Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 543: You Can’t Live Without a King

Xiaoman carried tea and refilled water from outside the house.

Luo Yue stopped talking, took out her handkerchief and gently wiped the corners of her eyes to calm her mind.

Luo Yue felt a little embarrassed in front of the sisters from the past.

When Feng Fengguangguang left Huaxi and married into the Wei Mansion, she thought that she would definitely be the one with the best destination among the twenty beauties in her life. She thought that others would envy her...

Later, Wei Zheng also felt sorry for her, and even felt that his face was bright.

She never thought that only she and Shao Xueqing would become someone else's concubine.

The other sisters are either free and happy without getting married, or they are married to other people. Even if the husband she marries is not as powerful as Wei Zhengguan, he is actually the main wife.

Even the youngest Xiaoman married Zuo Zhong.

Not to mention that Zuo Zhong himself was tall and straight, and he was a heroic son. In terms of future, King Yonghuai's chief of guard would not be worse than Wei Zheng in the future...

Xiao Manhun didn't know that she was feeling ashamed of herself, so she poured the water and smiled and said: "Sister Luo will come here more often. Madam, I will always think about you. It's hard to come to Xijing, and everyone should get together more. Next time, bring Dabao too. Well, it’s been a long time since we last met, so I thought I could let him get acquainted with Hao’er and play a few more times..."

Luo Yue looked at Xiaoman's smiling face and responded, feeling confused in her heart.

Feng Yun glanced at Xiaoman, "Go and pack up and take out the gifts I prepared for Dabao, so Luo Yue can take them back later."

Xiaoman responded, "Yes, madam."

Luo Yue's eyes were red, "My sister always spends money, so why not..."

Feng Yun looked at her and said, "You didn't give me any good things."

Luo Yue met her eyes and smiled brightly as she thought of all the weird things she had done in the past.

At that time, my mind was still pure...

She hasn't smiled like this for a long time since giving birth to Dabao.

"My sister still remembers it."

"Of course I remember." Feng Yun looked at her for a moment and said slowly: "If you had to start over again, would you still choose Wei Zheng?"

Luo Yue hesitated for a moment and shook his head.

"I don't know either. In fact, I have thought about it many times over the years, but the result is basically the same... Luo Yue was in the same situation at that time. If I were to do it again, I think I would make the same choice."

She smiled helplessly, "Sister, I am such a person. I am indolent and indolent. I just want to live a good life. I am unwilling to endure hardships and hardships, and I am unwilling to wait. I am too anxious..."

Feng Yun understood in his heart that Luo Yue's current situation was actually related to her original decision.

Therefore, she could not help but be a little more concerned.

"Is he okay with you? How is his new wife? You didn't even mention it in the letter. I can't ask."

Luo Yue lowered her eyes and took a sip of tea, with a look of forgiveness on her face.

"He is still kind to me. After all, you and King Yonghuai are here. Madam doesn't dare to make it too difficult for me. She knows that I will complain...but she also wants to guard against me."

Feng Yun added water for her without saying a word.

Luo Yue said: "Madam is pregnant again in the first month. The doctor said that this fetus can give birth to a son. If she gives birth to a son, my family's eldest child will be..."

As she spoke, she smiled again, with helpless moisture flashing in her eyes.

"Just like that, Dabao is not the legitimate son, but he is still the eldest son. His father also loves him, so he will not suffer too much."

Feng Yun smiled slightly.

After talking about the current situation of Huaxi, we talked about Nankui.

"She gave birth to a child alone, with her surname, and refused to let the child's biological father see it. She didn't want any money or gifts from the county magistrate. She gritted her teeth and gave birth to the child by herself, raised by herself, and it had nothing to do with him anyway. "

There was bitterness in Luo Yue's eyes, "I'm not as good as Sister Nan, she is braver than me. I... Dabao and his father, I can't take this child out of the Wei family, and he won't agree."

