Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 567 Ascends the throne as emperor

The most beautiful May day in the world, the warm breeze makes people drunk.

In front of the wooden window of the eldest princess's mansion, there were tea and fruit snacks. Puyang Yi tasted them slowly, raised her face and looked at the fallen flowers in front of the court.

"It's already May, what does King Yonghuai think?"

The eldest princess smiled and said, "He is still waiting."

"Wait? Wait for what?"

Pu Yangyi asked seriously. The eldest princess brushed off the fallen flowers on her sleeves and asked instead, "When will my son-in-law arrive?"

When Wen Xingsu was mentioned, Puyangyi couldn't help but curl up the corners of his mouth.

She always couldn't help but smile when she thought of Wen Xingsu.

"It should be soon. Mom, please wait a moment. I'll send someone to hurry him up..."

Before she could finish her voice, footsteps could be heard.

The maid happily reported:

"Your Highness, Lord of the County, General Wen is here."

Puyang Yi glanced over.

Wen Xingsu's figure appeared at the other end of the flower path. He walked closer slowly, looked at her, and bowed to the eldest princess.

"My son-in-law is late, I hope my mother-in-law will forgive me."

The eldest princess lazily raised her eyelids.

"sit down."

Wen Xingsu knelt down on one side in a dignified manner, facing Puyangyi's charming and innocent smile, and smiled back.

The eldest princess looked at the way the two looked at each other, curled her lips slightly, and asked Wen Xingsu about some things in the camp, and also inquired about the recent movements of the Beiyong Army.

When Wen Xingsu mentioned the Northern Yong Army, he pondered deeply.

When he was in trouble, Puyang Yi became anxious.


The eldest princess frowned, "What's wrong? Can't I ask?"

Puyang Yi has never been so powerless...

On one side is my beloved mother.

On the one hand is her husband.

Now they are working on their own, and she is caught in the middle, as if she is tangled in a mess, unable to get out, and unable to do anything.

"Didn't we agree that today is just a family gathering and not about political affairs? Why did my mother go back on her word?"

The eldest princess saw Puyang Yi's willow eyebrows standing upright and her expression getting worse and worse. She smiled and signaled the servant to pour tea for Wen Xingsu, and said calmly:

"My mother didn't talk about political affairs, but she was hesitant in her heart. There are some things that I want my son-in-law to look into in detail for me."

The corners of Puyangyi's lips curled up, and she glanced at her without saying a word.

Wen Xingsu quickly handed over his hand and said, "If my mother-in-law has something to do, you can speak up."

The eldest princess looked at him and smiled faintly, "You have been married to Pingyuan for so many years. I regard you as one of my own family members. I will not talk to you outside. I will say whatever I want. I hope you will do the same."

Wen Xingsu nodded, "That's natural."

The eldest princess thought for a moment, playing with the teapot with her left hand, and asked in a low voice: "In your opinion, how can the deadlock in Xijing be resolved?"

Wen Xingsu seemed to have been prepared.

He did not hesitate, slowly raised his sleeves, took the tea in the cup, and slowly wrote a word on the wooden table.


The eldest princess watched the water stains spread and flow. After a moment, she raised her eyes and looked directly at Wen Xingsu.


Wen Xingsu smiled and nodded towards her.

"For the present plan, the only thing is to be safe."


The weather is pleasant in May, and the city of Xijing is warm. The gentle breeze blows away the dark clouds in the sky, making people feel much better.

On the tenth day of the lunar month, Emperor Wenzhi, who had not been in court for a long time, summoned the civil, military, princes and clan members of the court to discuss matters in the Mingguang Hall.

Under the scorching sun, Emperor Wenzhi, who was dragging his sick body, weakly walked up to Danbi with the support of his chamberlain, sat on his dragon chair for the last time, and read out the edict of the Zen throne in front of all the courtiers.

Pei Ran wanted to refuse, but the courtiers knelt down on the spot and shouted "Long live".

Emperor Wenzhi on the dragon throne even bowed and saluted, repeatedly expressing his intention to abdicate in favor of someone worthy of his throne.

After a lot of back and forth, Pei Madang was supported by others and walked up to Danbi and sat down on the dragon chair——

The shouts of "Long Live" resounded throughout the hall.

"Destined destiny" has become a fact.

Emperor Wenzhi let out a long breath and was helped out of the palace. He didn't know whether it was the relief of being relieved of a heavy burden or the worry about the future. His shoulders were hunched and he looked very lonely...

The turning point in history comes quietly in this blooming season with lightning speed.

At noon, the sun was still shining brightly in the sky. At night, there was lightning and thunder in Xijing City, and piercing lightning fell from the sky, as if it had split a hole in the sky.

The pouring rain comes at any time.

"The celestial phenomena are very strange."

"The emperor abdicated and the sky revealed strange phenomena. This is the Lord of Zhongxing."

"Who knows? Maybe God is furious?"

All private discussions were drowned by the heavy rain.

Things went smoothly, and there was almost no objection.

Rumors that Emperor Wenzhi abdicated had been circulating for a long time, and the fire finally started. For many people, it is like unloading a big stone and finally the dust has settled.

The preparations for the enthronement ceremony were very hasty, because Pei Madang did not like extravagance and waste, but he still made etiquette and did not make any fuss.

The new emperor issued an edict to change the country's name to "Yong" and the reign name to Jingning. From then on, Yong replaced the Jin Dynasty, and the Zen throne became a good story.

