Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 544: Critical Moment

The crying in the hall suddenly stopped.

The ministers who had bowed their heads and cried in mourning all raised their heads to see King Yonghuai's reaction.

The situation between North Korea and China is not complicated, and can even be called clear. Therefore,

From the moment Emperor Tianshou passed away, this storm was destined to come, but how would it come and how would it end? Everyone is waiting...

Pei Madang slightly flicked his sleeves and took two steps forward.

He was very tall and looked at Ruan Pu with a condescending look.

"In the opinion of the Minister, who is worthy of the great responsibility?"

Ruan Pu's heart trembled slightly.

There was no emotion on Pei Ran's face, and he just stared at him indifferently, but it was like countless knives scraping his bones, making him inexplicably nervous. He chewed the words a thousand times in his mouth, and it was extremely difficult to speak out.

"I believe that when it comes to closeness, character, mind, virtue, talent, and family ties, Prince Zhuang Xian is the best."

Pei Ran snorted.

Neither light nor heavy, it falls on everyone's ears like a heavy hammer.

The prince Zhuangxian is Yuanyue.

Ruan Pu's words were as expected.

Pei Madang's reaction was also expected.

This snort showed his disdain.

The faces of the courtiers in the palace tensed up, including Ruan Pu himself...

A moment of silence passes like a year.

Ruan Pu bit the bullet and asked, "What do you think, Your Majesty?"

Pei Ran said: "It's unbearable."

He looked at Ruan Pu again and said calmly: "Shang Shu is afraid that his eyes are dim."

A contemptuous remark made Ruan Pu's cheeks slightly warm.

He cupped his hands and said in a low voice, "I wonder if there is any basis for what the prince said?"

Pei Ran didn't look at him.

He looked coldly at the other people in the hall.

"Your Majesty's lack of care for his illness caused His Majesty to control Bintian with a dragon. Does this count as evidence?"

Ruan Pu's expression changed drastically.

When Yuan Shangyi was seriously ill, Pei Manang ordered King Zhuang Xian to supervise the army in front of the formation, and also asked the crown prince Yuan Yue to attend to the illness in the palace...

However, the emperor was surrounded by Pei Madang's cronies. Yuan Yue was called Shiji. In addition to checking the morning and dusk every day, he would pay greetings to the emperor in the palace and take a look at the emperor from a distance. Can't even get it...

Why is he so inattentive?

This is really a crime that you want to inflict, so why bother...

Ruan Pu was indignant, but looking around, most people had their heads lowered and had no intention of arguing in front of Pei Ran.

"Your Majesty." Ruan Pu said with a calm old face, and held his hands again, then facing the direction of Yuan Shang Yi's coffin, he said loudly:

"What does it mean to be inattentive? Can you please elaborate, Your Majesty? I believe that all the gentlemen, like me, would like to hear the truth."

Pei Ran narrowed his eyes slightly and looked back.

"Your Majesty's body is still cold, so the dispute in front of his body is really inappropriate. Please move to Zhenghe Palace."

The ministers exchanged glances.

Ruan Pu's determination in his heart was also somewhat shaken.

After working together for many years, everyone knows Pei Madang's character. He is so calm, and you can tell at a glance that he is well prepared, and has such confidence...

Could it be that at this juncture, what did Crown Prince Zhuangxian do?

Pei Madang's attitude made the courtiers feel agitated...

A Zhenghe Palace has a feeling of danger.

All the courtiers were very nervous.

Everyone found a place to sit down in the hall and waited.

Ruan Pu sat on the left side, shook his sleeves, and said coldly:

"Every prince has his heart set on the great Jin state, so he should keep his eyes open and choose a wise king."

Someone shouted in response.

Someone smiled awkwardly.

Some people also snorted disdainfully.

Standing determines attitude, attitude determines choice, choice... determines not only one's own destiny and career, but also the rise and fall of the entire family...

