Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 522: Good at speaking

Feng Yun was stunned for a moment.

She turned around and walked towards him, her eyebrows and eyes were calm, her steps were light, and in the dim night, her whole person was as gentle as a pool of autumn water.

Their eyes met.

Feng Yun saluted with a fake smile.

"What advice do you have, Lord Qi?"

Xiao Cheng's eyes lit up, and his chest, which had been silent for a long time, seemed to be opened by feathers and then hammered with a drum.

He glanced at Ping An and Ji Xiang who were following him.

Several servants retreated silently.

Feng Yun raised her eyebrows and watched, motionless.

She did not dismiss the servants.

There was no need.

Anyway, someone would put his face up to be beaten, wouldn't it be better if there were more people watching?

Xiao Cheng glanced at the person behind her, the corner of his mouth froze for a moment, and asked softly:

"Are you also invited by the prince to come to the night banquet?"

Feng Yun looked at him, neither humble nor arrogant.

"Come here without invitation."

Xiao Cheng: "Why are you leaving?"

He has a handsome face and affectionate eyes.

Compared to before, he clearly knows how to attract women better...

No longer the kind of coldness that keeps people away from him, just based on this handsome face and this demeanor, Xiao Cheng can be called the best young man in Southern Qi, the most beautiful Xiao Lang.

Feng Yun thought about it and smiled.

"I dare not sit at the same table with Lord Qi, for fear of being in trouble. Is Lord Qi satisfied with this answer?"

Xiao Cheng's eyes dimmed, and his voice faded a little.

"I am discussing serious matters with the prince, and the couple of Lord Tu are with us, what are you afraid of?"

He frowned, his eyes deep.

"Are you afraid that Pei Jue will misunderstand? Will the couple turn against each other?"

Feng Yun smiled lightly, and her expression was a little more relaxed than before.

She called him by his name.

"Xiao San, I thought you were just frivolous and heartless, but I didn't expect you to be mentally retarded. Who gave you the confidence to think that our relationship would turn against each other because of you? And who gave you the courage to speak so shamelessly in front of other people's wives? Humph! You are just a piece of rotten cotton on the plate, and you have no self-awareness. I am just... afraid of spoiling my appetite."

Xiao Cheng's face changed.

After a moment, he spoke in a deep voice.

"I know you have been wronged."

Feng Yun raised his eyebrows and smiled lightly, not knowing what to say for a while.

Xiao Cheng hesitated and said: "The letters in the Xijing Palace that pointed out your treason..."

His throat was sour and his voice was hoarse.

"Why didn't you ask someone to pass it to me earlier?"

Feng Yun's ears buzzed.

What happened in the Xijing court was known clearly by the Emperor of Qi, who was far away in Taicheng.

Feng Yun's cheeks were slightly hot when he thought of the explicit lovesickness in those letters.

"How do you know?"

Xiao Cheng did not answer directly, but took a step closer, looking him straight in the eyes.

Before Feng Yun went to Xijing, Ren Rude wrote in every letter that Feng Yun and Pei Jue had frequent misunderstandings, and Feng Yun still missed him. Xiao Cheng did not believe it at first...

Until he received the news.

Queen Dowager Duan of Xijing received a large number of letters written by Feng Yun to him.

Handwritten letters.

The contents of the letters were copied to Taicheng word for word...

Xiao Cheng was heartbroken when he read it.

What kind of deep emotion would make a girl in the boudoir write so many bone-burning and heart-burning words...

I miss you all night long, and I can't forget you.

In this life, I only hope for Xiao Lang.

She even thought about going into the tiger's den and working for the Qi army to be loyal.

He asked: "Is everything written in the letter from your heart?"

Feng Yun sneered, "You even know the contents of the letter?"

Xiao Cheng's eyes fixed, and he looked at her steadily in the mottled light and shadow across the night. It was as if he wanted to make up for all the years of lovesickness, and he was reluctant to miss a single bit...

"Ayun, you are sincere, I know it too late, I missed a lot..."

His throat choked, his voice was so hoarse that he could hardly speak.

"Blame me... I came too late."

Reborn too late.

I missed the fall of Andu City, and also missed Feng Yun being sent to the enemy camp. I didn't contact her in time to relieve her despair and anxiety...

So he was completely passive, watching her go further and further away step by step, even going on a completely different path from the previous life, until he could no longer make up for the regret of the other world.

"You blame me, I understand. Can you give me a chance to listen to my explanation so that we can let each other go..."

The night was bleak, Xiao Cheng's eyes were silent, as if he was glued to her, and he couldn't help but reach out to pull her.

Feng Yun stepped back.

A big hand came from the side and held Xiao Cheng's hand.

"King Qi, don't you mind if one more person listens?"

Feng Yun's anger, which was suppressed in her chest, rose and sank again.

She had no idea when Pei Jue came...

Looking sideways, the servants lowered their heads, looking at their toes, not daring to breathe.

She chuckled and said nothing, like an outsider, watching Pei Jue and Xiao Cheng's tightly clasped hands.

In the night.

The two of them looked very calm.

But when they looked at each other, sparks flew.

I don't know how much effort Pei Jue put in, the two hands didn't separate for a long time, and Xiao Cheng's expression, from the initial calmness, gradually became a little uneasy.

"The wine in the prince's manor is good, why don't we go and have a drink?"

Pei Jue still didn't let go.

"Why bother the prince? King Qi and I are brothers-in-law. If you want to drink, you should go to Changmen."

He acted like a host.

Polite, cold, with a faint chill in his eyes.

Xiao Cheng's wrist trembled slowly...

His face was calm, but his eyes were filled with turmoil.

