Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 570 Respond calmly

Feng Yun glanced at his emotionless face, shook his head regretfully, and sighed softly.

"She wanted to live, and her face was full of desire for survival. She asked me to save her. Unfortunately, her heart was damaged and there was no way to save her."

Pei Madang's eyes narrowed slightly, "Can you tell me who did it?"

Feng Yun shook his head, frowning, as if he was trying to remember something, and there was some chill in his tone.

"She couldn't speak clearly at that time... she grabbed my hand and vaguely said a few words..."

She seemed unsure. She pondered for a moment, thinking about what she wanted to say, then swallowed it back, looked at Pei Ran and said:

"Didn't hear that clearly."

Pei Ran nodded, "Then don't think about it any more."

Feng Yun raised his lips and smiled slightly, "I thought you came back tonight to accuse me?"

Pei Man glanced at her and said, "That's too shallow."

Feng Yun was stunned for a moment, feeling a little funny. He also thought that his sister had just died, which seemed inappropriate. He put a smile on his face and said, "No one in the court will make things difficult for you, right?"

She didn't need anyone to tell her some things, and she could guess Pei Madang's current situation.

With all the civil and military officials in the court, I'm afraid no one would feel at ease about her Nagato Trilogy.

What's even more worrying is that Pei Madang only has one wife, and she still has nothing to do after so many years...

The situation in the court is changing.

The more those who supported Pei Madang in the past, the more they care about what will happen next.

Because Pei Madang's body was tied to their glory and wealth.

Pei Madang's family has been passed down from generation to generation, so that their descendants can be protected...

Therefore, the power of the dragon often turns into a shackles rope, and the kind words once turned into a backlash sword.

But this time when the knife struck, she was the only one left at the edge.

Feng Yun saw that Pei Ran was silent and guessed that he might be depressed. After thinking about it, he added:

"What's wrong? Are you unhappy, or...don't believe what I said?"

Pei Ran shook his head, "I believe it."

Feng Yun breathed a sigh of relief, smiled and hugged his neck, pulled him down, and breathed, "Go to bed early. Look at your eyes... they are haggard and tired. Sure enough, A Yuan was right, isn't it good to be the emperor? ?”

Pei Ran glanced across her face, "Yunniang."

He gently hugged Feng Yun over and hugged him along with the soft quilt, "You go back to Andu and stay out of the limelight."

Feng Yun's heart skipped a beat.

She had been preparing for her trip back to Andu for a long time, and Pei Madang had also seen it. This was actually in line with the current situation. However, she had a misunderstanding because of Li Sangruo in her previous life, and she was asked to go back because of Li Sangruo's death in this life. She felt a little confused. eccentric.

"Okay." She agreed without hesitation.

"My luggage is all ready and ready to go at any time..."

That night, the two didn't discuss much about Li Sangruo's death.

Pei Ran didn't take the initiative to mention a word, and Feng Yun was not a good person. Even though Li Sangruo had passed away, even if she called "sister-in-law" before she died, the grudge was still there and was not eliminated by death.

Who has not died?

In his previous life, Li Sangruo beat Xiao Man to death and harmed her.

Dying in front of her and Xiaoman in this life can be regarded as the reincarnation of cause and effect, and retribution is unpleasant.

Feng Yun didn't have any more sympathy.

Some, just curious——

Who stabbed Li Sangruo to death in Cixin Hall?

Mei Xiang has been interrogated by Tiqisi.

Luo Yue's news came very quickly. On the afternoon of the next day, he told Feng Yun that Little Hooves was in prison. On the pretext of confessing, he wrote a last letter, scolding Feng Yun for killing people, and then in the name of a loyal servant , Li Sangruo died.

"Sister, you said this little hoof will only harm you. How can you say that it will kill itself?"

Luo Yue shuddered, and when she talked about Mei Xiang, her teeth itched with hatred, "When Wei Zheng talked about this, I wanted to peel her skin off. How uncomfortable my sister must be..."

Feng Yun hissed, looked at her bulging belly, and stretched out his hand to stroke it.

"Don't say such disgraceful words, let Xiaobao hear it, and you won't be frightened? Right, little darling..."

"How can he hear?" Luo Yue twitched the corners of her mouth, held Feng Yun's hands tightly, and looked at her reluctantly.

"Do you really want to go back to Andu?"

Feng Yun smiled slightly, "Do you want to go back with me?"

Luo Yue sighed regretfully, "I really wanted to go back, but I have another baby in my belly... No matter what, I have to wait until the child is born."

She's been saying this for years.

After having one child, there will be a second child.

After having my second child, I became pregnant with my third child.

The trip back to Andu has never been possible.

Feng Yun looked at her with a smile, patted her hand, "Take care."

Luo Yue's eyes suddenly turned red, "I don't know what the situation will be when we meet again next time... His Majesty didn't say to keep you..."

At this point, she realized she had made a mistake, smiled awkwardly at Feng Yun, and then said:

"It's all due to those rotten people who don't know right from wrong. Why can't a woman be the master of the family and raise her own tribe? Why can't she be a queen if her family has a tribe? Ridiculous, they are extremely ridiculous..."

