Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 549 Offering my sister as a concubine

Once the foundation for how people get along with each other is laid, it is difficult to change. Feng Jingyao probably did the same to Feng Yun.

Even if Feng Yun is now Princess Yonghuai, even if Feng Jingyao is sitting under the Pei Mansion, she will still regard herself as an elder from the bottom of her heart.

He didn't take Feng Yun seriously before, but now it's hard for him to look up to her sincerely.

Even when he heard Feng Yun call "Feng Gong" in an unfamiliar tone, Feng Jingyao just believed that she was arrogant and arrogant, thinking that with Pei Man's support, he could do whatever he wanted.

In his opinion, this niece was so arrogant as to be foolish.

A woman in her early twenties, relying on her husband's favor, did not know how to give birth to children and spread her wings for her husband. Instead, she created some kind of long door and caused trouble...

He also shows off his power in front of his parents' family, not knowing how to leave a way out for himself.

It’s simply a matter of ignorance.

How many years can a man's favor last?

Men know men best.

Feng Jingyao snorted softly from the wings of his nose and looked at Feng Yun with eyes full of prejudice and arrogance, as well as the aloofness and bossiness he had developed in the Feng family.

"After all these years, you still love to fool around like this."

Feng Jingyao's words were reproachful, but his expression softened a lot. It sounded like an elder scolding an ignorant junior - and this was the face he gave Pei Madang.

"Twelfth Mother, you are not young anymore. There are some things that others cannot say. If I, the uncle, don't say a few words to you, it will be a disservice to you..."

Feng Yun's eyes were filled with smiles——

Feng Jingyao has been trained by the head of the Feng family since he was a boy. He is very different from Feng Jingting. He is calm, determined, ambitious and arrogant. He became famous at a young age, entered the official career early, held a high position all his life, and his way of thinking was already fixed.

It cannot be changed.

She chuckled softly, "What do you want Mr. Feng to remind me of?"

Feng Jingyao frowned when he heard her call him that again.

"You have been married for many years and are infertile. What can the doctor say?"

He put it bluntly.

His wife, Tao, has more direct eyes.

It fell so nakedly on Feng Yun's lower abdomen, which was indescribably weird.

"Yeah, it's been so many years. It's time for the seedlings to sprout and grow strong after you sow the seeds in the ground. Why can't you get pregnant? Did you take the medicine?"

Feng Yun raised his eyebrows slightly, "Is it because the state affairs of Qi State are not enough for Mr. Feng to take care of? He actually worries about my family affairs."

Feng Jingyao's face darkened.

Mrs. Tao answered, "Twelve Niang, my uncle and aunt came to see you today out of good intentions. Don't take out your anger on your stepmother on us..."

She glanced at Feng Jingyao, and her tone was unspeakably sour.

"It's her fault that she committed evil. As an eldest aunt, I treated you very well back then, and your uncle never treated you lightly. If we hadn't protected you, your mother would have been killed the year she passed away. Beaten to death..."

It's better not to mention it.

When he mentioned this matter, Feng Yun's calm eyes seemed to have flames burning crazily.

But she was still smiling, and her white and delicate face made her face look even more delicate and soft, and her emotions were well concealed.

"Yes, you treat me well. But now that I have food, drink, and husband's love, I don't need you two to support me."

Feng Jingyao coughed.

Mrs. Tao said: "You silly boy, you are really ignorant. Your uncle and I are almost dying of worry for you..."

She glanced at Feng Jingyao again and said in a low voice: "Don't you know how many people have offended you, Changmen? This time your uncle came, and there were courtiers at the banquet, asking your uncle to persuade you. , after disbanding the Nagato Division, he returned to his home and gave birth to children for King Yonghuai with peace of mind. "

Feng Yun smiled and asked: "So, you are here to persuade me?"

This time, Tao shut up and looked at Feng Jingyao.

"That's not necessary." Feng Jingyao took over the words, "It would be extremely stupid to cut off one's limbs after one's family has grown so big..."

Feng Yun smiled in his eyes and nodded, very curious about what the purpose of this couple's singing was.

Feng Jingyao said: "With the support of King Yonghuai, let alone one Zhangmen, even if you have ten Zhangmen, the courtiers can only stare at you."

Tao said: "Yes, yes, but don't you have to look at King Yonghuai's face? As long as you win over King Yonghuai's heart, what else do you want? But look at you, you have been married for many years and you have nothing to show for it. This is terrible How is it good..."

Feng Yun smiled, "Your Majesty, I don't mind. Don't rush me, don't rush me."

"You kid, why are you so stupid?" Mrs. Tao said with a kind face, "If a man doesn't say anything, he may not know what to think in his heart. Twelve Niangs, don't say that aunt didn't remind you. You have to plan everything in advance, don’t push yourself to the end and cry without having time to cry..."

Feng Yun curled his lips, "The matter of having children is not something I plan to do. If the child doesn't come, what can I do?"

Tao's eyes flashed, and his smile became even more ambiguous.

"Auntie, aren't you trying to find a way for you?"

Feng Yun looked directly at the couple and smiled lightly.

Feng Jingyao lowered his eyes, and the old god was drinking tea.

Mrs. Tao cleared her throat and said: "Your fifteenth sister is only sixteen years old. She is still in the boudoir and has no family. She seems to be a good childbearer at first sight. I agree with your uncle that instead of giving in, King Yonghuai took another concubine and took away your favor. Why not let his sisters bear children for you and consolidate your position in the Pei family..."

Feng Yun laughed.

This time I understood everything.

