Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 542 The general trend of the world

Feng Yun was in a nightmare.

The day before yesterday, she discussed Yuan Shangyi's pulse case with Dr. Yao.

Dr. Yao said that at this time of year, when it is warm but then cold, wind evil is easy to invade. If you take a few doses of decoction and nurse yourself back to health until the weather is warm, everything revives, and you are completely warmed up, you should be fine.

How do you say it's gone?

If she hadn't stayed to rectify Nagato and rushed to Xijing immediately, would she have had time to see him one last time?

If you see it, will you not die?

No one can give an answer.

Xiao Man was still in the outer room when he saw the fire coming out of the crack in the door.

She was startled for a moment, then approached softly and called out tentatively.

"Madam, are you awake?"

Feng Yun hummed, "Change my clothes for me."

By the time the carp turned white on the horizon, Feng Yun had already packed up his belongings.

She changed into plain white clothes, no makeup or silk flowers, and got on the carriage with a pale and pale face.

Ah Lou, Xing Bing and others were waiting at the door and bowed to see him off.

Feng Yun opened the curtain and ordered with a cold face: "Be careful in everything after I leave."


"Take care, madam."

"Don't worry, madam."

Everyone was talking and worried.

Something happened to Nagato just now, and then the little emperor passed away.

That was a child who had lived in Huaxi, and my wife treated him like a family member.

Everyone's heart is heavy.

Feng Yun nodded and said nothing.

Just as he was about to lower the curtain, a yellowish figure swooped up and got on the carriage very quickly.

Feng Yun glanced sideways, "Baby?"

She stroked Ao Zai's back hair and said, "Aren't you going to accompany Truffle? My little wife doesn't want it anymore?"

Ao Zai clung to her and refused to leave.

It has followed Feng Yun since she was a child and can feel her emotions very well.

Feng Yun knew that Ao Zai was worried about her.

"I'm fine." She said: "A Yuan is a good boy. He will definitely be born into a good child in his next life, meet good parents, and live the life he wants..."

He lowered his head again and comforted Ao Zai, "Go back."

Not only did Ao Zai not move away, his head was pressed against her leg.

Seeing this, Xiao Man said softly: "Madam, let Ao Zai go. He wants to follow you, but he can't let you go."

Ao Zai can't speak.

But Ao Zai has always been free. He can eat and drink when he wants to come back, and he can go wild in the mountains if he wants. Feng Yun never restrains him and prevents him from losing his ability to survive in the jungle...

Therefore, if it doesn't go, it can only be because it doesn't want to go.

Everyone could see that Ao Zai couldn't bear to leave her.

Feng Yun lowered his eyes and said, "Okay."


At the gate of Andu City, He Qia, Wen Xingsu, He Chuandong, Puyang Yi, and many Xinzhou officials were waiting there with sad expressions.

They all received the news of the emperor's death.

He Qia and other officials, who could not return to Beijing without an imperial edict, sent their condolences to Feng Yun and asked him to take them to Xijing.

Wen Xingsu and Puyang Yi were indeed royal relatives and wanted to go back to Beijing with her for the funeral.

Pu Yangyi abandoned his carriage and climbed onto Feng Yun's carriage.

"Ayun, my condolences."

Speaking of which, Yuan Shangyi was her cousin, much closer than Feng Yun.

But because of Queen Mother Duan, the two families had little contact, and instead had a relatively distant relationship.

But Pu Yangyi knew the feelings between Feng Yun and Yuan Shangyi, so he held her hand and comforted her quietly.

"He has been sick since he was a child, and the medicine has always been with him... This is a kind of relief."

Feng Yun pursed his lips in disbelief and forced a smile, "Yeah."

Puyangyi tightened her hand and sighed.


The group of people arrived in Xijing quickly and slowly despite wind and rain.

Feng Yun originally thought that Ao Zai would leave after following her for a ride, but he did not expect that he would stay in the carriage all the time. Except for getting out of the carriage for convenience, and occasionally going hunting to satisfy his hunger, he would never leave her.

