Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 536 I will support you

Before dawn the next day, the sound of cars, horses and people could be heard in Wen's house.

Xiao Cheng and the Feng family are leaving Huaxi.

They left very early to avoid alerting others.

At the door of Wen's house, only Wen Xingsu and Puyang Yi came to see him off.

The carriages and horses were arranged neatly.

Dim night lights swayed under the eaves.

Qi Jun stayed up all night last night.

In the middle of the night, he went out with his secret guards. No one knew where he went. When he came back, he sat in his room, splashing ink and spreading paper into a thick pile.

But what was written was burned without anyone seeing it.

Peace and auspiciousness cannot be expressed.

They often serve at the emperor's side and are best at looking at his face.

Seeing them like this, the servants were all cautious.

The atmosphere was extremely stagnant.

It seemed like the sky couldn't get any brighter, and the night was thick, casting a shadow on everyone's face.

Wen Xingsu stood upright. When he saw Xiao Cheng coming out, he stepped forward to salute and say hello.

"No gift."

Xiao Cheng raised his eyes to look at him.

This is also a variable.

Wen Xingsu was supposed to be his tiger general, the general of Qi who opened up territory for him.

He was also a man who could lead the Qi army to resist the Northern Yong army, and fight with Pei Madang for several years until he died on the battlefield.

He is so convinced...

Wen Xingsu will be loyal to him in this life.

Unexpectedly, there is another man who can't get out of the pomegranate skirt.

He defected to Jin.

"Xingsu." Xiao Cheng approached slowly, with steady steps and a gentle voice, "No matter when you come back, Daqi's door will be open for you. My handsome seal is also waiting for the general's return."

Wen Xingsu stared at Xiao Cheng.

Being so close, he could clearly see the black and blue under Xiao Cheng's eyes.

"I can't go back, Your Majesty."

Wen Xingsu's voice was very light.

After saying that, he glanced at Pu Yangyi who looked slightly embarrassed at his side.

"It is a man's life to have a family and a career."

Xiao Cheng nodded silently and patted him hard on the shoulder.

Wen Xingsu looked at him without saying a word.

We've known each other since childhood.

We used to hold candlelights and talk at night about major events in the world.

I also drank wine with my childhood sweetheart and talked about my youthful feelings.

As teenagers at that time, no one thought that one day they would part ways and go their own ways.

After hesitating for a moment, Xiao Cheng said: "When we meet someday, will we be enemies or friends?"

Wen Xingsu frowned slightly and said softly, "At home, we are in-laws. On the battlefield, I only obey the commander's orders."


Xiao Cheng looked up with a low smile.

He also glanced at Pu Yangyi.

"Pei Ran will be the emperor in the future. Will you be the general?"

Wen Xingsu and Puyang Yi were both startled.

Xiao Cheng's expression did not change, as if he was just talking about ordinary things, not anything shocking.

"The Beiyong Army is full of Pei Lang's close followers. There are too many people he can use. Giving you is a charity, not giving it is a duty. Xingsu, I am different..."

He looked into Wen Xingsu's eyes.

"The great general of Qi is waiting for you, and it belongs to you."

Wen Xingsu said nothing.

Pu Yangyi was beside him, his whole body was stiff, and he was shocked from head to toe.

Can she listen to such words?

The Lord of Pingyuan County, who has never been involved in political affairs, is sitting on pins and needles at this moment.

She didn't know what Wen Xingsu was thinking.

Also scared, he had random thoughts.

If he was persuaded by Xiao Cheng and had a second heart, wouldn't it mean that he would betray the Jin State, and then they would become enemies. How could the relationship between husband and wife continue, and how could they live happily for the rest of their lives...

Puyangyi secretly tugged at Wen Xingsu's clothes.

Wen Xingsu glanced at the queue waiting to pass, silently held her hand, stepped aside, and saluted Xiao Cheng.

"Qi Jun, go slowly."

The smile in the corner of Xiao Cheng's eyes was calm and unhurried, his posture was as upright as a orchid tree, and his bearing was extraordinary. It was as if he was sure that Wen Xingsu would return to him one day, and he chuckled lightly.

"Travel back, take care."

Xiao Cheng stepped on the carriage and got into the carriage.

