Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 530: Counterattack

When Jin Shuang and Yin Shuang were brought over, Pei Yuan already knew about it.

She looked at Feng Yun drinking tea calmly with a look of disbelief on her face.

"So, you did it on purpose?"

Feng Yun nodded.

Pei Yuan said: "Then you and Ah Ran..."

"We didn't argue."

Feng Yun had a warm face and smiled softly. Pei Yuan was stunned.

"Ah, he actually lets you do whatever you want?"

"Sister, this is called a soldier who never tires of deceit."

Pei Yuan shook her head, still a little unbelievable.

"Jin Shuang and Yin Shuang have been with me for so long, and they have always performed their duties. In Xijing, Ah Ran often returned home, and they never dared to make mistakes when they were right in front of me. I looked at them, these are two brains You were sober, why did you suddenly become confused?”

That's not a sudden confusion.

It has been planned for a long time.

Feng Yun chuckled, "It seems like the two women are even more scheming."

Pei Yuan looked at her with confusion.

Feng Yun said: "When there is no chance, they will hold back. Once the opportunity arises, they will take action immediately. Sister, think about it, if it is true that the quarrel between me and the king tonight is true, and the king is depressed and drinks alone and gets drunk, what will happen? Are you serious about letting them succeed?"

The light in Pei Yuan's eyes slowly dimmed.

When Ao Zheng was newly married to her, they were extremely affectionate and had a lot of nice words to say. But then they went out to socialize and drank a few more glasses of wine. The beauty leaned forward and couldn't control herself anymore...

"No wonder I tested them before to see if they had feelings for Ji You, and both of them denied it flatly. They also said that they only wanted to serve me... It turns out that they didn't like the guards and wanted to serve the king and fly on the branches to become phoenixes."

Feng Yun smiled, but did not respond this time.

All Pei Yuan could think of was this...

But what she was thinking was much deeper...

The appearance and behavior of these two people are definitely not ordinary.

He is obviously well trained and specialized in devouring men's flesh and blood...

There was a burst of chaotic footsteps outside.

You can faintly hear the woman crying.

The two looked at each other, their faces darkened, and they said no more.

The two sisters were brought up, with two similar faces, and even the expressions were the same - wronged, angry, and a little heartbroken that made people pity.

"Please, Princess and Madam...make decisions for my sisters."

Jin Shuang was the first to kneel down, tears welling up in his eyes.

Yin Shuang also knelt beside her, crying sadly.

"I don't know how my sister provoked Brother Ji. Brother Ji... It must be that my sister wants to seduce..."

Jin Shuang lowered his head and cried silently.

Yinshuang looked at her and cried:

"Brother Ji has always been affectionate to my sister. However, since our sisters were rescued by the princess, we have sworn that we will never marry again in this life, and will only serve the master wholeheartedly in order to repay the great kindness... and we have failed Brother Ji." Mind……"

"Yin Shuang can't talk nonsense." Jin Shuang bit his lower lip and shook his head.

"It's just a misunderstanding, Brother Ji... He misunderstood that I wanted to seduce the king."

She looked straight at Feng Yun, looking at her completely, with an innocent and transparent look, "The princess treats my sisters with great kindness. If I have the heart to flatter my master, how can I be different from a pig or a dog?" ? Princess, do you believe me?”

One played the red face, the other played the bad face, and gave Ji You a slap and a rake in the face, saying that he "hates because of love and wants to take revenge."

Not only do you have to clean yourself up, but you also have to frame others.

Ji You's eyes were red with anger.

"You still dare to quibble?"

Jin Shuang looked at him quietly, feeling pity for Chu Chu.

"Brother Ji, are you drunk? How can I seduce you if I come here to serve you sobering soup? I have a spoon in one hand and a bowl in the other, how can I seduce you?"

Ji You's face turned red.

Even if others witness the ambiguity between men and women, it is difficult to explain clearly, let alone the princess and the madam who have not seen it with their own eyes?

He is a man, and he is a real temptation...

But this feeling is very subtle and extremely difficult to explain.

"I did not lie."

Ji You stared, very anxious.

Seeing the doubt on Mrs. Pei's face because of Jin Shuang's words, the emotions buried in his heart surged like a tidal wave. He gritted his teeth and wanted to hit his head against a pillar and die.

"Princess, everything I say is true, and it is definitely not for personal revenge. Please believe me, Princess."

Feng Yun smiled.

Jin Shuang wanted to seduce Pei Mang and would not leave a way out for herself, so even if she didn't see it with her own eyes, she knew that she would not directly do anything to seduce others and let others take advantage of her.

She just needs to be ambiguous and clingy, and then subtly let Pei Madang notice her, and she is distracted, and she is innocent from beginning to end, and she can advance or retreat...

They are very smart.


The person he met was Feng Yun.

"The matter has come to an end, there is no need to fight anymore."

Feng Yun looked at Jin Shuang and Yin Shuang who were aggrieved, Ji You who was even more aggrieved, and Zuo Zhong and Pei Yuan who were watching, and said calmly: "Whether it is a sincere seduction or a misunderstanding, no one else can tell except you two." . But one thing is that you two do have a physical relationship..."

Ji You was shocked.

Looked at Feng Yun in surprise.

The princess said that if Jin Shuang is innocent and has no intention of flattering the master, then she will allow him to be his wife.

Listening to this meaning, is it possible that the princess wants to betroth the golden double to her?

His heart had been moved by Jin Shuang, but as soon as he thought that she had the intention to seduce the king, he would be like a fairy, and Ji You didn't want it anymore.

"Princess...I won't marry her."

Jin Shuang's shoulders stiffened.

