Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 539: No Mercy

Outside the gate, on the treetops of Emperor Street, there are still lanterns for the Lantern Festival.

In just three years, people seem to have forgotten the pain of war and become frivolous.

From time to time, there are screams of children, accompanied by men and women playing, and the sound is full of joy.

Chunyu Yan took out a jade hairpin from his arms.

"Feng Twelve, for you. Today is a good day, I wish you success every year and peace every year."

The jade hairpin is emerald green, the jade is warm, the carving is meticulous, and it is wrapped in a thin gold sheet. It is worth a lot at first glance.

Feng Yun did not reach out to take it. He picked up the teacup, took a sip, and smiled slowly at Chunyu Yan.

"Prince, you should know my preferences. This is not suitable for me."

The aroma from the incense burner floated over, which was the smell that Chunyu Yan liked.

But at this moment, smelling it, his nose was inexplicably sour, and those green smoke became the knife that killed him.

It was like a steel needle, piercing into the bone.

He looked at Feng Yun, his eyes a little blurry.

"If you don't want it, throw it away. It has your birthday on it. If you don't want it, I can't keep it."

Feng Yun stared at him without saying anything.

Chun Yuyan's tone was even more powerless.

"Feng Twelve, after so many years, are we still outsiders?"

Feng Yun still said nothing.

Chun Yuyan's eyes were half-closed, his emotions were hanging high, and he couldn't let them down. He smiled helplessly.

"At least we are friends, right? A friend gave it to you, so you don't have to reject him so far away, right? Even if you are not a friend, it is not beyond the rules for a partner to give you a birthday gift."

"Okay. Thank you." Feng Yun accepted the jade hairpin and put it aside.

His cold expression, with a smile, seemed to be completely unconcerned.

Chun Yuyan was pricked again: "Brother Wangzhi...didn't come back to celebrate your birthday?"

Feng Yun smiled, "He's busy."

Chun Yuyan raised his eyebrows and teased again. "You see, what you have is not as good as what you don't have. A legitimate husband is always not as good as an adulterer in terms of romance."

Feng Yun smiled, "This is what a husband and wife should be like."

In the eyes of outsiders, they are indeed a little cold between husband and wife.

Usually, they are busy with their own things, and no one will deliberately show affection.

No matter whether it is Pei Jue's birthday or hers, they have never taken it seriously.

And this is exactly her freedom.

The more involved, the more emotions you have to pay.

Too much or too little, it will cause debts, and troubles will follow.

The two have always been tacit.

She thought that Pei Jue understood her.


Chun Yuyan sat in the library for about half an hour and talked about many things in Xijing.

Before leaving, he said to Feng Yun: "Whether you like it or not, Changmen is too conspicuous and has become a thorn in the flesh of the Jin Dynasty. Feng Twelve, make plans early."

These words are very sincere, and Feng Yun understands.

She smiled slightly.

"I will think about it carefully. I will go to the capital in two days."

Chun Yuyan's eyelids jumped.

"Feng Twelve, are you really going to piss me off to death?"

Feng Yun raised her eyebrows, "What's the point of that?"

Chun Yuyan snorted, "Is it my advice that reminds you of Pei Wangzhi's kindness? Are you going to Xijing to visit your husband?"

Of course not.

Feng Yun is going to see Yuan Shangyi.

Two days ago, she received news from Xijing that Yuan Shangyi caught a cold in the first month of the year and had two serious illnesses. His health is not very good again. It seems that he is in a worse condition than before.

The child who depends on her and will never depend on anyone else in the end may not survive if he is not careful, so she plans to take Yao Ru with him.

Of course, he doesn't have to tell Chun Yuyan about these things.

"Please come in, my prince."

Chun Yuyan was speechless.

He pointed his finger at Feng Yun.

"Just piss me off. I tell you, Feng Twelve, if you piss me off to death, there will never be another man in the world who treats you so well..."

After he said that, he turned and went out.

The door opened and Jiang Yin stood there.

Her eyes suddenly met his, and she was flustered.

Chunyu Yan frowned.

Jiang Yin bowed his head and saluted.


Chunyu Yan did not speak, and passed by.

Jiang Yin was awkward and stunned for a moment, then looked up at Feng Yun, her cheeks suddenly flushed, and her heart seemed to be stabbed hard by something sharp, and she was almost speechless in pain...

Feng Yun coughed lightly, "Is there something wrong?"

Jiang Yin came back to her senses, lowered her eyes and said, "Madam, the young lady who spoke rudely in the library, her surname is Liu, and everyone calls her Yang Liu..."

Feng Yun raised her eyebrows, "So what?"

Jiang Yin said, "Yang Liu is the wife of General Yang Qi's younger brother."

She lowered her head and did not look at Feng Yun's expression.

Everyone in Changmen knew that the person Madam trusted might not be the king, but it would definitely be General Wen.

Shentu Jiong and Yang Qi were Qi generals. They surrendered to Jin with their subordinates and were Wen Xingsu's most capable subordinates and closest brothers.

Liu was Yang Qi's sister-in-law.

So, the mother-in-law that Liu mocked Feng Yun was Yang Qi's mother.

Feng Yun chuckled.

"So what?"

Jiang Yin was slightly surprised and asked hesitantly:

"I want to ask, will Liu be included in the banned list?"

"Remember. Why not?" Feng Yun said coldly: "Not only must you remember, you must write it in big words at the front for everyone to see carefully."

Jiang Yin felt cold in her heart, "I know."

She retreated silently.

In addition to keeping a copy of the banned list in the city, the blacklist must also be hung at the door of Langhuan Pavilion for everyone to see.

Jiang Yin picked up the pen and wrote Liu's name on it.

It didn't take a moment for everyone in the Emperor Street to know what was going on...

