Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 519: More people, more fun

There are many newly built shops on both sides of the road leading into the village.

The lights hung under the eaves, illuminating the wine flags outside the shops. The wind blew, and the light and shadows danced, shining on those familiar faces...

A chill seemed to jump up from the heels, and Feng Yun hid in the crowd.

Make way for the carriage.

This road has been expanded. On both sides of the wide road surface, there is a clear stone channel, which is long and winding, flowing through the door of each shop, extending all the way to various streets and alleys, and finally merged into Huaxi.

Behind the stone channel, about a foot wide, is the storefront of the shop. Therefore, the carriage driving from the middle will not affect the merchants on both sides, and people standing in front of the shops can also clearly observe the carriage...

Feng Yun stabilized his body and did not move.

A clear voice suddenly came from the carriage.

"Are we there?"

Feng Yun's scalp numbed.

It's him!

Xiao San.

It was really Xiao San who came.

She clenched her palms slightly, and her breathing tightened inexplicably.

Then several guards responded with a smile.

"Master, we're here."

"We're at the entrance of the village..."

Huaxi is no longer a village.

But most people are still used to calling it a "village", and so are the people of Huaxi.

Most of the people who came these two days came to Changmen for a wedding banquet, and the distinguished guests of the county lord's house were the distinguished guests of the people of Huaxi.

So someone smiled and started talking.

"Where are you from? Are you here for General Wen's wedding banquet?"

The noble in the carriage did not speak.

On the shaft of the carriage, Jixiang bowed to the person who spoke and said gently:

"I'm here for the banquet."

The Huaxi man was very enthusiastic. Seeing that they continued to move forward, he said: "Most of the guests who came to the banquet stayed at Huaxi Inn and Yuedonglai. Which one do you stay at? Can I take you there?"

Huaxi is a big place now.

Without someone to lead, it's easy to go the wrong way.

Jixiang did not speak.

He looked at Ping'an and looked into the carriage.

Xiao Cheng's voice was not heard, but the curtain of the car behind opened.

Under the flickering lights, the woman's noble face was illuminated.

"We won't stay in the hotel, but in General Wen's new house."

The Wen house was newly built.

Currently, only Wen Xingsu lives there with his entourage.

Not to mention others, even the uncle and aunt of the Wen family from Jiangxia Wen family who came to the banquet were placed in Huaxi Inn and Yuedonglai...

The kind-hearted man who led the way didn't know how to respond when he heard this.

Suddenly, a sour low laugh came from the crowd.

"Oh, isn't this noble lady the one who came to Huaxi to rob the property of the township lord, and was punished by the township lord for violating the village rules with fifty lashes, and then expelled from Huaxi... Madam Wen?"

Not talking about Madam Chen, not talking about Madam Feng, but talking about Madam Wen...

It was clearly a denigration of her. After remarrying, she still had the audacity to show off at the wedding banquet of her ex-husband's son.

Chen's face changed.

She remembered this voice...

The pancake stall owner, the slut named "Mrs. Wan".


The word seemed to be stuck in her throat.

Chen wanted to tear Awan's mouth, but the embarrassment she made last time made her extremely embarrassed. With so many people watching, she didn't want to embarrass herself again, so she fell to the ground and lowered the curtain.

There was laughter all around.

Huaxi had added a lot of new faces.

But there were also many locals.

Once Awan reminded them, those people thought of what happened to Mrs. Chen.

The laughter didn't stop.

Those who didn't know couldn't help but ask, and those who knew wanted to spread the news to the whole village...

Awan searched for Feng Yun in the crowd.

She clearly saw her wife coming just now...

Where is she?

The carriage blocked her view.

Awan stretched her neck and suddenly heard a surprised shout from above her head.


Awan was startled and looked up to see Daman's bright smile.

"Daman?" Awan looked at her blankly, a little afraid to recognize her.

Daman has changed too much.

When she was in Changmen, Feng Yun didn't treat her harshly, but how could her food, clothing and appearance be compared to the pampered concubines in the Qi Palace who were pampered and raised like stars in the sky?

"Is it really you!?" Awan was also a little excited.

Daman looked at her with a smile and looked at the shops.

"Huaxi has become very different from before. I can hardly recognize it... Awan, is my wife okay? Are you all okay?"

Awan hummed, restrained his expression, and pointed to the road.

"Let's talk later."

It was inconvenient to talk here because there were so many people. She was anxious to find Feng Yun and didn't want to talk to Daman in front of others.

