Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 521: Enemies Meet on a Narrow Road

Feng Yun said calmly: "Get up."

Daman shook his head and knelt sincerely and persistently.

Feng Yun glanced at her, sat down, and poured tea calmly.

Daman quickly knelt over and took it from her hand very skillfully, just like he had done countless times before, and placed the teacup upright in front of Feng Yun.

The sound of water flows to my ears.

Feng Yun looked at her without saying a word.

There was no blame, no questioning, the watery eyes were pouring down quietly, and Da Man felt as if he had been drenched from head to toe.

"Madam." She put her hands on her knees and lowered her eyebrows.

"I am so ashamed of myself, madam, please punish me."

Then he kowtowed again, lowering his head to the ground.

Feng Yun sneered slightly, "What's wrong with you?"

Daman said: "I haven't contacted you in the past two you blame me?"

Two years.

It turns out it has been two years.

Feng Yun raised his hand, touched the tea cup, and said calmly:

"Everyone has his own ambitions. If you go to Taicheng, you will no longer be my maid, and I can't control you. Get up and speak. Your Majesty, your beloved concubine, kneel in front of me. What kind of words can you say..."

Her tone was calm.

From the day she sent Daman away, she had already prepared for the worst, and there was nothing to be angry about.

"My wife, she is very ambitious, but not greedy. She is not the concubine that others think she is..."

Daman stared at Feng Yun earnestly, his eyebrows slightly frowned.

"In the past two years, Mr. Qi has not favored me. I have not forgotten Madam's instructions, and it's not that I don't want to contact Madam. It's just that I don't have the chance, and I'm afraid of making a mistake..."

Feng Yun smiled.

He lowered his head and played with the tea set.

I don’t know if I believe it or not.

Daman was very nervous and his palms were sweaty.

"The Feng family is just keeping a close eye on me, and Mr. Qi... Everyone says he favors me. In fact, I am surrounded by his spies. He has never really trusted me..."

Feng Yun raised his eyebrows.

Xiao Cheng was suspicious, and she knew it.

But Xiao Cheng knew very well how Daman got to him.

"You think if you don't contact me, he won't doubt that you are mine?"

"Suspicion, but he has no proof. Besides, he kept me by his side because he wanted to use my hands to check on my wife. I didn't want to fulfill his wish, so I simply cut off contact."

Daman bit his lower lip and said in a low voice: "There is no point in passing on unimportant news. Once the important news is caught, I won't be able to save my life. I won't talk about it for the moment. My wife put Daman in The meaning of Qigong is ruined.”

Feng Yun glanced at her.

"So, what important information did you find out?"

Daman looked at her and nodded.

Then, under Feng Yun's attention, he picked up the scissors, neatly cut the lining of the cuffs, and took out a note from inside.

There were signs of burning on the note, with eight words vaguely left on it——

"We have entered Pei Mansion and are waiting for the opportunity."

Daman said: "I secretly picked this up from the stove."

Feng Yun narrowed his eyes, feeling secretly shocked.

Who has entered the Pei Mansion? Who has entered the Pei Mansion?

Daman said: "After Qi Jun ascended the throne, he valued peace everywhere, but in the past two years, he sent many spies to Da Jin under various names..."

She lowered her eyes again.

"It's a pity that Daman is incompetent. He tried many ways, but still can't get the list of those spies. He only knows that there are Qi Jun's people in the court and among the people..."

Feng Yun's tone became more relaxed.

"Xiao San is a cautious person. Apart from him, I am afraid that no more than three people will know about this kind of thing. How could you easily find out the details?"

She gently stroked the burnt note with only a corner left.

"For you to be able to obtain this is already a great achievement."

Daman then breathed a long sigh of relief.


"Eldest sister." Feng Yun corrected her and smiled slightly, "I heard that Feng Jingting named you Feng Hui? Since you are blood relatives, you should be treated as sisters."

A lot of tears suddenly fell down.

"Eldest sister..."

She said, "Others only see me as doting on the Sixth Palace, but they don't know that in the past two years, to avoid being framed by Mrs. Chen and her daughter, I have been unable to sleep peacefully. I often wake up in the middle of the night from nightmares, for fear that I will die unexpectedly one day..."

Feng Yun laughed.

"Xiao San will just let them run wild?"

Daman lowered his eyes.

"Brother-in-law is protecting me..."

"Brother-in-law?" Feng Yun's eyes darkened.

Da Man was shocked to realize that he had lost his words and quickly changed his words, "Qi Jun wants to protect me, but he is involved in important affairs of the country and the people of the world, how can he have so much energy to take care of the harem all day long? My eldest sister doesn't know. What are their methods? Seriously. It’s hard to guard against…”

Feng Yun smiled.

