Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 520 Bully Whoever You Love

"Hello, Lord Tu."

Feng Yun smiled and saluted Tu Boshan first, then turned to look at Chun Yuyan who stood proudly in the night wind, and bowed lightly.

"Long time no see, how are you, my prince?"

"I am ill." Chun Yuyan's tone was light, and it was visible to the naked eye that he was still angry. "Feng Twelve, I have been ill. Do you have medicine?"

Feng Yun:...

This person has always been indifferent to occasions.

In front of Tu Boshan, Feng Yun did not want to be accused of "flirting", so he stood upright and smiled:

"Why are you two traveling together?"

Tu Boshan glanced at Chun Yuyan, how could he not understand his thoughts?

At the beginning, the two of them stayed overnight at Tujiawubao, and Mrs. Tu saw that he was interested in Feng Yun and wanted to match them up.

It's a pity...

The famous grass has no wife, and the famous flower has a master.

Tu Boxan coughed, "The prince came from Yunchuan and stopped at Tujiawubao last night. We happened to be traveling together."

Feng Yun knew that they had a special relationship and nodded with a smile.

"Aunt Rong is waiting for the owner of the fort in the manor. You should go back soon..."

Tu Boxan smiled and nodded without saying much.

Chun Yuyan refused to let her go. He approached her with a faint fragrance.

"You haven't told me yet what you are doing here?"

It was almost dark. She came out with a maid alone, with a frown on her face. There must be something urgent.

Chun Yuyan felt very cheap.

Feng Shier was sorry for him. He subconsciously wanted to care about her when they met for the first time.

However, when Feng Yun finished speaking, Chun Yuyan felt even more cheap.

Why did she ask questions for no reason?

"I'm waiting for my husband to come home."

With a slight smile, Feng Yun's concise and calm words stabbed him like a knife.

Feng Shier was still so dog.

After not seeing each other for so long, he didn't care about the old relationship at all.

Chun Yuyan's breathing tightened, "Your mouth, if you say something nice, it will leak out, what's wrong?"

Feng Yun noticed Tu Boxan's playful smile and snorted.

"It's not leaking out, it's leaking money. Prince, please come back soon. There will be a lot of fun in Huaxi now. If you go too late, you will miss it."

Chun Yuyan: "You're not going back?"

Feng Yun: "I don't like the fun."

Chun Yuyan smiled and his mood was floating.

It was very strange that when he saw Feng Twelve in front of him, not liking to pay attention to him, and even not giving him a good face, he felt wonderful for no reason...

Ripples in his heart suddenly appeared.

Like spring water brushing the waves, it was soft.

Chun Yuyan chuckled, the tone was very pleasant: "Aren't you waiting for your husband? I'll wait with you. It just so happens that I haven't seen Brother Wangzhi for a long time, and I miss him a lot."

He was thick-skinned and bowed to Tu Boxan after speaking.

"Master Tu will go meet your wife first. Later, I will set up a banquet in my humble abode and invite you and your wife to have a midnight snack."

Tu Boshan smiled and was about to speak when he interrupted with a smile.

"Master, you don't have to be polite. When you come to our Huaxi, you don't have to treat yourself as a guest. You'd better be more comfortable."

Tu Boshan actually wanted to persuade Chun Yuyan to leave with him, but he was weird and perverse. He blocked his words and it was inconvenient to speak.

Tu Boshan smiled back, "It's better to obey than to be respectful."

Chun Yuyan smiled lazily, his eyes were unclear.

"Yin You. Take Master Tu to Changmen."

Yin You looked at his master dimly, sighed secretly in his heart, bowed his head and saluted, "Yes."

Tu Boshan left with his people.

The servants around Chun Yuyan bowed their heads and eyes and moved three feet away.

Quietly, complaining in their hearts.

They couldn't figure it out anyway.

A good prince, he returned to normal when he left Huaxi, and became crazy when he returned to Huaxi.

As long as he met Feng Shier Niang, he would go crazy.

"Feng Shier." Chun Yuyan glanced at Feng Yun's cold face, was silent for a moment, and laughed softly, "Do you miss me?"

