Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 523: Final Conclusion

That night, the thick ink-like sky suddenly brightened up in the middle of the night, the dark clouds drifted away, and the full moon rose. Under the moonlight, the silhouette of Nagato was as quiet as a lurking cheetah in the howling cold wind...

The three people at the table were polite and courteous, but there were hints of treachery between the lines, and each had their own agenda. However, when I recalled it later, this banquet on the 14th of the twelfth lunar month was actually the only one...

Gather together decently and peacefully.

The night banquet was only dispersed in the middle of the night.

Pei Madang and Feng Yun saw Xiao Cheng out and suddenly stopped.

"Yunniang, help me get the wind cloak."

Feng Yun lowered his eyes and smiled, "Wait a moment."

She knew that Pei Ran wanted to get rid of her.

How could Xiao Cheng not know?

The two men watched Feng Yun leave, slowly pulled back, and looked at each other coldly.

The friendliness disappeared from his face in an instant.

Xiao Cheng said: "King Yonghuai has something to say?"

"No." Pei Ran's mouth was cold.

"Then why did you send Ayun away?"

"What do you think?" Pei Ran looked directly at him, his cold voice was not proud, but he told him appropriately - you can't get your hands on my things.

Xiao Cheng lifted his lips and raised his eyelids.

"Why do you care so much about my existence and do these childish things?"

He smiled lightly again, "It seems that King Yonghuai is very clear...she doesn't love you. This indisputable fact makes you feel so stuck in your throat that you lose your grace?"

He laughed and talked.

His eyes cut through the surrounding air like sharp knives, as if trying to find some unknown truth on Pei Man's face.

Pei Ran glanced over, his pupils deep.

"We lingered every night, and you said she doesn't love me?"

He took a step closer and stared at Xiao Cheng.

"Why is Mr. Qi still unwilling to give up?"

Under the dim wind lamp, there seemed to be an undercurrent in Pei Man's eyes that was difficult to grasp.

"Do you want to fight at all costs?"

Xiao Cheng frowned slightly.

Behind Pei Madang's unabashed offensive power was the Jin Dynasty's strong soldiers and horses. The question was not about his feelings for Feng Yun, but about Da Qi's national strength.

"King Yonghuai misunderstood." Xiao Cheng hesitated for a moment, and his voice came slowly, "I have known Ayun since we were young. Even though we are not husband and wife, we still have an old friendship. If the king marries her, please treat her kindly and don't let her become a …a pawn in men’s power struggle.”

This is a roundabout way of saying that Pei Jue's affection for Feng Yun was all based on political considerations and fighting against him.

Can Pei Ran listen?

He snorted coldly.

"Qi Jun's remarks are really ridiculous. Why should outsiders bother about my wife? Dogs bite mice!"

Xiao Cheng's throat stiffened, his eyes swept to the pretty figure inside Jingli Gate, and he lowered his eyes slightly.

"Ayun deserves it, the best sincerity in the world."

Pei Ran hummed, his tone was light and slow.

"So, you don't deserve it."

She deserves the best, but the best is not him.

Xiao Cheng looked at him quietly.

Pei Ran looked back.

The two people's eyes intertwined in the air, as if there was an invisible battlefield, fighting in the undercurrent, and blood flowed like a river.

After a long while, Xiao Cheng sighed and said goodbye.

Pei Ran did not send it again.

He stood still for a moment, turned his eyes, and saw the hand holding the door handle.

"heard it?"

Feng Yun walked out of the dark light, without a wind cloak in his hand, and his eyes were extremely clear.

"Thank you."

"Thank you for what?"

"Fight for me."

She smiled slightly, and there was a sense of loneliness and sadness in her voice that seemed to come from a previous life.

"I was an abandoned wife in the past, now I am proud and proud, avenging my previous shame. It's all because of your Majesty's respect."

Pei Madang flicked his sleeves, stepped forward, held her hand, and walked into the house.

"Can this offset the late return?"

Feng Yun looked at him with eyes, his voice was soft, but his eyes were sharp.

"Then it depends on what happened, the king was so tripped up that he came back late?"

The wedding is tomorrow.

In fact, he came back not too late.

But Yun Niang said it was too late, so it must be too late.

He said with shame: "I overestimated myself. I have a lot of things to do, all of which are tied up together. I have to hurry up and slow down and it has been postponed until today."

After saying that, he took Feng Yun's hand and slapped him on the face.

"Let Yun Niang vent her anger."

Feng Yun couldn't help laughing.

"I thought I was deceived by beauty..."

"No." Pei Ran said, "If I were greedy for beauty, I wouldn't come to Huaxi just now."

What this means is that only Feng Yun can be called "beautiful" in his eyes...

Very talkative.

After three days of separation, I really want to see each other with admiration.

Feng Yun stared at her, "How about Li Sangruo?"

Pei Ran said: "Together with the old ministers of Yecheng, we escorted him back to Xijing."

Feng Yun asked again: "Where is Tang Shaogong?"

He was the hero of the First World War in Yecheng and an old member of the Xie family army. Pei Madang could treat everyone with contempt, but he could not be treated badly either emotionally or rationally.

That's a hot potato.

Pei Madang didn't seem to notice, and said calmly: "I just sent him to be responsible for escorting."

Feng Yun was stunned for a moment and then laughed.

"Brilliant move."

If you have doubts, go and expose them.

Don't look at what a person says, just look at what he does.

The two of them talked while walking, and when they went back to the house to wash up and were about to lie down, they received a shocking news.

"Qi Jun suddenly fell ill after drinking, and the accompanying imperial doctors were reported..."

Feng Yun and Pei Ran looked at each other.

