Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 547 Taking Root and Sprouting

When the king entered the house, Xiaoman closed the door and went to the outer room to turn off the lights.

The deep courtyard of Pei's mansion was immersed in the dark night.

In front of the window, the silver moon cast a layer of halo, illuminating the whole room.

Figures intertwined in the light and shadow, dissolving and blurring...

Feng Yun was not very sober, and did not hear clearly what Pei Cong said.

There were only two words in her ears - child.


Her child.

Emotions seemed to ripple in the boundless void, and loss surged to her limbs and bones. A kind of emptiness made her feel like she was on the edge of the abyss.

Nothing, a blank, eager to fill it with something...

She trembled and opened her eyes, her throat choked.

"Child, my child..."

The silk dress was lightly removed.

Pei Cong reached out and took off the white jade hairpin on her head.

"There will be."

From Huaxi to Xijing, thousands of miles apart.

They haven't seen each other for a long time.

When he was emotional, he always had a way to make her indulge...

Today, Pei Jue seemed to be rushing to have a baby. Seeing her confused and lost, she choked from time to time. He actually lost all his patience in the past. His hands were very strong, and everything was big...

Feng Yun's toes curled slightly. Before she could retreat, she was pulled back by him.

He was a little lighter.

It felt like ants crawling over, itchy and gnawing.

The empty thoughts gradually drifted away. When the emptiness was completely filled, she floated, like the mist floating on the rivers and seas, rising little by little in his scorching heat, as if she was about to fly up in the next moment...

"General, General..."

She often called him randomly when she was confused.



Pei Lang.

Dog King.

Or Pei Dog.

Different names mean different experiences or moods for her.

At this moment, she was soft, like a bird waiting to be fed.

Pei Jue's eyes were deep, but there was a coldness in his black eyes.

If Feng Yun was sober enough, she would see the clearness in the man's eyes.

It was not the madness during the usual lovemaking, but rather the seriousness of going to the battlefield to defend against the enemy, advancing and retreating just right, killing the enemy with every knife and gun, and doing it with ease...

"Ah Pei..." Feng Yun called softly, her mouth slightly open, and she pushed him unconsciously, "Enough, enough. Ah... no..." She suddenly opened her eyes and looked at the man's face.

The storm poured down on her head.

The overwhelming pleasure made her tighten her grip and hold the quilt tightly.

For a long time, until the wave receded, the breath that was stuck in her throat choked out...

She choked, "Go out, you go out."

The man lowered his head, panting, his black eyes sparkling.

The whole person was calm and not as usual.

"Okay." Just as he was about to move, Feng Yun took a breath, scratched his shoulder with her nails, and cried out in pain.

She whispered to him not to move.

Pei He: ...

His eyes were heavy, and he just leaned on his side, looking at her.

Feng Yun held his shoulders and pushed him.

"Slow down, you go slower."

He still agreed and cooperated.

But she soon found out...


After a long separation, both of them were too passionate...

He couldn't go out.

She felt pain when she moved a little.

Feng Yun felt like she was going to collapse, "You did it on purpose."

Pei He said hoarsely: "Accident."

"I don't believe it."

"Seeing that you were seriously ill, I tried harder."

"Whether I am sick or not, what does it matter..."

"The antidote must be enough."

"Pei Gou, you..."

Hearing her scolding Pei Gou again, Pei He raised his eyebrows slightly.

It seems that his mind is clearer.

He put the back of his hand on her forehead and tested her body temperature.

"It's not that hot anymore. The antidote is working."

Feng Yun broke out in a sweat and felt much more comfortable. Her head didn't seem as heavy as before, and her lost consciousness gradually returned...

She pushed him and struggled to get off the ground, "Get out of the way. I feel uncomfortable."

"You're greedy."

He lowered his head and stared into her eyes.

Serious, talking dirty.

"I've given you my soul, but you still won't let me go."

Feng Yun's face was flushed, and sweat was dripping from her forehead, "Try again."

He hummed softly and got up kindly.

Feng Yun raised her neck and gasped, her scalp numb, "Don't."

Pei Jue groaned, staring deeply with his black eyes, looking helpless, "I feel uncomfortable too."

Feng Yun's attention was all there, and she didn't notice the smile that flashed across his eyes.

"What should I do? What should I do?"

Pei Jue clamped his hands around her waist, quickly lifted her up and turned her over, and placed her firmly on his body.

"Do you feel better?"


It was as if he was about to take root in her stomach, how could she feel better?

"I might as well castrate you."

Feng Yun wanted to cry but had no tears, her head hung on his shoulder, her mouth opened to breathe, and she trembled violently.

She was indescribably angry, but she knew that it was not all about discomfort, but the unspeakable trembling that embarrassed her.

Pei Jue was of course the same.

He was completely immersed in the lingering, as if he was about to be melted by her, how comfortable it was.

"Go to sleep." He looked at her red cheeks seriously, and scratched them lightly with his thumb to prevent her from seeing his crooked thoughts: "Just relax a little."

Feng Yun helplessly grasped his sleeves and nodded, only then did she realize that his clothes were still on, which made her look even more embarrassed...