Under every calm face, there is a heavy heart.

Pei Ran didn't come.

People came to Zhenghe Palace to meet him, but he refused to show up.

Ruan Pu's face became increasingly ugly.

The tea in Zhenghe Hall has also lost its taste.


Pei Madang burned incense in front of the soul, looked at Feng Yun who was squatting for a moment, held her shoulders, and slowly helped her up.

Compared to the tension and cramped atmosphere of Zhenghe Hall, this place is actually very peaceful...

A peaceful coffin.

Two calm faces.

Feng Yun gently raised his head and looked at him, "The gentlemen are still waiting. Your Majesty, please go quickly. I will stay here to accompany A Yuan..."

Pei Ran: "What don't you ask me?"

Feng Yun raised his eyes and shook his head slowly: "I believe the king has his own way to deal with the crisis at hand."

Pei Madang's face was visibly relaxed, "Just trust me."

The tall figure walked around the white curtain.

The wind blew up a corner of my robe, biting and making no sound...

Feng Yun said nothing.

Outside the gate, a familiar voice came.

"Your Majesty, everything is ready."

It's Tang Shaogong.

His voice is easily identifiable.

There is no emotion, no warmth, just like the ice ridges on the treetops in winter falling accidentally and sliding into the neck, causing people to shiver subconsciously.

Pei Ran's hum and footsteps soon disappeared in Feng Yun's ears.

It was quiet all around.

Only Xiao Man and a few palace people were waiting beside him.

Feng Yun's eyes slowly turned to the coffin.

She bent down and put a few pieces of paper money into the brazier...

Tongues of fire licked up.

It was burning brightly.


Tang Shaogong was much older than Pei Ran. He had a face that seemed to be covered in frost. No one could easily find the emotion on his face. He was steady and mature.

"How sure is your Majesty?"

Pei Madang's originally fast pace suddenly stopped.

Turning around and looking at him: "Ten percent."

Tang Shaogong's eyes jumped slightly.

Pei Ran said: "I don't do anything I'm not sure about."

Tang Shaogong lowered his eyes and said, "Yes."

He has seen countless people with both wisdom and courage, who can bring peace to the country with their literary skills, and can rule the country with their military skills, but there has never been one like Pei Madang...

Tang Shaogong arrived in Xijing. Because of his meritorious service, he was not implicated in Li Zongxun's rebellion, and even became an enviable position as an aide to King Yonghuai.

Everyone said that he was very proud of his childhood, and the seller was looking for glory in exchange for wealth.


Only Tang Shaogong knew that the master in his heart was never Li Zongxun, and he became Pei Madang's staff, but Pei Madang's ideas were not something he could easily shake.

It is better to say that he is a servant than a staff member.

Pei Madang and Li Zongxun are so different.

He doesn't really need a staff.

But I just want to keep people by my side...

Tang Shaogong thought about his plans, but he couldn't see through Pei Madang's thoughts at all.

As Pei Ran crossed the threshold of Zhenghe Hall, the buzzing discussion in the hall stopped abruptly.

The courtiers subconsciously held their breath.

Whether it is a new party or an old party...

Without any exception, everyone stood up and bowed to the tall man with a graceful and stern look.

"See King Yonghuai."

Pei Madang raised his sleeves and said, "No courtesy."

He strode through the middle and sat directly on the big rosewood chair in the middle of Zhenghe Main Hall, his posture steady and his gaze like a torch.

The chair is under His Majesty Dan.

And in the middle of the main hall.

Just like Pei Madang's current status...

The dragon chair on Your Majesty Dan's throne is vacant.

Your Majesty Dan, he is above ten thousand people and no one can shake him.

Ruan Pu said, "I wonder what the prince's intention is in calling me here?"

Pei Ran glanced over, and there was a faint smile on the corner of his lips.

People rarely saw a smile on Pei Ran's face.

At this moment, he actually smiled.

