Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 554 Invite a thief to join the game

The banquet was full of fine wine and delicious food, and the banquet was as lively as ever.

An attendant came in and walked up to Feng Yun in front of all the guests.

"Madam, there is a thief in the garden."

"Is there a thief?" Feng Yun raised his voice, looked stunned for a moment in disbelief, laughed suddenly, and waved his hands with a hint of alcohol.

"Today is the King's birthday banquet. There are tight guards inside and outside the palace. How can ordinary people get in? Don't talk nonsense and disturb the interest of all distinguished guests."

The attendant bowed his head and cupped his hands and said anxiously: "I am absolutely telling you this. The patrolling guard saw this man. He was sneaky and secretive. He was discovered by the guard and chased him. He actually escaped into the garden because there were so many guests coming and going in the garden. There are also female relatives coming in and out, and my subordinates dare not conduct a large-scale search, so I came here to ask for permission..."

Not seeing King Yonghuai, he asked the princess for instructions.

Everyone looked at Feng Yun with more profound meaning.

Feng Yun then stood up seriously and said, "Let's go and take a look."

On a day like this, where would any little thief dare to steal into King Yonghuai's house?

All the guests were also interested.

Then someone followed him and slowly walked out.


Several female guests in the back seats followed Tao out.

He said he wanted to take a walk in the garden to relieve the drunkenness.

Mrs. Tao was supported by a maid, with a plump body and a smile on her face. As she walked, she chatted with a few ladies she had just made friends with: "The palace of Prince Yonghuai looks a bit more simple. If we are in Southern Qi and hold a high position, then I don’t know how the mansion will be built yet.”

The ladies looked at each other.

Doesn’t this mean that Qi is richer than Jin?

"Mrs. Feng doesn't know something. Most of our officials in the Jin Dynasty are pragmatic, and King Yonghuai is even more upright. He doesn't like this..."

Another lady glanced at her and said with a smile:

"So, Feng Shangshu's house must be magnificent and magnificent? Oh, how much money will it cost to support it?"

Doesn't this mean that the Feng family relied on corruption and bribery?

Tao's face darkened, not so pretty.

But as the saying goes, if there are three women in a drama, it is inevitable that they will not say some harsh words.

Anyway, she didn’t come to make friends with them, she just brought them here as witnesses, she just had to endure it...

"Hey, isn't that Princess Yonghuai? What are you looking for?"

A lady's words disrupted Tao's thinking.

She glanced sideways.

Feng Yun stood at the end of the garden, looking at her and smiling.

Beside him were several servants and maids.

A large group of men and women were searching one by one.

"what happened?"

"Yeah, what happened?"

Hearing the ladies whispering, Feng Yun leaned slightly.

"Dear guests, please be careful. There is a thief in the garden and we are searching."

"Thief?! Where is the thief?"

Several women immediately became nervous.

Feng Yun smiled and said: "Don't be too afraid. There are guards inside and outside here. If the thief comes, don't even think about escaping. Right now, everyone is safe..."

When they heard she said it was safe, the ladies breathed a sigh of relief.

"Princess." Zuo Zhong came over with two guards.

"Have you found it?" Feng Yun asked.

Zuo Zhong's eyes darkened and he suddenly looked towards the current wing.

"I've looked everywhere, but this is the only one left."

As he said that, he looked at Mrs. Tao again, "A maid said that we didn't dare to rush in and search after seeing the fifteenth lady of Feng Mansion entering the house."

Feng Yun also looked at Mrs. Tao, "The fifteenth mother is in there? That's terrible. She's with the thieves, so it's better not to have anything happen..."

Tao laughed when he heard this.

She was worried that she couldn't find so many people to testify, so Feng Yun brought people here.

It's okay, it would be heartbreaking for her to see her good husband and his concubine together with her own eyes.

Mrs. Tao was sure that the "little thief" the guards were searching for was Pei Ran. She also believed that he and Feng Ya were blocked inside together and did not dare to make a sound. He was very satisfied in his heart but pretended to be nervous.