Feng Yun gave him a cold look.

She gave him a look that said "experience it yourself", pursed her lips, and didn't bother to say a word.

Chun Yuyan lightly raised the end of his eye, his tone was playful and cold.

"It doesn't matter, you don't miss me, I miss you too."

"Prince." Feng Yun said in a light tone, very sincerely: "I'm waiting for my husband."

"I know." Chun Yuyan smiled lightly, "I'm waiting for your husband too."

Feng Yun: "..."

Chun Yuyan approached, stood shoulder to shoulder with her on the wind outlet, looked at the twinkling firelight in the distance, and stroked the jade ring on his hand with his long fingers, standing leisurely.

He didn't speak.

Feng Yun didn't speak either.

After a long silence, Chun Yuyan lowered his hand.

His fingertips brushed Feng Yun's sleeve intentionally or unintentionally.

Seeing that she didn't react, he took advantage of the situation and slowly approached her hand like a snake.

"Prince." Feng Yun took a step back.

Without saying anything, he just stared at him coldly.

His eyes were not harsh, but Chun Yuyan felt cold in his heart.

It was as if he had done something extremely evil...

And he was just teasing her.

Compared with what she did to him at the beginning, it was nothing.

He sneered, "So petty! Feng Twelve, can't you give me, the adulterer, a little face?"

Feng Yun still stared at him without saying anything.

Chun Yuyan's momentum gradually softened, and his tone became resentful.

"Are you really not afraid of offending me? Feng Twelve, offending me will have serious consequences."

Feng Yun said calmly: "I never want to offend the prince. It has always been the prince who bullies people too much."

Chun Yuyan lowered his eyes, "When did I bully you?"

"What do you think?" Feng Yun said calmly: "In the beginning, they plotted against me in the name of looking for Lady Lian. After it became clear that I was not Lady Lian, and the real Lady Lian was found, they would continue to pester me endlessly..."

Chun Yuyan laughed, "You think I love to pester you. If you hadn't taken away my innocence..."

Halfway through his words, he thought that the attendant was not far away, so he swallowed again.

If he wants to let others know that he can't do anything except Feng Twelve, he can't lose face.

He lowered his head, approached Feng Yun, and asked with a smile: "I've grown up, don't you want to see it?"

It’s grown well, what’s grown well?

Feng Yun was stunned for a moment, and then he could see from his teasing eyes what this nonsensical guy was talking about.

Fortunately, she was a married woman. If she was just a young lady, wouldn't he be ashamed to death?

She raised her head and said, "If I had known this, I should have been more ruthless with my penis and castrated you."

In Chun Yuyan's handsome eyes, the light flashed slightly, then dimmed in a flash.

"If that's the case, I'd like to thank you. It's much better to remove the mortal roots with one knife than to have ripples in your life but not be used."

Feng Yun: "..."

Standing in the middle of the official road, why are you talking to this madman?

She remained silent.

The corners of Chun Yuyan's mouth curved down, and he glanced at her face, "Feng Twelve, you started in chaos but gave up, won't your conscience hurt?"

Feng Yun looks at his nose with his eyes, and his nose looks at his heart.

A sudden sentence came out to divert his attention.

"Xiao San is here. Are you serious about not going back to see the excitement?"

Chunyu Yan was startled, then laughed softly.

"Look at the evil you have done. Another debt collector is here. Tell me, besides Xiao San, who else can I bear?"

Feng Yun raised his eyebrows, "I'm not kidding you."

Chun Yuyan looked at her serious appearance, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Xiao San and our eldest brother are sworn brothers. Isn't it normal for him to come to congratulate the eldest brother on his wedding? What's the point of this... Oh, not only is he here, the Feng family is also here? Feng Twelve, do you have a headache?"

Feng Yun's eyes narrowed slightly, and he said calmly: "The soldiers will block it, and the water will cover it. Why do I have a headache?"

Chun Yuyan chuckled and said in a low voice: "I can be your soldier and your soil. As long as you open your mouth..."

"No need." Feng Yun raised his eyes, "Your Majesty, I would like to thank you if you don't trouble me."

