Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 538 Langhuan discusses military affairs

Chun Yuyan returned to Yunchuan to celebrate the New Year last year.

He left at the beginning of the twelfth lunar month. Counting the days, the two had not seen each other for three months.

Feng Yun looked at his tired look and said to Jiang Yin:

"Go and greet the guests first."

Jiang Yin lowered her eyes, her chest felt stuffy as if her breath was about to be taken away.

"Yes, my lady."

She did not look at Chun Yuyan, not even once.

The hurried footsteps seemed to be avoiding the plague.

Feng Yun smiled, waited for him to leave, and led Chun Yuyan to the second-floor library.

"Look, you scared Jiang Ji..."

Chun Yuyan did not comment.

The book servant came up to serve tea, and the two were silent.

Chun Yuyan stared at her with burning eyes, waited for the book servant to leave, took a sip of tea, and smiled faintly.

"The business is getting bigger and bigger, and Changmen is getting more prosperous. Feng Twelve, do you have any ideas?"

He is not the kind of person who likes to talk about business.

Especially in front of her.

Whenever they meet, they either chat or act like hooligans.

Feng Yun looked at his deep eyes and caught a hint of unusual atmosphere.

"Where did the prince come from?"

Chun Yuyan said: "Xijing."

Feng Yun smiled, "It seems that you have heard a lot of gossip."

Chun Yuyan sat on the mat, not seeming very comfortable. She took a soft pillow and lazily lay down on the soft chair beside her, sighing comfortably.

"Sitting in the study, I don't feel sad about spring. The green silk sways lightly, and I am free."

Feng Yun put her hand on the table, and seeing that he ignored her, she patted it hard.

"You don't feel sad about spring, but I do. Tell me!"

Chun Yuyan looked over, "Do you really want to know?"

Feng Yun didn't like being influenced by others, so she glanced at him and stood up.

"Sit down and relax, my prince. I have something else to do. I'll go and get busy."


Chun Yuyan stood up and raised his hand to stop her. When she turned back, he put it down with a faint expression, pursed his lips, and said bitterly, "Can't you coax me?"

Feng Yun asked, "You are three years old, do you still need someone to coax you?"

Chun Yuyan waved at her, "Then come and sit down, I'll tell you."

Feng Yun slowly hugged her arms and looked at him lazily.

"Is there someone in Xijing City who puts pressure on Pei Jue to control Changmen?"

Her calm tone even had a smile, and she was not afraid at all.

Chun Yuyan looked at her and suddenly felt very uncomfortable. He didn't know whether to be happy or worried.

If Pei Jue and Feng Yun had misunderstandings and grudges because of political orders, it would certainly be a great opportunity for him...

It would be best if she could be like her close friend Kong Yun'e, with nowhere to go and could only go to Yunchuan...

That would be equivalent to running into his arms.

But Feng Yun knew about this, but he didn't worry at all, which made him very uncomfortable.

"Are you so sure that Pei Jue will not waver?"

"Of course not." Feng Yun said lightly, and sat down in front of him again, gently raised his sleeves, poured tea with his hands, and said calmly:

"I know my own weight."

The operating rules of this era are all the same.

Qin unified the world and moved the rich and powerful in the world to Xianyang.

The emperor of the Western Han Dynasty moved the powerful clans to Guanzhong.

From the previous dynasty to Emperor Xifeng, they also spared no effort to disintegrate the aristocratic fortresses...

In the final analysis, they were afraid that the rich and powerful would have different intentions and want to concentrate power in their own hands.

Since the third year of Tianshou, Dajin has been peaceful for three years.

Without war, many fortresses built to resist wars have lost their function. Since then, the court has begun to cut off 70% to 80% of the world's fortresses, either openly or secretly, or toughly or persuadingly.

The rest are either deeply rooted clans that cannot be shaken, or they live in seclusion, with deep forts and strong cities in remote and dangerous places, which are not easy to shake.

Power, status and money are inseparable. Too much money and too many people will inevitably make people feel taboo.

No matter who is in power or who is the emperor, the ideas of the superiors are basically the same - to suppress the development of merchants, not to allow merchants to engage in politics, and not to allow merchants to raise troops.

Changmen is just a manor to the outside world, not a fortress.

Also, because the actual master of Changmen is only Feng Yun, it can't even be called a family.

Therefore, its existence has been controversial.

People in the New Party said that whether it is a fortress or a clan, it needs to rely on people to prosper. Feng Yun alone cannot make a difference and is not worth mentioning, let alone worrying about a woman. If the court makes a big fuss about it, it will not only be a joke, but also embarrass King Yonghuai.

The old party believed that Feng Yun had no children, and King Yonghuai would marry someone else sooner or later to start a family. Although Changmen only had Feng Yun, and she did not act too ostentatiously except for doing business, the entire Huaxi had become the richest place in Dajin under her rule.

