Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 537 Three Years Later

"My wife is here, my wife is here!"

"Hurry up and take a look. Is the plaque straight?"

"It's straight, hold on to the ladder, be careful."

At the entrance of Emperor Street in Andu County, beside a big banyan tree that can be hugged by two people, a group of people craned their necks to watch the hanging of the "Changmen Langhuan Pavilion", pointing and laughing.

Langhuan is the place where the emperor of heaven stored books in myths and legends.

It has fallen to the human world today and has become the library of Feng Yun's family...

Not far from Langhuan Pavilion is the former prefectural mansion, later the general's mansion, and now the newly renovated "Changqing Palace", which is also the imperial palace of Andu, the secondary capital of Dajin.

This palace started construction in the second year of Tianshou. Because the treasury of Dajin was shy, it was repaired intermittently until this year - the first month of the fifth year of Tianshou. With the frequent trade and the revival of all industries under the governance of Pei Jue, the national strength of Dajin gradually improved, and it was finally completed.

Counting the days, it took four years.

Compared with the former county governor's mansion, the palace is very different.

The door lintels and courtyard walls have been modified, raised, and widened, and expanded into a palace, with carved beams and painted buildings, auspicious clouds, flying eaves, dragons and phoenixes...

The emperor's residence looks much more imposing.

This street was therefore renamed Emperor Street.

Above the door lintel of Langhuan Pavilion, a red silk was tied with a knot, covering the front of the black gilded plaque tightly.

As Feng Yun arrived, the crowd made way in the middle.

Jiang Yin went up to greet him and bowed slightly.

"Madam, take a look, is this okay?"

She looked up at the plaque covered with a red veil.

Her eyes revealed caution.

Feng Yun walked through the middle, looked up and stared for a moment, "Very good."

Jiang Yin breathed a sigh of relief, "The auspicious time has come, madam, please unveil the plaque."

Feng Yun nodded softly.

Jiang Yin turned around and gestured to the waiter.

In a short while, Emperor Street was drowned by a deafening sound of firecrackers.

Amid the deafening sound, there were smiling faces under the smoke.

The laughter of the people was integrated with the lanterns and bluestone slabs of Emperor Street, interweaving into an inspiring picture...

"Unveiling the plaque--"

Feng Yun reached out and grabbed one end of the red silk.


A muffled sound.

The silk cloth covering the plaque was torn off.

Feng Yun looked up and was covered by a sea of ​​red...

The five characters "Changmen Langhuan Pavilion" were written in a dragon-like and phoenix-like manner, as if shining with dazzling golden light, rushing towards her.


"Welcome everyone, come here and enjoy the charm of books together."

Today is the second day of the second month of the fifth year of Tianshou.

It is also Feng Yun's 23rd birthday.

Six and a half years have passed since the beginning of Changmen, and she has finally fulfilled her dream when she was young--

to own a library with thousands of books.

Read the mountains, read the water, read the world, read the people, read the things, read the prosperity.

She did it.

For six years, as a girl, she has done business all over the world, and her family is rich and prosperous. She is not a "beauty disaster", she has not become a plaything in the man's backyard, and she has not affected the speed of the man's sword...

The most important thing is...

None of the painful experiences in the previous life happened.

She won.

She changed her fate.

She lived well.

More and more people attracted by the firecrackers gathered under the big banyan tree.

Jiang Yin looked at the crowd and said to Feng Yun nervously: "Madam, please sit inside, there are too many people here."

When there are many people, there are all kinds of people.

Although Dajin has not fought for three years, the world is not completely peaceful.

Feng Yun hummed and gave her an encouraging smile.

"You did a good job this time."

Jiang Yin's cheeks were hot, and her eyes were filled with joy that could not be concealed.

"It was Madam who taught well, and I didn't do anything."

Feng Yun smiled and led the maid to walk in.

Jiang Yin hurriedly followed, and in the praises of the crowd, from her heels to her hair, she seemed to be jumping with excitement...

Six years later, the twenty beauties who followed Feng Yun into Jin had their own experiences.

Before last year, Jiang Yin had always been the least promising among them.

Even Jiang Yin herself did not expect that Feng Yun would let her be in charge of the newly opened Langhuan Pavilion.

After many years in Changmen, Jiang Yin was introverted and dull. Unlike Nan Kui, Chai Ying and Wen Hui Yingrong, she did not have the ability to do business or the courage to be independent.

