Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 553 A Thousand Years of Joy

Feng Yun was very concerned about Pei Madang's birthday. She personally cleaned the Pei Mansion from top to bottom. From the arrangement of the dishes for the banquet to the guest list, she arranged everything and discussed it repeatedly with the Pei family, without any effort.

Pei Yuan was delighted.

I was very happy to see the big and small bags being carried into Pei's house.

The younger siblings finally figured out that if they wanted to be the mistress of the house, then she, the eldest aunt, would no longer have to take care of the house for her in an unjustifiable manner...

Pei Yuan sorted out the account books and brought them to Feng Yun's room in person.

Unexpectedly, Feng Yun stopped him with a smile.

"Sister, please don't give up your responsibility. I can't take care of this family."

Pei Yuan was stunned.

Feng Yun pushed the account book back with a smile.

"As soon as your husband's birthday is over, I should go back to Andu. I still have to trouble my sister to take care of the affairs of the Pei Mansion."

Pei Yuan was secretly surprised.

"Are you still going back to Andu?"

Feng Yun smiled and nodded, "I want to go back. There are so many people waiting for me. If I don't go back, Nagato will be in chaos."

Pei Yuan was extremely reluctant to have her and her younger brother live in two separate places, but Pei Madang acquiesced to some things. As the eldest sister, she couldn't stretch her hands too far.

The birthday banquet in the Pei Mansion was very lively, and almost everyone from Xijing's famous families, relatives of the emperor, and Beijing officials above the fifth rank received invitations.

There was a lot of traffic in front of the palace gate, and the first person to send congratulatory gifts was the new emperor Yuan Yin in the palace.

The first ones to arrive at the Pei Mansion were the eldest princess and her family.

Two carriages from the eldest princess's mansion stopped in front of Pei's mansion, one behind the other.

Puyang got out of the carriage and opened the curtain to ask his mother to get out. Only then did Wen Xingsu help Puyang Ripple get out of the other carriage.

A prominent one.

Wen Xingsu was also a new member of the court. He was elegant, dignified, and handsome. He was very eye-catching when he walked with Puyang Ripple.

"The distinguished guest has arrived."

Feng Yun came out of the house and looked at Puyang Yi from a distance.

Pu Yangyi stuck out her tongue, Feng Yun smiled, and quickly stepped forward to salute the eldest princess and Pu Yang Zong.

"Your Highness, Prince, thank you for coming."

The eldest princess praised: "I haven't seen you for a long time, and the princess has become more and more lovely."

Feng Yun responded with a smile: "Your Highness is very complimentary."

After saying that, he turned around and bowed slightly to Wen Xingsu and Puyang Yi.

"Brother, sister-in-law."

Wen Xingsu smiled in return.

Pu Yangyi said: "Ayun, go and do your own business. We are all a family. Your brother and I are very comfortable. There is no need to greet us."

Feng Yun glanced at her flawless face and curled his lips slightly.

Puyang Yi is so happy.

Joy jumped in her bright black eyes. It was obvious at a glance that she had a deep relationship with her eldest brother. With her loving mother and eldest brother by her side, no one could be happier than her.

Feng Yun said with a smile: "I won't be polite to my sister-in-law. You and your eldest brother can do what you want. Your Highness, Prince of the County, please come to the house quickly."

The eldest princess had a loving look on her face, without any aloofness, just like an ordinary elder, chatting with Feng Yun while walking.

Puyang Zong and Puyang Yi occasionally talked to each other, as if they were really a family.

On the contrary, Wen Xingsu didn't make much noise.

He glanced at Feng Yun in amazement and then regained his expression. His smile was neither deep nor shallow, just right. Occasionally, he casually supported Pu Yangyi, which was also very appropriate.

When Feng Yun saw the loving look of their couple, he couldn't help but joke, "After returning to Beijing for so long, this is the first time that my eldest brother has visited us. If I hadn't invited him in the post, I might have forgotten that I have a sister."

Pu Yangyi blushed immediately and gave Wen Xingsui a light look, "You are the one with the bad mouth. My husband will be busy with official duties when he returns to Beijing, so there is no time for leisure..."

Feng Yun gasped, "Look how anxious you are."

Wen Xingsu smiled, his voice warm and clear, "Ayun will come in the next two days even if you don't invite me."

After a pause, he seemed to want to say something more, when another carriage came outside the door.

Feng Yun turned his eyes, told them to sit inside, and then went out again.

Wen Xingsu looked back, smiled, and led Puyang Ripple across the threshold.

The number of guests gradually increased.

Pei Chong was pushed by the waiter and came out to greet the guests himself.

This meritorious general is usually invisible to people. Whenever someone sees his disabled legs, they can't help but sigh and say some words of admiration.

Pei Chong just smiled and never mentioned the battle that year.

After the banquet was served and all the guests arrived, Emperor Wenzhi arrived belatedly.

It was rare in ancient times for an emperor to personally visit his ministers' homes to congratulate them on their birthdays.

