Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 550 Worthy of Congratulations

As soon as Feng Jingyao and his wife left, Feng Yun sent someone to follow them.

They stayed in the post house arranged by the Jin court for the envoys. They were not idle these days in Xijing. They entertained many Jin officials openly and secretly. There were new parties and old parties, and they all had contacts.

Feng Yun went to Wei Mansion the next day in the name of visiting Luo Yue's youngest son Dabao.

Wei Zheng is resting at home today.

He did not hide anything about Feng Jingyao.

"Feng Gong invited me to have a drink at Yuxiangfang, and we talked about romance, but nothing else..."

The two of them are their own masters, and they will not presume to talk about others.

Feng Yun smiled slightly, "With my uncle's personality, since it is a treat, he will definitely not come empty-handed, right?"

Wei Zheng glanced at Luo Yue, looking slightly embarrassed.

"I brought a girl who is seventeen or eighteen years old, I will confiscate it."

Luo Yue smiled without changing her expression.

Feng Yun also laughed.

They still believe this.

No matter how lustful Wei Zheng was, he would not dare to easily accept the beauties sent by Qi Envoy.

He's not that stupid yet.

At noon, Feng Yun ate in Luo Yue's yard, accompanied by Wei Zheng.

After three rounds of drinking, Wei Zheng told Feng Yun that Tiqisi had previously found out that Feng Jingyao had bought land and a house in Xijing in the name of his son Feng Xun as early as three years ago, and also offered a brothel - which was to entertain Wei Zheng's Yuxiangfang.

The two countries are allies, Yuxiangfang is doing business legitimately, and Tiqisi can't find anything wrong with it, but Feng Yun doesn't believe that Feng Jingyao is just trying to make money.

"Yuxiangfang is just a cover for his activities in Xijing."

Feng Yun said to Wei Zheng: "If there is any other news, I hope Master Wei will let you know."

"Of course." Wei Zheng was very polite to Feng Yun. He took Luo Yue's hand and said to her, "I will always stand with you."

Luo Yue felt relieved.

These days, she was afraid that Wei Zheng would get out of his mind and do something that would frighten her and affect her and Dabao.

This sentence can be regarded as a disguised expression of loyalty to King Yonghuai.

Feng Yun was filled with gratitude and thanked her profusely. However, she knew very well that she was talking about being related to someone else.

There are some words that just need to be listened to.

People in the court only see the word "profit".


After returning home from Wei Mansion, Feng Yun already had something to worry about.


To deal with Feng Jingyao in Xijing, Pei Ran's cooperation is needed.

He hasn't come back yet.

The two had a disagreement about Li Sangruo the day before yesterday, and Feng Yun didn't want to give in easily.

After dinner, she read for a while, took a shower, washed herself, changed into clean clothes, and then lay down on the bed.

Xiao Man scented her pajamas, which smelled elegant and comfortable. She was a little sleepy.

I forced my eyelids open, half asleep and half awake, and then in the middle of the night, there was a creaking sound from the door.

The breeze blew through the curtains, swaying slightly.

Ao Zai sat up and widened his eyes alertly.

Feng Yun slept with his back turned, motionless.

Pei Ran approached slowly, bent down and stroked Ao Zai's head, "Go to sleep."

Ao Zai is usually most afraid of him, and will obediently get out of the way before he comes over.

Today, he was sitting on the edge of the couch and refused to give in. His head was slightly lowered, his eyes were wide open, and he looked like a tiger's head. The "smart hairs" on his ears were still moving, looking fierce and naughty.

Pei Ran snorted.

Instead of forcing him, he crossed over from Ao Zai and sat on the edge of the couch, looking at Feng Yun who was "sleeping".


I watched it for a long time.

Feng Yun's back gradually stiffened.

Almost unable to pretend any longer, a hand suddenly fell on his shoulder, pulling up the quilt with a low voice.

"You can sleep well."

The breath drifts towards the body, warm and torturous.

Feng Yun slowly opened his eyelids and looked sideways.

"I didn't do anything wrong, why can't I sleep?"

