Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 526: Confusing

Pei Jue didn't expect her to come over, and his eyebrows raised inadvertently.

"Is there something?"

Feng Yun's lips curled up slightly, "Nothing."

Someone immediately placed the bowls, chopsticks, tables and chairs next to Pei Jue, and Feng Yun sat down.

"It's boring to sit over there, come and join in the fun."

Puyang Zong was the groom's brother-in-law and the prince of Dajin, so he sat at the main table, next to Pei Jue, and smiled when he heard the voice.

"The king and the princess are so loving, and others are envious."

Feng Yun looked at him, "The prince and the princess are also a handsome man and a beautiful woman."

Puyang Zong saw that Feng Yun was serious, and couldn't help showing a little embarrassment.

"Thank you, princess."

Feng Yun smiled, didn't say anything, and didn't stare at him, but casually observed the people at the wedding banquet.

Pei Jue glanced at her and was also silent.

After a while, Wen Xingsu came back.

He was not good at drinking normally, but today he was coaxed into drinking a lot. Not only were his cheeks flushed and he looked a little drunk, but his ears and eyes were also red.

"Excuse me, excuse me."

"Everyone, drink slowly..."

He walked and greeted the guests until he came to Pei Jue and saw Feng Yun.

"Yao Yao... why are you here?"

Feng Yun chuckled, "Brother, are you drunk? How can I not come to your wedding?"

Wen Xingsu curled his lips, waved his sleeves, and sat down.

"I didn't see you at the wedding ceremony just now, where did you go?"

Feng Yun smiled, "There was something going on in the farm, so I went back."

Wen Xingsu snorted and laughed, "Brother is getting married, and you were delayed by something, you should be punished!"

He personally filled a glass of wine for Feng Yun, pushed it in front of him, and turned to look at Pei Jue.

"You don't mind, my king?"

Pei Jue glanced at Feng Yun indifferently, "Let her."

"You should drink it." Feng Yun picked it up, tilted his neck, and drank it all in one gulp.

Today was her eldest brother's wedding. She didn't want to spoil the fun and wanted to act happy, but Awan's death was like a huge rock pressing on her heart, making her feel a little breathless and unable to laugh.

When she laughed, she thought of the fear on Awan's face.

She couldn't help but wonder what she had experienced before her death...

Wen Xingsu noticed her emotions and laughed.

"Are you unhappy that my eldest brother is getting married?"

Feng Yun heard his joke and pulled the corner of her mouth helplessly.

"How could that be? You must treat my sister-in-law well after waiting for a long time."

Wen Xingsu looked at her and smiled softly, "Of course."

The conversation between the two was a bit teasing. There was nothing wrong at first, but when Pei Jue heard it, it clearly had something...

If Feng Yun had a man in her heart.

It must be Wen Xingsu.

Especially when they both knew that they were reborn, Wen Xingsu's fate in the previous life would inevitably jump into his mind at an inappropriate time - such as now.

Pei Cong looked at Feng Yun with a deep look.

Feng Yun responded to him indifferently, with a complicated look.

Puyang Zong felt uncomfortable sitting there, so he stood up and bowed, "I'll take my leave for a moment, enjoy your meal."

As soon as he left, Wen Xingsu was called away again.

There was no one else around, so Pei Cong asked, "What happened?"

"It can't escape the king's eyes." There was an inexplicable chill in Feng Yun's calm tone, "Awan is gone. He was killed."

"Awan?" Pei Cong obviously couldn't remember such a person.

Feng Yun looked at him.

This man really doesn't care about his concubines.

"People in my manor."

Pei Cong nodded knowingly.

"Do you suspect Puyang Zong?"

Such a meticulous observation.

However, Feng Yun shook her head, "I suspect anyone."

She briefly talked about the information she had received before, and added the news brought by Daman.

"I also suspect that there are spies of Xiao Cheng in Pei Mansion."

As they were talking, someone came to toast Pei Jue. People were coming and going at the banquet from time to time, so it was not very convenient to talk. Feng Yun glanced at Pei Jue, then said goodbye and stopped Puyang Zong in the courtyard.

"Please stay, my lord. I have something I want to ask you."

Puyang Zong straightened his sleeves, walked closer and saluted her, "Princess, you can say anything."

Feng Yun said, "Have you seen A Wan today?"

Puyang Zong's eyelids trembled.

He looked directly at Feng Yun, observing her eyebrows and eyes, and shook his head.

"I didn't see Miss Wan, but..."

He spoke slowly, and his expression was very hesitant.

Feng Yun asked, "But what?"

Puyang Zong looked a little uncomfortable in the face of her cold eyes.

"Why did the princess suddenly ask her?"

Feng Yun looked at him for a moment, "A Wan can't be found..."

"Can't be found? What's going on?"

Puyang Zong was startled, and his panic was really unfaithful.

Next, without waiting for Feng Yun to ask, he spilled the beans and told everything at once.

