Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 524: The wedding comes unexpectedly

Time seems to be frozen in this moment.

There was a smile on Feng Yun's lips, a hint of depression spread from his eyes, and he was in perfect confrontation with Mrs. Chen, who was glaring angrily.

"No matter what kind of princess you are, as long as your surname is Feng and you are Feng Jingting's daughter, today, you have to call me mother, Feng Twelve Niang, why don't you kneel down and admit your mistake!"

Mrs. Chen was so angry that she had long forgotten what Feng Jingting told her last night.

In order to save her dignity, she even ignored the occasion and didn't care that it was her son's wedding.

"Okay." Feng Yun's expression did not change at all. He slowly raised one hand and took off the jade bracelet from his wrist.

High, raised in front of everyone.

"Then I will break off the engagement in public today."

There was a snap.

The jade bracelet fell from a height and broke into two pieces.

"Feng and I have bracelets like this..."

"Twelve mothers! No!" Feng Jingting hurried over and saw this scene.

With a tight throat, he loudly interrupted Feng Yun's words, ran forward in three steps and two steps, bent down to pick up the jade bracelet, clasped it tightly in his palm, and stared at Feng Yun with red eyes.

"How can we act rashly if our ancestors are above us?"

Feng Yun smiled and said nothing.

"The grace of life can never be broken in this life." Feng Jingting said quietly, looking at Feng Yun angrily, then slowly turning sideways and glaring fiercely at Mrs. Chen.

"Have you had enough trouble?"

Mrs. Chen was so angry that her chest heaved and her breathing became uneven.

"Don't you see? It was she who bullied me. She is your good daughter. She embarrassed me in public and made me, a mother, unable to stand down..."

"Shut up!" Feng Jingting was furious, but he was most concerned about his face. He couldn't say something harsh in front of so many people.

"Ms. Chen, think about what day it is today."

Before his voice fell, he raised his hands and apologized to the guests around him.

"My son is getting married. Thank you all for coming to congratulate me. Madam, I am making a joke. I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

"Feng Jingting!" Mrs. Chen burst into tears. Seeing that he not only refused to speak up for her, but also put all the blame on herself, her face turned pale with anger.

"Where has your heart gone?"

Feng Jingting turned around, his eyes passed over her coldly, and he showed a forced smile.

"Let's go and talk about it when we get back."

What Mrs. Chen wanted to say, she swallowed the rest of her words when she saw his eyes.

After being together for so many years, they were an old married couple. She knew who Feng Jingting was...

Cowardly and soft-tempered, he retreats when trouble comes and always makes peace with others.

But that look just now was cold and cruel.

It was so cruel that she was a little scared...

Feng Jingting strode ahead, Chen glared at Feng Yun fiercely, followed and left.

Feng Yun smiled slightly.

He took the handkerchief, wiped his lips gently, sat back, and greeted the female guests without changing his expression, as if nothing had happened.

Pei Yuan nodded secretly in her heart.

This sister-in-law can handle the situation.

She somewhat understood why Pei Ran married Feng Yun, and subconsciously, she also hoped that her daughter-in-law would be such a woman...

Thinking about it at the beginning, she felt a little pity.

If she had allowed Xiao Qi to invite her...

No, no, no, what are you thinking about?

Pei Yuan quickly stopped and smiled knowingly at Feng Yun.

"You are such a difficult stepmother."

Feng Yun smiled softly, "Yes. It's a pity that a good bracelet was lost."

The two people were talking and laughing, completely unaware that at the other end of the courtyard, Pei Madang was standing by the window with his hands behind his hands, and Ao Qi was standing behind him.

"Why would my uncle rather inform Feng Jingting than stand up for my aunt?"

Ao Qi said angrily, hating Mrs. Chen for bullying Feng Yun in public.

If it weren't for his identity, he would have just rushed out.

Pei Ran's expression was cold, and he looked at Feng Yun, who was chatting and laughing, expressionlessly.

"I went, and I am also a junior."

There are many guests today, and most of them are relatives of aristocratic families. Most of these people have some outdated ideas.

Among the Five Ethics and Eight Virtues, filial piety comes first.

Speaking ill of one's parents is a grave sin.

Parents are angry and scold you, and you must not disobey it.

Even if the elders are wrong, the younger generation cannot resist...

In full view of everyone, even if he could take down the Chen family in public regardless of other people's opinions, he could not ignore Wen Xingsu...

That was Wen Xingsu's biological mother.

Today is his wedding.

What could be better than letting Feng Jingting handle it?

He just asked someone to tell Feng Jingting "take care of yourself", and Feng Jingting knew what to do.

Ao Qi rubbed his ears.

"That's what uncle said..."

He quietly glanced at Pei Man's side face and said in a low voice: "I used to offend my uncle a lot, which is unfilial to say the least."

Pei Ran turned around and spoke in a very light tone.

"no more chance."

Ao Qi: "...Yes."


By noon, the news of Qi Jun's sudden illness spread among the guests.

Xiao Cheng came all the way from Taicheng to attend the banquet, which can be said to have given Wen Xingsu enough dignity, but now that he is ill and unable to attend the wedding banquet, it is also embarrassing.

