Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 564: Body is burning

For Ruan Pu, this is a golden opportunity.

As long as he can grasp the direction of public opinion, with the support of the eldest princess and the powerful people with deep family background, the situation in the court will be reversed. At that time, Emperor Wenzhi may be able to truly stand up and no longer let Pei Cong have the final say.

Even if the emperor still fails to live up to expectations...

Once it is confirmed that Pei Cong's background is dirty and his family background is not clean enough, even if Emperor Wenzhi wants to abdicate, it will not be justified.

Of course, Ruan Pu guessed that Pei Cong would not give in.

But even if he did not eat spring peaches and did not suffer from the rash disease, it would be difficult to justify himself-

The so-called three hundred taels of silver here, combined with your majesty's strange disease, the palace secretly kept the defense map, all the behind-the-scenes will point to Pei Cong. At that time, the civil and military officials and the people of the world will be choked to death by his saliva, how can he abdicate?

Ruan Pu thought of a way out, but he did not expect Pei Cong to agree so readily.

"Come here, bring the peaches."

There was a brief stagnation in the hall.

No one spoke, even Ruan Pu froze.

Pei Jue glanced at him coldly, "Does the Minister have any doubts?"

Ruan Pu shuddered, bowed his head, "No, no. King Yonghuai is wise."

In the interval between the peaches being served in the Zhenghe Hall, there was a moment or two when Ruan Pu doubted whether he had received the wrong information, but he thought again that his information was correct.

At least, at the moment when the situation was tense, it was worth a gamble...

The peaches were washed and put in a bamboo basket. Pei Jue did not let anyone bring them directly to him, but walked past the ministers one by one, letting everyone check the peaches first. No one found any faults, and then he brought them over.

"Very fresh."

Pei Jue rarely praised, picked up one from the basket and put it in his mouth.

This year's peaches tasted particularly sweet due to the appropriate sunshine and rain. Pei Jue ate them very comfortably, and a faint peach fragrance was also exuded in the hall.

Everyone waited quietly.

Pei Jue finished one.

He picked up the second one.

Ruan Pu's back was slightly sweaty.

In contrast, Ao Zheng could hardly hide the pride on his face.

"I don't know who is behind this, instigating the people to tarnish the reputation of King Yong Huai. Humph, you all saw that the king is not afraid of spring peaches, and he doesn't get rashes after eating them, and there are no other reactions..."

People nodded frequently.

They whispered to each other in twos and threes, and there was no lack of embarrassment.

Ruan Pu's brows were getting more and more furrowed, and his face was ashen.

Pei Jue ate slowly and calmly as usual.

Where are the signs of illness?

Could he really not be Xie Qilang?

Pei Jue ate three spring peaches in a row, and then he took the handkerchief handed by the attendant, wiped his hands, and asked Ruan Pu with a wink.

"Minister Ruan, have you looked carefully? Or do you want me to eat up this basket of spring peaches?"

There was silence in the hall.

The ministers became nervous.

Ruan Pu paused for a moment, and in the complex gazes, he slowly bowed and saluted, and laughed.

"I dare not, I dare not. The rumors in the streets are indeed untrustworthy. However, the king has personally refuted the rumors today. If someone talks nonsense again in the future, the government can arrest and punish them with confidence."

Pei Jue snorted.

"What crime should Minister Ruan be charged with?"

The atmosphere stagnated.

The air in the hall seemed to solidify.

Ruan Pu had goose bumps all over the floor, and after a long while he said, "King Yonghuai, what crime did this humble official commit?"

Pei Jue said, "You are inciting public opinion and slandering this king in the streets. What do you want to do?"

Ruan Pu took a deep breath, "The king misunderstood. This humble official asked the king to prove himself openly, just to sort out the misunderstanding and for the sake of the king's reputation..."

Pei Jue: "It seems that you really think this king is a sick cat."

Before he finished speaking, he heard Ao Zheng's shout.

"Where are the imperial guards? Why don't you tie up Ruan Pu and take him to the prison for trial?"


Outside the hall, several imperial guards ran in and rushed forward, ignoring Ruan Pu's struggle and cursing, and directly pressed him to the ground. Ruan Pu had never been insulted like this before, and he immediately resisted and yelled. He was beaten twice in a row, and his knees knelt on his stomach. Only then did he calm down and gasp for breath...

The hall was buzzing.

Some people in the old party protested, believing that Pei Jue ordered the arrest of the court official without evidence, and executed him in public, which was completely a private substitution for law and no rules.

But what Pei Jue wanted now was not rules, but no rules.

"Any more opponents or pleaders will be regarded as Ruan Pu's accomplices and will be punished with the same crime."

The words were neither light nor heavy, and the hall fell silent.

Everyone felt the chill that penetrated their bones.

Thousands of rules are not worth a little benefit.

