Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 68: False Accusations

Feng Yun got busy when she returned to Huaxi Village.

The rumors about the Queen Mother and Wei Zheng were getting more and more intense, so she had to make some preparations in the manor to prevent Wei Zheng from taking revenge.

Feng Yun didn't care much about Pei He's illness, and she didn't have the energy to care. As long as Pei He didn't die for the time being, she wouldn't empathize with him.

Feng Yun was a little irritated because she hadn't seen her elder brother for a long time and hadn't heard from He Qia about him. Unexpectedly, Pei He suddenly rode to Huaxi Village the next afternoon.

Unlike usual, he came at night several times before, and only brought two guards, Zuo Zhong and Ji You, each time, but this time he brought more than 20 people.

Feng Yun had received the news before Pei He arrived.

When Pei He arrived at the gate of the manor, she led people to wait there.

The two people's eyes met in the air for a moment, and Feng Yun bowed to greet him.

Pei He got off the horse without saying a word, handed the reins to Ao Qi who came up to him, glanced at Feng Yun, and walked in silently.

Feng Yun turned around and followed him.

Neither of them spoke, and they entered the main house one after the other.

Feng Yun turned back and told the maid, "Close the door and wait outside."

Daman and Xiaoman responded in unison.

Pei Jue must have rushed here in a hurry, and he was dusty and had not had time to change his armor. The armor was polished and shiny, and it was very cold.

Feng Yun's eyes fell on him.

"General, do you want to take off your clothes?"

Although it was autumn, the autumn heat was still terrible. Feng Yun felt hot in a loose shirt and thin skirt, let alone him?

Pei Jue hummed and raised his arms to her, "Do you know why I came?"

Feng Yun frowned.

It was not because of the question he asked, but because of his frank action.

Pei Jue was waiting for her to take off his armor for him.

Feng Yun felt a little regretful. What did it have to do with her if he died of heat?

Forget it, it's like a grasshopper hanging on his rope. It's not good for me to heat him to death for the time being...

Feng Yun slowly walked up to him, lowered her eyelids to take off the heavy armor, but deliberately clumsy, with a clueless look of embarrassment.

"Forget it. I'll leave in a while." Pei Jue's expression did not change. His eyes were much sharper than before, as if he saw through her little thoughts.

Feng Yun stepped back and breathed a sigh of relief.

Pei Jue poured himself a cup of cold tea.

"How is the reclamation of the wasteland going?"

"The speed is very fast."

Feng Yun glanced at his cold face and asked back: "General, are you here for General Wei and Her Majesty the Queen Mother?"

Pei Jue looked at her, with an unconcealable chill on his face, with an unwarranted oppression that made it impossible to hide.

"You did what Wei Zheng did."

"General, you flatter me." Feng Yun bowed properly and said calmly.

"Even if I have the ability to reach the sky, I can't sneak into the Queen Mother's boudoir and see such privacy. How could I do it?"

Lazily raised his head again and glanced at him.

"If the general thinks that the rumors are inappropriate and blaspheme the imperial power and the Queen Mother, I can order that from now on, no one in Changmen Manor is allowed to talk about the Queen Mother. But in the village, in the city, in the countryside, and among the people, that is not within my control. If the general wants to shut them up, I'm afraid he will have to send a large army to suppress them..."

She wanted to speak calmly.

But she couldn't restrain this kind of pleasure, so she had to gloat over other people's misfortunes and be sarcastic.

The embarrassment that had been suppressed for two lifetimes was finally slapped back at Li Sangruo's face at this moment.

God has his way, how can it not be refreshing?

If Li Sangruo hadn't called her over in a hurry in her previous life to show her the traces of pleasure, she wouldn't have had the chance to learn such a secret and then use it to turn the tables, using her spear to pierce her shield...

But Pei Jue...

It must be unpleasant for the beloved woman to keep a lover and for her body privacy to become a laughing stock for the world.

Puff! Feng Yun couldn't help laughing when she thought of Pei being in such a state of pain...

Pei Jue's fierce eyes swept over.

Feng Yun regained her composure, and her expression was faster than turning a page.

"General, you came to me today, are you here to ask for punishment on behalf of the Queen Mother?"

Pei Jue approached her, "Why do you want to invite Wei Zheng to a banquet?"

Feng Yun looked at him with a gentle smile, "Didn't you discuss this with the general? Turn hostility into friendship. It's not good for me to offend General Wei. I sincerely held a banquet to apologize, but who would have thought that General Wei would lose his composure after drinking and take the general's concubine?"