As she spoke, she gave Chunyu Yan a long bow, straightened up and said:

"Xiaoman, let's go."

Chun Yuyan looked at her back and waved his sleeves decisively, "Don't wait for us to act recklessly?"

Feng Yun walked away without looking back.


Today's Huaxi is a gathering of celebrities and aristocrats from all walks of life. The streets from the east of the village to the west of the village and then to the pier are busier than during the Chinese New Year.

Feng Yun walked very slowly.

Chunyu Yan rode on horseback and followed him silently.

Xiaoman looked back and said, "Madam..."

"Don't look back, ignore him."

"Oh." Xiaoman looked at Feng Yun's face, "Madam, can Xiaoman help you in any way?"

Feng Yun said expressionlessly, "Leave me alone."

Xiao Man pouted his lips and became speechless.

Whenever the lady is worried, she will be alone, and the only one who can stay with her is Ao Zai.

At this time, Xiao Man hated his own incompetence.

It would be great if the king was here. The king always has a way. She can also talk to Brother Zuo about her inner feelings...

But why hasn’t the king come back yet?

Xiaoman gradually became a little anxious and silently accompanied Feng Yun. Before he reached Nagato, he was blocked by Awan who was striding towards him.


On such a cold day, Awan had sweat on his forehead and his breathing was rapid.

"There are guests in Zhuangzi..."

Feng Yun raised his eyes but did not move.

Awan said: "Daman, I should say Mrs. Huaman. She came to Zhuangzi to visit Madam, and Madam's father and stepmother, with her younger siblings, also came... Mrs. Chen was so aggressive that she asked for her as soon as she entered the door. The trouble of finding a concubine... Fortunately, General Wen came in a hurry and took Mrs. Chen away, so there was no quarrel on the spot..."

He lowered his head again and said, "General Wen is overjoyed. I was wrong just now. I shouldn't have said anything to anger her."

"It's none of your business." Feng Yun said, "If you don't provoke her, she will be angry."

"Oh." Awan breathed a sigh of relief, "Lady, what should you do?"

Like Xiao Man, she was also worried about Feng Yun.

Baishan filial piety comes first. The lady can hit Mrs. Chen once, but it is impossible to hit her again, not to mention her biological father is here this time...

It's hard to deal with these big shots alone, let alone a group of them?

"It's okay, just keep everything in order."

Feng Yun smiled lightly and quickened his pace.

When she returned to Zhuangzi, it turned out that only Daman and Feng Jingting, as well as her two children, Feng Zhen and Feng Liang, were waiting for her.

"Eldest sister—" Daman stood up subconsciously when he saw her, his fingers trembling with excitement and he almost knocked over the tea cup.

Feng Jingting also had a smile in his eyes, looking like a loving father.

"Twelfth Mother, you are finally back."

Feng Yun smiled and gave a hasty salute to Feng Jingting.

"It's getting late, Mr. Fu, please come back."

Feng Jingting frowned, "Ayun, my father came all the way from Bingzhou..."

Feng Yun: "So go back and rest early. Tomorrow is my eldest brother's wedding, and I have to drink my wife's tea. Don't lose my eldest brother's face."

Feng Jingting was speechless by her.

"Ayun, how can you forgive your father?"

Feng Yun stared at the pair of eyes that were trying to make up for the loss, and raised her lips lightly, "If you can turn the water of the Changhe River back, and Andu City will not be broken, and my mother will come back to life... I will forgive you."

Feng Jingting sighed and took Feng Zhen and Feng Liang away.

Daman stayed.

"Eldest sister..."

As soon as she spoke, Feng Yun stopped her coldly.

"You go down first."

There were seven or eight servants in the room, including the palace servants brought by Daman.

Hearing the voice, Xiaoman, although she had a lot to say, still obediently retreated silently.

The servants of the Qi Palace did not move.

Until Daman said, "You go down."

Everyone left, and the room became quiet.

Daman walked to the window and pulled the curtain inwards, then turned around and knelt down in front of Feng Yun.

"My wife, Daman is back."

Pei Jue: Is it me who is missing?

Feng Yun: Yes, if you don't come, you won't be able to sit at the main table.

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