Most of the time, she was more like a marginal person, wandering outside their success.

In the few years when she was living a carefree life, most of her free time was spent on studying and reading.

At first, she was uneasy and did not dare to show her face to make a living.

If Feng Yun had not threatened to leave, she would have almost given up.

Unexpectedly, after running around and being busy for more than half a year from the preparation to the opening of Langhuan Pavilion, she actually found fun and even felt that this was the world that suited her.

Feng Yun had a good eye for people.

Jiang Yin's eyes were shining in Langhuan Pavilion.

People were coming and going in the pavilion, and the book boys and book girls were greeting them.

Those who wanted to borrow books needed to be recorded in the book and pay a deposit before they could take them away.

Those who read here were charged by the hour, and tea was paid separately.

However, it was free for the first three days of opening.

The two walked in and met acquaintances from time to time.

Some came to support Feng Yun, and some really wanted to watch the excitement...

How many of the legendary five thousand volumes of family heirlooms were there?

Of course, the books in Langhuan Pavilion were far more than the five thousand volumes left by Feng Yun's mother.

Feng Yun has been preparing for this library for five years.

In the past five years, she did not hesitate to spend a lot of money to collect books from all over the world...

It can be said that the collection of books here is comparable to that of the imperial library.

Moreover, this is also a real livelihood benefit for the people.

A library with three floors and four floors inside and outside collects all kinds of books. You can borrow it or read it in the building. Those who are willing can even copy it.

What a feat?

Not to mention that the price is fair and affordable, even before the opening of Langhuan Pavilion, it was openly opposed by major aristocratic families, and even wrote to the court, asking the court to ban it. We knew that what Feng Yun did was not worthy of the aristocratic family.

Books are knowledge.

In this era, knowledge was monopolized by aristocratic families and could hardly flow into the people.

It can be said that Changmen Langhuan Pavilion has become the only way for ordinary people to gain access to upper-level knowledge, and it is also a shortcut for ordinary people to step onto the ladder and change their lives against the odds.

Enlighten people's wisdom and benefit people's livelihood.

No one knows what Feng Yun paid for Changmen Langhuan Pavilion...

In the eyes of a pair of curious and adventurous eyes, Jiang Yin felt the same satisfaction as Feng Yun.

"Free reading today, I'm afraid the threshold in the pavilion will be broken."

Feng Yun smiled at the crowded scene and nodded, "Students like to see others enjoy reading."

Jiang Yin chuckled, paused suddenly, and his expression changed slightly.

There is a courtyard with desks in the library for men to read, drink tea and practice writing.

There are also some small curtains and reading rooms specially designed for women.

Except for the rouge and gouache shop, the inner room specially designed for women is unique in the entire Jin Dynasty and even in the world.

However, the discussion coming from a woman's reading room was very unpleasant.

"I went out today and was severely scolded by my mother-in-law."

"What are you training to do?"

"Alas! She said that Langhuan Pavilion is a filthy place where women are taught to be bad..."

"Is your mother-in-law not aware of who built Langhuan Pavilion?"

"She said it was bad luck just because she knew..."


The woman's voice was lower.

"After I got married, my mother-in-law stared at my belly every day, wishing she could take a little person out of it..."

"What does that have to do with Langhuan Pavilion?"

"The princess can't have children! My mother-in-law said that you should hang out with people who have more children and more blessings. The princess can't have children because she is guilty of a taboo. Don't look at her current glory. If she doesn't have a son, she won't be blessed. No matter how much money she makes, it doesn't matter. If you use it, you will be despised by the king sooner or later..."

"Yes, who is the king? The king of the Jin Dynasty. The only king. How can the king not have a son?"

Feng Yun's face was expressionless.

Jiang Yin was so frightened that his heart shrank.

She pulled Feng Yun's arm fiercely, "Happy opening, madam, let's take a look upstairs?"

Feng Yun said nothing.

He turned around and called Ge Guang who was following closely behind him.

"Go and find out which family the daughter-in-law is from, put her on the banned list, and let her go back and concentrate on having children, so she doesn't have to come back again."

Because we deal in books, it is inevitable that there will be people who do not cherish or waste books.

Therefore, what appeared earlier than the bibliography of Changmen Langhuan Pavilion was a long "Prohibited List" hanging in a conspicuous place at the door.

Once recorded in this list, you will be permanently excluded, not only in Langhuan Pavilion, this banned list will also be used in other industries of Nagato...

