Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 535: Absurd or not

The regret in Xiao Cheng's heart was not made up for by Feng Yun's arrival and the two meeting alone——

So is depression.

All the surprises and expectations since his rebirth seemed to have disappeared because of tonight and Feng Yun's words.

The person sitting in front of me was still the same person.

Except for his sharper eyebrows and fairer and more delicate skin, Feng Yun's appearance is completely the same as in his previous life...

But the soul hidden under this body is completely different.

As strange as another person...

Xiao Cheng did not doubt that Ayun was reborn with him, but she remembered her previous life, when she learned that Xiao Qu was trapped behind the Zhaode Palace, she cursed hysterically in the cold palace.

"I would like my soul to return to the underworld, my soul to disperse into the underworld, and never be reincarnated - in exchange for you not being able to love me in all my lifetimes, your lover abandoning you, and those who love you destroying you. Heartless and loveless, I am lonely and self-pitying, and reincarnation will not change."

Sure enough, he was reborn with a curse.

Since his rebirth, Twelve Mothers have changed.

Same face, different twelve mothers.

Originally, the words should have ended here.

But there is only one Feng Twelve Niang in the world. Even if she changes, it is still her, the woman Xiao Cheng must get.

From the moment he sat on the Dragon Throne, the supreme power brought him this--everything he wanted could be obtained.

Next, he will create another prosperous age for the Qi Dynasty. Just like in his previous life, he will destroy Tu Yunchuan of the Jin Dynasty, level the sea, and sweep across all directions.

By then he will be the most noble emperor in the world.

Mountains and seas can be leveled, let alone a woman?

Even if she is not Feng Twelve in her heart, she is still Feng Twelve in her eyes.

If it's his, it should be his.

"I admit, I can't do what you said."

Xiao Cheng's eyes were sore and swollen, and his voice was hoarse and difficult.

"No man can do such a ridiculous thing. Ayun, I know that you want to make things difficult for me and make me retreat."

Feng Yun sneered.

"Is it ridiculous?"


"If I were your concubine and you treated me like this, would you still find it absurd?"

Xiao Cheng stared at her.

"I wouldn't do that to you."

Feng Yun smiled, put his hand on the wooden desk, and stood up slowly. Without saying a word or caring about etiquette, he turned around...


Xiao Cheng sat there and stared at her back.

"You don't have to listen to what I say, just watch what I do. I can't give you what you want, but I... will always wait for you in this life, and I will give you my heart."

Feng Yun did not look back.

Coldly, he let out a laugh.

"You can't give me what I want. I don't want what you give me."

she left.

Xiaoman stood nervously outside the door and was relieved when he saw her coming out.


Feng Yun nodded and said nothing.

Kong Yun'e also came forward cautiously.

"Yunniang, he didn't make things difficult for you, did he?"

Feng Yun looked at her face and then at Jin Ge, who was standing not far behind her.

"Within three days, take your man and your son and disappear in Huaxi."

Kong Yun'e's face changed drastically, her eyes became hot, and she immediately shed tears.

"Yunniang, I didn't betray you, I really didn't..."

Feng Yun ignored it and took bigger steps.

Kong Yun'e stretched out her hand to pull her, but Feng Yun threw her away, and she fell to the ground sadly.


Jin Ge stepped forward, "Madam, I'm leaving, you let her stay... She didn't do anything wrong."

Feng Yun stopped and looked at her coldly, "She made the mistake of trusting you."

Jin Ge was startled and stopped talking.

Feng Yun turned his head slightly and looked at Kong Yun'e, "You should know that I have already taken care of my old friendship. Don't force me again."

Kong Yun'e grabbed the lapel of her clothes, looked at her leaving back, and burst into tears.

Over the years in Huaxi, she has worked diligently to make up for her old sins, and she has completely regarded this place as her home. All her hard work has been here, how can she be willing to leave?

She had let Yun Niang down before.

Since coming to Huaxi, she has asked herself, and she has never had second thoughts.

Where can she go after leaving Huaxi? How could their mother and son still have a way to survive? How could they be as self-sufficient and live as comfortably as Huaxi...

Kong Yun'e almost cried her eyes out.

The little Hengyang stood there, not daring to step forward.

Jin Ge didn't speak until Xiao Cheng came out of the room.

He lowered his head and said, "Your Majesty, I am worthless."

Silently, he bent his knees and knelt down in front of Xiao Cheng.

"I am the one who betrayed them. Yun'e and her son are innocent. No matter whether they are executed or punished, please spare them."

Xiao Cheng pursed his lips,

He heard clearly what Feng Yun said just now.

Not only is Jin Ge unable to stay, Ren Rude is also unable to stay...

The secret move he made for tonight's conversation was a complete failure.

Xiao Cheng was silent for a long time.

Kong Yun'e is still crying.

Her little son walked over with tears in his eyes, his mouth flat, and hugged his mother.

