Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 529: Husband and wife quarrel

The house was bought by Feng Yun, and it was their residence.

The courtyard was elegant and quiet, with complete supplies, so it was no problem to stay there for a few days.

But the couple had just returned to the courtyard for a while when they started to quarrel...

Others didn't know what they were quarreling about, but they could faintly hear Feng Yun crying in the courtyard.

When the news reached Pei Yuan, she was a little surprised, but she didn't come out to persuade them.

"Husband and wife quarrel at the head of the bed and make peace at the foot of the bed. Others should not interfere, and rest early."

She asked the maid to make the bed and prepare a bath, and coaxed the two little guys who wanted to join in the fun in their uncle's room to sleep. Just as she returned to the room to sleep, Feng Yun came over with red eyes.

Pei Yuan quickly put on her clothes and asked Jin Shuang to light the lamp and serve tea.

Her sister-in-law came to her to complain, and no matter how reluctant she was to get involved in her brother's family affairs, she had to greet her with a smile.

The curtain was opened, and the cold night wind rushed in.

Feng Yun had a gloomy face, and it was obvious that she had cried.

But she had always been a strong-willed person. When she saw Pei Yuan, she bowed gracefully and smiled decently.

"I'm here to bother you again, elder sister. Is it convenient?"

Pei Yuan smiled as soon as she saw her, "It's convenient. What happened? Did Ah Ji get angry?"

Feng Yun snorted and laughed, "Is it true? Forget it, I don't want to care about him. Let him go. I simply won't go back tonight and squeeze in with elder sister."

Seeing that she didn't take the initiative to talk about it, Pei Yuan didn't ask what the couple quarreled about, but just smiled and teased.

"Where is Ah Ji? Why don't I send someone to call him over and help you talk about him?"

Feng Yun's face sank, and she said dissatisfiedly:

"Why should elder sister care about her? In such a cold day, she doesn't want to stay in the house, but has to go to the waterside pavilion to cook wine around the stove? I think she has been married for a long time and is tired of me, her wife."

Pei Yuan was stunned for a moment and smiled for her brother.

"I think he is a little worried because of the recent busy official duties and the unrest in Xijing."

Xijing is uneasy, referring to the illness of Yuan Shangyi and Queen Mother Duan, and the power struggle between the old and new parties.

Although Yecheng has been recovered, if Pei Jue's Beiyong Army was not there, the grievances between the old and new parties would once again tear the Jin Dynasty apart.

Feng Yun lowered her eyes in dissatisfaction and sighed quietly.

"As women, you and I can't intervene in family and national affairs. But no matter how worried he is, he shouldn't vent his anger on me!"

Pei Yuan looked at her more.

This doesn't sound like what her sister-in-law would say.

And Pei Jue, how dare he vent his anger on his wife?


Pei Yuan smiled and said, "It's fun to sit around the stove and drink wine in this weather. Why don't you go and accompany him and talk? As a couple, it's better to talk and talk."

Feng Yun frowned, flicked his sleeves, and sat still, "Who wants to accompany him? Let's wait for him and his guards to drink slowly."

She took Pei Yuan's arm again and smiled, "I might as well stay here with my elder sister. It's more fun to talk about our women's words."

Pei Yuan had no choice but to comply.

"Okay, okay, we say what we want, but we can't let Ah Ji drink alone. Send him some side dishes and cook a pot of sobering soup. What do you think?"

Feng Yun said lazily, "My elder sister loves him the most."


The night is as deep as ink.

The bamboo curtains in the waterside pavilion are half-draped, and the gauze is graceful.

There is no light, and the red halo of the fire is like a flower blooming in the dark night, which is particularly eye-catching.

Pei Ji has his back to the waterside pavilion bridge, holding a cup in his hand, facing the lake, and drinking from time to time.

Zuo Zhong stood beside him, holding his sword, motionless.

There was no sound of talking, only the gurgling sound of the plum wine on the charcoal fire, and the aroma of wine filled the air.

Footsteps were heard from the waterside bridge.

There was a swaying lantern on the bridge, shining on the faces of Jin Shuang and Yin Shuang.

Zuo Zhong glanced sideways.

Seeing them coming over, he frowned slightly.

"Miss, stop."

Jin Shuang bowed slightly to him.

"Brother Zuo, I am here to serve wine and food to the general on the orders of the lady."

Zuo Zhong said, "Does the lady know?"

Yin Shuang smiled and said, "The princess is talking in the lady's courtyard."

Zuo Zhong nodded, walked a few steps outside, went down the waterside pavilion, and extended his hand to them.

"Give it to me."

Jin Shuang was about to present the food box, but when he glanced at the lonely figure in the waterside pavilion, he lowered his eyes and said to Zuo Zhong:

"The side dishes are greasy, I'm afraid they will dirty Brother Zuo's hands..."

She had a beautiful face, and her clear eyes seemed to contain a deep lake, which was easy to fascinate people...

Zuo Zhong's eyes moved slightly.

He made way.

Jin Shuang and Yin Shuang stepped onto the wooden steps and walked onto the waterside pavilion.

The two of them walked towards Pei Jue's back, one on the left and one on the right.

"Your Majesty, I am here to serve you wine on the orders of your wife..."

Pei Jue did not speak.

One hand held the wine glass, and the other arm lay on the wooden table, his head slowly lowered, almost buried in his arm.