When there are many people, the mouths become mixed.

There is everything you can say about Qi Jun's illness.

Feng Yun listened, smiled, and said nothing.

Unexpectedly, Feng Ying will come looking for her.

Completely different from the domineering appearance of her mother, Mrs. Chen, Feng Ying's personality is very similar to Feng Jingting's. She is soft-spoken, soft-spoken, and holding Feng Zhen, the youngest daughter of the Feng family, on her hand.

Seeing Feng Yun, Feng Zhen obediently called her eldest sister.

Feng Ying also saluted and said hello.

Even if Feng Yun didn't like this situation, it would be hard to embarrass her in public.

"Concubine Feng has something to do with me?"

The sound of "Feng Fei" made Feng Ying extremely embarrassed.

A few years ago, people all over the world said that she would be Queen Qi and her mother would honor the world.

But now, she is just a concubine who does not sleep with her, not Xiao Cheng's queen.

Feng Ying pursed her lips and lowered her curtain hat.

"I'm here to apologize to my sister on behalf of my mother... Mother... was angry at the servants and heard some unsavory gossip. She felt angry in her heart. She shouldn't be angry at my sister..."

Feng Yun couldn't help but sneer in his heart.

Feng Ying has this ability, using the softest and gentlest tone to put all the blame on others.

If she said she was apologizing, wouldn't she still be saying that she failed to restrain her servants and made them behave without rules? Isn't it the following fault?

The servants in Wen's house were all arranged by Feng Yun.

"There's no need to apologize." Feng Yun held a cup of tea in his hand, looked at her with a smile, and said slowly: "What happened today is partly my fault."

Feng Ying was startled.

When did Feng Yun change his temper?

He then heard her continue: "Mrs. Chen is my eldest brother's biological mother. She also wants to fulfill her responsibilities as a mother. How can I deprive her of her?"

Feng Ying's face darkened slightly.

Every word sounded beautiful, but the more she listened, the more flustered she became.

Sure enough, Feng Yun finished praising Mrs. Chen's motives and then said:

"I will ask someone to calculate the expenses required for this big wedding later. I will not let my wife's love for a mother go away."

Feng Ying's expression changed.

You actually want them to pay again?

"What?" Feng Yun's voice was clear and slightly elevated, "When it comes to money, doesn't Mrs. Chen not want to be your mother?"

The guests around him all looked over.

Feng Ying forced a smile and said, "What sister said is that you should bear the responsibility."

Feng Yun curled his lips slightly and sat calmly, "Drink tea."

Let alone drinking tea, even if the delicacies from the mountains and seas are placed in front of her, Feng Ying can't eat even a little bit.

"Sister, I have one more unkind favor."

Feng Yun glanced at her lightly, "If you don't want to invite me, then don't invite me..."

Feng Ying choked.

The face under the curtain slowly turned red.

He looked aggrieved and choked up.

"Sister, go and see His Majesty. He fell ill after returning from your village yesterday..."

Feng Yun: "I'm not a doctor."

Feng Ying bit her lip and said, "I heard that there is a Dr. Yao in your village who has excellent medical skills. Can you... please ask him to come out?"

Feng Yun didn't even look at her, and spoke calmly under countless scrutinizing eyes.

"First, Doctor Yao is not from my village. Second, he is not old. If Concubine Feng wants to find a doctor, she can go to the medical studio next door."

Feng Ying hesitated and bowed deeply to her.

"Thanks for the advice, sister."

She came to show her kindness, but then left in dejection.

He left a talking point for the female guests present, letting everyone know that Xiao Cheng fell ill after coming to Nagato, and then found a legitimate reason to invite Dr. Yao...

I have to say that she is more thoughtful than her mother.

All day long, Huaxi was immersed in the excitement of the wedding. The music of silk, bamboo and drums is endless.

At dusk, ritual music plays.

"The bride has arrived!"

A procession of brides and grooms playing music and playing brought Puyang Ripple over from the Taiping Garden in Andu City, followed by an endless stream of dowries, more than a hundred of them, like a jubilant giant dragon, from the east end of the village to Wen Zhai. Attracting countless people to watch.

Feng Yun stood in the crowd at the gate of the mansion, watching his eldest brother riding a tall horse with a smile on his face and a high-spirited look as he ushered the sedan to stop in front of the gate.

Laughter intertwined together, extremely festive.

Puyang Ripple covered her face with a mandarin duck fan and got off the sedan shyly.

At this moment, Feng Yun's heart suddenly felt complete.

The eldest brother is married.

Breaking the fate of the previous life, there will be long-lasting happiness and health in the future...

"Madam." A low voice from behind reached her ears.

Feng Yun felt his sleeves being pulled.

She turned around and saw Xiaoman's pale face.

Feng Yun was shocked, "What's wrong?"

Xiao Man glanced ahead.

The bride was being welcomed into the gate, children were playing among the crowd, and cheers were heard from time to time inside and outside Wen's house.

She bit her lower lip, as if she was afraid of bumping into something, and pulled Feng Yun further away. Then she held back her tears and said in a trembling voice:

"Awan is dead...Awan is gone..." (End of this chapter)

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