Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 548 In-depth communication

The new emperor ascended the throne and changed the Yuan Dynasty to "Wenzhi".

In fact, there was a dispute between the DPRK and China about the proposed era name.

Because some courtiers thought... King Yonghuai would be unhappy.

Governing a country with culture, doesn’t the underlying meaning mean “using culture to suppress force”? Who doesn’t know that King Yonghuai came from a family of military generals and used his military exploits to serve as regent?

However, Pei Madang agreed after one look.

"Wen Zhi and martial arts are both indispensable. Very good."

King Yonghuai was generous.

No one can guess his thoughts.

After the enthronement ceremony, according to the practice of the Jin Dynasty, a banquet was held for all the ministers.

Feng Yun did not go into the palace to watch the ceremony and went to bed early.

Pei Madang came back in the middle of the night, smelling of alcohol.

He leaned down and kissed Feng Yun on the forehead, and she immediately frowned in disgust.

"Go wash up."

She is extremely clean.

I can't stand the smell of alcohol.

Pei Ran's brows moved, but without saying a word, he tucked the quilt for her, then turned around and went to the bathroom.

Feng Yun couldn't fall asleep listening to the sound of water in the dark night.

Why do you want him to wash it?

If you pretend to be asleep, everything will be fine, right?

Thinking of those tangled entanglements in the dark night, she felt uneasy and strangely anxious. She didn't know whether it was fear or anticipation...

The spring night was slightly cold, she thought about it, smiling bitterly to herself.

We still have to go back to Huaxi early.

This woman must have something serious to do so that she won't have random thoughts. She stays in the house in Xijing all day long. As time goes by, her character and edges will inevitably be smoothed away by him...

Maybe, this is what Pei Gou had in mind.

He tortured her day and night just to weaken her spirit and make her obediently serve her husband at home. After two years, she couldn't bear the torture any more. If he asked for two concubines and gave birth to several sons, she wouldn't be able to say anything. …



"What are you thinking about?" Pei Madang saw her in a trance, wiping her hair and looking down.

Feng Yun frowned and shook his head.

Pei Ran glanced at her slightly worried eyes and asked, "Does it still hurt?"

Feng Yun pursed his lips.

Pei Gou is really wanton these days. If it weren't for Zhumei Yuhu, she might have died in his hands.

Feng Yun didn't want to spoil him anymore.

He asked, and she pretended to shrink back and nodded in fear.

"Let me take a look." Pei Madang lifted the quilt.

Feng Yun:......

The dog man really refuses to give up.

Feng Yun held his hand and said, "I'm very sleepy. Your Majesty, you've also been tired for a day. You should rest early."

Pei Ran saw the meaning in her eyes, and his black eyes burned slightly.

"Give you some medicine."

"I've already taken the medicine, so I don't need to worry about it, Your Majesty." Feng Yun glanced at him sideways and quickly changed the subject, "Did the ceremony go well today?"

"Yes." Pei Ran threw away the handkerchief that tied his hair and sat down facing her. His snow-white coat was slightly open, and there was a thin layer of moisture on his exposed strong skin.

Feng Yun's eyes burned and he quickly looked away.

"You dare to ask for the imperial flag as a reward from the emperor?"

Pei Ran said calmly, "He dares to reward me, why don't I dare to ask for it?"

Feng Yun smiled, with a playful look in his eyes, "Not like you."

In his previous life, the word "loyalty" ran through Pei Madang's life. Not to mention the emperor's banner, even if it is a gift from Jiuxi, I'm afraid he won't accept it...

It's very different now.

Feng Yun couldn't say whether it was good or bad. In short, the Pei Madang in front of him was more powerful and ambitious than the one in his memory.

After all, he was reborn.

People change.

Isn't it true for herself?

Pei Madang didn't seem to notice her thoughts and glanced at the tea on the wooden cabinet.

"Have you taken the medicine?"

Feng Yun's brows wrinkled subconsciously.

"The medicine given by Puyang Medical Officer is really hard to swallow. If you drink it in the morning, you don't need to drink it at night..."

Pei Ran: "You have to drink."

Feng Yun: "You see, I have recovered a long time ago."

Pei Ran looked over and suddenly grabbed her wrist. Under Feng Yun's surprised eyes, he wrapped his big hands around her waist and kissed her hard.

After kissing her for a long time, she was out of breath, her face was as red as a monkey's ass, her breathing was uneven, and she collapsed weakly, before he let her go.

"Do you dare to say that you are in good health?"

Feng Yun's eyes were sulky, but he was so breathless that he couldn't speak.

Pei Madang said: "My body is too weak, I can't even do my best. Just drink the medicine and take care of it!"

Feng Yun wanted to kick him to death.

"Say you care about me, or do it for yourself..."

Pei Manang looked over with a half-smile.

She was even more annoyed, "Why don't you stop pretending and find a woman with a strong body who can make you happy. You don't have to hold back. You can take as long as you want, as many times as you want..."

The smile that was suppressed in Pei Man's throat finally came out happily.

Gently holding her in his arms, he lowered his head and kissed her.

"You also know that I hold back my strength?"

"Hmph!" How could she not notice what happened between the two of them.

But she didn't care, nor did she want to appreciate it.

The phrase "it's hard to have sex" made her very uncomfortable...