Feng Yun said: "If you can live a good life, then it will be good. I am afraid that you will suffer. I tell you this because I want to say that you still have me."

She smiled and said, "I can support you and Dabao. The sisters can also do their part. Luo Yue, don't be afraid."

Luo Yue held back the tears for a long time, then burst out of her eyes.

Luo Yue, don’t be afraid.

And there she is.

Smiles and tears were mixed in her eyes. Luo Yue wiped the corners of her eyes, feeling that there was no more beautiful words in the world.

"As long as I have my sister, my whole life will be enough."

Luo Yue spoke for a while, saying that she was leaving.

But it seemed that he still had more to say, hesitating in his eyes, he wanted to speak several times, but then swallowed it.

Feng Yun saw through her thoughts and said, "If you have anything to say, just say it."

Luo Yue said: "I'm afraid that what I said will cause you more trouble..."

Feng Yun smiled bitterly, "I returned to Xijing because I wanted to see His Majesty. Your Majesty is gone. Is there anything more annoying than this?"

"Yes..." Luo Yue lowered her eyes slightly, hesitated for a moment before biting her lip, and said in a low voice: "I shouldn't have said these words, but if I hide them from you, I will feel uncomfortable. Sister, please give it a try. Once you hear it, make your own judgment, because this is what Wei Zheng said and did countless things..."

She said this again and again, and Feng Yun had some suspicions in his heart.

Then she heard her say: "Before Wei Zheng entered the palace, he discussed with his confidants... His Majesty's death is probably... related to King Yonghuai."

Feng Yun's eyes flashed.

Luo Yue's eyelids twitched fiercely, she held her hand and reiterated, "Sister, this is the saying of the Tiqisi family. I heard it from the corner. I tell you, if you don't chew the tongue of King Yonghuai, you can't do it. letter……"

Feng Yun stared at her with dark eyes, bottomless.

"What else did they say?"

Luo Yuedao: "The imperial physician in charge of your majesty's case, Puyang Li, is from King Yonghuai. The same is true for all the palace servants who are arranged to serve in front of the emperor..."

She lowered her eyes, "They also said that since King Yonghuai took charge of Xijing, it has been difficult for others to get in touch with His Majesty."

Feng Yun's face was solemn and he said nothing.

Luo Yue said: "Before Wei Zheng entered the palace, he received news from Tiqisi's spies. One month before His Majesty's death, the imperial army was mobilized frequently in the imperial city, and there were also changes in several camps in the capital..."

Feng Yun saw that she was hesitant to speak, and the corners of his lips curled up.

"They want to say that King Yonghuai supported his own troops and held the emperor hostage to make the princes not satisfied. He also wanted to rebel against the emperor, wear a dragon robe and sit on a dragon chair?"

Luo Yue's face changed slightly with fright, and she waved her hands repeatedly.

"I don't dare to think that. I just want to tell my sister that if Tiqisi has this news, Wei Zheng will make speculations, and the court will probably do the same... I don't know what the current situation should be, and it is up to my sister and the king to decide. "

Feng Yun knew that she had good intentions, and smiled when he saw that she was so nervous and at a loss.

"I understand, you can rest assured."


After Luo Yue left, Feng Yun had some snacks and went to visit Pei Chong and Pei Yuan. When he came back, he took a nap on the Arhat chair in the east room before Zuo Zhong came back.

The journey was hard and tiring. She couldn't eat well and couldn't sleep well. She was very tired...

Half asleep and half awake, the bead curtain shook.

The man deliberately walked slowly and stopped at the edge of the couch.

He bent down and picked up the silk quilt that had fallen to the ground, and his warm breath fell on her face like that...


Feng Yun opened his eyes and fell into a pair of dark eyes.

Just like what I saw in my dream that day.

"Did I disturb you?" Pei Ran's face was calm and his tone was slightly relaxed. He touched her face with his palm and gently brushed away the messy hair hanging down. He was gentle and gentle, just like a husband returning from the morning. Son-in-law, there is no stranger, let alone separation.

