Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 517 It’s all blessing

Every time Feng Yun returns to Huaxi, she will definitely receive the highest courtesy.

This time, it happened that the Beiyong Army won a victory, which was even more so.

A Wan took a day off from his stall, took two shop assistants from his shop, and several women from the kitchen, and slaughtered chickens and geese to welcome Feng Yun.

"My wife, you went to the battlefield this time. It was bloody and rainy. Are you not afraid of death? You must calm down."

Zhuang Rong, Wen Hui, Guan Wei and other concubines also responded one after another, each with their own unique tricks.

This battle was as big as the concubines welcoming their husbands, and it was no less.

Feng Yun was happy to see it happen, and she couldn't help but feel a little secretly happy in her heart-

This was originally a blessing that Pei Gou should enjoy.

She enjoyed it for him.

What an unlucky man.


There was laughter in the yard.

Ao Qi was drinking tea in the guest hall, waiting for Ao Zai absent-mindedly.

They said Ao Zai had left the village for several days, which made Ao Qi feel uneasy.

Did Ao Zai not eat enough?

That's why he went to the mountains to hunt.

It's winter now, and the prey are all hibernating. What can Ao Zai catch?

He hasn't come back for a few days. Did he not hunt anything, or was injured...

Ao Zai likes to eat fish, but he can't hunt it himself.

As Ao Qi thought about it, he was eager to try and catch a few fish in the winter water...

How happy will Ao Zai be when he sees it?

Ao Qi wanted to do something...

He must do something to fill the emptiness in his heart.

He felt itchy in his heart, so he got up reluctantly.

Amir came from outside and stretched out his hand to stop him.

"Where are you going?"

Ao Qi hesitated, "Fishing."

It was freezing cold, and he never expected that Amir would not retreat after hearing this, but instead showed joy on his face and eyes, as if he had heard some great news.

"I want to go. Take me with you!"

Ao Qi: "..."

He didn't want Amir to go with him.

But after getting married, there were many things that he had to do.

Ao Qi didn't have that kind of impulse and love for Amir, but she did nothing wrong. She was his wife married in a formal way. He had to give her the respect she deserved...

Besides, he felt guilty...

"Let's go."

Ao Qi asked Alou for a fishing rod, a net, and a bamboo basket, and made fish food himself.

He went out silently, followed by the big yellow dog and its son, the little yellow dog. The dog wagged its head and tail, Amir danced with joy, and the atmosphere looked very joyful...

"General Ao and the young lady have a good relationship and are in harmony."

"The young lady is a true person, she can get along with everyone, and she is born neat and tidy. General Ao has no reason not to like her."

"Look at her earlobes...she is a blessed person."

"Some people are born to enjoy happiness."

With so many women, it is inevitable that there will be gossip.

Then, Awan, who was usually well-behaved, easy to talk to, and not a woman who looked good, became the object of everyone's teasing.

In the past, there were not so many handsome men in Huaxi, but now it is different. There are many visitors coming and going on weekdays. There are not only shops and foot shops, but also restaurants and inns...

With more people, there are more outstanding men.

Everyone stared at Awan.

"Awan, didn't you see anyone you like at the dock?"

Awan was also generous and looked at everyone.

"No, no. Didn't I wait for you? There were so many people, but I didn't find a suitable man for me, so I am single."

Everyone laughed.

"Awan's mouth is getting more and more cunning. Is she blaming us for not getting married?"

Awan also laughed.

"Don't blame me alone. Ying Ji is three years older than me, and she's not married yet. When will it be my turn..."

Ying Rong was laughing, but she didn't expect that the anger would fall on her feet. She couldn't help but scold her and glared at her.

"Little hoof, don't come to blame me. I run a garment shop and call my own shots. I'm so happy. Why do I need to find a live father to serve me?"

Awan smiled secretly, "Did you hear that, sisters? What Ying Ji wants is what I want. If she can marry a man like General Ao or General Wen, it's fine. If there are more live fathers who are ugly but want beauty in the house, oh, please spare me, I would rather serve my wife for the rest of my life..."

Everyone laughed.

Some words are unpleasant to hear but sincere.

Their current life is more comfortable than most married women. It doesn't matter what others say, as long as they are free.

What's more, they have Changmen and Feng Yun behind them, which is their confidence. Even if they don't get married for a lifetime, what's the harm?

As they talked, they mentioned Wen Xingsu's marriage.

It was inevitable to feel some envy.

Wen Xingsu was actually the ideal husband in most women's hearts.

Although Pei Jue was in a high position and had great power, not everyone could handle his cold face and overwhelming aura.

For so many years, many concubines still dared not look up and face him directly...

They were extremely afraid, so how could they dare to have other thoughts?

Chunyu Yan was not married either, and he didn't even have a concubine around him, but he was not the real object in the concubines' hearts...

The reason was that Prince Yunchuan was too mysterious, too sinister, and too unpredictable.

Which normal person wears a mask all day long?

Either ugly or crazy.

Therefore, Wen Xingsu and Ao Qi were so attractive.

One was sunny and handsome, like the rising sun, shining brightly.

The other was elegant and upright, with a heavenly appearance and gentlemanly demeanor.

Not only does he look tall and handsome, he is also gentle to others. If you're lucky, you'll get a smile that's so memorable that it can make anyone drunk... Who wouldn't like it?

But it's a pity that these two husbands are also married.

The concubines talked and laughed, and then sighed again.

