Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 569: No chance of recovery


"Someone come quickly——"

Mei Xiang's shouts pierced the sky, alarming the crows above Huixin Hall. They squawked among the treetops, as if they were conveying some sad news...

Li Sangruo is no longer alive.

When Feng Yun knelt down to look at her, her face was pale and distorted, her lips that moved with difficulty opened and closed slightly, and all she spit out was blood...

"Li Sangruo?"

Feng Yun looked at her and raised his voice.

Li Sangruo's chest was still rising and falling slightly, and his fingers were scratching the ground feebly, trying to find some support and salvation.

Feng Yun: "Who did it?"

Li Sangruo's lips trembled slightly.

She could no longer make a sound, her throat was whimpering, her eyes were wide open, and her fingers were reaching towards her tremblingly...


The fire of life was on the verge of being extinguished, and she tried her best to spit out her desire to survive——

Calling Feng Yun "sister-in-law" shows her identity, and she also wants to use "sister-in-law" in exchange for a chance to live longer.

Feng Yun frowned and looked at her wounds with a cold look.

"If you don't want to die in silence, just tell me who did it?"

Li Sangruo suddenly pulled her hard, his eyes widened, and he said vaguely, "'s Tang..."

She slowly lowered her hands.

The fingertips are still moving, but the breath is weak and there is no strength anymore...

Recognize the thief as your father.

Loving brother.

The son died young.

She was about to die at the hands of her concubine and in front of Feng Twelve Niang. Her short life was completely worthless, and all the wealth and glory she had was in vain...

She didn't even have time to recognize Pei Ran and call him brother in front of him.

She is ridiculous, pitiful, pathetic, hateful, shameful...

She flew into the flames and wanted to have more at all costs, but in the end she ended up with nothing. She shaved her head, became a monk, and died in a nunnery...


"Quick! Inside."

There was a shout and messy footsteps at the same time. Within a moment, Mei Xiang led a group of people and broke in through the open door.

The blood is dazzling.

Everyone stood silently.

There was dead silence in the entire wing.

"Your Highness!" Mei Xiang cried out in pain, knelt down towards Li Sangruo, and slowly crawled to her, with runny nose and tears.

"Your Highness...why didn't you wait for me, why did you just leave like this..."

She cried bitterly and suddenly turned her head to look at Feng Yun, with a complex and sad look locked firmly on her face.

"Princess...why are you so cruel? Your Highness is in such a desperate situation. From now on, I can no longer compete with you. Why do you still refuse to let her go? Why do you insist on putting her to death."

Mei Xiang's face changed so quickly that Xiaoman didn't expect it.

Her eyebrows stood up, and she exploded immediately.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Are you crazy?"

Mei Xiang cried so much that her face was filled with tears, "I know that the princess' status is precious, and I only have a small life, but your highness treats me well. Even if it means death, I will seek justice for your highness..."

She said and rushed towards Feng Yun.

Xiaoman made a quick decision and kicked her to prevent her from getting close to Feng Yun.

Mei Xiang couldn't bear her strength, took two steps back, fell to the ground, simply collapsed and cried bitterly.

"Your Highness, why don't you take your maid with you? Why don't you take your maid with you..."

As soon as Xiaoman was angry, he glanced at Feng Yun's cold face, his face flushed a bit, he pointed at Mei Xiang fiercely, and then he explained anxiously to the master of Huixintang and others in monk's robes.

"When we came, this bitch was waiting outside. She said that the Queen Mother was taking a nap inside and wanted to spread the word. Then she came over and screamed. We walked over and took a look... The Queen Mother was lying here, with blood all over the floor. Blood, my wife kindly wants to save..."

"Xiao Man." Feng Yun said coldly, interrupted her, and smiled faintly.

"Since the master is here to deal with the aftermath, it's none of our business. Let's go."

Xiaoman was very unconvinced, "Madam..."

Feng Yun's face sank, "Let's go!"

Xiaoman: "Here."

Everyone's eyes fell on Feng Yun. She turned around and left with no expression on her face.

Xiao Man glared at Mei Xiang angrily, snorted and rolled his sleeves, following closely behind Feng Yun.

The presiding master of Huixin Hall called out "Amitabha", stepped aside to get out of the way, lowered his head, and did not dare to take another look.

Feng Yun had informed her when he came, so they all knew who the young lady in front of them was.

Mei Xiang calls Feng Yun "Princess", which is actually inappropriate.

Feng Yun is no longer a princess. Although she does not have a queen, she is the only woman of the new emperor and the wife of Ming Media.

She is the presiding officer of a nunnery, and it is not her turn to speak out about noble people's matters, whether life or death.

Feng Yun's eyes were sharp and he walked over with his head held high.

No one stopped.

Mei Xiang sobbed loudly, mourning for her "master", lamenting the injustice of heaven and earth, and her voice could be heard far away...

Xiaoman was very angry when he heard this.