It turned out that this was what the couple had in mind.

The fifteenth sister Tao mentioned was the daughter of Feng Jingyao and his concubine. She was the fifteenth in the Feng family and was a full seven years younger than Feng Yun.

When she was in Taicheng, she was still a little girl at fifteen. Now in the blink of an eye, she was sixteen years old and about to be married.

Mrs. Tao was still talking, "I heard that the fifteenth mother was not willing to marry to Xijing. Although she was a concubine, she was still Feng's daughter. How could she be willing to be a concubine? As a mother, I persuaded her How many times did it take before he was willing to come with us..."

Feng Yun said: "So, I have to thank my uncle and aunt for thinking about me and helping me find concubines for my husband?"

Tao heard the sarcasm in her words and smiled awkwardly.

"Twelve mothers, my eldest aunt knows that you are not happy. But the way of heaven is like this. Which man can only have one wife in his house? This kind of thing only happens in the morning and evening. You have to be more open-minded. After all, it is your own sister who has entered the house at the age of fifteen. If I can listen to you, I will have to call you mother when I give birth to a son. Isn’t it better than other concubines to compete with you and be jealous?”

Feng Yun was still laughing.

Tao looked at her face and couldn't figure out what this little lady was thinking.

"As the saying goes, good things don't flow to outsiders. There are some things that you should understand even if your eldest aunt doesn't say them... If you have no children, once King Yonghuai no longer favors you, it's really hard to say what will happen to you. "

She spoke with sincerity.

I admit that there is nothing wrong with what I said.

Many aristocratic families do this in order to maintain marriages and consolidate their own status - many legitimate daughters serve as sisters' house fillers, and concubines serve as concubines. The sisters work together to firmly control the man's backyard. , heirs...

Mr. Tao couldn't even think of any reason why Feng Yun could object.

"Mrs. Feng said it well. It's a pity..."

For a moment, Feng Yun smiled slowly, with some contempt in his tone.

"I'm jealous and stingy, and I don't allow my husband to take concubines."

Tao's eyes widened as if he had heard some big joke.

Feng Jingyao also frowned, looked over at her, and scolded dissatisfiedly, "No matter how young and ignorant you are, you should have some sense of restraint. Don't wait until one day to commit suicide."

Feng Yun raised the corners of his mouth and glanced at him slowly.

"I have no relatives, no friends, and am alone. So what if I seek death?"

It seems like a smile but not a smile, so I added.

"To be honest, when I came to this world, I had no intention of going back alive. Mr. Feng, you should worry more about yourself and don't focus on other people's land."

Before her voice fell, she had already stood up.

"see a visitor out!"

Feng Jingyao and the Tao couple left with a somber face.

Before leaving, Mr. Tao was unwilling to leave and left angrily.

"Twelve Mother, don't regret it! You have offended your natal family. When King Yonghuai gets tired of you, I'll see where you can find support."

Feng Yun sneered.

After all, she only has one life, what kind of support does she need? As long as she can support the person she hates, what's the point of dying?

Among the people she hates are Feng Jingyao and his wife.

It wasn't because the couple ignored Chen's harsh treatment of her back then, but because of... the death of her mother.

It was only after she met Pei Ran in this life that she looked back and re-examined what happened back then.

The cause and source of my mother’s death was the war in which the entire Xie family was wiped out...

She didn't mean what she said, but heard it from her mother's mouth. As for why her mother knew about it, Feng Yun was too young at the time and her memory was fuzzy. Even after repeated replays, she couldn't figure it out.

Now that I think about it, Pei Madang's statement is the most reasonable.

My mother learned that Feng Jingyao intended to harm General Xie Xian, and out of good intentions, sent someone to inform Xie Xian. She, who was only three years old at the time, was not aware of the seriousness of the situation, so she overheard and told the truth...

Then my mother did not die of illness.

Feng Yun remembered that she was in good health, so why did she suddenly become ill and drive away from Hexi?

Is there a possibility that my mother was killed because she knew the secret of Feng Jingyao's frame-up of Xie Xian?

But Xie Xian is not an ordinary person. The Feng family back then was simply unable to compete with the Xie family. And did they have the ability to harm Xie Xian who had a large number of troops?

the answer is negative.

This involves one person——

Yanping Emperor Xiao Jue was usurped by Xiao Cheng.

The Feng family's position of power in Qi State has grown rapidly since Xiao Jue ascended the throne...

The person who thanked him that year was the Prince of Huairen, Xiao Zhuo.

After Xie Xian's house was confiscated by Emperor Qi, Prince Huairen was implicated because of him. He was impeached by Feng Jingyao for eight major crimes, accusing him of colluding with Xie Xian, forming a clique for personal gain, and usurping power. Emperor Qi deposed him as the crown prince and placed him under house arrest. In Yuzhao Hall.

A few months later, Emperor Qi passed away.

Emperor Yanping Xiao Jue ascended the throne, and the Feng family gained power. From then on, the tide rose and all boats rose...

It's just that Xiao Jue probably didn't think back then that he was just a stepping stone for others at best.

Winning or losing does not matter……

Just a few years later, the Feng family once again colluded with Xiao Cheng, the king of Jingling, to come back and overthrow his throne, returning the pain he had inflicted on Xiao Zhuo to him.

Feng Yun sneered, "It's true that things have changed, and you will come to my house this year."

She must figure this out.

My mother’s revenge must be avenged.

If Feng Jingyao was far away in Taicheng, she would really have no way to deal with him for a while.

Now that it's delivered to your door...

Then don't blame her for being rude. (End of chapter)

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