Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 551 Feeding Ambition

Feng Ya had just arrived at Pei's house as a guest, and she was very careful. She took a short nap at night, and took the initiative to serve tea to Feng Yun in the morning.

She came early, and Pei Jue and Feng Yun had not yet gotten up.

Xiaoman yawned as she looked at the little girl of the old Feng's house. She was no longer respectful and nervous as she was in Taicheng.

What cats and dogs dared to covet the king?

Xiaoman was disgusted.

One look and she wanted to take her out and beat her.

"Fifteenth lady is here..."

Xiaoman's iron whip in her heart was raised, but her face was full of polite smiles.

This was the girl's explanation. Although she didn't know why it was like this, the reason why Xiaoman was Xiaoman and could serve Feng Yun for years was because she was obedient.

Whatever the lady said, she would do.

"My lady hasn't gotten up yet. I'm here too early."

Feng Ya lowered her head, very considerate and gentle, with a curved arc at the corner of her lips, "I'm new to your house, I'm afraid I'll miss the time, so I'll wait early. When the twelfth sister gets up, I can greet her."

Is she really respectful?

Xiao Man glanced at her, smiling.

"Then you wait."

Feng Ya bowed, "Thank you."

A cup of hot tea, a mat, Feng Ya sat quietly under the withered lamp in the outer room.

Pei Jue always got up earlier than Feng Yun.

He got up early every morning to practice martial arts, and he kept the habit for many years. Except for one or two times when he missed the time due to indulgence, he almost never stopped...

Feng Ya sat for a while, and Pei Jue came out with the Biyong sword.

He didn't see Feng Ya waiting, took the water from the tray brought by the maid, rinsed his mouth casually, turned around and left...

This unintentional scene made Feng Ya blush.

That full Adam's apple seemed to roll over her heart, like a cat scratching.

Feng Ya was waiting to be married, but she had seen men before.

However, Pei Jue was different from the noble men she had seen in Taicheng.

There were many handsome men among the noble men, but they were ordinary, frivolous, and talked about a lot. What was missing...

They were far from the strong aura from the inside out of Pei Jue.

Her heartbeat accelerated involuntarily.

Yong Huai Wang, who galloped on the battlefield, was tall and straight. He was a tiger, a leopard, a dragon among men, and a real man. What he held in his hand was not a sword, but the world, life, the demeanor of controlling the people, and the power of submission watered by power...

Feng Ya thought that if those noble men stood in front of Pei Jue at this moment, they would probably not be able to laugh, and they would not have a calm and romantic mind...

They would be nervous and afraid like her.

She was afraid to move forward, but she couldn't help being excited, so excited that she trembled...


Feng Ya lifted her skirt and couldn't help but run over. As soon as she spoke, her cheeks were flushed and her voice became shy.

She bowed her head and was extremely charming.

"Fifteenth Lady, pay your respects to your brother-in-law."

Pei Jue didn't move.

A handsome and cold face, full of displeasure.

If Feng Ya knew him, she would know that she should get out of the way at this time and not make herself look bad.

But she didn't...

Ever since Tao Shi instilled those little girls' thoughts into her, Pei Jue was different in her eyes.

She would be this man's concubine, give him children, and rely on him for the rest of her life...

Feng Ya wanted to show her the best and most beautiful side, but Pei Jue was tall and had long legs, and she couldn't see his face at all without looking up.

Her cheeks flushed, her palms sweated, she felt more guilty and short of breath, and she couldn't relax. The more she wanted to be generous, the more she felt cramped, and she looked a little petty.

"Brother-in-law gets up at dawn and practices martial arts diligently. He is really diligent..."

Pei Jue was silent.

His eyes passed through her without emotion...

Feng Ya felt that the short moment was extremely long.

She didn't know what Pei Jue was thinking at this moment. She only caught a glimpse of a cold corner of clothes from the corner of her eyes, passed by, and walked away...

She was stunned.

Looking at the tall back, she was embarrassed.

Is it embarrassing? Xiaoman looked at the disappointed expression on her face and couldn't stop laughing in her heart.

She still wanted to be the king's concubine?

The king didn't kick her out on the spot, probably because of his wife's order...

"Xiaoman." Feng Ya hesitated, blushing, trying to save her dignity, "Is my brother-in-law always so serious?"

Xiaoman's eyes were full of smiles, "Usually? Usually it's even more terrible than this. Fortunately, it was the fifteenth lady. If it was a maid, she would have been beaten to death on the spot if she ran to block the king's way like she did just now and said something."

Feng Ya was slightly stunned.

"Is my brother-in-law so fierce?"

Xiaoman pretended to be afraid, "More than fierce..."

After a pause, he hesitated again, "Fifteenth lady, don't ask... Anyway, you are a guest, and the king won't make things difficult for you."

Feng Ya looked worried about Feng Yun, frowned and asked Xiaoman, "If my brother-in-law is like this, then my twelfth sister... won't it be very difficult?"

Xiaoman's eyes were slightly tilted, and she sighed.

"A woman is married and obeys her husband, so what can she do about it..."

Feng Ya: "Then the 12th sister, is she happy?"

Xiao Man suddenly raised her eyebrows mischievously, "Sometimes she is happy, for example..."

Feng Ya looked puzzled, "What?"

Xiao Man smiled meaningfully, "I can't say that. Wait until the 15th sister gets married, and you'll understand."

Feng Ya realized something, her eyelids trembled, and her already blushing cheeks seemed to be suddenly coated with a layer of rouge.

"Xiao Man, you... are so embarrassed."

Xiaoman pursed her lips and looked at her happily.

"Girl, rest a while, Xiaoman is doing some work."

