Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 69 Bullying the General

"Aren't you going to be the master of your husband? How much majesty does the general have, how can he use it..."

She was cold.

Bite his ear and speak aggressively.

Pei Madang has always had a calm coffin face, and others are afraid of him and dare not act recklessly in front of him. He has never seen such a arrogant person, let alone a girl...

But he didn't know that Feng Yun had wanted to do it for a long time, to get angry before he got angry and then treat him well.

If force is not enough, then she will change her mind and use the weak to defeat the strong. The beauty trap is also a good trick.

What you never had the chance to do in your previous life, you will do in this life.

"Where is the general's majesty? Is this it?" Feng Yun swayed his waist a few times, his face slightly tinged with anger. If there was any slight nudge, Pei Ran abandoned his helmet and armor, panting rapidly, and saw Looking at her eyes that seemed to have been wronged, her body, which was already suffering from yang syndrome, couldn't help but scream wildly.

The prestige is the prestige, but there is something wrong with the prestige.

"Waist..." Pei Madang warned hoarsely, "Get up."

"Don't call me like that." Feng Yun sat on him, stretched out his hand to grab the lapel of his clothes, and pulled it away without changing his expression, with a smile of unknown meaning on the corners of his raised lips.

"This is not a nickname that a general should call."

Pei Ran closed his mouth and stopped talking.

Feng Yun stared at him for a long time.

This is Pei Mad, the culprit!

Feng Yun sneered secretly, with a cynical expression, and slowly slid from his waist to sit on his lap, and then sat back down again. His movements were slow and long, and the calmness he suppressed was suppressed in this silence where you could hear the drop of a needle. , was the most ruthless torture to Pei Madang.

"Feng Yun..." Sure enough, he no longer yelled at Yaoyao, and the corners of his eyes were so red that they seemed to be bleeding, "Get up."

Feng Yun wanted to laugh a little.

Can she control General Pei's strength?

He could overthrow her at any time if he wanted to, but he didn't.

"Duplicitous Pei Lang." Feng Yun lowered his head, hugged his neck, and moved his small face up and down against him calmly, like a man-eating little fox sniffing the delicacies about to enter his mouth. The bone mountain in front of her was towering and full of resilience. She seemed to be very greedy, but she was not in a hurry to take a bite. She just salivated over the delicious taste of the bursting meat juice, her eyes were charming and hooked.

As expected, Pei Ran couldn't bear it, sweat was pouring on his forehead, his hands pinched her waist, his eyes were very hot.

"Don't force me!"

"The general is forcing me..."

Feng Yun seemed to have discovered some kind of treasure. He looked at Pei Man's gradually distorted face, listened to his rapid breathing, and slowly rubbed him, as if he had opened up a new direction of humiliation.

"I wholeheartedly planned for the general, for the general's good, but the general ignored me and accused me as soon as he came..."

She said it so wronged that she almost believed it herself.

Pei Ran leaned back slightly, not knowing how entangled and hesitant he was in his heart. The hands on Feng Yun's waist were trembling slightly.

"Get up...we'll talk later."

"Then will the general cure my crime?" Feng Yun stared down at Pei Ran's red eyes, with his long black hair hanging down and brushing his face. His voice was soft and full of resentment, and he was naturally charming. The wear and tear made Pei Ran miserable and his breath was messed up.

It took a long time before he gasped.

"If you don't get up, you will be punished..."

He gritted his teeth, and the mania in his dark eyes could hardly be suppressed, "Treat me hard, punish me hard."

That deep male voice seemed ready to explode at any moment.

However, Feng Yun refused to let him go. He pressed forward firmly, stared into his dark pupils, and asked slowly with a smile: "How to punish me? I've already ridden on the general, so I'm going to be beheaded anyway, right?"

Pei Ran:......

He grabbed her waist and tried to lift her up.

"Such a disregard for the general deserves severe punishment."

Feng Yun chuckled, holding his hand that was more than a circle larger than his own, slowly intertwined his fingers, and pulled it to his eyes, as if looking at the disparity in size between the two bodies, "How big is it?"

Pei Ran wanted to bite her to death, "Try..."

Feng Yun said, "The general is used to bullying people anyway, so come and punish me. Let me try the general's punishment."