The king and his ministers enjoyed themselves and were polite and courteous.

But those present knew very well that no matter how generous and appropriate the words were, this was not a "favour", but a compromise by the emperor and a sign of weakness towards King Yonghuai.

The banquet was full of rich dishes and prosperous.

The Pei family has never hosted a banquet since Pei Chong became disabled and Mrs. Pei passed away. In the memories of many princes and veterans, the last time Pei Yuan got married was.

Suddenly, the war many years ago was mentioned again. The old and new parties therefore temporarily put aside their grudges and drank happily.

Feng Jingyao and his wife were also invited.

At the banquet, he stood up with a cup in hand and said to Emperor Wenzhi who was on the throne: "The two countries of Jin and Qi have formed an alliance at Zimingquan. They have lived in harmony for several years and exchanged their needs. This has enabled the people of the two countries to live and work in peace and contentment, merchants gathered, and all industries have prospered. Since then, On the way from Qi to Jin, I saw the former battlefield, now a mulberry field, with farmers hoes and shepherd boys playing flutes. It was a picture of a prosperous age, and my heart was very excited. "

Then he raised his sleeves and raised his wine glass, bowing to Emperor Wenzhi and the princes in the audience.

"Today, I borrow the fine wine from King Yonghuai to wish the two countries of Jin and Qi everlasting friendship. May all people in the world enjoy eternal peace. I hope that from now on, we will have peace and prosperity, and together we will build a monument for the ages."

Feng Jingyao was well-read, a well-educated scholar, and gifted with a eloquent tongue. He was able to maneuver in the court of Qi State, and he was no less generous in Jin State.

After listening, all the ministers nodded frequently.

Even Emperor Wenzhi was a little moved.

He laughed loudly and raised his glass.

"Dear dear ministers and distinguished envoys of the State of Qi, I would like to take advantage of the eternal joy of King Yonghuai today. I propose that I drink this cup with you. I wish the two countries to paint a picture of peace and flourish in the prosperous age."

All the ministers stood up and raised their glasses to drink together.

It was a happy scene, as if the tit-for-tat confrontation in the court had never existed, and no one even mentioned Nagato.

Feng Yun smiled lightly.

If others don't mention it, it is to give face to King Yonghuai, so she will mention it.

Feng Yun picked up the wine pot, filled Pei Ran's cup, then slowly filled his own cup, saluted the emperor and the princes, and said with a smile:

"Dear guests, have a good meal and a good drink. I apologize for any lack of hospitality."

She was dressed dignifiedly today, with her hair in a high bun, embellished with pearls and emeralds, her wide skirt and elegant skirt, her movements were calm and leisurely, her words were like the spring breeze blowing on her face, and she was as bright as a peony blooming...

What a flower of wealth in the world...

Only King Yonghuai can control it.

There were people at the table who praised him repeatedly.

Ao Zheng drank a glass of wine boldly and said loudly:

"The princess is really humble. This wine is as mellow as nectar, and this dish is exquisite and can be called the best in delicacies. Even the cups and dishes at the banquet are also extremely unique. Ao has never seen it anywhere else..."

After saying that, he glanced at everyone and said with a smile: "Master, don't blame Ao for drinking too much and having a big tongue. In this place in Xijing, I'm afraid this banquet is unique and unmatched."

Ao Zheng was very supportive.

Played into Feng Yun's heart.

She glanced at Pei Man and smiled warmly and kindly: "I am ashamed to be praised by Prime Minister Ao."

After saying that, she stood up from the table and smiled slowly.

"Now that I've said this, I'm ashamed of myself."

Holding the pot in her delicate hands, she smiled lightly.

"The name of this wine is 'Lotus Fragrance Dew'. It comes from Changmen, Andu. It is made with water from Jieqiu, grain from Huaxi River, and the fragrance of lotus from thousands of miles away."

She took a sip of wine and greeted everyone.

He added: "The porcelain cups and bowls at the banquet also come from Huaxi Long Kiln. Speaking of which, there is another allusion..."

She glanced lightly, her smile unchanged.

"Emperor Tianshou was staying in Huaxi for a while. On a whim, he visited the entrance of the Huaxi kiln and added firewood to the fire. Perhaps he was nourished by the dragon's energy. The porcelain that came out of the kiln that time had moist glaze, fine bones, bright, clean, bright and elegant , each one is just like a treasure in the world... The kiln workers were so surprised that they immediately prostrated themselves and shouted long live the mountain. Since then, it has been renamed Huaxi Long Kiln..."

She pointed to the plates and dishes in front of everyone.

"The porcelain you are using today all comes from Huaxi Long Kiln. And..."

She smiled again and introduced the dishes on the table one by one, her voice as warm and polite as an oriole emerging from the valley.

"Today's dish is the nine bowls of birthday banquets that have been very popular among people in Amu in recent years, and they also originated from Nagato."

There was silence all around.

The dishes are all very good.

But the atmosphere was a little weird.

