Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 555: Xijing Defense Map

Little thief...?

Feng Jingyao's heart sank.

He looked sideways and bowed to Pei Jue.

"Your Highness, this is a misunderstanding. My unpromising subordinate drank a few more glasses and made a fool of himself..."

"I don't think this is a joke." Feng Yun sneered, took over the conversation, pointed at Duan Wu and said, "He didn't take the main road, but chose the small path and flowers, and sneaked into the garden in an uninhabited place. If he is not a thief, then he has bad intentions."

Feng Jingyao looked sideways and pointed at Duan Wu.

"Feng Shier Niang, can't you see it? He is clearly not sober. How can he have bad intentions when he acts after being drunk?"

"Maybe he is pretending?"

Feng Yun and Pei Jue looked at each other, and the corners of their lips slightly raised.

"One pretends to be drunk, the other pretends to be stupid, there must be some secret. The mess in the wing is just a cover-up for you to deceive others. Otherwise, why did Madam Feng try every means to stop us from breaking in?"

Tao's face changed drastically.

"I didn't."

Feng Yun smiled, "In front of everyone, everyone saw it, Madam Feng still wants to deny it?"

Tao panted a few times and was speechless.

Of course she couldn't admit that she did that just to create the illusion of defending Feng Ya's cheating...

If Pei Jue wasn't in that room, they would lose everything.

It's useless to say anything now.

At the moment, they can only sacrifice the car to save the king.

Tao was angry and anxious. She scolded Feng Ya loudly without caring about her face:

"Just now I was afraid that this slut would lose her temper and do something shameful, which would bring shame to the Feng family, so I spoke up to defend her... Twelve Niang, we are all Feng family members, and you are also surnamed Feng. Do you really not give me any face?"

Feng Yun chuckled, "It is well known that I am despised by the Feng family. Madam Feng should not try to be related to me."

Tao was almost mad at her.

"The Pei Mansion invited us to a banquet, and we came to the banquet. What secrets can we have? You are simply slandering me, which makes no sense!"

Feng Jingyao saw her lose her composure and coughed lightly.

When Tao shut up, he said slowly: "King Yonghuai, we are envoys from Qi. You have no right to deal with us."

Envoys have always had a special political status. When two countries are at war, they don't kill envoys, not to mention that Jin and Qi are allies.

The Jin officials present all frowned.

Unexpectedly, Pei Jue didn't buy it.

"If this matter had not happened in my house, I would have abided by the covenant. However, this is Pei's house, my home. The peace of my home is not subject to the law. How can the immunity of the Qi envoy exceed the private house?"

This was like a blow to the head.

Feng Jingyao's face suddenly changed.

Feng Yun smiled lightly.

This was the first time she found Pei Jue so eloquent and flawless.

"Come here." Pei Jue said coldly, "Search for me!"


Several guards rushed into the wing room and searched inside and out.

Two guards held Duan Wu.

Another person checked Duan Wu in front of everyone.

Duan Wu had regained some consciousness at this time.

He looked at Pei Jue's cold face, as if he fell into an ice cellar, and struggled hard, yelling.

"You have no right to search me, no right! I am Mr. Feng's man, I am the Qi envoy... You have no right to deal with me..."

His struggle was useless.

This was Pei Jue's territory.

Not to mention searching him.

Even if Pei Jue wanted to search any of the princes and ministers here, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to escape...

With a rustle.

Duan Wu's clothes were torn open.

A hard corner of the lining was exposed.

Zuo Zhong frowned slightly and stretched out his hand to pull.

A piece of silk wrapped in oil paper fell into his hand.

Zuo Zhong took a look and presented it to Pei Jue with both hands.

"Your Majesty."

Pei Jue's expression was extremely cold.

He glanced at Feng Jingyao, who had a solemn expression.

"Open it."

Zuo Zhong responded and slowly unfolded the piece of silk.

When the words "Xijing Defense Map" came into view, a low inhalation sounded in the courtyard.

"What a courage!" Ao Zheng was the first to speak, walked out of the crowd, pointed at Feng Jingyao and shouted angrily.

