Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 540: A large family and a great business

Big brother is a general who leads troops, Feng Yun believes that he understands himself.

However, reason is reason, and human feelings are human feelings. It is difficult for ordinary people to separate emotions, and he couldn't turn around for a while.

She poured a glass of water and stuffed it into Wen Xingsu's hand.

Wen Xingsu took it, frowned and thought for a long time, then raised his neck, as if he was very thirsty, and drank it all in one gulp.

"I understand you."

He put down the cup and sighed heavily.

"It was they who bumped into the knife edge, and no one can blame them."

The smile on Feng Yun's face slowly faded, and his eyes narrowed slightly, "Big brother, do you think that I took the opportunity to make things difficult because I don't have children?"

Wen Xingsu raised his eyelids slightly, "Ayun is not that kind of person."

He took two steps forward and stood opposite Feng Yun.

"The mother and daughter-in-law of the old Yang family criticized the Yonghuai King and the princess. This mistake was made by them. There is nothing wrong with Ayun's handling of it, and no one thinks it is wrong..."

Feng Yun let go of his breath.

"I don't care what others think. I just hope you don't blame me."

Wen Xingsu looked solemn, pursed his dry lips, and said in a hoarse voice, "I'm just worried about Lao Yang..."

He looked at Feng Yun, paused, and said, "He is a filial son and a family man."

The study was quiet for a moment.

Feng Yun said, "Brother, today is my birthday."

Everyone has their own emotions and their own selfishness.

Feng Yun didn't want to quarrel with Wen Xingsu because of this.

She softened her tone, "Grandma prepared a lot of dishes to celebrate my birthday, but who knew that she would encounter a bad thing, which made me lose all my joy..."

Wen Xingsu looked at this slightly tired face, and couldn't say the rest of the words.

He sighed, "You take a rest, I will persuade Lao Yang."

Feng Yun smiled slightly.

"I know that my brother can handle it."

Wen Xingsu smiled bitterly and turned to go out.

Puyang Yi waited outside for a long time. The siblings were talking about business, so she didn't come in. Seeing that Wen Xingsu was in an unclear mood and walked with his eyes down, he didn't notice her presence. She sighed and pointed to the living room.

"They are over there..."

Wen Xingsu came back to his senses and smiled at her.

"You go to accompany Ayun."

Puyang Yi couldn't wait any longer. Before she finished speaking, she had already flashed into Feng Yun's room.

"Let me see, our birthday girl, how happy she is today."

Feng Yun forced a smile.

"Sister-in-law is here."

"Here, here." Puyang Yi walked over with a smile, hooked Feng Yun's arm, and said in a low voice: "I thought Ayun did a good job."

Feng Yun: "What?"

Puyang Yi pouted, "Get rid of the gossipy woman. Hum, what's wrong with not having children? If you don't have children, will you eat their food?"


Wen Xingsu and Puyang Yi have been married for three years, and they don't have children.

At first, the Grand Princess was a little anxious, looking for imperial doctors and folk remedies, and Puyang Yi herself was a little uneasy...

But Wen Xingsu didn't say anything, didn't make things difficult for her, and didn't mention taking a concubine to continue the family line. He was even more self-disciplined when it came to women, and never had any romantic affairs.

Everyone said that Pingyuan County Lord had found the right person this time.

Even the Grand Princess had changed her mind about Wen Xingsu.

Originally, she agreed to this marriage because of Puyang Yi's stubbornness and persistence.

Now, he gradually felt that this son-in-law was reliable, and could even stand firm in the court more than her son Puyang Zong.

The mother-in-law liked her son-in-law more and more.

Gradually, the Grand Princess will also tell Wen Xingsu some truths...

Such changes, in Puyang Yi's eyes, are the key to success, and in the eyes of the Grand Princess, it is the consolidation of status...

"If you ask me, my husband is too kind, what kind of good brother is he? If he is a good brother, will he allow his family to say bad things about you?"

Before she finished speaking, Puyang Yi said awkwardly: "Speaking of you, isn't it the same as speaking of me? I am also unlucky, so does his son not have the right to be a brother to my husband?"

In the matter of children, Puyang Yi always believed that she and Feng Yun could empathize with each other.

Feng Yun smiled, "Brother Yang is in the army all year round, he will not know about the family affairs, and he can't control them..."

Puyang Yi pursed her lips.

"It's what he deserves anyway."

While the two were talking, Wen Xingsu came in.

"Send him back."

Feng Yun looked at him and said, "I'm sorry to have embarrassed you, brother."

Wen Xingsu hesitated: "Changmen seems to be in the limelight, but it's a big family, and it's hard to be the head of the family. Now is a time of trouble. Ayun is responsible for so many people, and the situation is difficult."

It seems that the elder brother also knows that Xijing is afraid of Changmen.