Pei Jue: "That's not my concubine."

Feng Yun: "But the general doesn't like it."

Pei Jue's eyes sank slightly, and there was a cold and violent look on his face.

He stretched out his hand to hold Feng Yun's waist, pulled her over, and pressed her against his chest, "It seems that I have spoiled you too much, allowing you to be so presumptuous."

Feng Yun did not struggle, nor did she feel that his words were harsh, and her numb heart had long lost the pain. She smiled and stretched out an arm to resist the pressure from his chest, and her face could not hide the mockery.

"So, General, you think I did all this? You want to redress the injustice for your concubine and the Queen Mother?"

Pei Jue didn't say anything, staring into her eyes. There was an indescribable chill in his dark eyes, as if he would peel off her skin in the next moment to see what color her heart was hidden inside, and whether it had the words "culprit" written on it.

Feng Yun's mouth corners slightly raised.

With a bit of disdainful sneer, the stubborn little temper was well concealed.

What was revealed was frivolous, charming, and desperate madness.

"Then tell me, General, how are you going to punish me?"

Smiling slowly, she stood on tiptoes and placed her moist lips on Pei Man's bulging Adam's apple, turning and biting lightly. There was an icy coldness in her eyes, as if she would tear his throat open at any time and drink blood.

"It's better to just end it."

Pei Ran took a deep breath.

The suppressed flames in his dark eyes suddenly shot up.

He tightened his arms and hugged her sideways.

Feng Yun was very light and fell into his solid arms. Her bones and flesh were soft and soft, as if she could be broken at the waist with just a little force.

Pei Madang's eyes were red, and his eyes were full of lust...

He walked around the curtain towards the soft couch, when a small figure suddenly swooped over from the corner.


The low roar carried the frenzy of an animal, and rushed towards his face at lightning speed.

Pei Ran quickly turned sideways, raised his leg and kicked it towards it.

"Don't hurt it!" Feng Yun grabbed him, his eyes fragile and frightened.

She was afraid that Pei Madang would hurt Ao Zai.

Just like he was afraid that he would hurt Wen Xingsu.

Pei Ran withdrew his hand and gently placed her on the couch.

Ao Zai missed the target, growled, and quickly ran to the window sill. He stared at the beast in front of him, which was more ferocious than it. He lay motionless and let out a threatening roar. His eyes were full of alertness.

Feng Yun's eyes were a little moist, "Ao Zai is not afraid, don't be afraid."

Every time he comes, Ao Zai will hide.

She knew Ao Zai was afraid of Pei Mang.

But Ao Zai rushed over without hesitation for her sake...

"Why did you kick it? Why did you kick it?" Feng Yun suddenly became angry.

Ao Zai who bullied her made her even more angry than bullying her.

She pushed Pei Man's arm hard, staring at him like a hedgehog with a kind of anger that could not be vented.

Pei Madang didn't sincerely kick Ao Zai. His reaction was just the subconscious action of a general on the battlefield when he was attacked, and he also stopped it in time...

But Pei Madang didn't defend himself.

"Feng Shi Ayun." Pei Ran's eyes were slightly red. He was silent for a moment, then bent down again, clasped her back with his palms and pulled her close.

"If you don't want to die, stop being clever."

Feng Yun sneered and looked directly into his eyes.

"I am stupid and don't understand what the general means?"

Pei Ran said nothing, his cold eyes full of chill.

Feng Yun put his hand on his chest, "The incident happened in Huaxi Village, so the general decided that I, Feng Yun, deliberately murdered me? Shouldn't we also provide evidence if we want to ask for guilt?"

After saying that, he raised his eyebrows and smiled, his dark pupils full of ridicule: "I originally thought that those rumors were fabricated by the villagers at will and should not be taken seriously. Seeing that the general is so nervous, is it possible that the Queen Mother really has a beautiful face? It is really small and droopy. , Bu Ying took a look, is there really a long-bearded black mole? The general has seen it, touched it, and confirmed it, and then he came to me to accuse him? "

"Feng Yun!" Pei Ran looked down at her, "Do you know what you are talking about?"

"What nonsense am I talking about? The Queen Mother has a beautiful face, or the general has seen and touched it...oh..."

Before Feng Yun finished speaking about holding a gun and a stick, the back of his head was suddenly clasped tightly by him. Before he could resist, Feng Yun fell hard with a kiss that was almost ferocious.

