Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 534: Albizia Julibrissin Blossoms

When Feng Yun entered, Xiao Cheng was sitting at the wooden table in the living room, drinking.

He didn't know how long he had been sitting here, but two wine bottles were already empty.

It seemed that the wine had indulged his thoughts. Xiao Cheng tonight was very different from the cold-faced, distant Qi Jun in Feng Yun's memory.

She walked a little slowly.

Xiao Cheng looked at her.

She also looked at Xiao Cheng.

There is no obstacle in between, and the eyes are naked.

The past life and the present life are all in the mind and in the eyes, and there is no way to pry into what the other person sees...

Xiao Cheng stared at her fair face, as delicate as the peach blossoms blooming in spring, and her clear black eyes, as deep as the starry sky on an autumn night...

Still so beautiful.

No, more beautiful than before.

Incomparably beautiful.

"Ayun." He spoke late.

There seemed to be a fire in his body.

No one knew how long he had thought about her.

How much I longed to open my eyes and see her walking towards him as lightly as she did now, calling softly, "Xiao Lang."

Xiao Cheng looked slightly drunk and his eyes were astonishingly bright.

Feng Yun looked at him coolly.

"Qi Jun came to me just to watch you drink and have fun, right?"

Xiao Cheng: "Where is the joy? Without you, I have no joy."

Feng Yun chuckled.

"This is not what Mr. Qi should say."

Xiao Cheng took another empty wine glass on the table and filled it slowly.

"Today Pei Madang issued his credentials and asked me to leave."

Feng Yun heard about this.

She was noncommittal, with a flash of sarcasm in her eyes.

Xiao Cheng said: "I will leave Andu tomorrow. For the sake of old friendship, sit down and talk to me."

Feng Yun stood still.

His eyes moved from the wine to Xiao Cheng's face.

"I don't think Mr. Qi has the sincerity to talk when he is half drunk."

"I'm not drunk." Xiao Cheng looked at her, "I only drink to be brave."

Feng Yun didn't believe these nonsense.

She knew very well who Xiao Cheng was.

Making this gesture at this moment, even becoming cautious in front of her, it is not that he has changed, but that she, Feng Yun, has changed...

She is no longer the helpless Feng Twelve Mother in her previous life.

That Feng Twelfth Mother had no relatives to rely on and could only rely on him, so he could handle it as he pleased without cherishing it.

He can call them and they will come, wave them and go. When he is happy, he can coax him with a few sweet words. When he is unhappy, he can abandon him like a chicken. No one can do anything about it...

He can do whatever he wants.

She can't.

But now that she has a different identity, he can't control her at all.

It took Feng Yun two lifetimes to understand that whoever is stronger is justified. The so-called love also requires equality of power...

Otherwise, when the inferior person is against the superior person, the weak versus the strong, we should not expect undue emotions, but should work hard to become stronger.

She smiled and sat down.

Opposite Xiao Cheng, he looked at him lazily.

"Qi Jun, tell me, I'll listen."

Strong and cold, just like Xiao Cheng treated her in the previous life.

Xiao Chengjun's eyes dimmed.

"Ayun, the person in front of you is not Qi Jun, but Xiao San."

Feng Yun raised his eyebrows slightly.

If it weren't for Qi Jun's status and he was just Xiao San, he would only deserve a slap. How could he get her kind words?

She curved her lips and smiled, "Excuse me, Third Young Master Xiao, what do you want to say?"

Xiao Cheng: "I want an answer."

Feng Yun looked at his red eyes, expressionless, "What's the answer?"

"You. Why did you change your mind?"

Xiao Cheng slowly leaned forward and handed the poured glass of wine in front of her.

The calm face failed to stop the waves of wine from flowing...

His hands were shaking slightly.

"Have you forgotten what you said back then?"

"The Albizia Julibrissin tree you planted bloomed last year. Don't you want to go back and have a look?"

Feng Yun regretted coming in.

Xiao Cheng, whom she could not forgive, could easily recall the dead Feng Twelve...