What don't you know?

She knew very well the methods of Feng Ying and her daughter.

And Xiao Cheng...

If you sincerely protect someone, how can you fail to protect him?

Daman didn't notice the difference in Feng Yun's expression, and slowly lifted up her dress to let Feng Yun see the marks on her body.

"They may have discovered Jin Guike's problem. At some point, they secretly mixed the medicinal powder into the ointment given by the emperor. Fortunately, I only used the ointment to wipe my body. I paid special attention to my face. I always used the recipe given by my wife and made it myself. Otherwise my face will be ruined..."

"Fortunately, I found out it was too early and stopped using it quickly. But even so, I still can't return to the past... I was nervous just now, and now I have another rash."

Feng Yun frowned.

"What about Feng Ying?"

Daman became happy when he heard this.

"Her face is worse than mine. It's totally shameful to be seen. When it's cold, hot, or windy, her skin will flush, and her rash will be all over her. It's also extremely itchy..."

After a pause, he gloated over her sideways, chuckling.

"Because of Feng Ying's face, she hasn't been in bed for two years. Sister doesn't know that Madam Chen is almost dying of anxiety. The Feng family is still waiting to hold a little prince to consolidate their status."

"Feng Ying loves beauty very much. Now she can only cover her face with a veil, which is almost a wonder in the Qi Palace. The concubines in the palace dare not say it, but they all laugh at her in private."

The palace is not short of people who climb up and step on the low, and those who are servile and mean.

Feng Yun said, "You've worked hard."

Daman was comforted and changed his decadence. He sat down and told Feng Yun about the events in the Qi Palace in the past two years...

Feng Yun listened.

Some of them were particularly familiar, so familiar that you would know the result just by listening to the beginning.

That was what she had experienced.

Some were very new, such as the tortoise-shell cat.

Daman was really relieved that he could use a cat to make Mrs. Chen and her daughter so angry. And such things have been happening one after another in the past two years. Daman really did a lot of things and embarrassed Feng Ying.

But so what?

As long as the Feng family does not fall, Feng Ying will always be high above.

So, what they want to do most now is to cure Feng Ying's face and let her serve the emperor.

Only after serving in the bedroom and truly becoming Xiao Cheng's person, can Feng Ying ascend to the throne of the empress with good reason...

Otherwise, with her current appearance, not to mention that the Feng family is embarrassed to mention the matter of establishing the empress, the whole court will also have objections...

The empress is the mother of the country, how can she show a rotten face to others?

That would undermine the dignity of Da Qi.

The two talked for a long time in the room, until Daman's servant reminded her, she reluctantly said goodbye and left.

Feng Yun sat alone for a while, reading the damaged note brought by Daman over and over again, and every word seemed to be engraved in her mind, and then she put it in the empty small box on the bookshelf.

After packing up, she called Ge Guang to ask.

"Is the king back?"

Ge Guang was slightly surprised.

If the king came back, he would definitely come to see his wife.

He shook his head.

Feng Yun was uneasy and waved her hand, "Xiaoman, accompany me to Madam Tu's room..."

She wanted to talk to Madam Tu to relieve her uneasiness.

But when Ge Guang heard it, he said, "Master Tu and Madam Tu went to Yunzhuang. The prince sent someone to invite them personally."

Feng Yun remembered this matter.

She glanced at the account book on the table, stood up and asked Xiaoman to bring her a wind cloak to tie it on.

"I'll go and have a drink too."

It was night, and Huaxi was still awake.

In the manor, many people came and went, preparing for tomorrow's wedding banquet.

On the road outside the manor, people passed by from time to time. The sky was dotted with stars, the moonlight was like water, and the lights were shining brightly. Everyone was immersed in busyness and joy.

Feng Yun turned along the path to Yunzhuang.

The night lights were dim, and someone stood quietly at the door of Yunzhuang, as if blending into the night, with a blurred face and fluttering clothes, making this quiet place mysterious for no reason, bringing a familiar pressure...

It was the gaze from the king.

It was also traumatic stress from the previous life...

Feng Yun subconsciously slowed down his pace.

After two years, Xiao Cheng and she had changed a lot...

But they still recognized each other easily in this moment, in the dim light.

Feng Yun was slightly startled.

This drinking party was no longer fragrant in an instant.

She turned around calmly.

A clear and powerful voice came from behind, like a clear spring in the stream, full of stories and vicissitudes, reaching the bottom of the heart.

"Ayun, please stay..." (End of this chapter)

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