Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 541 A Blow to the Head

Feng Yun postponed her trip to Xijing for three days.

In a very short time, she thoroughly investigated Changmen inside and out.

Cutting flesh from one's own body is extremely painful.

Over time, the roots of these people have been deeply rooted in Changmen, and each of them has a thousand connections, and a single hair will affect the whole body.

But she must cut bones and heal her wounds.

Not only to give an explanation to the Xijing court to solve the current situation.

It is also for herself and Changmen's long-term.


Check from top to bottom, examine one by one.

The bad thing is that the scope involved is wider than Feng Yun expected.

From Andu to Mingquan, Xinyi, and even the various branches of Changmen, there are similar tumors everywhere.

Fortunately, the upper-level managers of Changmen, the part of her most trusted people, are trapped by human feelings, but their original intentions have not been lost, and they have not been corrupted in nature, and there are no signs of infiltration by outsiders or other forces...

Despite this, Feng Yun still felt cold sweat.

This is the hidden danger she has overlooked.

In her previous life, there was no Changmen, so she lacked experience. Her eyes and vigilance were always directed outward, and she never looked back at the inside. She had no idea that the insects had quietly spread and were silently eroding the foundation...

Within three days, people were taken to Changmen one after another.

The rules of Changmen have been set for several years, but the legendary family law was used for the first time.

Feng Yun was not afraid of being embarrassed, and opened the door of the manor to let the people of Huaxi watch.

One by one, the evidence was slapped in people's faces.

Those who should be beaten were beaten, those who should be punished were punished, and those who should be sent to the authorities were sent directly to the authorities, without giving anyone face, no matter who promoted them, whose in-laws, whose brother-in-law, or whose second uncle.

One by one.

The troops who executed the family law were arranged by Ge Guang himself. There were more than a hundred people, and their arms were sore and they cried out in grief...

The family law was executed from morning to night.

The crowds of people watching the excitement outside the manor were so crowded that no one could get through, but they all cheered.

"It serves him right!"

"It's easy to beat up a disloyal and unrighteous person."

"Bah! This guy deserves God's punishment!"

"This guy too, when he came to Huaxi, he dragged a little girl with him, and the three of them were almost starving to death. If it weren't for your wife taking him in and giving him a full meal, the grass on his grave would have been three feet high..."

"He is ungrateful and embezzles money and property, so beating him with twenty boards is a light punishment."

"This guy is even more shameless, he is lustful, but he dares to insult a decent woman... He is a son of a bitch, he should be beaten to death and fed to the dogs."

"At first I thought your wife was just pretending, but I didn't expect it to be serious... It's amazing, really amazing."


The discussions outside the door, the crying and repentance in the courtyard, never stopped.

Feng Yun sat on the soft chair under the eaves, steady and stable.

She had no emotions, and the expression on her face had not changed since she got up in the morning until the last group of people left.

"Xiao Man."

She stretched out her hand, "Help me up."

Xiao Man bowed her head and responded. As soon as she helped Feng Yun up, a group of managers led by A Lou and Xing Bing knelt down heavily.

"Please punish me, madam."

Feng Yun slightly side-glanced: "Where did you go wrong..."

Xing Bing was a big and strong man, with his head down, his eyes red, like a child who had done something wrong.

"I have received great favors, but I have failed you, madam."

A Lou also bowed his head, revealing only a part of his neck, "As the chief steward, I did not discover the heresy in time, and because of my soft heart, I did not manage it thoroughly, which led to chaos in Changmen and affected your reputation. All this is due to my stupidity. Please punish me, madam..."

Feng Yun: "It should be punished."

She looked at these people from top to bottom.

Slowly, she said a sentence.

"You should be punished, and so should I. The responsibility for lax supervision should be counted from me."

Some people can share hardships, but not happiness.

When we were so poor that we had nothing to lose, we all had the same goal, which was to have enough food and warmth.

To survive - this was the strongest bond, which could bring people together and make them work together.

But as the environment improved, people's desires and satisfaction became more difficult to fill, and differences in people's hearts would gradually emerge. If they were driven by interests, they would inevitably go astray and it would be difficult to turn back.

You can distrust people, but you cannot distrust human nature.

She sighed: "It has been seven years in Changmen. We have gone from having nothing to being rich and prosperous. We have gone through wind and rain and overcome difficulties together. I regard everyone in Changmen as my family. I want to build a home with everyone. In this troubled world, there is a place to shelter from the wind and rain, and we don't have to wander around... But I forgot that people's hearts are fickle."

She glanced over, and everyone bowed their heads.

She said: "I was careless, and I should punish myself."

As she spoke, she got up from the chair and walked to the incense table.

Three sticks of incense were lit, and she bowed again and again.

One respect to the gods of heaven and earth.

The second respect to the ancestors.

The third is to confess.

She was very pious.

Behind her, a group of people knelt densely, each of them stiff in the wind.

Before Feng Yun finished worshipping, a low cry came from the crowd.

This cry made everyone's eyes wet.

It was only six or seven years, but how Changmen developed to what it is today, the old Changmen people knew very well...

Andu City was broken, and the prisoner in the county governor's mansion was sentenced to death. The general sentenced them, and the Queen Mother Li killed them. Fang Fucai was sent to take them in accordance with the order. It was Ao Qi who was in front of him, and it was Feng Yun who used a trick to take away half of them...

The other half was taken away by Fang Fucai, and no one survived. They all died in Zhongjing or on the way to Zhongjing.