Before leaving Taicheng, she secretly planted an acacia tree outside the wall of Prince Jingling's palace, knelt in front of the tree and made a wish to the tree god.

"Xiao San must come and marry me."

"Xiao San, hurry up and take me home."

"Xiao San is safe and healthy, come and marry me and go home."

The face of Feng Twelve Niang in the memory was a little blurry.

Feng Yun smiled as he thought about her.

"No." She smiled: "I have never changed, it has always been like this."

Xiao Cheng shook his head, "You were different when you were in Taicheng."

Feng Yun: "You also said it was Taicheng."

She looked into Xiao Cheng's eyes coldly, showing no mercy, and used the coldest words to stab his wound like a knife.

"What kind of thing is the Twelfth Mother in Taicheng? Weak, helpless, and helpless. My stepmother beat me, my stepsister bullied me, and even a beggar on the street could humiliate me... Xiao San, at that time You are my life-saving straw. I can only rely on you, hope for you, and wait for you to marry me before I can change my life..."

Xiao Cheng's eyes closed slightly.

The light in his eyes was frighteningly dark.

Feng Yun: "Now that I have changed my destiny against fate, tell me, what else do I want from you?"

Seeing the storm surging in Xiao Cheng's eyes, she smiled lightly and spoke tepidly.

"Although I have never fallen in love with you, I have given you a chance. Xiao San, it is you who did not cherish... Feng Twelfth Mother back then."

Every word is like a needle.

Hit the nail on the head.

The blood seals the throat.

When she was a girl, Feng Twelve Niang fell in love with him to the point of madness. This is Xiao Cheng's only comfort...

But Feng Yun didn't want to give him the only thing he had.

She overturned everything that had ever been done.

The girl waiting for her lover in Crescent Moon Lane, with a shy and flustered smile, and a happy pace like a fluttering deer...

The past that belonged to them, without Pei Jue's participation.

She denied it all.

She picked up the glass of wine again, tilted it slightly, and poured it neatly on the wooden table.

"It's hard to take back what has been spilled. The same is true for you and me."

"Ayun..." Xiao Cheng reached out and held her hand, holding her hand and the glass in his palm, tightly holding it.

"If the wine is spilled, you can refill it."

He forcibly twisted Feng Yun's wrist, straightened the glass, and picked up the pot to refill it.

"Look, it's still the same wine, still fragrant and intoxicating."

Feng Yun: "It's not the one just now. If it's spilled, it's spilled. Why deceive yourself?"

Xiao Cheng's eyes were red, as if dripping with blood.

He slowly let go of his hand, walked around the wooden table, squatted in front of Feng Yun, half-knelt on one knee, and his voice was hoarse.

"Ayun. It's not that Xiao San didn't want to cherish you, nor that he was heartless and forgot his engagement with you. It's that Xiao San was immature and in a difficult situation. He had to wait for the right time to marry you..."

He had never said such words to anyone.

No matter how difficult it was, he never gave in.

The first time he humbled himself in front of a woman, tears came down.

"You lost your mother, and I lost my parents."

"At that time, I was also walking on thin ice and in hell. How dare I drag you to die with me?"

In the vortex of power struggle, people's hearts are like beasts, killing brothers and fathers, fighting relatives, and no one can stay out of it.

Feng Yun believed that the tears Xiao Cheng shed at this moment were real.

But he was not crying for her.

It was himself.

It was the lonely young man in Jingling Palace.

It was the Jingling King who ascended to the top of the imperial power in the pile of trapped beasts killing each other.

He suffered.

He would be tired.

But it was not caused by her.

And her pain was all related to him.

In fact, this was not the first time Feng Yun saw Xiao Cheng cry.

There was also a time in her previous life...

The only time.

When she gave birth to her youngest son Yuchu, she had a difficult delivery.

She survived a life-threatening situation and lost half her life before escaping from the hands of the King of Hell...

When the child was born, Xiao Cheng held the child in one hand and her in the other, crying with joy.

Men don't shed tears easily, let alone an emperor...