He lowered his head and bit his lower lip stubbornly.

"Princess, I don't need Brother Ji to be responsible for my servants..."

Feng Yun smiled silently, signaled Mr. Ji You to calm down, picked up the tea cup and took a sip, and then continued:

"Ordinarily, if something like this happens in the house, I should kill you. But I also pity you two, you were born in a miserable life... Alas!"

She paused, then slowly landed a heavy blow.

"Ji You doesn't want to marry, and the house won't be able to accommodate you any longer. Let's do this. I'll find a good home for you. From now on, it'll be up to you."

Jin Shuang and Yin Shuang were shocked.

"No...Princess...we won't leave..."

"We have yet to repay the princess for her great kindness."

The two sisters cried like tears and knelt down and kowtowed.

Feng Yun smiled slowly, "I will give you a chance to repay me."


Neither Jin Shuang or Yin Shuang nor Pei Yuan and Ji You thought that the opportunity Feng Yun mentioned was for these two sisters to go to Feng Mansion to be concubines and serve her father Feng Jingting...

"In this world, it is difficult for a woman to gain a foothold if her reputation is bad. If you two stay in Dajin, you will inevitably be gossiped about in the future, and your spine will be broken. Once you go to Qi, things here will no longer matter. No one knows. With your beauty, you will definitely be favored and rich in the Feng Mansion. What do you want?"

She said it lightly, shocking everyone.

Jin Shuang and Yin Shuang naturally refused, crying until their voices became hoarse.

Pei Yuan also couldn't bear it...

But when she thought about the two concubines of the Ao family, she finally shut up and let Feng Yun do what he wanted.

"Let's do it this way. Lock the person in the woodshed first and keep him in jail. I will ask my father to come and pick him up tomorrow."

Feng Yun stood up and said goodbye to Pei Yuan with a smile.

"Eldest sister, please rest early. Later, I will select a few more sensible people to serve you in your room..."

Pei Yuan sent her to the door.

"Brother and sister, is this really appropriate?"

"Don't worry, eldest sister, there is nothing more suitable than this. I also think about them."

Feng Yun smiled and comforted him with a few words, then bowed and left.


Pei Ran was waiting in the house.

Under the oil lamp, holding the book in hand, I listened to the sound.

Feng Yun returned to the house, took off his windbreaker, and was pulled over by him.

"Are you happy?" he asked.

Pei Madang didn't agree with what happened tonight at first.

Men behave differently from women, and he advocates arresting and interrogating them directly if there is any suspicion. Whether to move or not, just kill them. There is no need to waste time and watch them perform.

But Feng Yun didn't think so.

She put her hands on Pei Ran's chest and half-propped her body to look at him.

"Then there'd be no fun in it."

Pei Madang pursed his lips and remained silent.

Feng Yun glanced at him lightly and said: "These two agents are very tight-lipped. They will definitely not be able to do interrogation, and I can't do it with torture. Rather than alerting the snake and getting nothing, it is better to turn against him." Attack, throw the disgusting back to the disgusting father..."

Pei Ran:......

He said nothing more, held her waist and lay down on her side. His hand gradually became a little dishonest. He is not an animal, in the eyes of outsiders he is even a cold person who has no understanding of men and women, but as long as he holds this lovely child in his arms, he wants to act like an animal all the time.

"Don't make trouble." Feng Yun pulled his hand away, "It's disturbing my thinking."

Pei Madang crossed his arms and hugged the person tighter, "You have made a decision, what else do you need to think about?"

"Thinking about you." Feng Yun half-closed his eyes and stared at him, "You are so good, why did you come back to the house to find your eldest sister today? Could it be that... you have some evil thoughts?"

This tone is really sour.

Because gold and silver are really attractive.

The concubines in Zhuangzi are also very beautiful, and some of them are from Yutangchunli, but none of them have the alluring charm of Jin Shuang...

"They underestimate me, and you underestimate me too." Pei Madan said seriously, "I am just crooked, and Yun Niang knows it best."

After saying that, he took her hand and pressed it to her waist.

"Just take a look."

Feng Yun was in a good mood at the moment and was too lazy to argue with him. He slapped him and took his hand back.

"Honestly, when I was away in Xijing and you returned home, did they ever try to hook up with you?"

Pei Ran: "No."

Feng Yun hummed, "I don't believe it. Since you have the intention, wouldn't it be easier to succeed when I'm not in Xijing?"

"Alas." Pei Man held her waist and pinched the cartilage, "How can I let a woman get close to me if you're not here?"

Feng Yun pouted.

"If they really come to seduce you, can you bear it? Their tricks are very powerful."

From her own point of view, she believed that no man could resist such temptation...

Pei Madang didn't like hearing this, so he held her chin and pulled her over to make out.

"I only accept this from you."

He kissed her deeply.

The breath was scorching, making her body soft and weak.

This man seemed to be a born master of hunting, with all kinds of methods at his fingertips. Feng Yun was still no match for him even after resurrecting his life.

She could barely breathe.

He slowly stopped his hand and looked at her seriously.

"Does it still hurt?"

This question reminded Feng Yun of a love affair last night, his cheeks felt slightly hot, and he glared at him.

"This is not in Zhuangzi. You are so close to your eldest sister. Don't make it a joke."

"Yes." His throat trembled, and he responded in a low voice. Without waiting for Feng Yun to answer, he wrapped his arms around her waist and pressed against her. It was extremely hard...

"Go to sleep."

Feng Yun was angry and speechless.

How could this bastard let her sleep?

Pei Ran: Go to sleep.

Feng Yun: Don’t point a gun at me...

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