Jin Ge knelt beside them.

Xiao Cheng asked: "Why did you kill Tiema? That is your brother."

Jin Ge bit his lip, "He shouldn't bully Yun Niang."

Xiao Cheng understood.

Men in the world can travel to the ends of the earth with a sword, but they cannot escape from a woman's pomegranate skirt.

"You killed your brother and betrayed your master, so you should have died." Xiao Cheng said lightly, paused, and waved his hand.

"That's all. She can tolerate betrayal, so why can't I? Go ahead."

Xiao Cheng left.

The courtyard became quiet.

No one spoke, only the cackling of chickens in the chicken coop in the corner.

Kong Yun'e also sobbed one after another.

"Stop crying." Jin Ge slowly stood up, walked to her, and hugged her and Hengyang, "Yun Niang, I'm here."

Kong Yun'e still just cried.

Being rejected by Twelve Mothers, her world collapsed.

Jin Ge sighed, "Ms. Feng did not abandon you. She said those cruel and heartless words just for your and my future..."

Kong Yun'e raised her head in surprise and stared at him for a moment.

Jin Ge wiped her tears with his sleeve, "Whether tonight or not, I can't stay in Huaxi any longer. I am a secret guard trained by His Majesty when he was in the dormitory. There are many people like me among His Majesty's men." , we don’t even know who each other is…”

Kong Yun'e's body felt numb and stunned.

Jin Ge said: "If Your Majesty sincerely wants to take my life, I can't escape even on the first day of the lunar month, and I can't escape on the 15th. What's more, there are you and Hengyang... We, a family of three, will be worried all our lives as long as we live in the light." Well, there is no peace anymore.”

Kong Yun'e's tears burst out.

He fell even harder than before, sniffing and saying:

"You mean, Yun Niang said those words to Mr. Qi on purpose?"

Jin Ge nodded, "Look at Feng Twelfth Mother, how has she ever mistreated someone who sacrificed her life for her? I betrayed Xiao Cheng because I was helping her with my head high, and you..."

He leaned over again to wipe Kong Yun'e's tears.

"She knows you didn't betray her, and she still treats you as a good sister."

Kong Yun'e burst into tears and smiled.

Regardless of whether Yun Niang really thought that way, Jin Ge convinced her.

“The world is so big, where can you and I go?”

Jin Ge said: "Yunchuan."


The light of the oil lamp reflected on the window, hazy and yellow.

The window was slightly open.

A scout quietly crept under the window and stood in the shadow.

"Your Majesty, the princess is back, and Xiao Cheng has also left the garment shop."

Pei Madang sat alone in the room, holding a tea cup.

The Piyong Sword was placed diagonally on the wooden table in front of him, glowing with a cold light.

"how many people?"

The scout said: "The princess only brought two maids, Xiao Man and Huan'er. Xiao Cheng also had only two secret guards who did not show up."

Pei Ran asked: "Where is the Kong family?"

The scout said: "Apart from Kong's mother and son, there is only Jin Ge."

He paused, pondering what his master meant, and then added:

"Emperor Qi was very cautious and did not let others discover it. As for our people...only his subordinates and Liu San, the two of us saw it, saw it..."

I saw the princess and Emperor Qi entering the same room.

This is what he shouldn't see and what he shouldn't say.

The scout stood there stiffly.

Before drinking tea, the king almost led people into the garment shop.

He and Liu San both thought that blood would be spilled on Huaxi Village tonight.

Unexpectedly, the king calmed down.

He went home silently and waited for the princess to return alone.

The surroundings were deathly quiet.

The scout tightened his grip on his waist knife, his heart almost jumping out of his throat.

Pei Madang finally spoke up.

"Go down. What happened tonight is rotten in your stomach. If you want to spread any gossip, come and see us."

The scout let out a long sigh of relief, "Yes."

When Feng Yun came in, Pei Ran had already washed up.

A man was in the house, leaving a light on.

The light was very weak and could not illuminate the spacious bedroom, nor could it seem to illuminate his face.

Feng Yun smiled faintly and said, "Are you coming back so early today?"

Pei Ran hummed, "Go and wash up."

Seeing that there was no change in his expression, Feng Yun curled his lips, said "good", took off the cloak and handed it to Xiaoman, then walked into the clean room.

"Yunniang." Pei Ran called her.

The sudden sound came from behind, making Feng Yun feel suffocated.

Why do you always like to call people from behind?

She smiled and turned her head, "What's wrong?"

Pei Ran said: "The water is cold, let them bring in two more buckets of hot water."

Xiaoman heard it, responded, and went down with a smile.

Pei Ran approached and picked up Feng Yun, "I'll help you."

Feng Yun took advantage of the situation and hugged his neck, raised his eyebrows, and hung his whole body on him, letting him place himself in a soft halo... (End of this chapter)

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