Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 566 The mystery is solved

When the imperial edict arrived at Pei Mansion, Pei Madang had just taken a bowl of decoction and lay down on his back.

After walking in the Palace of the King of Hell, the pimples and wheals on his body remained, his face was pale, his lips were cyanotic, and he was sweating coldly.

Through the layers of clothes, Feng Yun could also detect his violent heartbeat and strong restraint.

She looked down.

"Your Majesty, are you feeling better?"

Pei Ran hummed and said nothing.

Feng Yun said: "The imperial edict in the palace is just to test whether you are really in good health..."

Pei Ran raised his eyes and frowned.

Feng Yun looked at him and said, "The father-in-law who delivered the order is outside. You rest, I will deal with it."

Just as she was about to turn around, Pei Ran grabbed her hand and pulled her back. He held her hand, stared at her, and ordered Zuo Zhong outside the door in a hoarse voice.

"Just say I have rested. Let him present the imperial edict."

Feng Yun was startled.

This was said calmly, but every word was hammered hard.

How can a minister be so arrogant?

Unless, he doesn't want to be a minister anymore.

Feng Yun pursed his lips and said nothing, then slowly sat beside him.

Zuo Zhong went down.

When he came back, he brought with him a chamberlain who delivered the order. The chamberlain did not enter the door, but read the emperor's Zen edict in the courtyard.

The emperor said:

"With my meager talents, I was ordered by the heavens to inherit the legacy of my ancestors, hoping to stabilize the country and benefit the people. However, I was plagued by illness and my energy was exhausted. I felt that I was unable to shoulder the heavy responsibilities and take charge of the world. Now I look at the benevolence of King Yonghuai. Having both, superior wisdom and bravery, is really where destiny belongs and where people's hearts aspire.

I have thought about it again and again, and I have decided to place it in the place of Zen, King Yonghuai, Pei Mang, to carry the destiny of heaven, take charge of state affairs, and control the four directions. I hope that we can abide by the laws of heaven, prosper the country and bring peace to the people, so that the country can prosper and the people can live in peace.

I have decided to withdraw. From now on, I will no longer interfere in the affairs of the government. I only hope that all the people in the world will settle down in their respective positions, participate in grand events together, and enjoy peace. Admire this! "

Silence prevailed.

After reciting the imperial edict for a long time, there was no sound.

Feng Yun lowered his head and looked into Pei Ran's calm eyes.

"What do you think, Your Majesty?"

Pei Ran stared at her with burning eyes.


Feng Yun smiled, no surprise.


Today in the Zhenghe Hall, the ministers presented a memorial, but Pei Madang refused once.

Now that the emperor sent the imperial edict of abdication to his home, he had to refuse it again.

Because in the hearts of the public, there has been no difference between meditating and usurping the throne since ancient times.

There is no transfer of destiny, only the tilt of power and necessity.

If Pei Madang happily accepted the edict at this time, it would mean that he had a disobedient heart and would always tell others about it, which would poke the backbone of future generations.

It takes a few rejections to show your innocence.

"But this edict comes at a good time." Feng Yun pursed his lips slightly and said pointedly: "The king happened to be recuperating in the mansion for a few days to avoid suspicion, and no one came."

Pei Ran chuckled, "Clever."

"Thank you for the compliment." Feng Yun blinked and saw that he didn't look too good, so he said no more.

"I went down and sent him away."

Pei Ran nodded slightly, "Thank you, Mother Yun."

"It's not hard, it should be."

As his wife or the chief historian of the palace, this is what Feng Yun should do.

She squeezed Pei Ran's hand comfortingly, gave Yao Ru a few words, then opened the curtain and went out.

The father-in-law received no response and was still waiting in the courtyard, nervous, hesitant and at a loss.

Feng Yun smiled and invited people to the flower hall.

After serving good tea, Xiao Man stuffed a money bag and said with a smile: "Father, your Majesty has good intentions, but the king is very frightened. This time, I am afraid he will resist the order..."

The father-in-law who delivered the message looked at Feng Yun awkwardly and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

The person in front of me is not Princess Yonghuai.

Once she accepts the edict, she will be the empress of the world.

