Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 528: Heart and Mind

At dusk, Feng Yun didn't see Pei Mad, and then he remembered that he had such a husband.

She asked Ye Chuang to ask.

Went to camp.

As soon as she felt relieved, her attendants came.

"Your Majesty went to Andu Mansion and will come back later. Madam, you don't have to wait for food."

The Andu Mansion that the attendant pointed to was the house Feng Yun had originally prepared for the Pei family.

Pei Yuan lives there.

This time she brought her two children to attend Wen Xingsu's wedding. She was not in a hurry to go back and planned to stay in Andu for a while.

But what is Pei Ran going to do at this time?

Still carrying her?

Feng Yun was silent for a moment and asked Alou to prepare the car.

"My eldest sister has come all the way, so I should go and keep her company."

Ah Lou responded and went down.

Feng Yun called Xing Bing again and gave instructions expressionlessly.

"Keep an eye on Wen's house. If there is any trouble, report it immediately."

Xing Bing cupped his hand and said, "I understand."

The Feng family still stays in Huaxi.

After Xiao Cheng suddenly fell ill that day, the imperial doctor said that Qi Jun's body should not be overworked, and it was best to recuperate for a few days before setting off back to Taicheng.

Wen Zhai invited Yao Ru over to diagnose Xiao Cheng's illness and treat Feng Ying's face.

Therefore, after Wen Xingsu returned home from the Three Dynasties, he lived with Puyang Yi in the "Yi Garden" next door, and gave up the huge Wen residence to Xiao Cheng and the Feng family.

Puyang Yi was a new bride, and she was spoiled by the eldest princess in her parents' family. She was already nervous about getting along with this annoying mother-in-law, but Wen Xingsu did this and almost saved her life...

Save time and relax, no need to face greetings.

Puyangyi felt more and more that she was the right person to marry, and her feelings for Wen Xingsu were growing day by day. She wished that everyone in the world knew how happy she was...

As soon as Feng Yun went out in the carriage, he saw her coming from the other side, with a few servants, her steps were light, her face was red, and she looked very good.

Feng Yun let out a long sigh of relief.

It seems that the eldest brother's marriage is very happy.

"Ayun, where are you going?"

Pu Yangyi saw her carriage and shouted from a distance.

Feng Yun held up the curtain and said with a smile: "Andu. Go see my eldest aunt."

Puyang Yi let out a sigh, showing disappointment.

"He also said he came to talk to you."

Feng Yun asked: "Sister-in-law, is there something urgent?"

Pu Yangyi shook his head, with a shy look on his face, "It's nothing, just... Oh, let's wait until you come back. I'll see you tomorrow."

Feng Yun smiled softly and lowered the curtain.


Although Feng Yun bought the mansion in Andu County from someone else, she renovated it and bought a lot of things. Tables, chairs, beds and screens were all made of fine wood. It was obvious at a glance that a lot of money had been spent. thought.

Pei Ran had never noticed this before.

I went to the house today and looked inside and outside, and became even more silent.

Pei Yuan looked a little uncertain as she walked around silently.

"Brother, what on earth are you looking for?"

Pei Ran: "Sister, look, how much is this house worth?"

Pei Yuan was shocked when she heard him ask this question.

"What are you going to do? But you are short of money? Let me tell you, this is a house purchased by your wife, and you can't mess around..."

Watching his frown getting tighter, Pei Yuan sighed again.

"Tell me, how much is missing? My eldest sister will find a way for you."

Pei Ran: "I'm not selling the house. I want to buy it."

"Buy?" Pei Yuan couldn't figure it out even more, "Why buy a house?"

Pei Ran sat down with a cold eyebrow and a solemn look on his face, "As a regent, I don't even have a royal palace. When I married Yun Niang, not to mention Shili Hongzhuang, the betrothal gift was only twelve tons, and I used it all to change into winter clothes... …”

He had never thought about this matter seriously before, nor did he think it was very important, but now that he thought about it carefully, cold sweat ran down his spine.

Not to mention Wen Xingsu and Puyang Yi, let’s talk about Xiao Cheng marrying Feng Yun in his previous life...

That's the gift of a queen.

How grand and solemn it must be to worship ancestors for divination, accept betrothal gifts, welcome brochures, gold seals and treasures, and phoenix crowns and sedan chairs...

What about him?

At the beginning, we lost everything in the battle of Bingzhou, which is not worthy of being called shabby.

That wedding is child's play.

"After all, I owe her something."

Pei Yuan laughed and said, "Are you going to make up for the big gift for your sister-in-law? I think this matter is left to the eldest sister and I will take care of it."

Pei Madang looked up at her, "No money."

Pei Yuan was stunned and looked at him suspiciously.

"I remember that you have some property in your hands. Where is the money? Did you give it to your sister-in-law?"

Pei Ran nodded.

Pei Yuan immediately beamed.

"Then what else is there to say? You are trusting me with all your wealth, and it is no more valuable than a betrothal gift? Besides, our Pei family is not poor either. My father has saved some wealth. From now on, it won't all be yours..."

Pei Ran: "You don't understand."

Pei Yuan was happy.

What doesn't she understand...

Doesn’t it mean that a man’s self-esteem is frustrated if he doesn’t give his wife a decent wedding?

"How about I write to my father and ask him to think of a solution? My father will definitely be happy to pay for it."

Pei Madang was silent for a moment, "Just say I borrowed it. When the treasury is full, I can pay back my money and then return it to him."

Last time, Pei Ran donated the general's palace in Andu to the imperial court to expand the emperor's palace. Of course, he could get the money back in exchange for it.