Feng Yun slightly curled his lips: "I thought you were in the camp and didn't know what was going on in the court."

Wen Xingsu didn't hide it, and hesitated for a moment before saying: "My mother-in-law told me something." He looked deeply and glanced at Puyang Yi, "No matter what, you are always by my side."

This is a reassurance he gave Feng Yun.

Puyang Yi listened and nodded frequently.

"Yes, yes, Ayun, we are a family. If there is anything, we will definitely stand by you..."

Feng Yun looked at the couple, and his heart was like soaking in warm water.


Grandma Han was in charge of the kitchen, not other things in the manor, and she was especially concerned about Feng Yun's food.

For this birthday, there were more than ten tables in the manor, all of which were occupied by family members. There were many children, and the atmosphere was very lively, with laughter coming from time to time.

Yang Qi came here to hear the laughter.

In the courtyard of Zhuangzi, he asked to see Feng Yun.

Feng Yun did not expect him to go and come back. Hearing that he came alone, he quickly asked someone to invite him in for dinner.

Yang Qi refused.

Feng Yun glanced at Wen Xingsu and got up to go out.

"It's windy outside, why don't you go in and sit down to talk, brother Yang?"

"Please forgive me, princess." Yang Qi took out a piece of paper from his sleeve, unfolded it in the wind with a rustling sound, waved it, and presented it to Feng Yun with both hands.

"Please take a look, princess."

Feng Yun did not speak, but gave Xiaoman a look.

Xiaoman took it and looked at it, and her back tensed.

It was a divorce letter.

Yang Qi's younger brother Yang Si divorced Liu on the grounds of "talking too much" in the seven reasons for divorce.

"This woman has no relationship with my Yang family anymore. Please show some mercy, Princess."

Feng Yun looked at the words on the paper, then looked at Yang Qi's lowered head. After a long while, she said indifferently:

"Brother Yang, I have always respected you."

Yang Qi was startled and looked up at her.

"Madam, are you no longer blaming the Yang family?"

Feng Yun smiled, "Of course. Liu was divorced. What does her mistake have to do with your Yang family?"

Yang Qi breathed a sigh of relief.

Feng Yun told Alou to see the guests off and went back to her room.

When everyone saw her coming back, their faces were not very good and their smiles were much more restrained.

Puyang Yi gently pulled her, "What did you say?"

Feng Yun glanced at her and then looked at Wen Xingsu: "Liu was divorced."

Wen Xingsu calmly put down the cup, "In this way, the matter is over."

Feng Yun did not speak.

The matter was indeed over.

The Yang family's actions were flawless, and even Changmen couldn't find fault with them, and would not cut off business with the Yang family.

But Feng Yun's face did not show the joy of victory.


The matter of the banned list caused quite a stir, and it also sounded a warning bell for the people in Changmen. At the same time, he silently weighed his own weight in his heart...

Yang Qi had to cut off his arm, so was he more honorable than Yang Qi, and could he ask his wife to give him a break?

Many people couldn't sit still.

Without Feng Yun's order, they began to reflect on themselves.

If they had done anything secretly that harmed the interests of Changmen, they should fill the holes if they should, and if they couldn't fill them, they should come to Feng Yun and apologize.

Even Feng Yun himself didn't expect...

This blow would reveal so many things about Changmen.

Some embezzled money, some took bribes, and some bullied others by taking advantage of their power. It was more exciting than Feng Yun had imagined.

And this was only the seventh year.

She never thought that people's hearts would be corrupted so quickly.

"How many years have you had enough to eat?"

Feng Yun's eyes were bloodshot, and his voice was so cold that it seemed to carry the cold wind outside the house, and every word was piercing.

"No wonder the court was suspicious of Changmen. The two officials in the Jinluan Palace wrote to the emperor every day to ban Changmen. It turned out to be you, you!"

"It's you who ruined Changmen's reputation and made me ashamed to see people!"

Everyone was shocked.

The atmosphere in the hall changed completely.

Several people knelt in the hall and kowtowed to Feng Yun.

"Madam... spare us, we know we are wrong."

Feng Yun's hand slapped on the wooden table.

One, two.

Not enough to vent his anger, he hit it hard again.

Aozai heard the voice slowly approaching, and the fierceness in his eyes seemed to want to tear him apart and eat him.

Feng Yun waved his hand.

Aozai retreated behind the curtain silently again.

Feng Yun looked at everyone quietly.

"You guys disappoint me so much."

"Do you want to push Nagato into an abyss of no return?"

"If this leads to the imperial court's encirclement and suppression, will you be happy?"

She looked around at the few people in the room who were crestfallen, her expression slowly calmed down, and there was still a hint of anger in her tone.

"Investigate! Investigate thoroughly for me, how many things and how many people are there that I don't know about." (End of this chapter)

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