Feng Yun was moved by those two lines of tears.

Unfortunately, she gave in step by step for this, but he pressed on step by step, and didn't cherish her extra because she cried and almost lost...

He personally ruined her feelings.

And her life.

"Ayun..." Xiao Cheng choked up, never as weak as today, "I'm here to pick you up. Come back with me to see the albizzia, okay?"

Feng Yun listened and smiled.

"Just treat me as dead. Don't make it hard for me or yourself."

Xiao Cheng held her hand tightly, "Are you afraid of Pei Jue?"

Feng Yun's eyes were stern, and she smiled lightly, "Yes, you are in Jin, how can you take me away?"

Xiao Cheng said, "As long as you are willing. Ah Yun, nod your head, I will take you away from Jin immediately."

Feng Yun smiled coldly, pushed him away, and took his hand back from his hot palm, with a cold tone.

"Do you really want to be with me? I have been married before, and you don't care?"

Xiao Cheng shook his head, his voice hoarse, "I don't care. As long as I can be with you, I can do anything..."

"Okay." Feng Yun stared at him indifferently.

"I'll give you another chance."

Xiao Cheng's eyes lit up, and he heard her say, "Abdicate immediately, issue an edict to the four seas, let everyone know that you are willing to be Feng Shier Niang's...concubine. From now on, be single-minded, don't ask about politics, and don't want the power of the king."

Xiao Cheng's pupils were shocked.

I have never heard such a rebellious statement.


Feng Yun smiled faintly, and said every word seriously.

"Even if Pei Jue bullies you and beats you, I may scold you, but you will never regret it and serve me willingly without asking for a name..."

"A Yun..."

"I am not such a mean and ungrateful person." Feng Yun stared at his face and curled his lips slightly.

"Mr. Xiao San is so handsome that he is the most beautiful man in the Southern Qi Dynasty. As a mortal, I will naturally be tempted by his beauty..."

"As long as I am in Changmen, I will support you and you will have no worries about food and clothing. You will have servants and you can use them at will, but these servants will only be loyal to me and obey me."

"If I am in the mood, I will also visit you, but you cannot resist. No matter how you feel, whether you are happy or not, you have to give it to me if I want it. Otherwise, it will be regarded as disloyalty to your wife and you will be punished..."

"Of course, I will not do it myself. I will just ignore you and let Pei Jue or one of my lovers secretly manipulate you and insult you, because you are not from Jin. You should suffer some grievances here."

"For me, you have to endure everything. Otherwise, I will doubt your loyalty to me..."

"If one day, you are unlucky and get killed by someone, it will be your fate."

As she spoke, she laughed.

That smile was uglier than crying.

"So, are you still willing to be with me, Mr. Xiao San?"

Xiao Cheng's heart was pounding, and he was extremely surprised.

How did she come up with such crazy and disorderly words?

How could she say it out loud...

"Are you scared?"

"Are you still unwilling?"

"It seems that your love is not worth much..."

Feng Yun sneered in his eyes and pressed on step by step.

"You can't do it, Xiao San."

"You have been striving for power all your life, and you have the power in your hands after ascending the throne. How can you give up your great country for a woman?"

"Power is so fascinating, not to mention you, but me too. After tasting the taste of power, you want me to be a woman in the back house, a bird in a cage, and sacrifice myself for a man just for an invisible and intangible word of love... Hehe, are you stupid or am I stupid?"

Xiao Cheng was silent.

For a long time, he couldn't come back to his senses.

His throat was choking, his eyes were red, and his tears were not dry.

But he couldn't speak...

He couldn't say a word.

In fact, he thought of many ways to get Feng Yun back. Pei Jue said "fight at all costs", he thought of it and did it.

Lose if you lose.

If he died on the battlefield, Twelve Niang would remember him all her life.

The dead are irreplaceable.

Just like her.

Death in his previous life became his lifelong pain. From then on, she would stay there forever, and no one could replace her - including the strange Feng Yun in front of him. (End of this chapter)

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