"When the envoy of Qi went to Xijing, we, the Jin Dynasty, treated him with courtesy. I never expected that you would harbor evil intentions and secretly steal our Xijing city defense map. This villain's behavior is simply shameless!"

The city defense map is not as good as gold, silver, and jewelry. Since it is stolen, the intention is self-evident.

The Jin ministers whispered and cursed again.

Feng Jingyao subconsciously clenched his palms and smiled coldly.

"If you want to accuse someone, you can always find a pretext. After Feng arrived in Xijing, his whereabouts were always in the eyes of your Tiqisi spies every day. How can it be a secret? Except for the Jin Emperor's note, I have never entered the palace. I don't know where your country's defense map is hidden. Even if I want to steal it, I have no way to start."

He smiled slowly and stared at Pei Jue.

"Feng is also curious, why is there a Xijing defense map hidden in the mansion of Prince Yonghuai?"

What a cunning old fox.

He knew the internal struggle in the Jin court, but he still wanted to bite back and try to shift the conflict to Pei Cong.

However, Pei Cong stood tall, with a calm face, not caring about his provocation at all.

"Mr. Feng, this plan won't work. Tell me honestly how you got this defense map?"

There was silence all around.

Feng Jingyao's black eyes turned cold slightly.

This Jin State was Pei Cong's one-man show. Even Ruan Pu, who dared to fight the New Party, did not dare to accuse Pei Cong himself in person.

He sighed suddenly.

"King Yonghuai imposed the crime for no reason, I have nothing to say."

Pei Madang stared into his eyes, his dark eyes cold.

"Come here, take Feng Jingyao and other criminals to the prison to await trial."

"King Yonghuai!" Feng Jingyao shouted in a long voice and raised his hand, "I advise you to think twice."

At this time, more and more princes and ministers came after hearing the news. In addition to Qi Emperor Yuanyin, the eldest princess, Wen Xingsu and others also came over.

Feng Jingyao's eyes slowly passed over the crowd, and he spoke righteously.

"Jin and Qi have good relations, and the war between Jin and Qi has been extinguished. There is no need for Feng to steal the defense plan. This is clearly someone who is sincerely harming him. Do you really want to let the results of the Jin-Qi peace talks for several years be wasted for the sake of small tricks?"

There were murmurs all around.

In the few years without war, Jin State developed rapidly and they lived comfortably.

If the Jin State forcibly detains the envoys of Qi, it will be the first to break the alliance between the two countries. If disputes and wars break out again, several years of hard work will be in vain...

Feng Jingyao grasped this and looked at Pei Ran coldly.

"If King Yonghuai destroys the friendship between the two allies for his own selfish interests, isn't he afraid of becoming a sinner for the ages and being cast aside by the people of Jin?"


He was secretly accusing Pei Madang of setting up a trap today.

In fact, he is not the only one who thinks this way, even some Jin ministers also have this idea...

It's just that right now, I can't say it, and it's inconvenient to say it.

"That's unreasonable." Ao Zheng pointed at Feng Jingyao's nose and scolded him, "You are so persistent that your farts have landed on my Da Jin's face, why do you still want to give me face?"

Then he raised his hand and said to Pei Ran: "Stealing the defense plan is of great importance. Please handle it in accordance with the law."

As soon as his voice fell, Ruan Pu stood up in a hurry, saluted everyone, and bowed to Pei Ran.

"In my opinion, when it comes to diplomatic relations between the two countries, I should inform Lord Qi in advance before making a decision..."


Pei Ran looked at him coldly.

"There is a thief in my house. Do you want Xiao Cheng to deal with it?"

He called Xiao Cheng by his first name and didn't take it seriously at all.

"Go on! On my birthday, I won't be able to see these dirty things."

Guard: "Here."

"King Yonghuai!" Feng Jingyao's face was as cold as frost, and he let the guards step forward to grab him. He did not struggle, but warned sternly.

"You disregard the friendship between our two countries and if you let the war reignite, you will be a sinner for the ages!"

Pei Ran sneered.

"Mr. Feng is not awake yet."