"Yaoyao." Pei Ran's tone became much gentler. He hugged her and lay down, looking slightly tired. "If you don't want to drink, just go to bed. Drink again tomorrow."

Feng Yun was still angry.

Although she didn't know where the anger came from.

"You go to sleep, I'll lie down for a while."

"What?" Pei Ran looked over, his eyes searching.

"I have not served you well, my lord. Please meditate on your fault."


Pei Ran stopped talking and looked at her steadily.

For a moment, he grabbed her chin and turned her face to face him.

"The envoy of Southern Qi specifically wants to see you. I refused for you."

After Jin and Qi signed the alliance, they became friendly countries. The death of Emperor Tianshou of Jin and the ascension of the new emperor were two major events, and envoys were sent to inform Southern Qi.

It was also right for Southern Qi to send envoys to Xijing to congratulate.

But what did the envoy see her for?

Feng Yun looked at Pei Jue's eyes, realized something, and smiled slowly, and stroked his collar lightly as if playing.

"Are you jealous?"

Pei Jue: "Why?"

Feng Yun hummed, and didn't take it to heart.

It was indeed the case. There seemed to be a special tacit understanding between the two of them in matters of love.

No matter, no question, no in-depth communication.

In other words, it was just physical communication, and no one wanted to communicate feelings.

Feng Yun thought for a moment and said, "Xiao Cheng is a patient and calm man. Your Majesty should not underestimate him. However, Your Majesty should not refuse. I would like to meet the envoys of Qi and see what they can say." Pei Jue nodded, "If you want to meet him, go ahead." Feng Yun smiled and saw that his expression did not change. She knew that he did not take it to heart. She could not tell what she felt in her heart. This was what she hoped to see. Pei Jue did not care about her. But he really did not care much, and something was missing... The emotion passed by, and Feng Yun did not think too much about it. She only asked him about today's ceremony. "Empress Dowager Duan, how should Empress Dowager Li be arranged?" After the new emperor ascended the throne, the status of the emperor's sister-in-law was awkward, but there were only a few ways to deal with it... One was to take her as a concubine of the new emperor, which was relatively rare, but it was not uncommon. The second was to send her to the imperial mausoleum to guard the spirit of her dead husband, live alone for the rest of her life, and never leave. The third is to be exiled to a temple, chanting sutras and praying for blessings, which is exactly the same as keeping vigil, and the rest of the life will be wasted in Buddhism.

Even more cruel, there are also people who are buried alive. Of course, there are also more tolerant ones, who maintain the status quo and keep her in the palace until she dies of old age.

Feng Yun was very curious about how they would deal with it.

Pei Jue said: "Empress Dowager Duan asked to become a nun, chanting sutras and praying for the Jin Dynasty, and has been sent out of the palace."

Feng Yun raised his eyebrows.

Empress Dowager Duan is like that, she can't take care of herself, how can she chant sutras and pray for blessings?

However, a woman in the harem who has no children, no value and no harm, has gone to the place of green lamps and ancient Buddhas, and her honor and disgrace in this life has ended...

"What about Li Sangruo?" Feng Yun asked.

Pei Jue frowned, and Feng Yun was very familiar with that look, which was his hesitant look.

She smiled, "Can't bear to let her go after all?"

Pei Jue glanced at her silently.

Feng Yun smiled, "If that's the case, why don't you just acknowledge this sister, take her back to the mansion, feed her with good food and drink, and save her from the loneliness in the deep palace? Or are you afraid that something might happen if you put her under my nose?"

His pupils suddenly shrank, unable to hide his coldness.

"Yun Niang." His throat was slightly hard, and the frost in his eyebrows and eyes lingered for a long time, "There is not even this little trust between you and me? Do you think I am so narrow-minded?"

Feng Yun raised his head slightly, hatred surged in his chest, unable to hide his depression.

"With her in the middle, this is how it is."

That night, the servants on duty finally had peace of mind.

The master in the room talked for a while, turned off the lights, and went to bed. Unlike the previous few days, the low and shallow lingering voices in the middle of the night were heard, making them blush...


The spring night rain fell until dawn.

When Feng Yun woke up, it was the first clear day after the rain, and the sky was as blue as a wash.

The gateman sent someone to report that the envoy Qi had handed in a letter, asking to see the princess.

Feng Yun simply washed and changed her clothes to go to the flower hall to meet. She never expected that there were several familiar faces sitting in the flower hall.

Her uncle Feng Jingyao, her aunt Tao, and a steward and two servants of the Feng Mansion...

Why didn't Pei Jue say that the person who came was Feng Jingyao?

Feng Yun bent the corners of her mouth, and the old memories flooded into her mind like a tidal wave. She laughed subconsciously and said coldly:

"It's been a long time."

Feng Jingyao narrowed his eyes slightly, the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes deepened, and his eyes were full of displeasure.

"How did you learn to be so unruly?"

Feng Yun smiled again.

She did not follow the etiquette of a son and nephew, and sat lazily in the main seat, speaking carelessly word by word.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Feng. My husband never set any rules for me."

Pei Jue: Humph, I set the rules, and you have to listen to me?

Feng Yun: Then you didn't bother to set the rules, and just sent the antidote?

Chun Yu Yan: Hateful! Xiao San appeared again, and it still had nothing to do with me.

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