The corners of his eyes were red and his attacks were extremely heavy.

Feng Yun was a little angry. He was like this before. Every time he couldn't defeat her, he would just use this trick to block her mouth...

Hate! Feng Yun struggled instinctively.

Mouth fighting...

Pei Man grabbed her twisting body and clasped it tightly in front of him. The fierce kiss was filled with fierce anger, like a burning flame, which instantly swallowed up her breath...

Feng Yun couldn't make a sound and slumped powerlessly in his arms.

The two of them were silent, but they had a matching aura.

Pei Madang seemed to have been thinking about it for a long time. Those lips contained a fatal temptation, bewitching his mind. His face was ascetic, and his eyes were burning, as if he wanted to crush her...

"Waist..." He whispered like a moan, as if his soul was vibrating together.

Feng Yun breathed with him, and her body sank rapidly in his hot palm.

Pei Madang called her Yao Yao and Wen Xingsu called her, which was very different.

Wenxingsu is about warmth, childhood and relatives. Pei Madang's soft calls were mixed with desire and entanglement, and every sound seemed to be screamed to the bones...

Feng Yun opened his eyes suddenly, and his intense emotions subsided.

There is physical attraction, but there is no mental attraction.

She looked at Pei Madang mockingly, not struggling, just sneering.

Pei Ran gasped, met those cold eyes, slowly let go, then grabbed her wrists, separated them on both sides, forcing her to pounce forward and lean against him.

"Why don't you want to calm down? Huh?"

Feng Yun turned away, not wanting to look into his eyes that were filled with lust and made her uneasy.

"General, this is a crime you want to inflict."

"Look at me." Pei Ran stared at her coldly. Seeing that she ignored him, he grabbed her chin and turned her face.

"answer me."

The skylight filtered through the window and shone on Feng Yun's face, which was stunning and cold.

"Since the general thinks it's me, why don't you kill me?"

She stretched her snow-white neck to him in a mocking gesture.

But there was no trace of fear on his face.

Be confident.

This is all Pei Ran saw.

Pei Madang's fingertips tightened, and Feng Yun could not turn his head. He could only meet his eyes, and was forced to accept the indifferent oppression from the depths of his dark eyes, "Don't you want to recognize your husband?"

A trace of warm breath fell on his face, and Feng Yun's stiff body was pressed in front of him. Because he was sitting low, his face was almost pressed against his abdomen.

"The general is so unreasonable." Feng Yun sneered, "You think you are my husband's master, so you can arrange charges for me at will? For insulting the Queen Mother, you will be beheaded!"

"So you know." Pei Ran said in a deep voice, holding her shoulders with both hands and pushing her away slightly to prevent her from breathing in her lower abdomen, "How much do you think the more than 20 troops from Changmenyuan can withstand?" Imperial Army?"

Feng Yun struggled, "I told you that it has nothing to do with me. If Wei Zheng wants to find an opponent, he should also find someone who has seen the Queen Mother's body, such as you, general..."

"Shut up!"

Pei Man tightened his fingers, pushed her shoulders down, and then pushed her down on the couch.

He was not very rude in this action, he pushed in anger, and carefully restrained his strength, but Feng Yun was on fire, and he couldn't even breathe correctly...

As soon as his back touched the couch, Feng Yun was so angry that he jumped up like a leopard and grabbed him and pulled him down.

Pei Man couldn't hold back his forward leaning body, and pressed his whole body against her.

Feng Yun refused to give up, turned over, knelt down hard on him, and pushed his knees into his vital parts. His angry and manic look was like a little lioness protecting her territory. The cub on the side was also eager to try, roaring, To rush towards him.

Pei Man's light armor was still on and looked a bit bulky. He lowered his eyelids slightly and did not resist, allowing Feng Yun to beat him hard several times.

Unexpectedly, Feng Yun was not satisfied with this. He hit him hard and pushed him on the couch. Then he pressed on him as if he was giving up on himself, biting his slightly pursed mouth, strong chin, and sexy Adam's apple. He caught him and did whatever he wanted... …

Pei Man raised his head, breathing heavily, and his chest was rising and falling violently. He didn't know whether it was from discomfort or pleasure, but he squeezed out another sound from his throat, "Waist, let go..."

Feng Yun sneered.

The whole person stretched across his waist and sat on him.

Pei Ran: Thank you.

Feng Yun: If you want to thank me, just give me your life.

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