Seeing her acting wild and crazy, Pei Madang's face was livid. He was angry and resentful, and his breathing was rapid and heavy.

"You can't say anything, you can't scold you. Who can bully you?"

Feng Yun thought he was extremely ridiculous. He came all the way from the camp to question him and blamed her for being cruel.

"I dare to ask General, what is wrong with me? Is it wrong to be weak? Or is it wrong to be humble? What virtues and abilities do I have to make all of you hate me? Did I dig your ancestral graves in my previous life..."

He lowered his head again, held his face, and looked into his eyes.

"Death is the word anyway, so I might as well eat the general as soon as possible. On the road to Huangquan, he will be a dead man after all..."

Breathing is close at hand.

Her beautiful face is particularly delicate hidden by her long hair, her innocent eyes are as bright as a demon, and her pure and lustful face perfectly mixes her desire to conquer and her cowardice, which makes her both want to eat and cowardly. appearance……

Then he went to bite him.

"Hiss..." Pei Ran gasped.

It was pain, and it was also an unbearable moan, so light that it was almost inaudible.

He endured Feng Yun's almost brutal "torture" and strange anger, and the meridians on the back of his hands bulged with anger. The illusion that he was really going to be eaten by this little succubus made the blood rush from his tailbone to his head crazily, and he could no longer hold it back...

With a twist, he hugged Feng Yun and turned her over, pressing her back on the couch.

The disparity in strength between men and women was huge. Feng Yun was powerless to struggle any longer, so he raised his fists and beat him randomly.

She exerted all her strength and wanted to beat him to death.

Pei Madang didn't dodge or dodge, letting her vent his anger.

But her eyes suddenly turned red, "It hurts."

Pei Ran's light armor was very thick and harsh. Feng Yun's hand hurt from being hit. He felt angry, resentful and aggrieved. It was obvious that she was the one who hit the person, but he looked pitiful.

Pei Madang grabbed the little white hand and brought it over. Seeing the red marks on his fist, it was obvious that he was really heartless and beat him to death.

Such a bad temper.

The body is so delicate.

Pei Ran sighed, slightly closed his palms, pulled the person into his arms, and patted her comfortingly, "Your life is mine, and no one else can take it away except me."

Feng Yun gasped for breath, tired enough.

"My life is my own. Not yours."

She spoke lightly but firmly, like resistance and declaration.

"The general can take my life, but the control lies with me."

Pei Madang stared at her red eyes, slowly let go, sighed helplessly, stood up and straightened his clothes with a sullen face.

"Okay, it's all yours."

Feng Yun raised his eyes, "Is the general mine too?"

Pei Madang was silent for a moment, with a sharp face, made wild and cold by the strong aura, "Do you want it?"

Feng Yun smoothed away the wet hair sticking to his forehead, "No, I can't afford it."

Pei Madang frowned slightly, stared at her and remained silent for a moment, "Give Ao Qi the twenty-five guards I brought. If you don't have enough food, go to the camp to find Qin Dajin."

Feng Yun subconsciously frowned and looked at him.

Those black eyes were full of forbearance and restrained desire, covered by an invisible layer of dark clouds, and instantly became distant, as if the person who had been entangled on the cave just now was not him.

Feng Yun chuckled, "General, are you leaving?"

Pei Madang said: "You can't stay away from anyone in front of the formation."

The two armies were facing each other, separated only by a river, and the situation could change at any time. It was a taboo for the coach to leave the camp.

But isn't he here yet?

If you were in such a hurry to leave, why did you come?

Also, if Queen Mother Li is rumored to be such a slutty woman, General Pei may be heartbroken. How can he calm down if he doesn't come to get angry with her, the culprit?

Feng Yun secretly laughed in his heart without saying much. He walked over to tidy up his clothes and specially touched his lower robe, but he couldn't smooth it out. So he looked at Pei Ran's twitching eyes and raised his eyebrows provocatively.

"If there's going to be a war, please send someone a message, General."

Pei Ran glanced at her and said nothing.

Feng Yun said: "In case the general dies in battle, I can prepare early and find other ways out."

Pei Man's fingers froze...

He turned to look at Feng Yun coldly.

"Aren't you afraid that I will strangle you to death now?"

Feng Yun smiled.