She closed her eyes in despair, and became even more anxious.

"Be good, don't be afraid." Pei Madang frowned, kissed her forehead, and comforted her very patiently, "You are tired and too nervous, just rest."

As soon as he moved, half of Feng Yun's soul floated to the sky.

She was so scared, knowing that something was wrong, but had no strength to argue anymore, so she hid her face in his clothes and closed her eyes, like a kitten. She was usually cold and unloved, but when she was ruffled by the person she liked, she was too scared. I can purr so softly...


Feng Yunren was ill and could not leave the house for several days.

Pei Yuan came to see her the next day. The room was filled with the smell of medicine, and her sister-in-law looked gloomy and unmotivated.

"Have a good rest and don't let the disease get to you."

Pei Yuan felt very sorry for her.

How difficult it is for such a weak sister-in-law to come all the way and encounter such terrible things, and still hold on to the funeral of the late emperor before she collapses...

Feng Yun met her concerned eyes, and his heart was on fire...

In fact, after taking the medicine ordered by the imperial doctor and being fed so many antidotes by Pei Madang, she felt much better after her fever subsided last night.

The lack of energy is just because I was stuck for most of the night and didn't sleep well.

"Then I won't send my eldest sister off."

"Don't say goodbye. What should I give you? You're a family. You don't have to be polite to me."

Pei Yuan has a cheerful temperament. Since she and Ao Zheng reconciled, she no longer has to pretend to be demure and gentle. She looks like a tough girl. She pulls A Zuo and A You and looks back at her with a smile.

"In the past few days, I think many ladies and ladies will come to visit the patient. I will help you decline them all."

With Pei Madang's status in the Jin Dynasty, if Princess Yonghuai got sick, the princes and ministers would definitely send their wives to visit her.

She guessed that Feng Yun was impatient to face this.

Feng Yun also smiled gratefully.

"Thank you, elder sister."

Pei Yuan chuckled lightly, "Sister, you don't have the same skills as me. I just send people to do it one by one."

Feng Yun chuckled.

I thought of Ao Zheng.

That is a person who was sent away time and time again by Pei Yuan.

Pei Yuan left, and Feng Yun didn't even eat breakfast. He wrapped himself in the bed with a long sigh, and then had a comfortable sleep.

When I woke up in the middle of the afternoon, someone came to announce the good news.

The new emperor ascended the throne. While preparing for the enthronement ceremony, some people advised him to increase the number of places for King Yonghuai to live.

At the same time, the emperor gave him twelve crowns and the emperor's banner.

Feng Yun was startled.

Twelve crowns, that is the emperor's standard.

The emperor's banner should not be used by ministers.

The royal family had been debating for so long, and giving Feng Yun such an unprecedented reward was not only a return gift to Pei Mad for helping him become the wise king of Zhuang.

Also because...

They have no seals and no rewards.

Jiuxi has been added, and the power is at its peak.

What else can the new emperor reward this accomplished regent?

The thoughts of the several maids in the room were not that complicated. They had no idea what this would mean, and they were all proud of it.

"Our new Majesty is really generous. Before he ascends the throne, he is already thinking about how to reward the king."

"The king needs the emperor to use the flag. Doesn't it mean he is on an equal footing with the emperor?"

"That's different. The emperor's ritual system is more than just the twelve crowns and the emperor's flag. The emperor still has to take the lead."

A few people spoke quietly.

Feng Yun gave a deep shout.

"Don't talk nonsense!"

She glanced over coldly.

"If I hear you talking about court affairs again, I'll beat you to death with ten blows for every word."

The maids had never seen Feng Yun become so angry, and they were very frightened.

He immediately knelt down and begged for mercy, repenting endlessly.

Feng Yun said nothing more.

"Go and bring some water, I want to take a bath."

Before the new emperor ascends the throne, he can't wait to see the rewards first, because he is afraid that he will not be able to ascend the throne.

But the emperor dared to give this kind of thing, but the ministers couldn't ask for it.


The new emperor ascended the throne, and there was a lot of excitement in Xijing.

Feng Yun closed the door to thank the guests, did not see the guests, and did not go out.

Pei Madang, on the other hand, goes out early and comes back late, very busy.

But even so, it didn't dampen the interest at all.

Maybe these days of separation have been too long, and he has been very cruel lately, like a wild wolf that has been hungry for half his life, desperate for his life, and wants to toss her to pieces...

Feng Yun let him go.

After all, she has been somewhat owed over the years.

Anyway, when she was idle in Xijing, she just thought of making up for him.

On one side is the intense enthronement ceremony.

On the one hand, there is a lingering relationship in the house, which is like a fish in water.

Pei Ran didn't waste any time. In the undercurrent of Xijing City, he was calmer than anyone else, and he didn't say a word about political affairs when he returned home.

Unexpectedly, on the day of the coronation ceremony, he happily accepted the gift from the new emperor...

Twelve crowns and banners of the emperor.

He truly became the only king in the history of the Jin Dynasty who could be equal to the emperor.


I'm Kavin too, Kakashi...

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