The father-in-law did not dare to look directly into Feng Yun's eyes and carefully lowered his head to confess.

"I would like to ask Princess Rong Zajia to say something from the bottom of my heart. This edict is the result of His Majesty's wishes. Your Majesty, it is best not to let it down."

"Alas." Seeing that he was speaking truthfully, Feng Yun looked embarrassed and sighed softly:

"These days, your Majesty is about to be drowned in rumors and spit. Which loyal and courageous minister can bear these claims? Father-in-law, your Majesty will never accept this edict, otherwise, this conspiracy to usurp the throne will The crime has been proven.”

The father-in-law looked even more embarrassed.

"This, this is not something that the Za family can decide... The edict is sent to the Pei Mansion, and the king accepts the decree, and the matter is considered completed."

"It can't be done." Feng Yun laughed and looked at him gently, "The position of supreme leader is not a child's play. Please tell me, father-in-law, if you really care about your ministers, stop saying such things, so as not to embarrass the king. "

The father-in-law looked at her smile and his thoughts moved slightly.

"The Za family understands."

He nodded, put away his things, and smiled at Feng Yun.

"The Za family will now take their leave and return to the palace to report back to His Majesty the princess's words verbatim."

Feng Yun leaned toward him, seeming to breathe a sigh of relief.

"Thank you, father-in-law, go slowly."

The father-in-law returned the gift and went out on his own.

Feng Yun stopped talking, but the father-in-law understood it clearly.

It may not be too childish to pass an imperial edict to let King Yonghuai take over the throne. How is it different from forcing Pei Madang to go to the Jinluan Palace to sit on the dragon throne with the imperial edict?

Pei Madang wanted more than just the throne of emperor.

Still an upright emperor.


The eldest princess paced back and forth in the Mingguang Hall, looking anxious.

Emperor Wenzhi was calm. After writing the edict, he felt half relieved. At this moment, all he had to do was wait and see how Pei Madang would handle it.

"Your Majesty, Huairen is back."

Emperor Wenzhi quickly sat up from the couch.

"Quick pass."

Huairen was the chamberlain who conveyed the decree. He was brought out from his residence by Emperor Wenzhi, and he knew his temper well.

When he entered the room and saw that the eldest princess was there, Eunuch Huairen was startled before saluting separately.

Then, report the matter of Pei Mansion.

Emperor Wenzhi was shocked when he heard this.

"King Yonghuai doesn't accept it? He doesn't even want the throne?"

His surprise did not surprise the eldest princess at all.

What she cares about is, "Pei Madang didn't come out to receive the order? He never showed up?"

Huairen responded, "Yes. The one who came out is Princess Yonghuai."

The eldest princess took a deep breath, "Sure enough. It's really him."

Emperor Wenzhi looked at her scorching eyes and said nervously: "Sister Huang, what should we do? If King Yonghuai refuses to accept it, could... could he have other plans?"

The eldest princess turned her head sharply and stared at him.

Emperor Wenzhi was startled, "Sister Huang..."

The eldest princess said: "You shouldn't, you shouldn't write that Zen edict. If this happens, the current situation for you and me will be like facing an abyss."

Emperor Wenzhi frowned deeply, "I don't understand..."

The eldest princess sighed, sat down and said slowly: "As soon as the edict is issued, whether Pei Manang accepts it or not, the hearts of the civil and military officials, princes and ministers in the court will be scattered... Once the hearts of the people are scattered, the defeat will be determined."

Emperor Wenzhi pursed his lips and said, "Sister Huang, I thought that the courtiers' hearts had long since dispersed. The defeat had already been decided. Otherwise, how could Ruan Pu end up like that in the Zhenghe Palace today?"

The eldest princess was startled.

She stared at her useless brother and said nothing.

Emperor Wenzhi didn't know what she was thinking and sighed quietly.

"I have been recuperating in the palace for a while, and I have been thinking about a lot of things. This country, this world, this throne has been changed frequently from ancient times to the present, and it never remains unchanged for ten thousand years. Every time there is a change of dynasty, corpses and bones are everywhere. Tired... Sister Huang, since the overall situation has been decided and there is no point in struggling, why not protect yourself? "

He looked at the eldest princess seriously.