Wen Xingsu bowed his head slowly and said, "Take care."

Mrs. Chen came over with a cold face and stood in front of him.

Wen Xingsu pursed his lips, raised his head, and said softly:

"Mom, take care."

Puyang Yi also saluted, "Mom, take care."

Mrs. Chen ignored Pu Yangyi, snorted, glanced at Wen Xingsu, and said coldly: "I just pretend that I didn't give birth to such an evil son like you."

She flicked her sleeves and walked to the front.

Feng Ying just glanced at them silently, her face under the curtain hat was not clear.

Neither she nor Feng Zhen or Feng Liang spoke to Wen Xingsu or Puyang Yi.

Before Feng Liang got into the car, he secretly made a sarcastic face at Wen Xingsu.

On the contrary, Feng Jingting, who had not paid much attention to him before, took his two concubines, Jin Shuang and Yin Shuang, with a cheerful smile, like a loving father, and told them to live in harmony and have a son soon...

A wife is not a wife, a husband is not a husband, a son is not a son, a daughter is not a daughter.

This family is really ridiculous.

Puyang Yi saw this, and felt disturbed in her heart.

She didn't let out a long sigh of relief until the group of people were sent away.

Finally gone!

She asked: "What does the husband think?"

Wen Xingsu looked calm and his eyes were smiling.

"Go back, you can catch up on your sleep."

Puyang Yi:......

That's not what she asked.

But her husband didn't want to say it, so it seemed like she shouldn't ask again.

My grandmother said that when a woman marries, she must obey her husband.

The arrogant and domineering Prince of Pingyuan County is learning to be a virtuous and beautiful woman in Wen Xingsu.


After dawn, the people of Huaxi woke up and found that all the guests in Wen's house had left. The elusive Emperor of Qi left Huaxi without even a glance.

The end of December is the New Year's Day. Every household is preparing for the New Year. The children are also at home, each having their own happiness.

After a while of discussion, the matter was forgotten.

After the lively New Year was over, a recruitment notice was posted under the old locust tree outside Changmen.

Huaxi Academy wanted to recruit lecturers.

Changmen's furniture workshop, garment workshop, coal briquette workshop, mine and pottery kiln not only needed craftsmen and miscellaneous workers, but also accountants and managers.

Changmen wanted to expand its business again and recruit new talents.

The notice was posted at the intersection of Huaxi and the gate of Andu County at the same time.

Only then did people realize that many people came to Huaxi, but many people also left.

The Prince of Danyang returned to Xijing before the New Year and never came back.

There are many different opinions about whether Wan Niangzi, who drowned in the reservoir inexplicably, committed suicide or was murdered, and there is still no conclusion.

Kong Yun'e from Buyifang also died suddenly before the New Year.

She told several sisters she knew well that she was going back to her hometown to celebrate the New Year, and then treated everyone to a meal in the clothing shop. She also entrusted the chickens and ducks in the house to Yingrong, and left Huaxi with Hengyang and his cat.

But she said she would come back after the festival, but there was no news from then on.

Some people suspected that the mother and daughter had encountered an accident on the way, and they were very sad.

Yingrong went to Feng Yun to talk about this matter. Feng Yun just said coldly that life and death are determined by fate. Yingrong noticed that his wife was emotional, but she didn't say it, and Yingrong didn't ask again.

Then someone found that Mr. Ren, the most respected scholar in the village school, was also missing.

His son and his servants and chores all disappeared without a trace.

Mr. Ren's house in Huaxi was empty, with no one there, but there were traces of paper burning in the courtyard...

Some students were worried that he might get into trouble, so they went to Andu City and found Mr. Ren's teahouse to see what was going on.

The shops in the neighborhood were open for business on the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, but Mr. Ren's teahouse was the only one that was closed...

No one knew what happened, and the students that Ren Rude had taught had the courage to find Mrs. Feng to ask...

Feng Yun said, "Someone died in Mr. Ren's family, and he went back to attend the funeral. I don't know when he will be back."

"Someone died?"

"Dead, several people died."

The first month of the third year of Tianshou passed in this confusing speculation.

In February, Pei Jue returned to Xijing.

He did not ask Feng Yun if she wanted to go with him, and before leaving, he just told her not to worry.