"I did see Miss Wan, she walked alone from the path outside the wall of Changmen Manor to the back. I wanted to follow her and say a few words to her... The princess knew that I would return to Xijing in two days. If I didn't say goodbye, there would be no other opportunity..."

"Then what?" Feng Yun asked.

"Later I found out that Miss Wan seemed to go there for convenience... I was afraid of offending the beauty, so I quickly retreated..."

Feng Yun asked about the time and place in detail.

It was exactly the same as what Tu Lan said.

Puyang Zong seemed to be completely unaware that Awan had been in trouble. When he finished speaking, he saw that Feng Yun did not react, and his face was slightly anxious.

"I didn't see her when the newlyweds visited the church. I was still wondering why someone who usually loves to liven things up wasn't there... Princess, have you searched carefully in the village? How could a living person just disappear after saying she didn't see her? Could it be that she met her when she met her? Are you a kidnapper?"

Feng Yun stared at him for a long time.

Finally, I couldn't bear it.

He is in love with Awan, even a fool can see that.

But he also restrained his emotions and did not use his power to suppress others or force Awan to do anything...

"Awan is gone."

Like Wen Hui and the others, she had not found the love that belonged to her, nor had she realized her dream of making a lot of money, so she died in such an unexplained way.

Not a good background.

Not a good death either.

If Feng Yun didn't stand up for her, no relatives would even come to pay her respects.

Her existence will soon be erased and forgotten.

"How can it be so difficult for women in this world to live..."

She said quietly, not expecting an answer.

As for Puyang Zong, he was unable to answer anything at this moment.

His whole body was sluggish, his face turned pale, and he stood stiffly, without making a sound for a long time...


You can't hide someone's death.

The subordinate officials of Andu County were secretly investigating in Huaxi, and the news about the death in Changmen gradually spread to everyone.

After decades of war, it is no longer unusual for people to die. What is rare is that today, it is the beautiful concubine of Feng Yun's village who died.

All of a sudden there was nothing to gossip about.

Especially Mrs. Chen, after hearing the news of Awan's death, she changed her previous attitude of scolding and lecturing others. She felt refreshed and put on a smile whenever she saw people.

He even walked up to Feng Yun specifically.

"I heard that bitch died?"

Her words were pressed in her throat, and she had a smile on her face, acting like a loving mother.

Others couldn't hear the sound and thought she had taken the initiative to come to Feng Yun to reconcile, regardless of the past grievances.

"A lowly concubine dares to speak rudely. Even God can't stand it. Twelve Mothers, how long do you have to worry about... I am your mother. I don't have the gift of birth, but I also have the affection of nurturing. You Please stop being disobedient and unfilial, lest you follow in the footsteps of this cheap servant..."

Feng Yun looked at her coldly, "What if I don't? Are you going to kill me too?"

Mrs. Chen was startled and laughed out loud.

"You, just like your own mother, are full of bad ideas. Are you still thinking about digging a hole for me? What sweet dream are you having? Her death has nothing to do with me. I have good intentions and am afraid that you will disobey ethics and suffer consequences. Retribution, I just want to give you a few words..."

When Feng Yun didn't answer, he hummed again, then raised the volume and said softly:

"If you continue to resent me, we are also a family. Even if your bones are broken but your tendons are still connected, I will harm you... Twelve Mother, please stop listening to those words that sow discord. Your father and I feel the most sorry for you. You, I am considerate of you. Even if you beat your elders and speak harshly, we will always be tolerant and tolerant. It’s time for you to change your temper..."

Feng Yun just looked at her.

Listen to her say such vile words with such a big face.

Suddenly a smile.

"Okay, I'll change it. I will definitely treat you well."

Feng Yun didn't want to give his eldest brother an incomplete wedding banquet, so he suppressed his emotions and waited until he came out of the bridal chamber, then stopped smiling and changed his expression.

"No one from the Feng family is allowed to leave Huaxi until the matter is investigated."

Xing Bing responded, "Here."

There was no need for Pei Madang to send troops, just Nagato's troops were enough to prevent the Feng family from leaving Huaxi.


As He Chuandong investigates, things become more and more bizarre.

The Feng family, whom Feng Yun suspected the most, had no time to commit the crime.

As Feng Yun found out, no one left Wen's house that afternoon until Awan's body was discovered.

He Chuandong said to Feng Yun: "It involves the diplomatic relations between the two countries. If there is no evidence, we cannot arrest or interrogate anyone in the Feng family, including the servants, because of suspicion..."

Feng Yun looked at him, "Was Awan's death in vain?"

He Chuandong frowned, "In my opinion, the possibility of the Feng family killing Lady Wan is extremely low. Is it possible that the murderer is someone else?"

Someone else?

If there was no deep hatred, why would he take her life and then push her into a smelly reservoir after her death? Why was Awan's facial expression so frightening before he died?

Feng Yun firmly believed that this incident was related to Awan's scolding Mrs. Chen.

"Okay, since the law can't cure them, I will cure them."


He bowed his hands and saluted.

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