She and Wei Zheng had just argued about this last night, and when they talked about it now, they were still gnashing their teeth, and their words were full of grievances for Feng Yun.

Feng Yun smiled slightly.

"They have their position, as they should."

Luo Yue didn't expect that she would speak for those people in the court. She was stunned for a moment and felt wronged for her.

"Your Majesty won't suppress them, and let those people talk nonsense. If it were me, I would have to slap them with a big mouth!"

Feng Yun chuckled, "Your Majesty has your Majesty's difficulties..."

"Your Majesty is already the emperor, so what difficulties can there be?"

"Luo Yue." Feng Yun held her tightly with his backhand, "In a man's heart, besides women, there is also a country. It's not for you and me to talk too much about the way of governing the country. Even if you are grievances for me, you must pay attention to your sense of propriety, and be careful of misfortune. out."

Luo Yue was stunned, looked back, and asked in a low voice, "Sister... you don't trust him anymore?"

Feng Yun looked at her serious look and smiled: "He and I have a way of trusting each other."

After Luo Yue heard this, he breathed a long sigh of relief.

"It doesn't matter, it's okay for my sister to go back and take shelter. I heard what Wei Zheng said and I'm afraid for you. Those people in the court are so full that they want to peel off a layer of your skin..."

Seeing the way she gritted her teeth, Feng Yun couldn't stop laughing and glanced at her belly to comfort her.

"Stop moving the tire."

Seeing that her smile did not change and she still looked calm, Luo Yue couldn't help but feel sad.

Twelve Niangs have always been strong and flexible, seemingly omnipotent, as if no one in the world can hurt her, and no difficulty can crush her...

But why aren’t these shoulders weak?

After all, she is just a woman.

Luo Yue's eyes filled with tears, "I'll see you off when you leave. Bring Dabao with you."

Feng Yun handed her the handkerchief and said with a warm smile, "Okay."


The Queen Mother's death spread widely.

Just when the ruling and opposition parties were making a fuss over this, Feng Yun quietly left Beijing with a group of people.

The weather was sunny that day. Doctor Yao looked through the imperial calendar and said that the Yin time was the most auspicious time to set off, so she got up very early.

Normally at this time, Pei Madang would have gone to court, but he did not leave today. He changed into ordinary dark clothes, personally escorted her out of the city, and asked the guard camp to accompany her to protect her.

All that needs to be said has been said.

At the end of the long wind, looking at the distant official road, the two exchanged glances and only said "take care."


In mid-June, Feng Yun arrived at Andu and returned to Nagato. At the intersection of Huaxi, hundreds of people lined the road to greet them, all with eager faces and joy filling the air...

Destiny is so magical.

Returning to Huaxi from Xijing again, Feng Yun changed his identity again.

Not the Feng family's daughter, not Princess Yonghuai, but... the future empress.

What others think does not prevent the people of Andu from spontaneously recognizing Feng Yun as the current empress of the country. The governor of Andu ordered people to sweep the streets and went to Huaxi to pay his respects. Officials from Xinyi County, Yupu County, Wanning County... and nearby counties We even waited in Huaxi early.

In Huaxi, Feng Yun is like a fish in water.

This is her "homeland".

Xiao Man opened the window curtains, half-lying on the carriage, and greeted people on the roadside from time to time. This aunt and that uncle are so happy.

Outside Changmenzhuang, the carriage stopped.

A group of people bowed and saluted.

"Welcome your Majesty to return home."


Feng Yun curled his lips.

There is no canonization, but as Pei Madang's wife, she is worthy of this title, and it is not against the rules.

She raised her hand and said, "No courtesy."

Everyone thanked her for the grace and heard her smile again:

"To congratulate His Majesty on his enthronement, we will set up a running water mat at Nagato tomorrow. I hope you will appreciate it."

As soon as he heard the flow of water, the originally tense atmosphere relaxed.

Everyone was laughing, making noise, and congratulating constantly.

Feng Yun pursed his lips and took Xiao Man's hand to get out of the carriage.

As soon as I entered the gate, I saw a person sitting lazily under the flower tree in front of the court.

When he saw her, he didn't salute or say hello, and the slightly raised corners of his mouth showed dissatisfaction.

"Long time no see. Your Majesty, you have become a lot richer, right? Your waist is also thicker, um, plump!"

Feng Yun frowned and watched as he slowly stood up and walked toward him. He suddenly covered his mouth with a handkerchief and made a "vomit" sound, showing his face full of disgust.

"Don't mess with me."

After saying that, he turned around and said, "Xiao Man."

Xiaoman understood, took a look at Chun Yuyan who was confused, and helped Feng Yun to go to the inner room.

"Feng Twelve!" Chun Yuyan watched her leaving decisively, and a turbid air suddenly rose up. He was so angry that his chest heaved and his breathing quickened, but he remained speechless for a long time.

Feng Twelve actually hated him so much?

We haven’t seen him for so long, and we didn’t even say hello, but why do we actually feel sick when we see him?

How unreasonable! (End of chapter)

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