Talking when you are awake is different.

Pei Ran pursed his lips slightly, turned her around, and looked into each other's eyes.

"You don't want to serve me that much?"

This is a bit baffling.

Feng Yun frowned as he listened.

"Are you so unhappy?"


A word of dissatisfaction caused him misery.

Pei Madang sighed, "Can I take back those words?"

Feng Yun: "I can't take it back."

Pei Ran: "This temper..."

He shook his head and his eyes became a little darker, "Is this the reason why you want to take a concubine for me?"

Taking a concubine for him?

Feng Yun was stunned for a moment, realized something, and sneered from the wings of his nose.

"Really? How could I ever be so generous? Why didn't I know?"

Pei Ran's voice was light: "Yunniang has always been generous."

Feng Yun met his gaze and was speechless.

She had said it before.

If you don't have children and don't enter the back house, let him take concubines...

"Then I won't work with anyone." Feng Yun said calmly, and then his eyes turned coldly, "Feng Jingyao is looking for you?"

Pei Ran responded, "Yeah."

Feng Yun said: "I didn't agree. They made their own decision."

She glanced at him again, caressing her sleeves, looking lazy and full of wistfulness.

"But what I said before still stands. I will not restrain the king. If you want, I will give up my throne."

"It's really generous."

Pei Ran brushed her hair, put his warm palm on her cheek, and suddenly grabbed her and pulled her hard.

Feng Yun just slammed into his arms.

The hard body made her feel a little dizzy.

Pei Madang forced her to raise her head and look into her eyes.

"You really think so?"

Feng Yun's smile spread at the corners of his mouth.

"What do I think, does it matter?"

"Feng Yun." Pei Ran stared at her eyes and rarely called her by her full name, "I'll say it again, remember it for me..."

Feng Yun opened his eyes wide and listened attentively.

But I heard him say: "I blame my inappropriate words. Madam, please forgive me."

Feng Yun: "...what?"

Pei Man held her lower back and gently hugged her to his chest, "Give me some more time."

Needless to say, it refers to the matter of Li Sangruo.

Tang Shao's respectful words were still ringing in his ears, and it was hard for him not to consider the possibility that Li Sangruo was his biological sister...

Unless there is absolute evidence to prove that Li Sangruo is not the case, it will be difficult for Pei Madang to kill her.

Feng Yun listened to the heartbeat in his chest and curled his lips slightly.

Actually she was in no hurry.

I also understand his thoughts.

They just have different positions.

Feng Yun took the opportunity to make a request, "Your Majesty has apologized, so I will naturally forgive you. But... Your Majesty must do me a small favor."

Pei Ran breathed a sigh of relief, "You tell me."

Feng Yun blinked, "Don't interfere with whatever I do next. Even if you don't like it, please stay silent."

Pei Ran hesitated slightly.

But there was a strange tenderness on Feng Yun's face at this moment, and his eyes were dark and full of expectation, as if whenever he said "no", disappointment would take away her smile...

Pei Ran frowned slightly.

There is a kind of helplessness like being on a pirate ship.

"what ever."


The Feng family really didn't give up.

I encountered a soft nail in Pei Ran's place, and actually brought Feng Shifiniang to Pei Mansion. It was called to visit my sister, but in fact, I wanted to stuff the tender little lady into Pei Madang's room.

It was rare for Pei Man to take a break, so Mrs. Tao came to the door with her daughter.

I have to say, it took a lot of effort.

"Aya, I haven't met my sister and brother-in-law soon."

Like a pimp, Mrs. Tao supported Feng Ya and went to say hello to Pei Ran.

Pei Ran didn't make a sound.

Feng Yun's mood was leisurely, half-smiling but not smiling.

"The fifteenth mother has grown so big. Look, she looks like a fairy."

Feng Ya is wearing a wide-sleeved ruqi, all in bright colors. She is sixteen years old, as old as a flower. She has a beautiful and good-looking appearance. She walks forward with graceful manners. It can be said that most men would find it difficult to refuse... …

"Sister Twelve."