Pei Madang did not exterminate the Yuan family.

He respected Emperor Wenzhi as his "sworn brother", preserved the emperor's etiquette, and granted him the title of King Yining.

This should be done for the eldest princess and royal family members, retaining the titles, honors, rituals, and salaries as they were before the Zen throne.

There was praise from both the government and the public.

It is not an easy thing for someone to die a happy death after taking the Zen position. Everyone said that the new emperor had a broad mind. The eldest princess secretly sent people to the public to build momentum and praised the new emperor for his vision and wisdom. She always said it in a nice way. …

Just hope that the royal family has a "good death".

Feng Yun did not participate in this excitement.

She still stayed in Pei's mansion as before, making no friends, seeing no guests, and not caring about the appointment of the queen, which was of concern to countless people.

At first, Pei Yuan thought this was a sure thing. On the day Pei Madang ascended the throne, she took A Zuo and A You to congratulate him.

She also instigated the children to call her, "Aunt Queen."

But half a month had passed since the enthronement ceremony, and it was almost June, and there was no news at all.

Not only were others making irresponsible remarks, but even the people in Pei's house were a little unable to hold back.

Xiao Man and Huan'er looked at Feng Yun with more and more entangled eyes, wishing they had eight hundred mouths to torture their own souls.

The king ascends the throne as emperor...

Then isn't it natural for his first wife to become a queen?

Why did the new emperor delay in issuing an imperial edict?

Why aren't you in any hurry, Madam?

Everyone was about to get angry, but she had the time to prepare meals for the Ao cub, and raised the Ao cub until it was shiny and shiny, as if it was a new cub, much stronger.

Later, Pei Yuan couldn't stand it anymore.

She once again brought a pair of twins to Feng Yun's residence and chatted about a lot of household matters. When she saw Feng Yun smiling, she didn't let go. Finally she couldn't help it.

"Brother and sister, don't blame me for talking too much. Although I don't understand the affairs in the court, I know the household affairs very well... You can't wait any longer."

Feng Yun took a cattail leaf fan and shook it gently, smiling carelessly.

"Sister, where do you start talking about this?"

Pei Yuan looked at her with a look of resentment and asked the maid to take the two children away, then sat closer.

"Don't blame me for not reminding you. Hurry up and urge Ah Lang to issue an order and establish a queen."

Feng Yun looked at her sideways.

Pei Yuan's eyes were full of worry.

It is a kind of empathy that comes from women.

"I have heard that there is no one around the emperor to wait on him, and the number of people rushing to present his beauty is almost overwhelming. Don't be anxious, there are many people who are."

After saying that, she paused for a moment and sighed helplessly when she saw that Feng Yun was still unable to make any progress.

"Don't take it seriously. Most men in this world are unlucky. Even if it's my younger brother, I'll keep my word... Who knows that one day he will change his mind? You, you are in the right position and it is a matter of course, so what are you afraid of? ?”

Feng Yun smiled slightly.

"Thank you, sister. Your Majesty has your plans, and I have my own future. Neither of us care about this matter..."

not give a damn about?

Or "them"?

Pei Yuan couldn't understand what she was thinking.

"you are silly?"

Feng Yun looked at the sincere concern in her eyes and pursed his lips, "I will return to Andu when my father recovers."

Pei Yuan was startled and choked.

Pei Man's ascension to the throne did not irritate anyone else, it only irritated his father.

The Pei family was full of loyal people, and Pei Chong was even more loyal. Although Emperor Wenzhi took the initiative to abdicate, he still felt that the Pei family was at fault. He was so ashamed that he refused to see anyone, and he was so angry that he became ill and bedridden. .

Pei Yuan thought about her father's life and shook her head.

"In my opinion, my father just can't get over it and can't forgive himself. After some time, it will be fine when he gets used to it..."

Feng Yun nodded.

Some ideas are deeply ingrained.

If you want to change, it doesn't happen overnight...

She said: "I have told Dr. Yao to use more medicine that soothes the liver and strengthens the spleen, but Dr. Yao will have to leave soon, and I have to worry about the rest."

Pei Yuan's brows furrowed.

"Are you really going to leave?"

Feng Yun smiled lowly: "Yes, don't you think I'm embarrassed here? I'm not embarrassed, you're embarrassed for me."

Pei Yuan was angry.

This is not wrong.

She felt embarrassed for Feng Yun.

"I'm here to deal with this mad man... If I don't fight for you, I have to fight for myself. Look, the Yuan clan members have settled down well one by one. What do you call this for his family and his wife?" What’s going on?”

Pei Yuan has a straightforward temperament and does what she says. She hands the two little ones over to Feng Yun and then turns around and leaves. Feng Yun can't stop shouting.


It's over.

Pei Gou has to take the blame again.

Feng Yun looked at Pei Yuan's angry back, shook his head and laughed, got up and prepared to go to the cleansing room. Suddenly, he felt that the sky was spinning, and the sun above his head seemed to become two.

Has it been in the sun for too long?

The weather is neither hot nor cold, and it shouldn't be.

She could barely hold on to the table, but Zuo and You rushed over quickly, supporting her one at a time.

"Aunt, how are you?"

"Auntie, what's wrong with you?"

"I'll go find the doctor."

"Let's go find the doctor!"

Feng Yun shook her head. She had no idea how ugly her face was and smiled gently at the two children.

"Auntie is fine, just sit down for a while and she will be fine."

Just one chapter for today, guys...see you tomorrow.

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