It's been a long time since Ao Zai grew up, and he hasn't been this clingy to her for a long time.

Feng Yun was happy and emotional at the same time.

Zai is afraid of losing her.

But what about its little wife?

The little daughter-in-law grew up in the mountains and could not integrate into the human world...

She gave her instructions again.

"Xijing is different from Huaxi. No one knows you and will be afraid. Therefore, when the carriage enters the city, you have to stay in the carriage. After returning to the house, you can only stay in the house and in my sister's yard. If you want to go out , you have to be extremely careful and stay away from the crowd, you know?”

Ao Zai moved his tail to show that he heard it.

Feng Yun touched its head and said, "It's so good."

Pu Yangyi looked very envious, "I wish I had a turtle cub."

Feng Yun said nothing and looked out through the curtain.

Compared with the last time she came to Xijing, there were obviously more guards at the city gate...

Thinking it was because the death knell had been sounded in the palace, everyone from the soldiers guarding the gate to the people coming and going had a solemn look on their faces, and not a single smiling face was seen.

Don't dare to laugh either.

When the carriage drove into the city gate, the guard wanted to check the ultimatum and was very serious. Zuo Zhong and Wen Xingsu showed their waistbands. When the guards learned their identities, they respectfully waited to one side.

Puyangyi was also sensitive to the serious atmosphere and sighed again.

"I finally lived in peace for three years."

For her, these three years were extremely comfortable.

I was newly married to Wen Xingsu, the world was peaceful, there was no war, I had money, leisure, and the blessing of my mother's family. Apart from not having children, I had almost no regrets in life...

Although Yuan Shangyi ignored court affairs and his status as emperor was only symbolic, so what?

This has been the best era for the Jin Dynasty in recent decades.

If possible, Puyang Yi also hopes that Yuan Shangyi will live a long life.

But things didn't go as he wished, and he still couldn't endure it.

Puyang Yi didn't dare to think about what would happen next.

"Ayun." She suddenly stretched out her hand, hugged Feng Yun's arm, and pressed her face against it, "I'm scared."

Feng Yun looked at her sideways and curled his lips, "I'm not the eldest brother, there's no point in asking me to act coquettishly."

Normally, Puyang Yi would have been very coquettish and angry.

But she was surprisingly calm at this time, and she just hugged her tighter and tighter, as if she was afraid of losing something. She lowered her eyelids and didn't raise them for a long time.

"I think all of us are safe."

Feng Yun held her shoulders, straightened her up, looked into her eyes and asked with a smile:

"Is this because of the fear of being close to home?"

Puyangyi didn't speak.

She knew that Feng Yun knew in her heart that what she was afraid of was a conflict between King Yonghuai and her mother.

Puyangyi doesn't like to pay attention to government affairs, but she is not ignorant.

With Yuan Shangyi here and Pei Madang supporting him, my mother naturally wouldn't think too much about it.

But when the little emperor passed away, the mother's thoughts must have become active, and she wanted to make Yuanyue, her uncle's son, King Zhuang Xian's heir, and entrust him to become emperor...

The perfect mother-in-law is nothing more than a girl.

Everyone wants that big position.

The opportunity is in front of me, the throne is within easy reach, and my mother will not give up.

not to mention……

Without Yuan Shangyi, Yuan Yue's succession to the throne is actually justified and not a wishful thinking...

The premise is that Pei Madang doesn't stand in the way.

Will Pei Madang stand in the way?

Which emperor is his favorite?

Will he follow the wishes of the eldest princess and support Yuanyue...

Puyangyi doesn't think so.

My mother, second brother, Ruan Pu, and all the royal family members are all the old forces of the Jin Dynasty, and they are part of the old party.

On the surface, Pei Madang has no position, but his brother-in-law Ao Zheng is the leader of the new party.

If the new party didn't have Pei Madang's secret support, it wouldn't have developed so fast, and it wouldn't have had the chance to compete with the old party.

What Pei Ran wants is balance and stability.

Once Yuan Yue takes the throne, this balance will be broken...

Yuan Yue is nineteen this year, how many more years will he need to be an assistant minister?