She couldn't explain why. She was afraid of Pei Madang a while ago, but she was probably confused today. Seeing how he came back from the camp to cause trouble for her because of Li Sangruo, he couldn't care less about anything...

The moment she turned over and sat on him, she lost all fear.

No matter how fierce General Pei is, he is still a man whose desires can be controlled by others. He is a human being, with emotions and desires, and weaknesses.

But she didn't talk about this, she only talked about her grievances.

"This is called breaking the pot and breaking the pot. Anyway, the general doesn't believe me anymore, so it's useless to be afraid. Instead, I'm at the bottom of the rankings and make people laugh..."

Pei Madang remained silent, listening to her strange expressions.

Before leaving, he took a look at Ao Zai who was staring at him from beginning to end.

"The little lynx is still wild. Be careful and don't hurt you."

Feng Yun's eyes trembled and he was speechless for a long time.

No one has ever doubted that Ao Zai is not a wild cat. Even those who often see it in the village just think that Ao Zai looks weird. Pei Ran has never seen Ao Zai a few times in total, but he is so sure...

No wonder Ao Zai was afraid of him and avoided him.

Pei Ran didn't say much, he opened the door and went out expressionlessly.

Looking under the eaves, the two strings of wind chimes were missing.

Only Ao Qi stood there, with a gloomy face and red eyes.

Pei Ran stopped slightly and called Ao Qi, "Come here."

Ao Qi has been waiting outside since his uncle entered the house.

There was a lot of movement inside, and the weird and boiling breath almost rushed out through the window and faintly reached his ears. Ao Qi's heart almost broke, and he finally suppressed the urge to rush in...

Hearing Pei Madang's greeting, Ao Qi walked over.

At a glance, you can see the red marks on Pei Madam's Adam's apple, and if you look closely, there seem to be teeth marks.

Ao Qi's head hung down and his fists were slightly clenched.

"Uncle..." His voice was trembling, "I have something to tell you..."

"The war will begin in the next two days. We will talk about it after we have something to do."

Pei Madang interrupted him, and the gaze that fell on his head was very cold, like two beams of cold light, which made Ao Qi's back drip with sweat, feeling lost and uneasy.

He was prepared to be scolded.

After waiting for a moment, all he heard was his emotionless voice.

"Keep an eye on Wei Zheng."

Ao Qi hummed in a low voice without raising his head.

Pei Ran was silent for a moment, "I'll be seventeen after the New Year, so use your brain more."

Ao Qi nodded, his neck felt cold, maybe he had a guilty conscience, he always felt that there was something behind his uncle's words, and felt very uncomfortable, but Pei Ran only told Wei Zheng about Wei Zheng, and asked him to protect Changmen Village, and then left directly.

Ao Qi looked at that figure and wanted to grow up quickly.

Feng Yun lay paralyzed on the couch for a long time before gradually calming down.

Pei Jue had already left. She was sweating profusely and felt uncomfortable. She felt a little weak when she asked Xiaoman to prepare some water.

Every time that guy came over, she seemed to sweat more than usual.

Xiaoman happily prepared water. Daman came in and prepared some clothes for her to change. He lowered his head and was afraid to look at Feng Yun's flushed face.

Feng Yun sat on the couch and looked at her with half-closed eyes.

Daman was only two years older than Xiaoman, but her figure was much fuller. Xiaoman was still a beautiful girl, while Daman was already a mature woman with extraordinary looks. The face that was somewhat similar to her made Feng Yun silent for a long time.

She suddenly asked, "Did you hear everything?"

The two maids were just outside.

Daman naturally heard it.

The general who was cold and emotionless in her heart, the general who never showed his emotions, was powerless in front of Shi Er Niang.

The rapid and heavy breathing almost cost her life. She had to hold the handkerchief tightly to keep calm, but even so, she was sweating coldly.

When she looked at Xiaoman, Xiaoman also blushed.

Daman lowered her head, looking unbearable, a little shy, and hummed softly.

"The maid is worried about the girl."

Feng Yun asked: "What are you worried about?"

Daman raised the corners of her eyes slightly, "I'm afraid of angering the general."

"Hmm." Feng Yun half leaned on the couch.

Her hair was soaked, her thin shirt was untidy, her forehead and neck were covered with fine sweat, and she looked weak and powerless, as if she had been pitied by her husband, which made Daman blush and her heart beat.