What was even more terrifying was that the people of Huaxi only recognized Changmen, not the imperial court. Jieqiu Mountain was mysterious and unpredictable. Some people said that there were countless carved buildings and bunkers inside, hiding at least 100,000 troops. Feng Yun's Changmen had already developed into a small imperial court...

Not only that, Changmen's business territory involved all kinds of industries and people's livelihood, and it was like mushrooms after rain, and it was omnipresent. Over the years, it had subtly controlled the economic lifeline and affected people's lives in all aspects. Her influence was already large enough to influence the imperial court's orders.

Moreover, Feng Yun's surname is Feng and he is from Qi State. Behind him is the Xuzhou Feng family, and even the Southern Qi State...

After several years of internal fighting between the old and new parties, each party had its own victories and defeats. Pei Jue maintained a delicate balance between the two parties and did not flatter or trample on the other.

He is not an emperor, but he uses the emperor's mind properly.

The first time the existence of Changmen caused a large-scale controversy, it was the new party that prevailed.

Not only did they not touch Feng Yun, but they also issued an imperial decree to commend him and received the reward.

But the old party was unwilling to lose to the new party. Because of Pei Jue's face, they dared not say anything openly, but privately, they all hoped that Pei Jue and Feng Yun would part ways and bite off Changmen.

In fact, Feng Yun had expected such a result since the day she developed Changmen.

In their view, the relationship between her and Pei Jue was that neither of them would be restrained, and their feelings were very deep, which was just right.

But from the perspective of outsiders, their feelings were also very subtle...

This subtlety gave many people room for reverie...

For example, the current Prince Chunyu was the same.

Both hope, and want, and also...

"Feng Twelve, there are many historical books in this Langhuan Pavilion, but there is no one who tells you that the court will never allow other forces to grow in order to stabilize the country and unify the regime?"

There was a moment of silence in the book pavilion.

Feng Yun: "Thank you for your reminder, Prince."

Chun Yuyan said: "Guess how Yunchuan has been living a prosperous life in the past few decades, sleeping next to the giant lion and living in a remote corner?"

Feng Yun glanced at him, her eyes not without teasing.

"Does it need to be so profound to say that you can get along with both sides?"

Chun Yuyan smiled, "Getting along with both sides also requires power. Both Jin and Qi countries are unwilling to offend Yunchuan because Yunchuan has money, soldiers, people, and remains neutral. Once a country can't hold back and wants to move Yunchuan, Yunchuan will quickly unite with the other side, and the one who raises troops will have to bear the consequences..."

Feng Yun agreed with this point, "Three legs can stand on their own."

After a pause, she smiled slightly.

"But what if you bite the other side first and then come back to deal with Yunchuan?"

Chun Yuyan's eyes were filled with a smile.

"Yunchuan will not let them have their wish. Help the weaker one until the two are evenly matched."

Feng Yun thought of the battle of Bingzhou, when Pei Jue was surrounded, and the food and grass Chun Yuyan sent...

She also thought of the confrontation between Xinyi and Chun Yuyan, and the supplies Chun Yuyan sent to Southern Qi.

This Yunchuan prince is really a cunning fox.

Chun Yuyan looked at her silence, and his eyes became more earnest.

"Feng Twelve, if what you want is not to conquer the country and become an emperor, what you have now is the limit. Why don't you get out of this cannibalistic vortex and find a comfortable place, not to cause trouble, and laugh at the world."

The most comfortable and free person in the world is of course Yunchuan.

"Prince wants to persuade me to move my industry to Yunchuan? To add icing on the cake of Yunchuan's national strength?"

Chun Yuyan smiled.

Of course, he is not only interested in Changmen's industry and wealth...

It is Feng Yun himself.

He wants it.

I have been thinking about it for many years...

Emotions flowed in his eyes, and his eyes were so hot that people dared not look directly at him.

If you look at him for one more time, you will be burned by him.

Feng Yun sighed.

"Have you ever thought of a possibility, my prince?"

Chun Yuyan: "What?"

Feng Yun slowly leaned back and sat up straight, staring at him with eyes like a knife, lips pressed into a straight line, silent for a long time, and then slowly uttered a word.

"What Yunchuan can do, Changmen may be able to do it."

Chun Yuyan's breathing suddenly stagnated.

Feng Yun's words really surprised him.

No matter how much Yunchuan is a vassal state, it is still a country.

What is Changmen?

She didn't know where Feng Yun got the confidence to make such a boast. After pondering for a long time, he finally asked the doubts in the hearts of countless people.

"Feng Twelve, how many soldiers are there in Jieqiu Mountain? How much food and grass have you, Changmen, stored?"

Feng Yun smiled slightly and didn't answer.

Some things, no matter how deep they are, are meaningless.

Chun Yuyan's eyes darkened, "I'm sad again."

Feng Yun saw that his tone was relaxed, and her facial expression softened, smiling, "What are you sad about?"

Chun Yuyan stared at her and said softly, "Feng Twelve, you never need me..." (End of this chapter)

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