"Come here, take Prince Zhuang Xian to the palace."

Everyone was slightly shocked.

Ruan Pu also raised his neck.

They didn't know what Pei Ran meant by what he said until they saw Yuan Yue being tied up by four forbidden soldiers and pulled to the middle of the hall.

"Masters, save me..."

Yuan Yue's cheeks were pale and his eyes were red. He was obviously extremely frightened.

"I did not harm Your Majesty, no, I was wronged... I hope you will learn from this."

Pei Ran looked at it coldly.

Ruan Pu took a breath, his eyes filled with anger.

"May I ask your lord, why is this?"

Pei Madang said nothing and raised his hand to give a high-five.

Immediately afterwards, several imperial doctors were brought to the palace.

Pei Ran said calmly: "Say what you said in the prison again."

The doctors did not dare to raise their heads.

One of the younger ones leaned down and kowtowed to Pei Ran, then shook his head and said:

"Returning to your Majesty's words, the weather after the beginning of spring suddenly turns warm and cold, and your Majesty occasionally feels wind and cold, which causes old illnesses. However, as long as you take careful care and take more rest, you will be fine when the days get warmer..."

Pei Ran nodded.

"go on."

The imperial doctor looked at his companions, his face wrinkled up in nervousness.

"My ministers and others are always cautious when attending to illnesses every day, for fear that your majesty will catch the cold again, which will aggravate the illness. However, the prince is unruly and thinks of himself as the heir. He often does not listen to the ministers' words. It is cold and the ground is freezing, so the prince dislikes the stuffiness in the palace. , to open the doors and windows wide, to hang the curtains high, and not to listen..."

Yuan Yue's expression changed drastically.

"You're talking nonsense!"

The imperial doctor said: "I am not talking nonsense. The imperial maids and chamberlains can all testify. I am not the only one who can see the imperial doctor..."

Yuan Yue stared at him intently.

"You, you slandered me? Why did you slander me? Was it because King Yonghuai was beaten to death..."

"Presumptuous!" Ao Zheng scolded, stood up, and cupped his hands towards the superior Pei Man.

"King Yonghuai worked hard and dedicated himself to the affairs of the state. How can the prince believe that he can talk nonsense and ruin the reputation of the king?"

After saying that, he hummed again and faced the ministers.

"Is it possible that the prince really has a disobedient heart and deliberately takes advantage of His Majesty's serious illness to do harm..."

Yuan Yue yelled: "That's nonsense."

He looked at Ao Zheng and then at Pei Mang, the fear in his heart could not be greater.

If he had ever thought of one day ruling the world before, at this moment, he was already dead.

Right now, what he wants is how to save his life.

In just a moment, he understood.

His knees softened and he knelt down.

The dignified prince of the royal family knelt heavily in front of Pei Madang.

"Your Majesty, spare your life. It's because I was careless and failed to take good care of Your Majesty. However, I am loyal and have no intention of harming Your Majesty. I hope Your Majesty will understand."

Call your Majesty.

I call myself a minister.

Kneel down and beg for mercy.

It has to be said that Crown Prince Zhuangxian has a good mind. Seeing that the situation is over, he is still able to bend and stretch...

The ministers were speechless.

Ruan Pu's eyes closed silently.

He didn't even know whether he should blame Yuan Yue for not living up to expectations...

But he knelt down like this.

The position of heir will no longer belong to him.

He showed weakness, admitted his mistake, called himself a minister, showed poor service to the late emperor, and bowed his head in front of Pei Madang. How can he be a king?

Zhenghe Hall was silent for a long time.

Pei Ran looked at it calmly, with a stern face and calm eyes.

"Prince Zhuangxian failed to take good care of the sick, causing the illness of the emperor to worsen and he was powerless to recover. However, considering that he has a repentant heart, he will not be punished severely. From today on, he will be stripped of his title and imprisoned in the palace to reflect on his mistakes for three years."

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