How lucky they are to be able to visit the Palace of Hell once and come back again. They had to do so many good deeds in their previous lives to have the opportunity to follow the wife. They started with dozens of people, but they didn't have enough food to eat and were scared. Now they are well-dressed and well-fed, with a large number of people. A hundredfold increase...

Get rich.

Got money.

Become powerful.

Some people forget this.

If it hadn't been for the blow from the lady, even if they didn't make a mistake today, they might have done something in the future...

"Come here."

Feng Yun slowly turned around and looked at the people kneeling on the ground.

"You are Nagato's stewards and the backbone of Nagato. Come on, burn three sticks of incense in front of the ancestors of heaven and earth, and speak your mind."

After she finished speaking, she turned and left.

Everyone stood up slowly and lined up to go forward. One by one, they burned incense and repented in front of the sacrificial table.

Feng Yun didn't look again and went straight back to the house.

On this day in Nagato, the air was filled with two smells.

The smell of blood, the smell of incense.

Feng Yun sat alone by the window for a long time.

Spring began in February and the weather became warmer, but the wind was still very cold at night.

She did not close the window, and suddenly realized that being reborn and changing her life seemed to be getting rid of the nightmare, but it was not completely free.

Unconsciously, she has already started another game, a completely different game from her previous life...

There is no rebirth experience to follow, and no one to guide me.

It's fine if you win, but if you won't be any easier than dying in your previous life.


At night, Ao Zai came back.

It took a long time to go up the mountain this time, a full two months.

On the day before New Year's Eve, Ao Zai brought back a slightly smaller female lynx in the middle of the night. In front of Feng Yun, he gently licked her fur and asked her to recognize him...

But the new daughter-in-law, who grew up in the mountains, is wary of people and has a bad temper. She wants to beat Ao Zai every time she licks her hair, and even growls at Feng Yun, but Ao Zai gently suppresses her... …

Feng Yun didn't dare to approach it.

But he fed her and gave her a nice name.


It carries the smell of morning dew from green pine trees on the mountain.

I don’t know if it understood or liked it, but Ao Zai was very happy and rubbed around Feng Yun again and again.

Before dawn, Ao Zai left with his new wife.

Feng Yun was sad for a long time. At that time, she felt that Ao Zai was leaving her and would not come back after saying goodbye.

Unexpectedly, on this special day, Ao Zai came back again.

A "big cat" jumped in from the window, its body covered with wind and frost, and rubbed against Feng Yun affectionately.

"What's wrong?" Feng Yun stroked its back hair with great tenderness, "Where is your new wife? Why didn't you bring her back?"

Ao Zai's big head was pressed against it, and he was making a sound from his mouth.

Feng Yun smiled and lowered his head, guessing and asked: "A fight?"

Ao Zai put his head on her lap and looked at Feng Yun like an innocent child, greeting her and caring about her...

Feng Yun was startled.

Ao Zai came back smelling blood.

It wasn't that he had a fight with his new wife, but that he was worried about her.

"Ao Zai." Feng Yun hugged Ao Zai's neck tightly and put his face on its head.

The emotions that had been suppressed in my heart for the past few days suddenly burst out when faced with Ao Zai's clear and innocent eyes.

Over the years, things have changed.

Many people around me are no longer what they used to be.

Only Ao Zai remained unchanged.

It loved her loyally, passionately, and for many years...

"I'm going to Xijing." She said in a low voice, "to see A Yuan."

Ao Zai leaned against her.

Feng Yun smiled, "A Yuan is the same as you and will not change."

Because of ignorance, Yuan Sangyi became a three-year-old child who was innocent until death.

Ao Zai didn't leave at night, he stayed behind.

Feng Yun still let him sleep on the edge of the soft couch, where his nest was...

After falling asleep, she clearly didn't think about Pei Ran, but she dreamed about him.

He called her in his dream, "Yunniang."

Feng Yun seemed to be immersed in a half-dream state, a little dazed, "Why are you back?"

Pei Ran sat down, held her in his arms, and breathed out, "I can't help you."


What's wrong with you?

Someone in Nagato betrayed her.

Did Pei Madang also do something to betray her?

Female lust? money? then what?

Feng Yun wanted to ask, but in her dream she was only frightened and unable to make a sound.

"Yunniang..." Pei Madang held her face, sighed softly, and hugged her into his arms, "His Majesty passed away. You must express your condolences."

Feng Yun was awakened by this low sigh.

Open your eyes, it's dusk.

The sky had not yet opened, and the surroundings were so quiet that there was no sound at all.

Ao Zai leaned over and looked at it with a pair of dark eyes that were hard to see clearly at night.

Fortunately it's a dream...

Feng Yun breathed a sigh of relief and did not call anyone to wait on him. He put on his clothes, poured a glass of water and drank it slowly. He sat for a while and was about to go back to sleep when he heard a rush of horse hooves, breaking the silence of Huaxi...

She was in a frenzy.

For a moment, there were strange footsteps outside.

Xiaoman said in surprise: "Brother Zuo, why are you back?"

"Where's the lady?" Zuo Zhong's voice was very low.

"My wife has gone to bed." Xiaoman noticed his emotions, "But something happened..."

Zuo Zhong was silent for a moment before telling her.

"His Majesty has passed away. I'm back to announce the death."

Sisters, don't wait for the second update at night. Erjin will get up early tomorrow to climb Mount Huangshan. Uh, it's a group activity, so he can't be late. Although I can't sleep very well, I'm going to lie down and rest. I'll return to Chengdu the day after tomorrow, and I'll arrive in the evening. Then I'll update normally until the finale.

The book Nagato won't be very long. It should still have about 200,000 words. Thank you very much for your support along the way. I love you.

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