Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 525 A Fog

Xiaoman's words were like a bolt from the blue.

Feng Yun couldn't recover for a moment.


She turned her head, "What do you think happened to Awan?"

Xiao Man choked up and said, "He's dead. Madam, go and have a look."

Not injured or sick, but dead...

No more energy.

A straw mat covered his body, lying on the grass outside the wall of Zhuangzi.

For fear of getting into bad luck in Zhuangzi, Awan was not even carried in or returned to the place where she lived.

Several servants were nearby, sighing.

He said that Awan was an unlucky person. Seeing that his life was getting better, it suddenly disappeared...

Feng Yun turned the corner, and the servants lowered their heads.


Feng Yun said nothing and approached with a white face.

Several servants couldn't help but hold their breath.

Feng Yun stopped next to Awan's body and said, "Open the straw mat and let me have a look."

Sister-in-law Xu from Xing Bing's family frowned when she heard this, "Madam, I'd better not look at it, it's so scary..."

Feng Yun: "Let me take a look."

She raised her voice, and Sister-in-law Xu was startled.

The Buqu next to him quickly opened the straw mat...

Feng Yun slowly squatted down.

Awan was still wearing new clothes prepared for the banquet. They were bright colors and wet from head to toe. Combined with that face and the stench emanating from the straw mat, Feng Yun's expression changed almost instantly.

"Where did you find it?"

Sister-in-law Xu said: "Reservoir..."

There is a large area of ​​land outside Changmenzhuang. Many reservoirs of different sizes have been dug for irrigation. The excrement produced in the village and the water from the stove will be poured into them for fertilization, and the smell is very unpleasant.

Because the water reservoirs are relatively deep and have bamboo and wood grass covers on them, villagers will also warn their children not to play near the water reservoirs...

Therefore, a place with a reservoir is a restricted area for children.

"Who discovered it?" Feng Yun asked again.

A man named Huang Gong said: "He is a villain."

Feng Yun looked at him.

He was so nervous that his shoulders and back were tense, "Today the village is full of people inside and outside, the latrines are very crowded, and the villain is a little he ran out to find a hiding place for convenience, and saw a bamboo pole inserted diagonally into the reservoir. After I put it down, the lid was turned over, so I took another look inside..."

Feng Yun slowly bent down, took Awan's hand, and looked at his face again.

Sister-in-law Xu looked at her expressionless face, as if she wasn't afraid at all, and her whole body felt numb.

"I asked them to bring two loads of clean water and wash it for Lady Wan, but the smell still cannot be suppressed..."

She paused and asked: "Today happens to be General Wen's special day. We dare not make any arbitrary decisions... Madam, please tell me what to do..."

"Report to the official." Feng Yun's voice was cold and emotionless.

"Awan died innocently and in vain. It is up to the government to decide."

Aunt Xu was stunned for a moment, "Didn't Awan... slip and fall?"

Feng Yun looked at Awan's face, then carefully looked at her mouth, nose, and eyes.

"She was thrown away after she died."

Aunt Xu was startled.

How can this be seen?

Feng Yun said: "There are no stains in her mouth."

Aunt Xu took a deep breath and asked, "Do you know how to do an autopsy?"

"There is no need for an autopsy. If a person slips and falls, he will definitely call for help before drowning... How can anyone not open his mouth?"

"Yes." Everyone suddenly realized.

Aunt Xu was about to ask the servant beside her to report to the official, but Feng Yun stopped her.

"Xiaoman, go to General Wen's house and quietly call Magistrate He. Remember, don't disturb the wedding banquet."

Xiaoman's voice was slightly astringent, with a cry in it, "Here."

Magistrate He is He Chuandong.

In the early spring of this year, he had just been promoted to the county magistrate of Anren County under the jurisdiction of Andu County. The new official took office three times, and it was he who should decide this case.

Coupled with the fact that Feng Yun is such a country gentleman, it's enough.

Xiaoman left quickly and came back quickly.

Behind her, in addition to He Chuandong and Wen Hui, Andu County Governor Shi Wentai also followed.

Several people hurried over, but before they arrived, Wen Hui was already crying.

"Awan and I were eating at the same table at noon. Why, it was just after dusk when he left. What on earth is going on..."

Xiao Man walked over to comfort her.

Then the two of them held their heads and cried.

Feng Yun looked at Shi Wentai and He Chuandong, and his voice was somewhat uncontrollably low.

"The Lord of the Prefecture, Lord of the County, Awan was killed."

Shi Wentai walked to the corpse with a sullen face and frowned.

He Chuandong used to do some chores in the county with his father He Qia in Andu County. He had been exposed to many cases. He looked at the condition of the body and nodded.

"What the princess said is absolutely true. Lady Wan was abandoned in the reservoir after her death."

Aunt Xu said: "Not only did he abandon the body, he also wanted to pretend to be Awan and drown himself..."

Feng Yun said: "It's also possible that someone came before the other party had time to cover it up."

He Chuandong said nothing, and went to the reservoir where Awan was found with Shi Wentai, and quickly agreed with their statement.

If the murderer wanted to hide the body, he would put the lid back on the reservoir.

Then at least it won't be discovered until next year's spring plowing.

When the lid was opened, the bamboo pole was inserted into the pit. Either he ran away in a hurry before destroying the traces, or as Aunt Xu said, he wanted people to mistakenly think that Awan fell by himself...

He Chuandong said: "General Wen is having a wedding party. It is inconvenient to cause a stir. I will send someone to take the body back to the county office for inspection first, and then arrest the murderer. What do you think, Madam?"