People with good eyesight have become active in their minds.

Today, Pei Cong was clearly determined to deal with Ruan Pu.

This scene in the hall seemed to tear off Ruan Pu's face, but it was actually a test of the will of every minister present...

It was a test of who could be attached and who would be a vassal.

If you stood on the wrong side, you might fall into an abyss of no return.

In a short moment, I don't know how far my mind went.

There were a few people who didn't believe in evil and stood up to accuse Pei Cong.

They were dragged away on the spot with ghosts crying and wolves howling.

The rest of the people were silent, their legs and feet were weak.

There was character.

But character couldn't exchange for the lives of his wife, children and elders at home.

The knees were also hard.

But kneeling down didn't take much effort.

The remaining people of the old party knelt faster than those wavering neutrals.

"Your Majesty is right. Since it was Ruan Pu who first forced the King to testify in public, and the King has already refuted the rumors with facts... then, Ruan Pu is spreading rumors to confuse the public, confuse facts, and slander the King with false words and maliciously slander the King, and he should be held responsible."

The wind direction has reversed.

Before Ruan Pu was taken away, he tasted the suffering of the world - the people who called him brothers yesterday turned against him in the blink of an eye, without even blinking an eye.

"Shameless! You are really shameless!"

Ruan Pu was so angry that he jumped up and down in the hall, cursing until he was dragged out by the imperial guards on both sides, and his voice did not fall for a long time.

It is inevitable that some people will be embarrassed.

But no one objected again.

Pei Jue looked at these people, pointed his fingers on his knees.


He said, and when he saw no movement, he stood up.

"Your Majesty——"

With a loud shout, an old man stood up from behind the table, walked straight to the hall, and bowed to Pei Cong, prostrating himself on the ground.

"Your Majesty is in poor health and has not been cured for a long time. It is difficult for you to handle court affairs. I am worried that the country will be in turmoil and the people will be uneasy. Therefore, I dare to advise you today and ask you to take over the throne of the emperor to ensure the stability of our Jin Dynasty and the longevity of the country..."

You can hear a pin drop in the hall.

Some things are known to each other.

Some words have been stuck in the throat for a long time.

It depends on who will make the first earth-shaking sound...

Everyone is weighing the pros and cons. Unexpectedly, the first person to speak would be Shao Cheng, the Grand Herald of Ruan Pu's party...

Bastard, better than anyone else.

What about "taking over the throne of the emperor" is just short of asking Pei Cong to ascend the throne and govern.

The contempt of the people is beyond words.

Pei Jue seemed not to have heard him. He did not even stop. He just flicked his sleeves and "declined" with a slight flick of his sleeves.

"Your Majesty will surely be healthy and recover as before. You ministers must not speak nonsense, so as not to cause more trouble and shake the foundation of the country."

He spoke righteously.

Before the voice fell, the man had already left.

In the Zhenghe Hall, everyone was speechless for a long time.

In the end, it was Ao Zheng who left with a sneer of "It's a waste to be a villain", and then everyone slowly dispersed.

Of course, they would not be naive to think that the matter was over.

They would not think that Pei Jue really had no intention of taking power.

What he said was not important, what was important was to see what he did.

Pei Jue dealt with Ruan Pu's party with thunderous means in the hall, obviously clearing the obstacles for abdication and paving the way for ascending the throne...

When there will be no second voice in the court, when the petitioners change from one person to a group of people, the time is ripe.

By then, everything will be turned upside down.


Pei Jue walked very fast.

When he left the palace, he did not ride a horse as usual, but got on the carriage that had been waiting at the palace gate of Pei Mansion...

"Yun Niang." In the carriage, Pei Jue hugged Feng Yun, who had been waiting for a long time, and his breathing became rapid.

"How is it?" Feng Yun leaned close to his chest, and was not surprised by his sudden action. Instead, she stroked his broad back nervously and said softly: "Doctor Yao is waiting in the mansion, you should bear it for a while."

"Yeah." Pei Jue did not look up, but bent down with his tall body and put his head on Feng Yun's thin shoulders.

Feng Yun glanced sideways and touched his face.

"My king?"


"Are you okay?"

"Very good." Pei Jue hugged her tightly and leaned on her.

After a moment, he sighed again.

"Yun Niang. Uncomfortable."

Uncomfortable and still said that he was fine?

Feng Yun was slightly stunned, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

At this time, Pei Gou really looked like a big dog, his body was burning hot, but he was more clingy than ever before...

She was in a complicated mood.

Steadying herself, she told the driver to speed up and observe Pei Jue again.

In just a short distance, that handsome face had turned red, unusually red, as if it was burned by fire, even his eyes began to become bloodshot, and his eyelids became swollen...

Feng Yun said in a deep voice.

"Hurry! Go faster!" (End of this chapter)

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