But she was calm: "After the war is over, if there is a chance to let you go back to Southern Qi, are you willing to go back?"

Daman looked at Feng Yun nervously.

"Did the maid do something wrong?"

Feng Yun shook her head, "You and Xiaoman followed me and were separated from your family. I thought it would be good if the general accepted you. But now..."

She glanced at Daman.

"I have touched this man before, so don't get close to him again."

Daman was slightly stunned.

Feng Yun didn't say that when she first entered the enemy camp.

She even thought of letting Daman serve Pei Jue.

Did she change her mind after just one intimate moment?

Daman understood Feng Yun's warning and lowered her head.

"The maid dare not."

Feng Yun hummed, "You have a good appearance and a good figure. You are worthy of any man. It's up to you to choose whether to return to Nanqi. If you want to stay, I will choose a good marriage for you and Xiaoman, and you will not let you down."

Daman felt bitter in her heart.

A dream like a mirage in her mind was shattered.

That tall and handsome man, she couldn't get it.

"Thank you, young lady, but my father has already told me to serve you wholeheartedly and to be at your service for the rest of my life. I have already cut off my way home."

Feng Yun glanced at her casually, and casually stretched out his hand, letting Daman help him to the clean room without saying anything else.


The night in Huaxi Village was pitch black.

A group of people walked carefully through the wasteland, walking very fast without making much noise.

The weeds on the ridges near Changmen Village were so clean that it was almost impossible to hide anyone. Wei Zheng stopped by the stream a hundred steps away from the village.

As soon as he raised his hand, all his followers squatted down with him, observing Changmen Village across a high ridge.

Changmen was shrouded in darkness and was silent.

The attendant asked, "General, what should we do? Give the order."

Wei Zheng observed expressionlessly for a long moment, then shook his head, "There are secret sentries. We were discovered by their people before we even got close to the manor."

Another attendant said, "My subordinates have seen during the day that Pei Jue has left more than 20 elite soldiers. I think they were picked from his guard camp. They are not easy to deal with."

Wei Zheng's eyes were full of resentment, and his teeth were clattering.

If there were no Pei Jue's men, then he would have to break into the manor and give Feng a good beating even if he risked his life. Not to mention peeling off her skin and pulling out her tendons, he would have to bring her here and humiliate her to relieve his hatred...

But now, the military force in the manor not only includes Feng's troops, but also more than 20 elite soldiers from Pei Jue's guard camp.

Wei Zheng had heard people say before that those people in the guard camp were trained by Pei Jue, and they were brave and ruthless. The more than 100 people under his command were not all his personal soldiers, and not everyone would risk their lives to follow him to Changmen Manor...

"Let's go!"

Wei Zheng gave up.

A pair of resentful eyes stared at the direction of Changmen Manor, and waved his arm, "As long as the green mountains remain, there will be no fear of running out of firewood. This grudge will be avenged another day!"

After Wei Zheng finished speaking, he led his men back along the original path.

Ahead was a stream more than ten feet wide, with logs on it, like a paved wooden bridge, simple but sturdy.

When Wei Zheng came, there was no one on the bridge, but he turned around.

On the wooden plank bridge at night, there stood a slender figure with fluttering dresses.

"General Wei, why don't you go through the door when you come to Changmen Manor late at night?"

Wei Zheng stared with his eyes wide, and couldn't believe it for a long time.

At this moment, the silver moon in the sky was like a hook, and the world was silent. The faint light fell on Feng Yun's beautiful face, which was radiant to the bones, but noble and inexplicable.

Feng's daughter?

A person blocked him in the middle of the night, are you really not afraid of death?

It must be said that she is brave and resourceful. Wei Zheng admires this girl a little.

Wei Zheng sneered, "It seems that Madam Feng is really brave. In the current chaotic world, with bandits rampant, she dares to go out in the middle of the night..."

Feng Yun said: "With General Wei here, which bandit is so fearless that he dares to come to Changmen Village to cause trouble?"

Wei Zheng saw that she was calm as if chatting, and took two steps forward with his sword.

"No need to play dumb, what do you want to do?"

Feng Yun suddenly sighed, faintly, with a bit of helplessness and desolation.

"This is exactly what I want to ask the general? What should I do to make the general let me go?"

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