It was obvious that he was a little drunk--

Jin Shuang and Yin Shuang looked at each other and slowly approached.

Yin Shuang put the food box on the table and bent down to bring out the side dishes.

Jin Shuang bowed slightly, "Your Majesty, I have brought a hangover soup to serve you on the orders of my wife. Would you like to drink a bowl first?"

The fragrant breeze blew gently, her voice was soft and charming, her figure was like a blooming peony, she came closer with a faint fragrance, bent down to serve the soup, her skirt swayed slightly, and her full breasts pressed against his arms...

Soft and tender, full of ambiguity.

The man stiffened for a moment and raised his head suddenly.

"You...are so brave!"

The porcelain bowl slipped from Jin's hands, and his face turned pale with fright.

The man at the table is not Pei Madang.

But Ji You wearing Pei Madang's clothes...

He just stared at Jin Shuang, with an indescribable worry in his disappointed eyes.

"It turns out you are really such a woman."

Jin Shuang took a step back, his face pale.

Yin Shuang also widened his eyes and looked at Ji You in disbelief.

"Brother Ji..."

Jin Shuang's lips trembled, and his words were obviously panicked.

"You, how come you...Brother Ji is here?"

Ji You smiled coldly.

He stood up slowly, took off his wind cloak, and stared at Jin Shuang coldly.

"If it's not me, who is that? Who are you hoping for?"

Ji You's voice trembled, suppressing the heartbreaking pain.

He likes Jin Shuang so much.

I like her so much that all I see in my heart is her.

She likes her so much that she can't bear to hear others say that she is anything but.

When he was in Xijing, he liked the day when the king returned to Pei Mansion the most.

In this way, he can meet his sweetheart. Jin Shuang was also very considerate towards him, flirting with each other. Although the two of them didn't say anything, Ji You felt that she also had feelings for him.

The two are in love, but Jin Shuang is too clean and beautiful, and Ji You feels that he has not done enough. These days, he has been working hard to save money. This time he went to Yecheng and followed Pei Madang to fight the enemy bravely.

He wanted to make meritorious deeds and asked to marry Jin Shuang.

Just tonight, he knelt in front of Pei Madang and Feng Yun and asked the king and princess to marry him...

Zuo Zhong is already married and has Xiao Man.

He is two years younger than Zuo Zhong, and has reached the age of marriage earlier. He thinks that he must be upright and upright, so as not to humiliate Jin Shuang...

He was only afraid that the king and princess would not allow it.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he opened his mouth, the princess laughed.

The princess said: "I'll give you a chance."

So he sat here, silently waiting for his opportunity.

If Jin Shuang did not come up to the water table and handed the food box to Zuo Zhong, or if she and Yin Shuang came up but did not seduce by serving soup, then tonight would be his golden day...

The princess would approve their marriage, and would personally hold a lively wedding for them, just like Zuo Zhong and Xiao Man.

Just now, when Ji You was drinking alone and waiting, all he could think about was whether Jin Shuang would be unhappy or not, and how much betrothal gift he would have to give to be worthy of that beautiful face.

He even started to get excited about the wedding night...

Who knows,

She posted it.

If he hadn't been sitting here in person, feeling the warm-smelling soft jade pressing on his arm like no bones, no matter who told him that Jin Shuang had the heart to flatter his master, he would not have believed it.

Ji You looked at her with disappointment.

"Why do this?"

Jin Shuang has calmed down from the shock of discovering that Pei Madang turned out to be Ji You in disguise. Her soft body was trembling and she looked at Ji You innocently.

"Brother Ji, Jin Shuang can't understand what you said."

Ji You's face was livid, "What are you still pretending to do?"

Jin Shuang shook his head, "I really don't know what mistake Jin Shuang made. Why did he make Brother Ji so angry?"

His eyes turned red and he was about to shed tears.

"Brother Ji, you don't treat me like this usually. If Jin Shuang did something wrong, you can tell him... don't be so cruel."

Yin Shuang also defended Jin Shuang angrily and looked at Ji You.

"Yes, Brother Ji, what did my sister do wrong? What do you mean by these words?"

Ji You's cheeks turned red and white.

In front of them, Ji You couldn't tell the details of the ambiguity just now. He only blushed and gritted his teeth and scolded:

"If you try to seduce, you will be punished..."

He is sitting here.

Both sisters thought he was Pei Madang.

The purpose of seduction is self-evident.

Jin Shuang's expression changed, and he knelt down slowly for two steps, looking up at Ji You with infinite sadness.

"My two sisters were saved by the princess and survived. They were also lucky enough to serve Mrs. Pei...and Brother Zuo and Brother Ji treated us like brothers. You can't ask for such a good life. How dare I be so wanton? Are you trying to seduce the Lord? Brother Ji, you misunderstood me..."

She gently stroked her hair and shed tears.

The stove reflected the fair and translucent face, which looked aggrieved, but also had a hint of amorous feelings.

Ji You's lips trembled slightly, and he wanted to scold her for being shameless in the most unpleasant language in the world, but he couldn't say it in front of this face.

Zuo Zhong walked over slowly and glanced at Ji You.

"No need to say more, take her to meet the princess."

The look Ji You gave Zuo Zhong made his ears feel hot and his whole body seemed to be on fire.

Feeling ashamed and angry.

How did he let himself fall into the gentle trap, unconsciously...

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