He had practiced martial arts since he was a child and had never slacked off. If an ordinary person fell under his hands, his bones would probably be broken.

But Pei Jue was too strong.

He thought he had tried his best, but unexpectedly, there was something else...

On and on...

Xiao Chengyin endured the pain, not wanting to fall into disgrace in front of Feng Yun, and asked lightly with a pale face:

"Does it fit?"

Pei Ran looked back at Feng Yun.

"Does it fit?"

Pei Man's heart felt like an abyss.

Can't see through.

It was difficult for Feng Yun to understand the man's desire to win, so he smiled faintly.

"My husband invites me, what's inappropriate?"

Pei Ran slowly let go of his hand.

"Qi Jun please?"

Xiao Cheng took a step back before he could stand firm.

Men know men best, so of course Pei Madang would not sincerely invite him to drink in the village. He just wants to declare his sovereignty and let him see for himself who is Feng Yun's man and the master of Nagato...

Until he was sitting in the living room of Changmenzhuang, he still felt that he should not be led by Pei Madan at this time.

What can Ayun do under his nose?

Nothing more than the appearance of a good wife.

And he, watching helplessly, was just suffering another Ling Chi punishment.

He knows all this.

But it’s still here…

Unable to control my feet, I thought of Feng Yun's territory - the legendary Nagato, which Ren Rude praised as a place like heaven and earth. Let's take a walk and take a look.


In the living room, the furnishings are simple and there are no luxurious furnishings. It is clean and elegant, giving it a sense of elegance. There is neither Jin style nor Qi rhyme, so it is very different.

The wine was quickly served on the table, three or five side dishes were placed on the table, and the three of them took their seats.

Pei Ran sat next to Feng Yun.

Xiao Cheng took a look, lowered his head and drank to hide his loneliness.

"Greedy cat." Pei Ran's voice was gentle. Xiao Cheng subconsciously looked up and saw Pei Mad taking the wine glass from Feng Yun's hand.

Then he motioned to Xiaoman and poured her a cup of rice milk.

"You drank, and it was my fault again at night."

He handed the rice milk to Feng Yun.

"You drink this."

Feng Yun pursed his lips and raised his eyes to look at him.

"Thank you, husband."

Loving enough.

Ambiguous enough.

What will happen at night? This sentence is enough to make Xiao Cheng think about it...

Feng Yun drank the syrup silently, feeling that Pei Gou came back at the right time. Of course it makes me happy that he helped me to anger Xiao Cheng, but I thought that he came late and was so domineering...

Feng Yun lowered his hand and secretly pinched his thigh.

The small movements under the table would not alarm others, let alone Xiao Cheng...

Who would have expected...

Pei Ran hissed, covered his legs and stared at Feng Yun.

"Mother Yun, we have guests in the hall..."

Feng Yun: "..."

She was not afraid of Xiao Cheng looking at her, nor was she that shy.

It's just pinching a man's thigh and letting the man expose it on the spot. There is a very inexplicable embarrassment in this matter...

After all, she is a noble daughter of a noble family.

Used to being dignified.

Pei Man's eyes dimmed, he turned his head and breathed into her ear, "Don't you want to take revenge on him? I will sacrifice myself."

Feng Yun felt tight in his chest.

That’s right…

But with Pei Gou taking the lead, I just felt something was wrong.

She smiled, looked at him and said, "It all depends on the king."

Pei Madang raised his head, tightened his jaw, bowed to Xiao Cheng, and sat upright.

"I made Mr. Qi laugh. I stayed in Yecheng for a few more days and came back late, which made Madam unhappy..."

Xiao Cheng smiled.

The spies' news all said that Pei Madang was not good at words, was unsmiling, and would not please his wife...

This mouth is clearly eloquent and capable of hitting people's pain points...

Xiao Cheng raised his sleeves and said, "King Yonghuai quickly recovered Yecheng, unified the Jin Dynasty, and all the people returned home. Everyone in the world respects you. I respect you."

Pei Madang held the cup and touched it lightly with him.

"Qi Jun is polite."

They both had their own thoughts and drank three glasses of wine.

Feng Yun looked at the two men silently, his mind was in a trance, and he had an unreal illusion.

Pei Madang and Xiao Cheng drank together?

This world has really changed.

Xiao Cheng suddenly raised his head and looked towards her.

"There are many Nagato workshops, each with its own unique features, and the furnishings in the village are also very unique. Where did you learn these?"

He could see Feng Yun's changes.

And Nagato...

There was no Nagato in the previous life.

Even Pei Ran was very different.

Xiao Cheng's eyes flickered, as if he wanted to see through her.

Feng Yun chuckled and was about to speak when his hand was held by Pei Ran.

As if coaxing a child, he stuffed a piece of finely chopped green onion pancake for her and said smoothly:

"She learned all these from books."

He glanced at Xiao Cheng again.

"My mother-in-law brought five thousand scrolls to marry into the Feng family. Doesn't Mr. Qi know about this?"

Xiao Cheng's brows jumped.

Of course he knows.

It's just that many things have changed, which caught him off guard.

He looked at the green onion pancake in Feng Yun's hand and subconsciously said:

"She doesn't like salty food..."

Feng Yun likes sweet or salty cakes, and he doesn't like deep-fried scallion pancakes.

In the past, in Qi Palace, Feng Yun would not accept anything presented to her.


At this time, he had never gotten along with Feng Yun, so it was impossible for him to know her living habits.

After Xiao Cheng said this, he quickly recovered and said calmly:

"Listen to what Daman said."

Feng Yun took a bite of the pancake and gently curled her lips, "What does she know? The onion pancake is crispy and delicious, I like it..." (End of Chapter)

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