So, the matter of Feng Yun not being able to give birth to a child was once again hotly discussed.

Jiang Yin felt that this was outrageous.

Can Princess Yonghuai be discussed casually by the people?

Feng Yun didn't care and returned to Huaxi after noon.


The canal from Changhe to Huaishui was fully connected last summer. Today, the Huaxi wharf is bustling with people, and thousands of boats are sailing on the river. On the streets of Huaxi, there are weavers, ironworkers, pig butchers, carpenters, bricklayers, masons, and painters...all walks of life, everything is available, and the prosperity is visible to the naked eye.

Huaxi also has an advantage that other towns do not have-the river connects the four directions, directly bordering Qi and Yunchuan, and the border trade tax reduction order issued by the court has attracted merchants from various countries to come.

Therefore, even though Huaxi is only a town, its activity level far exceeds that of many counties...

Feng Yun is a decision-maker, participant, and witness of the changes over the past few years.

The carriage passed through the long street of Huaxi, and the road back to Changmen became longer and longer, and Feng Yun's eyes became more and more distant...

"Thinking of the situation when I followed my wife to Huaxi, the maids were a little afraid to recognize her."

Xiaoman saw Feng Yun looking at her seriously, and couldn't help sighing.

Feng Yun gently curled her lips, "Yes."

Who would believe that six or seven years ago, this was still a farmland?


Before the carriage stopped, a chubby little boy ran out of the farm and ran after the carriage...

"Ahao!" Xiaoman got a headache when she saw her son, and jumped out of the car without saying a word, scooped up the child, and hugged him tightly.

"Didn't I tell you not to chase when the carriage is moving?"

"Uh uh uh uh..."

The two-year-old Zuo Hao was not afraid of his mother. He stuck out his tongue and blew bubbles, but when he saw Feng Yun get off the carriage and glanced at him seriously, he silently retracted his tongue and lowered his head.

"Mom... not fierce."

Xiao Man didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Ge Guangdu came over and touched his head.

"The mouse is still smart. He knows how to read the mother's face. Where are A Yuan and the others?"

The little mouse turned his head to take a look.

After a while, a group of children of different heights ran out of the house and surrounded the few people in an instant, talking louder than the other.

Feng Yun asked Xiao Man to share the snacks she brought back and quickly got away and went back to the house.

She liked children, but when surrounded by so many children, if she gave them a little good face, they would dare to open a dyeing factory with her and stop doing anything...

After distributing the candies, Xiao Man saw Feng Yun sitting in the study in a daze when she entered the door.

There was a book on the wooden table, but no page had been turned for a long time.

Xiaoman said, "My wife, grandma asked you to go back to the room and change into festive clothes. Everyone wants to celebrate your birthday..."

Feng Yun didn't like to celebrate birthdays.

But every year, Grandma Han would prepare wine and food, invite everyone to have a lively meal, and then say with a smile.

"Twelve Niang is one year older."

One year older means another year gone.

Feng Yun's brows were slightly knotted.

"I know."

Xiaoman looked at her mood and said in a low voice, "Did Ahao and the others bother my wife?"

Feng Yun shook her head and laughed.

Xiaoman said, "I don't know who this child looks like. His father is so calm, but he is frivolous..."

How can a two or three-year-old child be frivolous?

Feng Yun looked at her with amusement, "Who does he look like? Don't you know?"

Xiaoman chuckled, looking heartless.

She has also grown older over the years.

But with Feng Yun doting on her and Zuo Zhongzong at home, there was really nothing for her to worry about, and she lived a simple and comfortable life...

The two were talking when Ge Guang came to report.

"My wife, General Wen and the county lord of Pingyuan brought a lot of gifts to celebrate your birthday."

After a pause, he hesitated and said, "And General Yang, with his brother and sister-in-law, said... to apologize."

Feng Yun was silent for a while, "Ask General Yang to take his family back."

Ge Guang responded and went out.

Letting them go back means they don't want to see each other.

Not seeing each other means not forgiving.

If the gap cannot be eliminated, then Yang Qi's family will definitely be uneasy.

Not long after Ge Guang went out, Wen Xingsu came in.

"Ah Yun..."

Yang Qi is his brother.

The two have a life-and-death friendship.

The Yang family came to Jin from Qi because of Yang Qi, and his brother was doing business across the street from Emperor Street.

Doing business in Andu, it is impossible to completely avoid dealing with Changmen. Liu is on the banned list, and Changmen has always adhered to the principle of "rules are heavier than mountains". Then life will be difficult in the future.

Wen Xingsu understood Feng Yun's personality and it was difficult to speak.

"Give Lao Yang some face."

"Brother." Feng Yun looked at him with a faint smile, "I respect Brother Yang very much."

Wen Xingsu said: "The matter of her sister-in-law..."

"One thing is one thing." Feng Yun said: "It is definitely not reasonable to cancel it if it is on the banned list."

Wen Xingsu pondered for a moment and asked again: "What about the Yang family's business?"

Feng Yun stared at him, "Brother, you should understand me. Everything should be done according to the rules."

"Ah Yun..." Wen Xingsu was very embarrassed. He hesitated for a moment before saying: "Yang Qi has been with me for many years. If I don't give him this face, it will be difficult for my brother to be a human being in front of him in the future."

The study was quiet for a long time.

Feng Yun said: "Brother, it is time to rectify Changmen. If I am lenient today, I will lay hidden dangers for the future. Brother, do you understand?"

Over the years, Changmen has more and more people, and the relationship between relatives, friends, various complicated relationships, and interpersonal disturbances have become more and more entangled.

There are always some people who rely on this and that, mess up the rules, do not abide by the rules, and do whatever they want.

When there are fewer people, we can manage it as a big family.

Now there are more people, rules are more important than feelings... (End of this chapter)

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