He slowly walked up to Feng Jingyao, suddenly lowered his head, and said something in a very low voice.

Feng Jingyao's face turned pale immediately and he stared at him.

Not moving at all.

The guards took Feng Jingyao away, dragging his feet on the ground like a zombie.

Feng Yun was amazed when he saw it.

She was very curious about what Pei Ran said, so that he destroyed Feng Jingyao's mental defense with just one sentence?

"Twelve Niangs, that's your uncle!" Mrs. Tao's face was ashen, her whole body was limp on the ground, her tears were flowing down like broken beads, "That's your biological uncle, you beast, why are you so cruel?" ? Beast!"

Feng Yun said nothing and watched expressionlessly.

Several women came forward, grabbed Mrs. Tao and left.

Behind, is the disheveled Feng Ya...

It only took a short time to go from joy to sorrow, and Feng Ya didn't come back to her senses for a long time. She looked at Pei Mad standing there with an imposing manner, cold-hearted and cold-faced, refusing to look at her for one more time. Her good dream was shattered silently, and all her thoughts were lost for a moment, and she cried and laughed.

"I didn't have an affair with anyone, and I didn't steal the defense plans..."

"It was Feng Twelfth Mother who framed me...I didn't do anything, I just liked King Yonghuai...and agreed to take me as his concubine...Feng Twelfth Mother was jealous by nature and couldn't tolerate me...that's why she acted so cruelly Hand... I was wronged, I was wronged..."

She cried and shouted, being dragged by her mother-in-law and staggering.

It's a pity that no one paid attention to him even though he shouted hoarsely.

Pei Madang raised his sleeves and said to everyone:

"The banquet is not over yet, I invite you all to sit down and have a drink."

Feng Yun also invited the ladies and ladies with a smile, and walked to the back flower hall, "Please come inside, please come inside. Today is the great joy of the king, how could such a mistake be made and make everyone laugh."

Everyone walked inside while chatting.

One lady couldn't help it and said with a smile: "Princess, don't blame me for talking too much. I just heard what Mrs. Feng said. Do you want to keep your concubine in your house intentionally to take a concubine for the prince?"

Feng Yun lowered his eyes and smiled faintly.

"Mr. Tao did mention it in front of me... I originally thought it was my family and wanted to promote her, but how could I have imagined that she would be so unsatisfactory? That's all, let's not mention this troublesome thing..."

The lady immediately praised her generosity.

Feng Yun was gentle and clear, and said with a genuine smile: "It is common for a man to have three wives and four concubines, and I never restrain him. But the king is very tricky, and there are not many that can catch my eye, so I am also worried."

"That is, how can such a husband as King Yonghuai fall into his eyes with such an ordinary and vulgar man? How many beautiful and talented women are there in this world like the princess?"

"Madam, you are so complimentary. Come on, come on, please take a seat."

"More wine."

A group of women were smiling.

Without the Feng family, the ensuing banquet went very smoothly.

The guests and hosts had a great time, and when the banquet was over and all the distinguished guests were sent out of the house one by one, Feng Yun asked Pei Mad.

"What did you just say to Feng Jingyao? Why does he look so lost?"

Pei Ran raised his eyebrows, "Why don't you, Yunniang, tell me first how many concubines you plan to have for me?"

Did he know all this?

Feng Yun was somewhat amused, raised her eyes, and looked serious.

"No one would say anything if a man took a few concubines, but if a woman was not virtuous and respectful, she would be criticized. I just talked a little and tried to be decent, can't the king tolerate it?"

Pei Jue looked at her deeply.

Knowing that she was pretending, he still softened his heart.

"Let's go." He put his arm around Feng Yun's waist and walked slowly into the mansion.

In March, it was the season of spring when everything was revived.

The flowers in the mansion were in bloom, peaches were red, pears were white, willows were green, and apricots were pink. The breeze blew, bees and butterflies flew, and it was intoxicating.

Pei Jue lowered his head, looked at her slightly curved eyes, and said lightly: "I told Feng Jingyao that it was Xiao Cheng who wanted to kill him." (End of this chapter)

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