducing his eldest nephew?

Ao Qi was waiting for him at the city gate.

A man with a few attendants, looking dusty.

Feng Yun opened the curtain, said hello to him, and slowly looked back...


She probably won't come again.

The horses' hooves clattered as they drove out through the open city gate, leaving behind this city that had just been reborn from the flames of war...

She didn't look back.

The road ahead is long and fateful.

She still had a lot of things to do of her own, and she couldn't indulge in the stability and love between her children that Pei Madang gave her, and then wait for him to get disgusted one day, withdraw his favor, and then sit back and wait for death.

It is better to rely on oneself than relying on mountains and rivers.

What I couldn't be ruthless in my previous life, I can be in this life.


Xiao Man pulled the curtain and turned around, looking at Feng Yun's face, he was suddenly shocked.

"What's wrong with you? Are you crying?"

Feng Yun's eyes were moist and there was a smile on his lips.

"No. The wind blew it."

"Oh. I thought you were reluctant to leave the king..."

Xiaoman's voice was low, with a hint of reluctance in his tone.

Not long after the wedding, I parted ways with Zuo Zhong again.

Feng Yun looked at her with pity, "I asked you to stay, but you refused...get out of the car, it's still too late to go back now."

Xiaoman shook his head firmly.

"No, I want to follow my wife. I will never leave you as promised, and I must never break my promise."

Feng Yun curled his lips and chuckled.

"It's windy outside, don't look away."


The curtain is down.

On the tower, Pei Madang stood alone.

Until the carriage and the guard team disappeared in the distance... (End of this chapter)

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