Feng Yun hummed and met his eyes, his heart beating faster.

She thought of Luo Yue's words.

I thought of Yuan Shang Yi’s little face again.

Slowly, she squeezed Pei Man's hand tightly.

"A Yuan...are you really gone?" she asked.

"Yunniang..." Pei Ran's eyes were heavy, and he sighed quietly as he looked into her expectant eyes, "I can't forgive you for not taking good care of him."

Feng Yun's breath tightened, waiting for the next step.

After a long time, he sat down by the couch, put his palm on her back, and patted her in relief.

"You rest for a while, and I'll take you to see him."

Feng Yun sat up and lifted the thin quilt, "Let's go."

A Yuan has waited for her for too long.

She came so late, why should she rest?

This time, he followed Pei Ran into the palace, and no one blocked him. The closed palace door had no effect in front of Pei Ran. Before anyone arrived, it was opened.

Everyone in the Forbidden Garden was respectful to Pei Mad.

"Since King Yonghuai has been in charge of Xijing, it has been difficult for others to get in touch with His Majesty."

Feng Yun looked sideways.

He caught the flash of suspicion.

Pei Ran said calmly: "The coffin and coffin have been laid, and we are just waiting for the auspicious day for the funeral..."

After a pause, he added: "The palace is still as it was when His Majesty was there. No one has touched it. I just want to wait for you to come and take a last look."

Feng Yun couldn't express the sourness and tangle in his heart. He nodded without making a sound, and his mood was as calm as usual...

Until she walked into the inner hall and saw the dragon bed.

In the empty room, the emperor was not there, only a string of wind chimes hanging on the curtain could be seen.

Pine cones and bells jingle when the wind blows.

It was made by Feng Yun himself.

And this is the place where A Yuan last lived.

Feng Yun slowly approached, touched the wind chime with his hand, held the pine cone in his palm, and stopped to look...

Dong Bai was standing next to him, his eyes red and sniffing, "Your Majesty is seriously ill this time, so he doesn't want anything else but this string of wind chimes... His Majesty doesn't remember anything, but he still remembers the wind chimes. He has to watch them to fall asleep every day, open his eyes." If you open your eyes, you will see it...If you don't give it, you will cry..."

Feng Yun's throat was slightly choked.

The emperor's residence is a house with high eaves and a wide space, and the room is lonely.

Little Won Sang Yi...

She asked Dong Bai, "Did His Majesty pass peacefully?"

Dong Bai's sobs became louder, his lips trembled, and he couldn't cry, "Your Majesty said he... felt uncomfortable, said he was scared... Your Majesty grabbed the wind chime hard... his eyes were wide open, and he couldn't say what he wanted... Xiao One wonders if he was thinking about his wife. When she came... he didn't see her, so His Majesty... felt depressed for a long time..."

Feng Yun choked.

My chest seemed to be clogged with hemp.

"It's my fault, I came late."

"A's my wife's fault. I should have come to see you earlier."

The emperor's coffin stopped in the middle of the main hall. The ministers, dressed in mourning robes, knelt down to watch the mourning, and sobbed one after another...

Everyone looked sad.

But no one knows what kind of ambition those cries contain.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty..."

"How about I let you wait?"

"Uuuu... Your Majesty, I wish I could go with you..."

The liver and intestines were severed.

Tears burst into tears.

Feng Yun looked at the coffin silently and waited patiently.

In the crowd, someone soon bowed.

"Your Majesty, my condolences, and all your lords, my condolences."

Feng Yun looked over and saw that it was Ruan Pu.

A tear on the sleeve will make the red eyes illustrate the great cause.

"The importance of the country depends on the wise emperor. The order of heaven and earth, the great peace of the world, cannot be without a king for a day. The most urgent task is to hope that the king and the gentlemen will not be overwhelmed by grief and miss the important affairs of the country."

Tomorrow three more... (clenched fist)

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