Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 565: Abdication Edict

The carriage was very narrow, and Pei Cong leaned on Feng Yun, making no other sound except breathing.

The air was strangely quiet.

Feng Yun had never seen Pei Cong so weak, and was so nervous that she held her breath.

The carriage drove into Pei's house.

The curtain was not opened, and Yao Ru came to greet him.

Zuo Zhong, Ji You and a group of people from the guard camp sent all the servants in the house away, and no one knew what had happened.


As soon as the door of Pei's house closed, spies from the Princess's house went to report.

"There must be something wrong with Pei Cong's health." The Princess said after hearing this.

Anything that violates common sense must be a trick.

She ordered the maid, "Change my clothes."

When the Princess bathed, changed her clothes, and dressed neatly, and walked out of the room, Puyang Yi stopped her with both hands.


Puyang Yi looked at her with red eyes.

"Where are you going, mother?"

The princess paused and said with a smile: "I heard that Prince Yonghuai was wronged in the palace today, mother is going to take a look."

After saying that, she seemed to be afraid that she would not believe it, so she signaled the servants to bring up the gifts to be taken to Pei's house.

The maid lowered her head: "Please look, county lady."

Puyang Yi did not even look at those things.

She just looked at her mother, with a sad look, firmly locked on the princess's smiling eyes, until the smile froze on her face and could no longer smile.

"I saw the spy return to the house, and I heard what he said to mother. Mother, why did you send someone to monitor Pei's house?"

The princess frowned.

She did not speak, her lips were tightly pursed, and she raised her hand to signal the servants to retreat, and then glanced at Puyang Yi.

"Come in with me!"

Her tone was stern, which was very different from her usual motherly image.

Puyang Yi's heart trembled.

She lowered her head and followed the princess into the house.

The princess sat up, and Puyang Yi knelt down in front of her and poured tea for her.

"Did Wen Xingsu ask you to come?"

The princess said bluntly, her eyes full of suspicion.

Puyang Yi paused for a moment, and shook her head twice before she put down the teapot.

"It has nothing to do with him. He doesn't know about this..."

She glanced at the princess's angry face again, "No matter how unfilial my daughter is, I will never say a word against my mother in front of others."

The princess snorted, "Don't defend him. Tell me, what do you want to do?"

Puyang Yi leaned over carefully and wrapped her hands around the princess's arms, as if she was still the little girl who didn't know the world.

"Mother, let's not go against King Yonghuai, okay?"

The princess' eyes darkened.

She didn't scold him, or even get angry, but just stared at Puyang Yi coldly, and slowly pushed her hands away from her arms.

"Do you know what you are saying?"

"I know, mother." Puyang Yi bit her lower lip and drooped her eyelids. "There are many rumors outside now. Although my daughter does not understand the affairs of the court, she also knows that there is no room for two tigers in one mountain..."

The eldest princess snorted heavily.

"Since you know this truth, why do you still say these things? Your uncle is sitting on the dragon throne, so you can have your glory and wealth."

She seemed to stare at Puyang Yi with some pain.

"Pingyuan, you have been well-fed and well-clothed since you were a child, and you have developed a kind heart. Mother is very pleased and hopes that you will be like this in this life, not knowing the hardships, and being a spoiled and wealthy county lady. But you have to understand where your wealth comes from..."

"Mother." Puyang Yi hugged her again and looked up and said, "Compared with my daughter's wealth, my daughter hopes that my mother will be safe and enjoy her old age. Do you understand?"

The eldest princess stiffened.

She looked at the eagerness in Puyang Yi's eyes, her heart trembled, and her tone softened.

"You are a good child, but the current situation does not allow your mother to stand by and watch..."

"Mother! That was my uncle's own will, wasn't it?" Puyang Yi looked at the princess's suddenly changed face, and mustered up the courage to say:

"My uncle is timid by nature. He can't be a powerful king. He can't fight against King Yonghuai. What's wrong with getting rid of the shackles of the throne and being a carefree and idle prince?"

The princess' pupils shrank slightly.

She spoke slowly, and slowly emphasized her tone.

"You think naively. If the throne is abdicated to Pei Jue, the entire Jin royal family will be destroyed. You, me, your brother, your uncle's family, and more royal relatives, their clothing, future, and even their lives will become the price of abdication."

"No. Even if he doesn't become the emperor, if he has the intention to abdicate, King Yonghuai will definitely give the royal family honor and wealth..."

The princess sneered twice.

"Pingyuan, Pingyuan, look at history, how many emperors abdicated and had a good end?"

"Yes." Puyang Yi swallowed her saliva, lowered her eyes, and did not dare to look at her mother. "Those who did not have a good end were because they were forced to abdicate. My uncle was different. He was willing, and King Yonghuai did not force him."

The princess took a deep breath.

She knew her daughter's innocence not today, but she felt tired and helpless today. The court was turbulent, and she had no way to explain it to Puyang Yi, and she had no time to entangle with her.

"If you can't figure it out, think about it at home. There is no need to discuss this matter anymore."

The princess left with a wave of her sleeves.

Puyang Yi reached out to pull her, but pulled nothing.


The voice was heartbreaking.

No response.

Puyang Yi was left crying quietly.


When the eldest princess heard her daughter's cry, her body tensed up, and her heart was not as calm as she appeared.

A line of wild geese flew across the sky.

She looked up and got into the carriage.

Whether Pei Madang is allergic to spring peaches or not, he only needs to visit his house to find out.

When the eldest princess arrives, if he doesn't come out to meet her, it must be Xie Qilang.

The eldest princess leaned her back against the wall of the car, her eyes half-closed, thinking of many possible accidents that might happen during the confrontation at Pei's house, and how to deal with them.