"Fifteenth Mother, a pure and innocent daughter, can't let this misunderstanding happen... Twelfth Mother, are you mistaken? How can such a person in the blue sky cause a thief?"

She finished speaking with a smile without embarrassment and called the maid beside her.

"Go and ask, why doesn't the fifteenth mother come out?"

The maid immediately stepped forward and knocked on the door of the wing.

The door was closed and bolted from the inside.

But no one answered.

The maid increased her intensity.

"Fifteenth Mother, Fifteenth Mother, are you in there?"

She filmed for a long time, but still no one responded.

The ladies around who were watching the excitement were all anxious and talking about it.

Feng Yun glanced at Zuo Zhong and said, "Open the door."

Zuo Zhong responded, "Yes."

Two guards stepped forward and slammed the door hard.

The door was banged, but the room was always quiet, without any sound.

More and more people gathered around him.

Mrs. Tao glanced into the crowd and didn't see Pei Madang appearing, and she felt even more confident.

She pretended to defend Feng Ya, frowned and said:

"The Twelfth Mother, so many people will scare the Fifteenth Mother."

Feng Yun twitched his lips and ignored her, "Break the door!"

The guards all responded.

Mrs. Tao pursed her lips, finally suppressing the smile that appeared subconsciously, and pretended to be nervous:

"Don't knock on the door."

She rushed forward and blocked the door of the wing.

"My fifteenth mother is inside, how can I let a man break in?"

Feng Yun curled his lips slightly, "Why are you so nervous, Mrs. Feng? There shouldn't be anything shameful in it, right?"

Tao was almost laughing to death.

Isn’t it just shameful?

She also waited for the guards to break into the door and catch their master having a secret affair with his sister-in-law, which shocked everyone present with their mouths open...

But right now, people haven’t arrived yet, and it’s not lively enough.

She just wants to make people suspect that there is a ghost in the house. At that time, people would not misunderstand that she knew about Feng Ya and King Yonghuai in advance. In this case, the two of them were having an affair, rather than just being in the same room by chance...

The two results look similar, but are actually completely different.

King Yonghuai took the initiative to meet Feng Wuniang in the west wing and couldn't wait to have fun. It was very different from him drunkenly bumping into Feng Wuniang...

Therefore, Mrs. Tao worked harder to prevent the guards from intruding, and even put his hands across the face to stop the guards in front of him regardless of his face.

The guard was reluctant to touch her body and looked at Feng Yun in embarrassment.

Feng Yun smiled unhurriedly, "Mrs. Feng, please don't break the rules of our house. Or... you blocked it so shamelessly because Fifteenth Mother and the little thief were in there, doing something shameful. "

Tao laughed secretly.

When the "little thief" is caught, Twelve Mothers will cry.

She didn't show it on her face, but she became sour when she spoke.

"Twelfth Mother, why do you speak like this? I am your eldest aunt, and that is your fifteenth sister. Even if you ignore her reputation, you should not frame her for having an affair with a little thief."

Feng Yun smiled softly, and his eyebrows seemed to bloom.

"I didn't say she had an affair with a thief. That's what you said yourself, Mrs. Feng."

Before her voice fell, she grabbed Tao's arm hard, pulled it back, and signaled to the guards.

"You haven't broken down the door yet?"

The guards responded in unison and rushed to the door.

The door was bolted tightly, and several people used their full strength. Amidst Tao's screams, the wooden door opened with a loud bang.

"Fifteenth mother..."

Tao just shouted and then stopped.

The guards rushed into the room and pulled out from behind the screen a man in his forties with a flushed face, bare feet and disheveled hair.

Tao's expression suddenly changed.

"You...why is it you?"

She knew this man.

He is Duan Wu, a subordinate of Feng Jingyao.

I came with them to the Pei Mansion for a banquet today, why were they in the wing?