"Okay. But be quick." Feng Yun raised his head and glanced at him and Shi Wentai. "If it's too late, I'm afraid it will be difficult to chase the murderer if he leaves Andu."

He Chuandong discerned some hidden meanings from her words.

"Princess, you mean...the murderer is among the guests?"

Feng Yun hesitated for a moment and said with an ominous tone: "I mean there are many guests today. If there is a traitor among them, it will be difficult for them to be discovered."

He Chuandong nodded.

She added: "I have been in office for such a long time, so it's time for me to perform my duties properly. Lord, don't worry, Nagato will fully cooperate."

These days, all affairs in the village are handled by Xing Bingzai. Although Feng Yun has been informed, he has always been the one doing the talking.

Xing Bing only found Feng Yun after Awan's body was taken away.

The first moment the body was discovered, he led a group of subordinates to explore around Nagato.


"Madam, I didn't find anyone suspicious..."

Huaxi usually has people coming and going, but there is a patrol team in the village, and every villager is a ready-made spy. Anyone who is unfamiliar with the village cannot escape the sight of the villagers.

But today is so special...

Huaxi is full of new faces.

The guests at the banquet, plus their servants, were surrounded by strangers.

Xing Bing said in embarrassment: "I don't know where to start..."

His position was too low, his power was limited, and it was difficult to just bring in a customer to interrogate him, so he was completely clueless.

Feng Yun said: "Then let's start from ourselves."

Xing Bing glanced at her and cupped his hands, "Here."

Nagato's concubines who were close to Awan were called out one by one for questioning.

According to the chronological order they explained, it was quickly confirmed——

The last person to see Awan was Tu Lan.

"When I was going to Wen's house from Changmen, I saw Awan sneaking towards Zhuangzi's back. I was a little curious, so I followed him..."

Because of Puyang Zong's relationship, Tu Lan pays great attention to Awan.

Feng Yun asked: "What did you see?"

Tu Lan curled her lips and said, "She found out about me, she scolded me, and I came back."

Feng Yun stared at her and said nothing.

The look in his eyes made Tu Lan tremble with fright, and he almost lost half his life.

"Madam... I tell the truth, I dare not deceive you..."

"If there is even one false word in your mouth, I will skin you."

"I don't dare, I don't dare, what I said is all the truth..."

Feng Yun did not tell these concubines about Awan's death, nor did he say why he asked. After Tu Lan finished speaking, he saw her expression was cold and solemn, her eyes were full of anger, and she looked like a talkative woman. He smiled and leaned closer and asked:

"Madam, what kind of shameful thing did Awan do that Madam discovered?"

Feng Yun looked at her gloating and his eyelids drooped slightly.

Suddenly: "Awan is gone."


Tu Lan was stunned. After confirming what Feng Yun meant by "gone", he took a deep breath, covered his face with a handkerchief, and shed tears.

"Although I hate her for robbing people and having conflicts with me, I never expected that she would be so miserable..."

Feng Yun couldn't bear to hear the word "misfortune" and waved her down.

Tu Lan sniffed and nodded, took two steps, and then stopped.

Feng Yun looked at her expression and said, "What? Have you remembered?"

Tu Lan slowly raised his head and looked at Feng Yun with a strange expression. He seemed to have something to say, but was afraid to say it. His eyes were sticky...

Feng Yun: "Want me to reiterate it again?"

"No, no, no, I said." Tu Lan curled his lips and tears fell again.

"When I went to Wen's house, I happened to see the prince... going to Nagato..."

Puyangyi's house is close to Wen Xingsu.

Close enough to give a shout and you can agree.

Today is the wedding of his biological sister. Puyang Zong is sending her off to get married. He is supposed to go to Wen's house to hold a wedding banquet. What should he do in Nagato...

After Tu Lan finished speaking, he seemed to realize something was wrong again and quickly added.

"There are times when the county prince goes to Changmen to find his wife...I'm not saying that he goes to Changmen, but to meet Awan privately...Awan's death must have nothing to do with the county prince..."

Feng Yun: "It's irrelevant. It's not just a matter of words."

After questioning everyone who might have come into contact with Awan, Feng Yun returned to Wen's house.

Because of Feng Yun's silence, some of the guests at the wedding banquet knew that something had happened to Nagato, but no one thought about the human life lawsuit. More people, on the other hand, knew nothing about it and were chatting at the table and teasing the groom.

The bride has been sent to the bridal chamber.

Wen Xingsu went to the table to toast with a smile on his face.

Even the Feng family members are no different from usual.

Mrs. Chen is in a bad mood today and is training her youngest son Feng Liang.

Feng Ying sat quietly on the table, coaxing Feng Zhen and her mother.

Feng Jingting seized this rare opportunity and sat with several Jin officials, drinking and talking.

Their servants also perform their duties, and there is no difference...

When Feng Yun was looking for clues just now, the focus was on asking about the movements of Feng's family.

Awan has no enemies in Huaxi, the only person he offends is Chen.

Therefore, Feng Yun subconsciously believed that they were the murderers, or that the murderers were among them.

However, the result left her in a fog.

The Feng family, including the servants, have been staying in the Wen residence since they left Changmen. No one has seen them go out, nor have they seen them contact Awan...

One person can lie.

It is difficult for a group of people to lie.

Feng Yun walked around the female guests' seats, and found nothing unusual on Feng Ying and Mrs. Chen's faces, so she went to the male guests' seats.

Pei Jue sat at the top.

When Feng Yun walked over, Puyang Zong happened to look up.

Their eyes collided in the air, Feng Yun stared at him, and Puyang Zong gave her a smile.

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