"Or are we of low origin? How can the light of a firefly match the sun and the moon?"

"You can't say that. Da Man is now the beloved concubine of Southern Qi and is serving the emperor. Xiao Man also married Zuo Wei. How good Zuo Wei is. He is a man of literary and military skills. He is a celebrity around the king. As long as the king nods, he can do whatever he wants. No matter what official position you are promised, you are also a master. Wen Hui and Luo Yue also marry well..."

"It's hard to mention Luo Yue. There's a new wife in the Wei family, and I'm afraid her life won't be easy either."

"Why don't you go back to Huaxi and see how free we are..."

Feng Yun was writing invitations in his study.

Wen Xingsu didn't have time to arrange these chores, so she had to do it all.

After finishing writing, she stretched, opened the window and walked out, and saw a group of young ladies chattering in the yard, all in high spirits.

Only Jiang Yin remained silent.

Tu Lan and Tian Yi looked at each other from time to time, with somewhat gloomy expressions.

Feng Yun narrowed his eyes slightly.

These days, she doesn't care much about the concubine in Zhuangzi.

It seemed that a lot of things happened where she didn't notice.

Feng Yun smiled lightly and said to Xiao Man:

"Go and ask Ge Guang to come."

These invitations must be sent out today.

If the time is any later, it will be suspected of being an insincere treat.

Because Wen Xingsu's new house was built in Huaxi, many guests also wanted to visit "New Huaxi".

Therefore, the wedding ceremony was scheduled in Huaxi.

At first, the eldest princess was a little concerned.

In her opinion, her daughter is as precious as a pearl. Holding a wedding ceremony in Huaxi seems too simple, difficult to show honor, and not so good-looking...

Helpless, Puyang Yihun didn't care.

Not to mention that Huaxi is no longer a small and remote village, and Andu has become the capital of the Jin Dynasty. Even if Wen Xingshu really had nothing, she would still be willing to pay for it...

The eldest princess saw it through and turned a blind eye. She nodded and approved of all the wedding ceremonies proposed by the eldest daughter without making any difficulties...

As soon as Ge Guang left with the wedding invitation, Puyang Zong came over.

"Regards Princess Jin An."

This Prince of Danyang County, whom Feng Yun had not seen for a while, came over and saluted solemnly. His brows were peaceful and there was no sharpness at all. He was completely different from when he first met him.

It seems that after learning to be a teacher in Huaxi Village and being tortured by those children, he really developed a good temper.

Feng Yun smiled slightly, returned the courtesy to him, and invited him into the living room, where he was served with tea.

"Is the prince in good health?"

Puyang smiled and raised his palm to look at it.

"Thanks to the princess for her righteousness, things are going well now."

"Is it still convenient?" Feng Yun asked him with concern as he reattached the finger.

Puyang moved his palms, "It's not as good as the original one, but I'm satisfied."

Feng Yun nodded, "Take care of it slowly. As time goes by, it will definitely become more flexible."

Puyang is right.

He added: "I came here today on the order of my mother. I would like to share some of the worries about my sister-in-law's wedding. My mother said that if there is any use for me, it will only be at the command of the princess."

It was obvious that Puyang Zong was very concerned about his sister's marriage.

But except for some wedding ceremonies, Feng Yun would ask for his opinion and would not let him worry about other chores.

Puyang is sorry.

Being in Huaxi and being blessed by his own sister, he felt that he had not done enough.

Feng Yun said: "We are all one family from now on, there is no need for the prince to be polite."

Puyang smiled and said a few polite words, then frowned as if something suddenly occurred to him.

"I have one more thing I want to explain to the princess."

Feng Yun smiled, "It's okay for the prince to say so."

Puyang Zong looked a little gloomy, "After my roommate gets married, I will go back to Beijing to celebrate the New Year, and then I won't come. I have to leave the lessons learned in the village to others..."

Feng Yun wasn't too surprised, but he was still surprised.

"Are you leaving now?"

Puyang Zong nodded.

There was a faint gloom in his eyes.

"After my sister got married, my mother had no one to take care of me. As a son of a human being, I should be there to fulfill my filial piety. And..."

He hesitated for a moment, seeming a little embarrassed to speak.

"Next year I will join the court as an official and do my best for the Jin Dynasty. I will also live up to the great favor I received from the court since childhood..."

There are no poor families in the upper class, and no noble families in the lower class. The official selection system of the Jin Dynasty destined Puyang Zong to follow this path sooner or later.

What's more, how could the eldest princess allow her only son to teach in Huaxi all his life?

Feng Yun looked at Puyang Zong and said, "Congratulations to the prince."

After Huaxi’s experience, I think the eldest princess should be satisfied.

Today, Puyang is much more restrained and calm...

Returning to Xijing, as soon as he entered the court, in addition to the eldest princess, there was also his father-in-law Ruan Pu. Even if he was unwilling, he was afraid that he would have to get involved in the game between the old and the new parties...

"I'm very sad to give it up," he said.

Feng Yun smiled and said, "The future is important."

Puyang Zong opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something more.

But in the end, looking at the smile on Feng Yun's face, he sighed, slowly raised his sleeves, and saluted Feng Yun to say goodbye.

Whether he is in a high position and holds power, is it more enjoyable to teach and educate people on the three-foot podium in Huaxi? I ​​am afraid that it will take several years for Puyang Zong himself to answer the question. (End of this chapter)

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