Where is the fifteenth mother?

Tao swayed a little, unable to stand.

Then he saw Feng Ya being "invited" from behind the screen by two maids.

She was different from Duan Wu. She had a pale face, and her messy clothes could not cover her fair body. Her hairpin had fallen off and her hair was hanging down. Her steps were as slow as if she had lost her soul. When she saw Tao, she He knelt softly on the ground, tears streaming down his face.

“Ask mothers to make decisions for their daughters.”

Tao was startled.

I was confused for a long time and didn't understand what happened.

She looked at Feng Ya and then at Duan Wu, furious.

"What's going on? What's going on?"

Her tone was stern.

Tao's attitude towards Feng Ya changed after he discovered that it was not Pei Ran in the wing.

If she hadn't been in front of so many people, she would have had to pretend to be a loving mother, and she might have slapped Feng Ya down.

Something bad for her.

Poor maid.

"Mother, mother, it's none of my business. He suddenly appeared..."

Feng Ya naturally heard Tao's sullenness.

She lowered her head, shook her head, and cried sadly. She rushed over and grabbed Tao's sleeve to complain.

Tao smelled a tacky fragrance of powder, and when he saw her miserable appearance, he subconsciously felt disgusted and pulled out his sleeves hard, causing Feng Ya to fall to the ground.


She raised her head and couldn't believe that her aunt, who had coaxed her with gentle words just two days ago, would look like this. She was speechless except for crying.

On the contrary, it was her maid who knelt on the ground and began to explain with trembling hands.

"Back to Madam...the maid and Fifteen Niang came out to change clothes. As soon as they entered the wing, the servant was thrown to the ground and almost fainted. Then, he saw Duan Wu and he dragged Fifteen Niang into the screen. inside……"

Dow is going crazy.

"I just called you, why didn't you say anything?"

The maid quickly lowered her head, "The maid didn't dare to speak out, for fear of being seen by others and ruining the reputation of the fifteenth mother... The fifteenth mother could not speak out... That martial arts... was so cruel..."

Damn it.

What a ghost.

Tao's whole mind was confused.

She didn't expect such a result at all. Listening to the low laughter beside her, she didn't even know what to do...

On the contrary, Feng Jingyao, who came in a hurry just now, was calm enough.

He had his hands behind his back and a sullen face, looking angrily at Duan Wu who was stepped on the ground by the guards, and then at Feng Ya who was crying.

"You bastard, you have no shame."

I don't know who he was scolding, but before his voice fell, he sighed again.

"I've made you laugh today. I'm really ashamed. I'm extremely ashamed."

He said, his name is Tao.

"It would be a shame to take away the fifteenth mother yet."

Tao's eyelids trembled and he responded.

Only then did Feng Jingyao approach Duan Wu, condescendingly snorting, "If you offend Prince Yonghuai's palace, you will really die. Come here, drag Duan Wu down and beat him to death with sticks."

The guards beside him rushed forward and were about to pull Duan Wu away.

Duan Wu looked a little delirious, as if he was drunk, looking at Feng Jingyao and just having fun.

"My lord, I am Duan Wu... My lord, I am Duan Wu, uh... I am your confidant, have you... forgotten? I know a lot about you... burp... you hit me... I can't I can’t keep my mouth shut..."

Feng Jingyao's brows were so furrowed that they could kill a fly.

"Drag it down!"

"Slow down!" came a cold voice from behind the crowd.

The atmosphere suddenly sank, and Tao suddenly turned around.

King Yonghuai?

Sure enough, he wasn't in the house...

There is a traitor!

Tao felt chills all over, and subconsciously looked at the kneeling maid next to Feng Ya, her eyes seemed to be spitting out fire.

The crowd parted automatically.

Pei Madang walked over slowly and said calmly: "Mr. Feng, the thief caught by the Pei Mansion has not yet been interrogated, how can you let you take him away and beat him to death?" (End of Chapter)

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