Seeing that she was silent, he slowly said: "History is mostly about the winners. If you die fighting, you will only be remembered in the history books. If you live in an ignoble way, you may be able to be famous throughout the ages and win the reputation of a wise man who knows people."

The eldest princess snorted coldly.

Emperor Wenzhi saw that her face became more relaxed.

He also said: "A good emperor should consider the welfare of the people of the world and the common people. If I entrust the throne to a person who can revitalize the Jin Dynasty, wouldn't this be a meritorious deed? The ancestors have spirits under the spring, and they must not care about the foundation. Defeat at my hands..."

"Emperor." The eldest princess looked at him with a cowardly look, trying every possible means to find excuses for his weakness, her eyebrows furrowed tightly, and she couldn't let go.

"Now that the matter has come to this, it's no longer up to you and me."


It must be said that the eldest princess knows things well.

An unexpected edict on the Zen throne was like a ladle of cold water poured on hot oil, causing a pot to explode in the Xijing court hall.

The courtiers did not expect that the emperor would hand over the throne to others on his own initiative.

This move can be described as a heavy blow to some ministers who were lucky and still had hope in the emperor, and instantly pushed them to the other side.

The attitude of the entire Jin Dynasty was unprecedentedly consistent.

——The Yuan Dynasty has run out of energy.

Not to mention that Pei Ran might not be willing to help him. Even if Pei Ran had no intention of proclaiming himself emperor, he would probably fall down if he tried to help the emperor who refused to go to court because he was ill.

Instead of doing this, why not just go with the flow?

Everyone was afraid that they would be too late to catch up with the warm ones. From that night on, the Pei Mansion was crowded with carriages coming and going. Hundreds of civil and military officials, either by appointment or alone, came to advise King Yonghuai and receive the imperial edict. Big seat.

Of course, in order to avoid suspicion, King Yonghuai thanked guests behind closed doors.

None of the princes from the Manchu Dynasty were seen, and even Ao Zheng was rejected by the government.

Things seemed to be at a stalemate.

The situation in the government and the public is changing, but only in Pei's mansion, the courtyard is full of spring and has a peaceful atmosphere.

Ten days later, Pei Mang's illness was completely cured.

The news about the emperor's abdication spread further and further, the news spread, and no one in the world knew about it.

Pei Yuan asked people to come and ask several times. Even Pei Chong, who had not been involved in political affairs for a long time, was a little unable to hold back and eagerly wanted Pei Madang to give him reassurance.

Of course Pei Yuan likes it and feels that Menlinshengguang can do a lot.

Of course Pei Chong refused. He believed that the entire family of Pei Chong was loyal and loyal, and they should protect the country of Jin Dynasty, rather than ascending the throne as emperor and being known as a rebellious minister and traitor.

Everyone wants a result and a settled outcome.

Even the boy sweeping the floor in the mansion was anxious.

Only Pei Madang and Feng Yun seemed to be fine. One was watching the falling flowers, the other was making wine with green plums. When they were happy, they played a game of chess. The relationship between the two was better than ever, and they were very comfortable getting along with each other.

"Madam, the maids are going crazy with anxiety..."

Feng Yun asked: "What's wrong?"

Xiaoman has heard too many rumors in the past few days, and blisters have grown on the corners of his mouth.

She pouted her mouth and hummed coquettishly, "What do you think?"

Feng Yun smiled but didn't answer.

As the sun sets in the west, the sunlight casts a layer of golden wheels on the auspicious beasts on the eaves.

Farther away in the horizon, a distant moon has risen dimly.

The sun and the moon are together, and the light is empty, falling faintly on Feng Yun's clothes, making her eyebrows and eyes very beautiful.

Xiao Man looked a little dumbfounded.

After a while, she came back to her senses. While making tea, she looked at Pei Jue who was watching the chess game quietly and asked in a low voice:

"What is the king going to do?"

Feng Yun smiled softly and said one word calmly.


Good night, thank you sisters for your support, muah~~

Feng Yun: Let me kiss you too, muah.

Pei Jue: ...Take it away.

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