Unexpectedly, the carriage suddenly shook, and the driver stopped with a sound.

The eldest princess was caught off guard and fell forward.

"what happened?"

she asked sharply.

A breathless voice came from outside, with a bit of a high-pitched hoarseness.

"Your Royal Highness, Princess, in the palace, in the palace... Your Majesty is suddenly ill, please go quickly..."

The eldest princess' chest palpitated.

"Quickly, enter the palace."


Mingguang Hall.

The eldest princess stepped across the threshold without letting any servant help her, and walked as fast as flying.

She hadn't been this eager in a long time.

An emperor has already passed away in this palace.

Her brother cannot make the same mistake again...

The imperial family of the Jin Dynasty cannot be destroyed, it cannot be destroyed.

"Your Majesty!" She walked around the screen and opened the curtains in front of the dragon couch. What she saw was a pair of panicked eyes and a skinny emperor.

Emperor Wenzhi was frightened and was relieved when he saw it was her.

"Sister Huang, you are here..."

The eldest princess sat down next to him. Since he called her affectionately, she no longer cared about the etiquette. She directly raised her hand to reach his forehead, just like an ordinary eldest sister who cares about her younger brother.

"How is it? Where do you feel uncomfortable?"

Emperor Wenzhi shook his head.

Then, without waiting for the eldest princess to glare, she nodded again and covered her heart with her hand.

"Here. Sister Huang, it's very uncomfortable here..."

The eldest princess slowly took back her hand and looked at him.

In just a short period of time, he became so thin that he lost all his appearance. Although he was not seriously ill, he tortured himself until he was no longer human. Even his gentle and smiling eyes had lost their vitality, as if their souls had been taken away by the devil. As if.

"You are the emperor. I shouldn't say more, but... alas! There is no one else here. Then, as the eldest sister, I will talk about you properly."

These words have actually been held in the heart of the eldest princess for a long time.

It can be traced back to the death of Emperor Xifeng.

In the entire royal family, there is no one who can support the foundation of the country. From Li Sangruo's youngest son to Yuan Sangyi, they are all children and cannot make decisions.

The court was controlled by ministers, and the royal family declined. From Li Zongxun to Pei Ran, there is actually no difference.

Now it's hard to wait until my younger brother ascends the throne...

She thought that her brother was an adult after all, and as long as he kept his ambitions, he would one day be able to rectify the situation where the king was weak and his ministers were strong. Even if he could not be like Taizu and Gaozu, he could learn from Emperor Xifeng and take charge of his own affairs, so there was still hope.

How could one have expected that her younger brother would be so unsatisfactory that when people were frightened, he would become heartbroken. Not only would he not dare to go to court, but he would even refuse to be an emperor. He wanted to hand over the foundation built by his ancestors to others... …

The eldest princess thought about it and burst into tears before she even opened her mouth.

"Who doesn't want to live a stable life? I do too. I am a woman, so what can I argue about? can I just watch the country that my ancestors built be destroyed in one day, and let you hand over the century-old foundation of the Jin Dynasty? Let people?”

"Emperor sister..." Emperor Wenzhi saw her crying and also shed tears.

"I can't be the emperor, I can't do it well. I'm afraid. I can't eat and sleep well every day. I have convulsions in the middle of the night and can't sleep...Emperor Sister, please change someone else, or else, please change someone else... "

"Ridiculous. Look at the clan, who else can be replaced? There is no one else in our lineage except you and Ayue."

"Ayue." Emperor Wenzhi burst into tears thinking of his son who was still imprisoned.

"An emperor can't even protect his own son. What's the point of being an emperor? He's just a puppet. Sister, I'm just a puppet."

"So what if it's a puppet?" The eldest princess stared at him angrily, "Even if he is a puppet, Da Jin's surname is Yuan. As long as you stand firm, even if Pei Madang has the power over the world, he can only be a minister in front of you. , the country is still my Yuan clan’s country..."

"What's the difference? What's the difference?" Emperor Wenzhi murmured, looking at her, covering his chest with his palms, scratching it hard, a thin line of cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and his voice was trembling.

"Sister Huang, I'm about to die. I'm really scared to death. Ruan Pu was imprisoned. Do you know... the dignified minister, arrests and beats whenever he wants? There is no honor at all... Next, it’s my turn.”

The eldest princess took a breath and let it out again.

"Stop imagining things."

She comforted her warmly and stretched out her hand to pull the corner of the emperor's quilt, "Just rest, I will go to Pei's house right away and I will definitely tear his face off. Don't be afraid, the emperor's sister is here and there will be a way... "

This is the simplest thing a sister can say.

She wanted to solve this crisis on her own.

Not to mention reversing all the disadvantages, at least it can allow the crumbling Jin Dynasty royal family to survive for a while longer, so that her unsatisfactory brother can wake up and prevent more people from dying because of his weakness...

Unexpectedly, before the voice fell, Emperor Wenzhi lowered his head.

"It's too late, Princess Royal Sister, it's already too late..."

Emperor Wenzhi did not dare to look into her eyes. Under the eldest princess's puzzled gaze, he slowly took out a piece of edict from his pillow.

"This is the abandoned Zen edict. The newly written one has been sent to Pei Mansion..."

The eldest princess was so shocked that her face changed.

"What? What did you say?"

Emperor Wenzhi stood up slowly, then slowly knelt down, his lips trembling.

"I am ashamed of my ancestors... Imperial sister, I just want to live, even if I am a coward, just live... They promised me that as long as I am willing to abdicate, they will preserve the royal bloodline and will not kill them all."

The eldest princess looked sternly: "Emperor, you are confused!"

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