"What disease?"

The spy outside stood upright and pondered for a moment before saying:

"It's not easy to inquire about Mr. Qi's affairs. But tonight, he fell ill. It seemed to be a heart attack? The pain made his forehead burst into sweat, and he almost fainted..."

Feng Yun said nothing.

She didn't remember that Xiao Cheng had heart problems.

Pei Ran snorted and sealed the coffin.

"I'm angry. Go to sleep."


The tree wants to be still but the wind doesn't stop.

The next day was Wen Xingsu's wedding ceremony.

All the necessary arrangements have been made. The Wen family has an eldest aunt, and Wen Xingsu himself has a biological mother. There is not much that Feng Yun, the younger sister, can do on the wedding day.

Xiao Man went to find Da Man, and Feng Yun took Huan'er and Pei'er to talk to Pei Yuan who had come from afar.

Ah Zuo and Ah You also came.

Because Ao Zai was locked in Feng Yun's room, the two children were eager to see it, so Feng Yun asked Amir to take them there.

Pei Yuan is still indifferent to Amir.

But she was not a mean person at heart. She was not satisfied with this daughter-in-law, but she did not say much. She just asked Feng Yun some roundabout details about the relationship between Ao Qi and Amir.

Feng Yun said naturally.

Pei Yuan suddenly lowered her eyes, looked at Amir's happy back, and suddenly lowered her voice.

"It's been a while since we got married, so why is there no news..."

Feng Yun was startled.

She was obviously talking about Amir, but she felt like she had been stabbed as well.

"There is no need to rush." ​​She said with a smile: "Having children requires fate."

Only then did Pei Yuan realize that Feng Yun and Pei Mad had not given birth to each other for many years, and she was immediately embarrassed.

"Yes, yes, you can't rush this kind of thing, take your time."

Feng Yun smiled.

She could tell that Pei Yuan was comforting her.

But she doesn't really need it.

The two of them were talking, and people came over to say hello from time to time. Feng Yun would socialize from time to time, chatting a few words with his boss, and talking to his west...

However, her focus was always on the maids behind Pei Yuan.

This time Pei Yuan not only brought Cui Zhi, but also Jin Shuang and Yin Shuang.

Cui Zhi's father and brother were escorted back to Xijing. Pei Yuan deliberately brought her out because she didn't want to embarrass herself when the time came.

As for the sisters Jin Shuang and Yin Shuang...

That's because it's so useful and so satisfying.

She used to think that Cui Zhi was considerate, but after all, she was from a noble family, so she was more or less polite. Jin Shuang and Yin Shuang had no such concerns at all...

It's like it was tailor-made for her, everything is handy, and it feels inconvenient to leave her...

Feng Yun felt that these twin sisters were really strange people.

Except for herself, almost everyone who comes into contact with them, without exception, praises and loves them.

Even when they arrived at Nagato, their performance was very decent, they didn't stand out, they didn't lose their sense of proportion, and they couldn't fault anything...

If they were really the spies sent to Dajin by Xiao Cheng, how could they remain calm after failing to follow her and Pei Ran?

Feng Yun was just thinking about how to find out the truth when he suddenly saw Mrs. Chen walking over menacingly with several servants.

All guests here are women.

Seeing her look like she was about to kill someone, everyone watched nervously, and the discussion stopped abruptly.

"Feng Twelfth Mother, let me ask you."

Mrs. Chen pointed at Feng Yun and glared angrily.

"My son is getting married, and I can't take charge of it anymore?"

Seeing her like this, Huan'er and Pei'er immediately wanted to protect Feng Yun, but Feng Yun raised his hand to stop them.

Feng Yun looked at Chen disapprovingly and bowed slightly.

"The main thing Madam mentioned is money, or contribution? As for the money, it's late, but as for the contribution, you can go and find out if there is any work that a mother like you can use..."

She squinted coldly.

"If you mean showing off your power and arrogance, I'm sorry, but Huaxi has no shortage of such people in charge."

"You are very sharp-tongued." Mrs. Chen said bitterly: "Don't think that because you have a clever mouth, you can confuse right and wrong. Tell me, what happened to Mrs. Tu? And the eldest aunt of the Wen family? They are better than my biological mother. Are you closer? Why do you listen to them in everything and exclude me, your own mother?"

"Did I exclude you?" Feng Yun asked.

Mrs. Chen said angrily: "None of the servants in Wen House listen to me. Do you think this is rejection?"

The angrier she gets, the calmer Feng Yun becomes.

"There are also servants who don't know my wife. They recognize whoever gives her monthly money. This is human nature."

After a pause, she glanced at him and suddenly asked with a smile:

"So, what is Madam going to do when she comes to me? To scold the ignorant servants on my eldest brother's wedding day, or to make a big wedding banquet and let all the guests see what a disrespectful mother my eldest brother has?" "

There was a buzzing sound all around.

Everyone was talking among themselves.

Awan was even laughing loudly in the crowd.

"Does this lady have a grudge against General Wen? The new daughter-in-law has not yet married, but she has already started a fight. Does she have to ruin General Wen's wedding before she will give up?"

"A femme fatale woman is nothing more than that."

Her voice is beautiful and outstanding.

It immediately attracted a lot of echoing laughter.

There was an old grudge between Jin and Qi, so when they got the opportunity, a group of Jin women would stab her in the back with acrimony.

Mrs. Chen was once again subjected to such humiliation. She was so angry that her blood surged with hatred. Her mind went blank. She pointed at Feng Yun and shouted angrily.

"Unfilial daughter, kneel down!"

"Kneel down!" (End of Chapter)

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