She left with a smile, leaving Feng Ya with endless reverie.

Feng Ya wrung her handkerchief and recalled Pei Madang's appearance just now, her heart pounding...

She had just collided with Pei Ran, but he did not blame her.

But, is he treating her a little differently?

Don't talk to her just to avoid suspicion, right?

He is not the kind of young master from an aristocratic family who has nothing to do, always boasting...

Feng Ya liked the way he kept silent and kept people thousands of miles away. That kind of indifference and aloofness is just like the cold pines on the top of the mountain, unique.

This is exactly what she wants to marry.

We can't be like those men from aristocratic families who, when they see a good-looking girl, are like a peacock courting a mate. They can't wait to show their courtesy, but they are shallow and impetuous...

Feng Ya couldn't wait for some reason.

"Xiao Man, it suddenly occurred to me that I didn't bring the purse of Sister Xiaojing Twelve. I'll go back first and come back later."

Without waiting for Xiaoman to respond, she ran away in a hurry.


"Mother, in my daughter's opinion, Sister Twelve is not as favored as the rumors say. If given the chance, my daughter should make a difference."

Feng Ya bent over the desk, wrote down what she saw and heard in the Pei Mansion on a piece of paper, and gave it to the maid who was with her.

"Take it to the inn and give it to Madam."

The maid responded and went down.

Feng Ya slowly walked out of the courtyard.

The morning light is faint.

The sky was covered with a layer of white color, neither cold nor hot, the breeze was blowing, it was just that time.

She followed the sound and unknowingly arrived at the martial arts training ground in the backyard.

Pei Ran is not alone.

He also has Zuo Zhong and Ji You as sparring partners.

Three men, tall and strong.

But in Feng Ya's eyes, all she could see was that vigorous figure, the sweaty collision during the fight...

She hid behind the bushes, clutching her palms so nervously that her whole body seemed to melt, and she was covered in sweat.

Before coming to Xijing, she was indeed a little reluctant.

She never thought that the legendary and decisive King of Hell would upset her heart.


When Feng Ya's letter fell into Feng Yun's hands, she read it twice and couldn't help laughing.

"Incredible. How did you see it?"

Not only Feng Ya, but many people actually think that she and Pei Madness have a very cold relationship as husband and wife, and Pei Madness is not very fond of her.

They are too bland.

Speech is light and emotion is light.

On weekdays, everyone does their own thing, respects each other, has boundaries, is not very enthusiastic, and does not quarrel.

Despite the burning fire in the room and the overflowing passion, they are indeed not a loving couple in the traditional sense.

Feng Yun folded the letter and sealed it flatly, then handed it into the hands of the maid.

"It's not just a day or two for you to serve in the Feng Mansion. I don't need to tell them who they are."

She gently stroked the turtle's back fur.

The maid looked at the ferocious-looking big cat and turned pale with fear.

Feng Yun: "Do you need me to teach you how to do it?"

The maid made a sad face and shook her head repeatedly, "The maid has never seen the Twelfth Mother, and the Twelfth Mother has not read the Fifteenth Mother's letter. Nothing happened today."

"Very good." Feng Yun had a smile on his calm face and his eyes were cold, "Go ahead."

"Thank you very much, madam, for not killing me. Thank you very much, madam."

The maid knew very well that the Feng family's way of saving their lives was to keep everything secret.

If Mrs. Tao and Feng Jingyao were to find out, no matter whether she was forced by Feng Twelve Niang or not, her life would be lost.

The maid left.

Xiaoman asked Feng Yun puzzledly, "Why don't you just send me away? You're wasting your time dealing with her..."

It can be seen that Xiaoman dislikes Feng Ya very much.

Feng Yun smiled and hummed, "To catch big fish, you have to take a long shot."

No one understands Xiao Cheng's ambitions better than Feng Yun.

The land of Dajin must have been included in his planned territory. So, since he sent Feng Jingyao to Xijing, how could he give up if he didn't do something?

Wei Zheng did not break his promise, and as soon as there was news, he would pass it on to Feng Yun through Luo Yue's mouth.

Feng Jingyao's activities in Xijing are still frequent.

Wei Zheng said that he was engaged in normal diplomatic relations, but Feng Yun knew very well that Feng Jingyao would come here in person, not for normal diplomatic relations.

There must be something shady going on in private.

She sent extra manpower to follow Feng Jingyao.

To Feng Ya, she acted hesitant and hesitant, sometimes cold-faced and sometimes confused...

So Feng Ya gradually discovered that this twelfth sister was a paper tiger with a fierce look and a soft heart.

No matter how beautiful and talented you are, what can you do?

If she couldn't give birth to a child, she wouldn't be able to hold her head up and would have to rely on her parents.

Feng Ya became more and more comfortable in Pei Mansion.

Although no one mentioned asking Pei Mad to take her as a concubine, Feng Yun allowed her to live in the house, and Pei Mad didn't ask her out. Wasn't it obvious?

Of course she would not have thought that there were at most twenty concubines living in Pei Ran's house. Neither Feng Yun nor Pei Ran took it seriously. They only thought that they were special and were chosen by the Feng family to help Pei Ran. leaf……

Feng Yun's attitude was almost acquiescence.

Just waiting for Pei Ran to take her into the house.

Once she becomes pregnant and gives birth to a son, what will happen to Feng Yun?

A legitimate wife who cannot give birth to a child will sooner or later be abandoned by her husband. At that time, she will be the mistress of this mansion and the woman most beloved by King Yonghuai.

Once a young girl has a beautiful dream, even God cannot stop her.

Feng Ya's impetuousness and impatience are visible to the naked eye, and her correspondence with Tao is becoming more and more frequent...

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