"Madam, why don't you let the maid explain?"

Feng Yun didn't look back and smiled faintly.

"Explain what?"

Xiaoman said anxiously: "The death of Queen Mother Li has nothing to do with us."

"Humph!" Feng Yun looked at her coldly, "Does it matter whether they believe it or not?"

Xiaoman choked.

The people in these nunneries have no control over the affairs of the heavenly family.

Therefore, it really doesn't matter whether they believe it or not.

"Then we can't just let that bitch talk nonsense and ruin my lady's reputation."

Feng Yun said: "Can't you see it yet? This is a set up."

Set up a good situation?

Xiaoman was stunned for a moment and looked at her half-understanding.

"Then what should we do?"

Feng Yun smiled softly and said, "Eat well and drink well."

Xiaoman: "..."


Feng Yun did indeed do this.

Back at home, I took a hot bath and came out feeling fragrant, as if nothing had happened. I should eat and drink as usual.

The news that Li Sangruo was murdered in Huixin Hall came out at that time, but it gradually became more and more serious the next day.

One word spreads to ten, and ten spreads it to a hundred. No one in the court or market knows it.

Feng Yun and Li Sangruo had a feud many years ago. When she went to Huixin Hall, Li Sangruo died unexpectedly, and Li Sangruo's personal maid jumped out to identify Feng Yun. It can be said that all the evidence is perfectly closed, and almost no one doubts Li Sangruo's death. There are others.

If Li Sangruo is still in trouble, even if he "asks himself to become a monk", he is not an ordinary person. The new emperor was crowned because of the abdication of the Yuan family. After he ascended the throne, he respected the clan of the previous dynasty and treated the old people of the previous dynasty well. So the death of Empress Dowager Li naturally cannot be treated as an ordinary person. Nothing happens.

In the Chongzheng Hall, the courtiers were quarreling with each other.

One of the loudest voices was that Feng Yun could not be made Queen of Dayong.

But everyone got to the end and gradually couldn't hold it back any longer.

The focus of the debate, in addition to the tragic death of Empress Dowager Li, is also Feng Yun's Nagato Part...

This matter has been pending for a long time.

Those who used to oppose Ruan Pu's use of Changmen's tribe unexpectedly switched sides after Pei Madang became emperor, and also came to the other side, believing that Feng Yun should not raise private soldiers.

When the controversy was pushed in front of Pei Madang, it became a decision unanimously recognized by everyone.

If Feng Twelve Mother wants her mother to honor the world, she must disband Nagato's tribe or hand it over to the imperial court for control. Otherwise, she will not be able to be the future...

Pei Ran did not express his position in court.

After the dynasty dispersed, Tang Shaogong asked to see him alone.

"Your Majesty, my condolences." Tang Shaogong's face was solemn, and his grief was beyond words. "I thought that the Queen Mother went to the Huixin Hall to have her hair cut off, shaved off three thousand troubles, and cultivated her mind and nature. From then on, she would be completely reborn. Who would have thought that the fragrance would disappear? With the death of jade, the yin and yang are separated from now on..."

Pei Man sat firmly on the throne and looked into his red eyes.

"You are also here to persuade me to deal with my wife and Nagato's tribe?"

Tang Shaogong looked back at him calmly, pondered for a moment and then said: "Your Majesty, there is a lot of anger in the court now, and the resentment among the people is boiling. It is difficult to quell it... I know that your Majesty loves Mrs. Feng very much, but you can't insist on going your own way, which will cause trouble." Bigger trouble..."

Pei Madang pursed his lips and said nothing.

Tang Shaogong continued: "Mrs. Feng's Nagato tribe will eventually become a serious problem for the imperial court. If your majesty maintains it at this time, it may be detrimental to the stability of the imperial court..."

Pei Ran looked at him calmly.

"What if I insist on protecting it?"

Tang Shaogong paused slightly, bowed and held his hands.

"The new dynasty has just been established, and everything is waiting to be prosperous... Your Majesty must not interfere with state affairs due to personal affairs."

He spoke with dignity and justice.

Pei Ran looked at him deeply.

"You are right. I should not ignore the affairs of Dayong State for my own selfish interests..."

Tang Shaogong breathed a sigh of relief.

"Your Majesty is wise."

Pei Madang glanced at him and waved his hand.

"Go down. I will handle this matter properly and give an explanation to the government and the public."

Tang Shaogong bowed and saluted, "I excuse myself!"


At night, Feng Yun was almost asleep when Pei Manang came back.

He changed clothes and washed, stood in front of the couch and looked at her, "Are you asleep?"

Feng Yun curled his lips slightly and turned his head. His dark eyes were particularly bright under the dim light.

"She called me sister-in-law."

Pei Ran was startled.

Feng Yun said: "It is said that when a person is about to die, his words are also kind. I think she may be sincere."

Pei Ran asked: "What else did she say?" (End of Chapter)

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