Pei Madang definitely refused to use Yuan Yue. If his mother insisted, there would be another bloody storm in Xijing.

That's not what Puyangyi wants to see...

When the time comes, which side does her husband stand on, and what should she do?

The sudden change made her confused and her eyes red, but Feng Yun was very calm.

As if she didn't know anything, she ordered Ge Guang who was driving.

"First send Pingyuan County Lord to Princess Dachang's mansion."

Ge Guang responded: "Yes."

Pu Yangyi buried her head in Feng Yun's arm.

The carriage stopped at the gate of the Princess's mansion.

Feng Yun said with a smile: "I am in a hurry today, so I will not go to see His Highness. My sister-in-law will say hello for me."

Pu Yangyi nodded, with red eyes, "No matter what happens, we are still good sisters. Right?"

Feng Yun smiled and said, "Go back quickly. We haven't seen you for a long time. His Highness must miss you."

Puyangyi got out of the car slowly.

Wen Xingsu rode over, took her hand, and helped her down.

His eyes were looking at Feng Yun.

"I will go to the mansion later to meet the king."

Feng Yun nodded, "It's right to visit your mother-in-law first when you return to Beijing. Go quickly."

Wen Xingsu's eyes darkened a bit, and without saying anything else, he nodded to Feng Yun, then turned and left with Pu Yangyi.

Feng Yun was behind the curtain, watching their backs, and then said for a long time: "Go back home."

It was noon at this time, but the temperature was extremely cold. Thick clouds cover the sky like a huge gray curtain. The death of the little emperor seemed to make the heavens feel pity. The air was filled with moist mist, and the pedestrians walking in a hurry on the street seemed to be affected by the weather and became cautious.

The carriage drove slowly past the eldest princess's mansion.

Feng Yun saw the closed palace door and the guards on three floors inside and three outside.

The door of Pei Mansion was also closed, and Pei Madang was not in the house.

The servant said that the king entered the palace last night and has not come back yet.

Zuo Zhong knew that she was anxious and said quickly: "I'll go into the palace and have a look. If anything happens, I'll report it immediately."

Feng Yun responded, "Thank you."

Zuo Zhong left, and Feng Yun took Ao Zai back to the yard, and immediately sent people to inquire about the news.

Half an hour later, Ge Yi brought Luo Yue back.

She came from Wei Zheng's house. When she saw Feng Yun bowing Yingying, she felt happy and worried at the same time. The sadness in her brows was not as free and easy as before.

"younger sister."

She sat down and said hurriedly without having time to take a sip of tea:

"His Majesty passed away suddenly. I heard that King Yonghuai had ordered that all the attendants and imperial doctors in front of the emperor be imprisoned. I think he was suspected of his majesty's death and there were other heretics... To tell you the truth, Wei Zheng entered the palace last night and is still here today. No news came back, and I was very upset. I sent someone to inquire in the morning, but the palace door was closed and no one could get in. I don’t know what happened in the palace..."

She glanced at Feng Yun weakly.

"I heard them say that there are more imperial guards outside Prince Zhuangxian's palace, and they are strictly guarding them."

"The Gyeonggi camp army has been on standby since last night."

"Sister, I'm so scared."

One sentence after another, Luo Yue, a steady person like him, was completely confused, and his eyes were full of panic.

In the face of the general trend of the world, a woman like her has no ability to withstand risks.

"Will Wei Zheng be okay?"

Feng Yun raised his eyes: "It depends on which direction his heart is leaning."

Her tone was calm, her beautiful face looked slightly tired but not nervous, her eyebrows were extremely sharp, and she had a cold air.

Luo Yue's heart suddenly became cold.

"Dad, don't go the wrong way."

I saw the welcoming pines and flying rocks. Huangshan is really beautiful. The consequence of climbing the mountain is that jio is in so much pain that it doesn’t feel like it’s his own anymore. I haven’t exercised for a long time, and now I feel pain everywhere. I was beaten, and that’s probably it... I have to drag my luggage back to there tomorrow. , ah, this makes me sad just thinking about it...

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