Pei Yuan felt funny and sad to see him like this.


I sighed and couldn't help but laugh when I thought about it.

"Your daughter-in-law is not someone who values ​​these external things. In my opinion, the family fortune in her hands is not comparable to that of our ten Pei mansions..."

Pei Ran: "Then I can't just eat soft rice with peace of mind."

Eating soft food?

Pei Yuan couldn't help but laugh when she thought about his situation, and then Feng Yun's bright and assertive face. She couldn't help but smile from ear to ear.

There are probably not many people in this world who would believe that the majestic King Yonghuai would have such troubles, right?

"My sister-in-law is capable, and you are not bad either. Don't take it to heart."

Pei Yuan suppressed her smile and comforted him seriously.

Pei Madang didn't have any expression, obviously he didn't think the same as Pei Yuan.

"She is the chief historian of the palace, so she must be given a place where she can exercise her powers..."

The siblings discussed it.

In the end, they all agreed that buying a house is worse than building it yourself.

However, the land and houses in Andu are really valuable now. All in all, General Pei will be bleeding heavily this time...

"Madam, it's time to eat."

A soft and gentle voice came, like morning dewdrops sliding over lotus leaves, with a hint of intoxicating sweetness.

It's a golden pair.

Pei Yuan likes her voice very much.

She glanced at Pei Ran and said, "Let's go and eat."

Pei Ran hummed, and as soon as he got up, someone came from outside to report.

"The princess has come over and wants to see the king."

"Please." Pei Yuan smiled, glanced at Pei Madang and teased, "The young couple is really in love and cannot be separated for a moment."

Pei Ran didn't say anything, strode ahead, personally picked up Feng Yun, and went to the dining hall together.

Feng Yun did not come empty-handed. The servants carried many things, all for Pei Yuan.

"I just came to visit my eldest sister today, it's rude."

"Family, why are my sister-in-law so polite?" Pei Yuan took it with a smile and motioned to the maid to show the princess her seat.

"Let's serve."

The meals were served one after another.

Feng Yun glanced at Jin Shuang and Yin Shuang beside Pei Yuan.

Pei Yuan glanced sideways and said, "Go down, you don't need to wait here."

She was also a woman, and she guessed that Feng Yun didn't like Jin Shuang and Yin Shuang, who were too outstanding in appearance, walking around Pei Ran, so she gave them to her.

Unexpectedly, Feng Yun laughed when he heard it.

"It doesn't matter. The people around the eldest sister are used to serving, so there is no need to delay anything."

Pei Yuan was relieved to see her generosity.

She has a villainous heart. This sister-in-law really doesn't care.

The three of them sat down and ate their meals.

Jin Shuang and Yin Shuang waited beside them in a very polite manner. They didn't talk too much and didn't go out of their way. However, they were charming, their figures were soft and lovely, and they had similar faces. Anyone who saw them would inevitably want more. Take a few glances...

Pei Ran had always been silent, and today he was thinking about building the palace. He was a little distracted and didn't notice the beautiful scenery in front of him at all.

Feng Yun liked it and joked:

"Don't just focus on serving food to Madam. After all, I am also a savior, and you should come and serve me..."

Pei Yuan smiled angrily and said, "Look what you said. He is yours. If you want, he can be sent back to his house at any time."

Jin Shuang smiled slightly, approached cautiously, and bent down.

"The maid prepares the dishes for the princess."

A faint orchid fragrance came faintly.

Feng Yun glanced at Jin Shuang, smiled lightly, and then talked to Pei Yuan.

Jin Shuang put some food on her plate and walked to Pei Madang's side naturally.

"The maid prepares food for the king."

Pei Madang didn't know whether he heard it or not, his face was expressionless.

Jin Shuang leaned forward slightly and moved slightly. Every look and every movement was elegant and graceful, just like a dancer in a gluttonous feast. Just one look and you are fascinated.

She didn't seduce Pei Ran.

After picking up the vegetables, he stepped aside.

The proportion is just right.

But it was precisely this sense of proportion that made Feng Yun feel... this seduction was superb.

Only ordinary men are obsessed with lust, fascinated by beauties, and are at a loss what to do. How could a man like Pei Ran fall for the bait so easily? Therefore, if you want to seduce him, you must put more thought and means into it.

Feng Yun smiled.

"Your Majesty, is the tofu delicious?"

Pei Madang was just absent-minded, and when he heard the sound, he said, "I haven't tasted it."

Feng Yun looked at his dishes, "How about a taste?"

Pei Madang frowned when he found Jin Shuang standing nearby.

"I don't like tofu."

There was a hint of panic on Jin Shuang's face, "Your Majesty, please forgive me. The maid did not know your Majesty's preferences and made her own decisions..."

As she spoke, she walked closer and took her chopsticks again to pick up food for Pei Madang.

"No need." Pei Ran didn't like having someone waiting by his side while eating, "Just wait for the princess."

He's not the kind of person to talk to.

He looks handsome without losing any dignity.

Especially those cold eyes, one look at them can make people's hearts beat faster.

Jin Shuang also seemed a little afraid of him. He bit his lower lip, said "yes" and silently retreated behind Feng Yun.

Feng Yun pursed his lips slightly.

"Your Majesty, shall we stay at your residence for two days? I can accompany my eldest sister."

Pei Ran looked at her deeply.

When Feng Yun asked him if the tofu was delicious, he realized that there was something wrong with the woman.

However, he didn't ask or reveal it.

"According to your."

Feng Yun: Get out of the way, I'm going to turn it up...

Pei Ran: ...How old are you?

Feng Yun: Not as big as you.

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