He also said, "If I get the chance, I will send His Majesty to Huaxi to accompany you."

He was comforting her.

Feng Yun actually had nothing to worry about.

A few years ago, Xijing reported that Yuan Shangyi still couldn't recognize people, and his brain could never recover from the fall in Yongshou Palace.

He got older, but he was getting older and older, and he always looked like a three-year-old child. But after a year of careful conditioning by the imperial doctors, his body was much healthier...

Feng Yun sometimes wondered if this was what Yuan Shangyi wanted.

Not to be an emperor.

He did it in a disguised way.

Not to be an emperor, but to enjoy the emperor's blessings...

It doesn't seem to be bad.

In addition, the group of people in Yecheng, including Empress Dowager Li, were all identified as "rebellious and rebellious parties". Now they are all in prison. It's been delayed until now. After a year, it's time to make a decision on whether to kill or punish them.

However, the court of Xijing has become a mess.

The dispute between the two parties has become fierce. As long as the new party proposes something, the old party will definitely block it. As long as the old party agrees, the new party will also veto it. The two sides had reached the point in the court where they didn't care about reason or truth but only party, and they wanted to pounce on each other and bite off a piece of meat.

Xijing needed Pei Jue, more than Feng Yun.

This land was defended by Pei Jue, and Feng Yun didn't want it to be ruined in party struggles.

She smiled and said goodbye, her words full of understanding, "This is what a man should do, the king goes by himself, don't worry about me."

Pei Yuan also went back to Beijing with Pei Jue, taking with her the reluctant A Zuo and A You.

She was the one who couldn't bear to see the young couple separate the most. The night before she left, she brought her children to Huaxi and lived in Feng Yun's manor.

The two warmed up the wine, and talked a lot with a few side dishes.

The most sincere sentence was said by her under the influence of alcohol.

"No matter how much money you make, someone has to spend it. There is no end to making money... It's time to have a little one to spend for you two..."

Feng Yun said: "Let it go."

She always smiled, no matter what Pei Yuan said.

But Pei Yuan could see that she was not sincere.

"Don't you want a child? Or is it Ah Jue's problem?"

She was very bold with a little bit of alcohol.

Seeing Feng Yun smiling and shaking her head, but not saying anything else, she almost let it slip that Pei Jue wanted to build a palace for her...

Fortunately, she held back.

She only said: "It's not a good thing for you two to be separated like this... Sister-in-law, don't blame me as the eldest sister for being talkative. Ah Jue is a man, and he is lonely and cold wherever he goes. It's sad to see him. You said that if you could stay with him, how good it would be for the family to live happily together..."

Feng Yun understood Pei Yuan's original intention of saying these words.

The rear house of King Yonghuai needs a mistress to run the house.

But she can't.

After sending her to the village entrance and watching the convoy going further and further away, she couldn't help but think of the time before last when Pei Jue carried her to the bathroom and personally bathed her after returning from the garment shop.

At that time, Pei Jue had already set a date to return to Xijing.

He worked very hard. Such a tall man washed her like protecting his eyeballs, and tossed her over and over again, strong and crazy, wishing to die on her. Finally, he pressed her from behind, and sent a heavy weight all over his body...

He said, "If you have a child, someone will accompany you even if I'm not here."

Feng Yun was like a cat whose tail was stepped on. She barely endured it, bit the back of his hand, and then reduced the formula of what she said to Xiao Cheng and said it to him while kissing.

"Why don't you take off your armor and return home to accompany me?"

He asked back: "If I take off my armor and put down my sword and gun, what can I do?"

Feng Yun held his calloused hand, smiled, and exhaled sweetly, "Give birth to a child."

"What do you eat? How do you live?"

"I'll support you."

That night, Pei Jue didn't sleep either.

He stood by the window with his hands behind his back. The night light was dim and couldn't illuminate the courtyard. He shouldn't be able to see anything.

But Feng Yun was wrapped in the quilt and saw his back clearly.

She thought that this was the greatest tacit understanding between them.

There is affection.

After sleeping for three years, pigs can fall in love, let alone people...

But no one will put down the knife in their hands for this affection.

Because they all know that people without weapons, fighting the world with bare hands, will be doomed if they are not careful, and will die without a burial place...(End of this chapter)

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