Daman smiled and nodded, looking at the familiar or unfamiliar faces passing by like a revolving lantern, and slowly lowered the curtain.

"Brother-in-law, I think I saw my sister just now. Do you think she is here to pick us up?"

"No." Xiao Cheng's voice was light, not as excited as Daman expected, and his tone was calm, with a kind of lowness that was almost sad.

"Brother-in-law doesn't want to see her?" Daman asked.

If he doesn't want to, he won't come.

But who can guess the emperor's intention?

Xiao Cheng didn't answer.

A person sat alone quietly, and the mottled light came from outside the curtain and fell on his handsome face. As usual, there was a suffocating coldness.

Whispering with laughter came into the carriage.

Madam Chen was so angry that her face turned red, and her hands on her knees kept scratching and gritting her teeth, "Bitch, bitch!"

"Mother, calm down." A hand was gently placed on the back of her hand and pinched it, "Don't bother with a bitch."

Mrs. Chen looked at her daughter, her eyes softening.

"A Ying..." She held her daughter's hand tightly, "It's all because my mother is incompetent and has wronged my daughter."

Feng Ying shook her head.

Mrs. Chen looked at Feng Ying and raised her hand to straighten her curtain hat.

"Don't worry, this time I come to Huaxi, I will heal your face no matter what. My mother has sent someone to find out. Dr. Yao's miraculous medical skills are not as good as those of the imperial doctors in the palace. The little emperor in Xijing just asked him to do it. Cured.”

Feng Ying hummed, "My mother needs to calm down her temper this time. She can't conflict with my sister again, embarrass my father, and make His Majesty... unhappy."

Mrs. Chen sneered, "Are you still speaking for her? You care about the relationship between sisters, has she ever cared about you? I suspect that this golden girl must be different from the one used by Twelve Niangs. Maybe she was the one who moved it. Hands and feet..."

"Mom!" Feng Ying scolded her unhappily, "Keep your voice down."

Partition walls have ears.

Mrs. Chen restrained herself a little.

"Hmph, this time I come here, I must figure it out, and I won't let her have an easy time..."

Feng Ying frowned, "This is my eldest brother's wedding banquet, my mother..."

"I don't care, I don't care." Mrs. Chen didn't like her submissive look, so she responded impatiently and said angrily, "I have a sense of propriety, so don't worry about me. But you, when did you become as soft as dough? That bitch Daman was so bullied that she couldn’t stand up..."

Feng Ying lowered her eyes and gave her a soft smile.

"Mom, don't be impatient."


This time it was Awan who was anxious.

She didn't find Feng Yun and suspected that she was dazzled.

He immediately said a few words to the clerk in the store and hurried to Zhuangzi.

Today's Huaxi is a small town that never sleeps.

There is everything you need here to eat and play, and the crowd is bustling and lively.

She walked all the way but didn't see Feng Yun. When she returned to the village, he was not there either.

"Where will my wife go?"

She was anxious to tell Feng Yun about the Feng family.

When Ah Lou heard this, he smiled, "The eldest man is getting married. My wife has written an invitation to Bingzhou. Mrs. Chen will come. My wife has already planned it, so there is no need to be nervous..."

"But..." Awan hesitated, "Daman is here too."

Ah Lou was startled.

He smiled again, "When you come, you come. She has been away for so long, it's time to come back and see my wife."

Awan: "There is a husband in Daman's car. The guards call him master. Who do you think he is?"

Ah Lou's pupils trembled, and his whole body tensed up.

"Could it be... Mr. Qi?"

Awan nodded.


Ah Lou sent people everywhere to look for Feng Yun.

And Feng Yun is at the entrance of the village at this moment...

However, she and Awan went in the opposite direction, heading out of the village.

Xiao Cheng and the Feng family came to Huaxi and stayed in Wen Xingsu's house. She didn't have much objection. After all, this house itself was built with money from Feng Jingting and Xiao Cheng.

They spent money, and as long as the eldest brother didn't chase them away, she didn't have to say anything.


She was heartbroken.

Because of Xiao Cheng's arrival, it was also because of Pei Mang's absence.

If Pei Gou dares not to come back this time, she will really turn against him...

"Are you waiting for me?" A voice suddenly came from the other side of the road.

The light here was already a little dark, and there were no lights from the shops, so Feng Yun didn't notice the two men leading the horses in front of them, as well as the guards following them.

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