These days, there is a lot of talk in the court about banning Nagato.

But this was the birthday banquet of King Yonghuai, and the princess introduced fine wine and food to the guests with a smile and a smile, so it was not easy to slap anyone in the face.

Eaters have short mouths.

The scene was... very embarrassing.

Feng Yun looked at their expressions and knew it well, but did not show any embarrassment at all.

She generously introduced Nagato to everyone in this way, and implicitly said that Nagato is a place that focuses on improving people's livelihood, and will only make people's lives better, not worse...

Is it necessary to ban such places?

Ao Zheng had a smile on his face and screamed in his heart!

This sister-in-law is really good at it.

He raised his glass in a toast and laughed, "If I hadn't gone to the banquet today, Ao wouldn't have gained so much knowledge. Good! Good wine, good food, good Nagato. Don't you think so, Ruan Shangshu?"

Ruan Pu was also at the table, sitting upright.

Hearing the sound, his face turned dark.

Ao Zheng raised his glass, "Here's to you."

Ruan Pu gritted his teeth secretly, but when things came to a close, he was riding a tiger and found it difficult to get off. He smiled lukewarmly, tilted his neck, and drank the wine in one gulp.

Ao Zheng laughed.

Everyone at the table looked at each other, either speechless or talking in low voices.

I wonder if Ruan Shangshu will be embarrassed to participate in the performance after today's banquet and go to court again. Will he ban Nagato? -

Between the cups and the cups, they exchanged glasses and laughed.

Feng Yun and Pei Ran sat together in front of a table. When she ate some food and drank some wine, she had a peach-cheeked face and enjoyed the food with relish.

Pei Ran turned his face to look at her.

Feng Yun looked at him, smiled, and said with red lips, "Your Majesty, you can drink a lot. Look, I'm drunk."

Pei Ran frowned slightly, almost unnoticeably. Looking at her raised smile, he silently looked away, held his forehead, and glanced at Chang Sui Qian Sanniu behind him, looking like he was too drunk.

"Help me change."

From time to time, people left the table.

It's convenient, no one cares...

Unless it's someone with a heart.


Feng Ya did not go to the front hall to greet the guests like Feng Yun. Of course, she was not qualified.

After all, Feng Yun is considered an official, not an ordinary woman.

She and Mrs. Tao were both in the back seat, followed by many ladies and ladies.

Tao was afraid that others didn't know that Feng Ya lived in Pei's house. During her conversation, she would occasionally say something meaningful so that people would know that her daughter was a concubine in Pei's house...

Most people couldn't figure out their relationship and didn't want to say much. Some people were cunning and said some sarcastic things to her.

Tao was not afraid of anything and said openly: "Her sister has been married for many years and has no children. As a younger sister, I should share more of the burden..."

This kind of thing is not uncommon, and no one suspects anything. After a sigh, it was nothing more than a feeling that Princess Yonghuai would end up like this.

The maid hurried in and whispered a few words to Feng Ya.

Feng Ya held her handkerchief and looked up, "Mother."

Tao smiled and said, "Go."


Pei's house prepared rest rooms and clean rooms for the guests, not far from the banquet.

Feng Ya walked out with the maid, looked around, and asked nervously:

"Is it done?"

The maid lowered her head and didn't dare to look at her at all.

"Master, it should be done. The king left the table with his attendant in a hurry, thinking that the secret medicine had taken effect..."

Feng Ya clenched her handkerchief tightly, her heart bulging, excited and flustered.

That day, Tao came to her with the secret medicine, saying that it was a magic medicine from the Western Regions. After taking this medicine, a chaste woman would undress in an instant, and even a righteous man would become a playboy...

If it is put in wine, the effect will be doubled.

Before, Feng Ya had never found a chance to get close to Pei Jue. Today, it happened that Feng Yun bumped into her and said that she was preparing a big banquet and was short of manpower in the mansion, so she called the two maids in front of her to help.

If this is not the wish of heaven, what else can it be?

The maid said: "I was afraid of something going wrong, so I smeared the medicine in the wine glass on the table of King Yonghuai. The prince drank a lot... He will definitely be obsessed with the master."

Be obsessed?

Feng Ya thought about what it would be like if Pei Jue was infatuated, and her heart was pounding, and she was so nervous that she almost jumped out of her throat.

She was a little impatient and quickened her pace.

She didn't have the courage to give Pei Jue drugs.

But Tao said that the secret drug was colorless and tasteless, and King Yonghuai would not notice anything unusual.

When the two of them got together, King Yonghuai would at most think that he drank too much and suddenly got excited, and he couldn't blame her...

She was so beautiful, and she acted a little aggrieved and coquettish. In front of so many people, what else could King Yonghuai do except carry her into the mansion?

"Master, it's there." The maid pointed to the half-closed door in front of her and said in a low voice:

"This is the room where King Yonghuai went in..."

This chapter is two-in-one, with a long word count...

I will try to update three times tomorrow, fist!

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