It is basically impossible to do business with Nagato.

The young daughter-in-law inside was talking so loudly that she didn't know who she had offended, but Jiang Yin's heart was in his throat...

Feng Yun has been married for many years and has no children.

Therefore, words related to heirs became a taboo that no one dared to mention in Nagato.

...Although Feng Yun never forbids it.

But there are all kinds of sounds inside and outside Nagato.

Not to mention Pei Ran's current status, which is not the emperor, but better than the emperor. It is impossible not to leave a queen.

Just say that Feng Yun himself has a big family and a big business. If he doesn't have any children to inherit, won't he have to take advantage of others in the future?

Jiang Yin walked heavily and looked at Feng Yun's expression from time to time.

"It's really unlucky to meet someone who talks nonsense on the first day of opening. Madam, don't take it personally..."

Feng Yun turned around, with a smile in his eyes.

"You think I care?"

Jiang Yin choked.

If you don’t care, why register your name?

She didn't dare to speak.

But Feng Yun seemed to have seen through her and said calmly: "You also said that today is the first day of opening. It's better not to keep such an unlucky person."

Jiang Yin said nothing and quietly observed her eyebrows.

"Madam... don't you really feel uncomfortable?"

Feng Yun looked back at her, "Others say you are an old girl who can't get married. Do you feel uncomfortable?"

Jiang Yin was startled.


In fact, it would be really uncomfortable.


She lowered her eyes, her eyes dimming a lot.

"I don't want to marry."

It's not that I don't want to get married, it's that I don't want to find someone to marry.

Feng Yun looked at the bustle in the library and smiled lightly, "I don't have any children, but Nagato has added a lot of people in the past few years."

Wen Hui and He Chuandong already have two sons.

Guan Wei married Hou Zhun in the third year of Tianshou's reign and gave birth to a baby girl who was just one year old.

Chai Ying married a merchant from Mingquan, Chai Lang, who had the same surname, and gave birth to two daughters. Her Chai Lang treated his two daughters as treasures, and the couple loved each other very much.

Nan Kui had been in love with the second son of the governor of Xinyi County for two years, but she didn't get the approval of the governor's family. Seeing that she was getting old, she wanted a child, so she didn't bother to care about so much, and left the father and kept the son...

There were also Xing Bing and Xu, who gave Xing Dalang two younger brothers and sisters...

Ge Guang and Ge Yi also got married and had their own children.

These children were sent back to Changmen by their parents to be raised. For this reason, Feng Yun even built a special child hall in the manor...

"Look at me, I am always bothered by children. Do I look like someone who lacks children?"

Jiang Yin made her laugh.

"I will learn more from my wife in the future."

"If you really want to learn from me, then be more free and easy." Feng Yun glanced at her, "Instead of thinking about that man, it's better to find a good husband to marry, with children and grandchildren, and make him angry to death..."

Jiang Yin didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and walked up the wooden steps with her skirt lifted.

A teasing voice suddenly came from behind.

"Feng Twelve, who are you trying to piss off to death?"

A familiar voice, clear and pleasant, as if it was born with a bit of evil spirit.

Jiang Yin's ears itched.

Standing stiffly, at a loss.

Speaking of Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here?

Feng Yun glanced at her and looked back.

Under the wooden steps, the man in white came with the fragrance of books, his sleeves fluttering, and the newly made mask on his face was like a silver lotus blooming in the corner of his eyes.

The four eyes looked at each other from a distance, with flames jumping in his eyes, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised, with a cold smile.

"Why, don't you recognize me?"

"Thank you, my dear." Feng Yun smiled faintly and said to Jiang Yin: "Take the prince to the elegant pavilion on the third floor, and good tea will be served."

Jiang Yin's heart was beating hard, and he lowered his eyes and replied, "Yes."

"Feng Twelve." Chun Yu Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, the corners of his lips slightly hooked, and smiled lazily, "Is this how you treat the great benefactor who donated 2,000 books to Langhuan Pavilion?"

Sorry sisters, it's too late today. I was away from home. At first, my computer broke down, so I went to get it fixed. Then… because this chapter opens the final chapter, the time span spans three years, and I’m stuck…

I’ve been wandering around outside these days, so the update may not be very good. Every time I get to the final chapter, which is related to the fate of the characters, I become more hesitant to write. Ah, may God grant me divine help in writing…

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