She raised her chin slightly and bowed.


Pei Ran frowned and looked at Feng Yun.

Before Feng Yun could speak, Tao took over the words.

"The fifteenth mother used to like to run into the twelve mother's room. Everyone in the family said that she looks the most like the twelve mother. This comparison, no... she really looks like her sister."

Feng Yun laughed.

"Yes, there is only one father and mother in the middle. Half-sisters, how can they not be different?"

The corners of Pei Ran's lips were slightly raised, and he lowered his head to drink tea to suppress his smile.

Tao looked embarrassed.

"Our twelve-year-old mother is just good at joking..."

She said and sighed suddenly.

"To tell you the truth, I don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for anything, but I came here to ask for help."

Feng Yun glanced at her, smiled, picked up the tea cup, and drank slowly.

Tao said: "Xiao Shiwu arrived in Xijing. I think he is not accustomed to the climate and his body and bones are not up to par. He has been ill for two days. Look at how pale his face is..."

No one paid any attention to her.

Feng Ya lowered her head, looking embarrassed.

Mrs. Tao was sincere and continued shamelessly: "The post house is full of people and is not conducive to recuperation. Twelve Niang, please see if your fifteenth sister can stay here for a few days to recuperate. ?”

Ordinarily, if relatives talk about this, there is no reason to chase them away.

Neither did Feng Yun.

She glanced at Feng Ya and said something less serious.

"What's wrong? As long as Fifteenth Mother gets used to it, even if she lives here for a lifetime, what's the problem?"


Feng Ya's head dropped even lower, and her ears turned red with embarrassment.

Mrs. Tao was overjoyed and gave her a hand.

"Silly girl, you are blessed. Why don't you thank my sister and brother-in-law soon."

Feng Ya obviously understood what she meant, her cheeks rose with red clouds, and she thanked him shyly, speaking softly, not even daring to raise her head to look at Pei Mad.

Tao didn't stay long, said some meaningful words, and left with his servants contentedly.

As long as the fifteenth mother can stay, that's fine.

It's not that Feng Ya's beauty can outshine Feng Yun...

But Tao knows the virtue of men.

No matter how beautiful Feng Twelfth Mother is, she is still seven years older than Fifteenth Mother. Moreover, they have been married for many years, and no matter how beautiful she is, she is tired of it.

How can a man not enjoy a fresh bite?

The tender sister-in-law came to her door. As long as she was willing to seduce her, she didn't believe that Pei Madang could restrain herself.

As long as Pei Madang gets involved with Fifteenth Mother, what will happen if Feng Yun refuses to let her in?

snort! Can you still stand her?

Feng Yun didn't know how many sweet dreams Tao had in his mind. She seemed to be completely unprepared, and asked Feng Ya a lot about her living habits in a pleasant manner, and then she asked Xiaoman to take her down for placement and ask the doctor for consultation.

Pei Madang watched her do this without saying a word.

When there was no one else in the flower hall, Feng Yun smiled and saluted him.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty."

Pei Madang's stern face was as solemn as the sky before the storm, covered with clouds.

"Yunniang, give me an explanation."

Feng Yun suppressed the smile on his face, stood up and approached, holding his hand.

Pei Madang moved away resolutely but slowly.

Black eyes were cold, staring at her.

Feng Yun pursed her lips and smiled, her eyes curved like crescent moons.

"You won't even hold my hand?"

She tried to pull Pei Heong's hand again.

Pei Heong avoided it again, with a cold face, "Explain."

Feng Yun chuckled, suddenly put her arms around his neck, lowered her head and kissed him on the forehead.

"Don't you want to find out how General Xie Xian was framed by the Feng family? My king, our chance has come, isn't it worth congratulating?"

Pei Heong narrowed his eyes, looked at the delicate face in front of him, and looked at it carefully.

Feng Yun hugged his neck tightly, smiled gently, and exhaled like orchid.

"I like to feed their ambitions the most, and then tear it apart with my own hands."

Pei Heong: Yun Niang, don't see my ambitions...

Feng Yun: Tear it apart.

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