Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 70 Predicting the future

Wei Zheng frowned, his vigilance turning into doubt.

"What does Feng Ji mean by this?"

Feng Yun saluted and said seriously, "Feng's daughter is far away in Andu. She has no grudges against you recently or in the past. Even General Wei came here with hatred and wanted to take me to Zhongjing for questioning. I also wanted to fight with you." The general cleared up his past feud..."

She spoke truthfully, and there was no hint of resentment.

"That day at Changmenzhuang, the general wanted to be punished. It was the little girl who saved General Wei. Although farming is hard, it will not cost his life."

Another sigh.

"I know in my heart that the general is a noble man. He has never experienced the hardships in the fields. He may be resentful of me, so I decided to hold a banquet. How could I expect such a misunderstanding to happen? I want to know that the person in Shao Ji's house that night was General Wei , I will never bring anyone here..."

"The general also knows that in troubled times, women are like duckweeds. They just want to have someone to rely on and a stable life. How can the Feng family dare to take the initiative to enmity with a big shot like General Wei?"

After saying that, he gave a wry smile.

"I really don't know why the general hates me so much and insists on putting me to death?"

Wei Zheng narrowed his eyes suspiciously.

Before Feng Yun showed up, he was 80% sure that this matter was related to her.

But when Feng Yun said this, he really hesitated...

A Qi woman, not to mention whether she has the courage to offend him, just said that "black mole and long beard" is not a secret that she can know...

Wei Zheng didn't want to be taken advantage of and kept in the dark after being harmed.

"Then according to what you said, who is responsible for the rumors spreading in Huaxi Village?"

Feng Yun pursed his lips.

"It turns out that the general suspected me..."

She shook her head helplessly.

"If the privacy of Her Majesty the Queen Mother is not fabricated, then only people who have access to the Queen Mother will know it... Instead of doubting me, General Wei should think about it, has he offended anyone around the Queen Mother?"

Feng Yun thought that with Wei Zheng's character, he must be domineering and unpopular in the palace. And if Li Sangruo takes over the throne and holds the power, there will inevitably be various lackeys around him, each with their own interests...

Wherever there are people, there will be conflicts. Everyone wants to be the most favored person of the Queen Mother. It is actually difficult to live in peace between licking dogs and licking dogs...

Sure enough, after she briefly mentioned it, Wei Zheng "suddenly realized it."

"Is it Fang Fucai? This rootless old dog!"

Among the people who came to Andu County from the Queen Mother's side, only Fang Fu was the father-in-law.

As far as Wei Zheng knew, Fang Fucai had been working for the Queen Mother and placed many of his own men in Andu County to monitor Pei Ran and the Northern Yong Army.

Wei Zheng and Fang Fucai have always been at odds.

Fang Fucai relied on the convenience of serving at the Queen Mother's side and almost mastered the information on the comings and goings of people in the palace. Ever since he knew that the Queen Mother intended to form a new "Great Nei Tiqi Division" and that the Queen Mother intended to promote him as the head of the Tiqi Division, Fang Fu was afraid If he decentralizes power, target him everywhere and give him little shoes to wear.

Also, Fang Laogou found that pretty boy Song Shou'an, and it was clear that he couldn't get along with him.

These days, Song Shou'an walks around Jiafu Palace every day, almost tired of being around the Queen Mother...

Just at this time, the Queen Mother sent him out of Beijing.

Wei Zheng even remembered that Fang Fucai had smiled at him before leaving Beijing for Jiafu Hall...

He smiled so disgustingly that he said "I wish General Wei success", and it turned out that at that moment the abacus beads jumped on his face.

What a great Fang Fucai!

What a poisonous trick!

It simply left him speechless.

Even if the Queen Mother did not want his life for the sake of face, how would he win the trust of the Queen Mother in the future and become the head of Tiqisi?

"General Wei?" Feng Yun called softly.

How did she know that in just a short moment, a palace battle drama of tens of thousands of words had already been staged in Wei Zheng's mind? He even took the initiative to conjure up the real person behind the scenes.

"The little girl is just making random guesses. She doesn't know anything about the Tian family. She is wrong. General Wei, don't take it seriously..."

Wei Zheng frowned and looked at her.

Good-looking girls have a natural advantage in gaining trust in front of men. Looking at Feng Yun, he no longer had any hatred and his face looked much better.

"You didn't say anything wrong." Wei Zheng was happy and raised his hand to Feng Yun, "I misunderstood you and almost made a big mistake."

Feng Yun smiled slightly and said, "General Wei, can you answer the question I just asked?"

Wei Zheng paused slightly, "What does Madam Feng want to know?"

Feng Yun said: "Why does General Wei hate me and want to kill me as soon as he comes to Andu?"

Wei Zheng:......

He couldn't answer.

After all, the person who really hates Feng Yun is not him, but the Queen Mother.

And, just to be jealous about another man.

Thinking about it this way, he found that he and Feng Yun were somewhat in the same boat. They were both being manipulated behind the scenes...

But Wei Zheng didn't dare to say that.

He said: "Wei came to Andu just to follow orders and has no personal grudge against Madam Feng."

This answer is not surprising.

Feng Yun pushed the boat along and let out a long breath.

"That's good."

Then he said: "In that case, General Wei, why don't you come and have a cup of tea in the humble house, and I will talk to the general in detail about how the general wants to solve the situation now?"

Wei Zheng was greatly surprised, "Ms. Feng, is there any way to help Wei?"

Feng Yun lowered his eyes, looking like a weak woman with no temper. If you look carefully, she seemed to be a little shy.

"What can I, a little girl, do? It was my general who left a message, saying that he would try his best to keep General Wei..."

Wei Zheng tensed up, "General?"

Feng Yun nodded slightly, "The general came to Huaxi Village today because of General Wei's affairs. He said that General Wei is a rare pillar of talent. It would be a pity if he was punished for a little personal morality..."

Wei Zheng opened his eyes wide, "The general really said that?"

Feng Yun smiled slightly, "Why did I lie to General Wei? I won't get any benefits, so I can't tell such a lie..."

A wave of heat rose up from his spine.

For some reason, Wei Zheng felt a little elated.

That's General Pei!

Everyone in the government and the public said that Wei Zheng only relied on his face to win the favor of the Queen Mother, especially the old dog Fang Fucai, who always laughed at him in private...

But General Pei believed that he was a pillar of talent.

Feng Yun looked at his face and sighed.

"But the current matter is really embarrassing, and it is not convenient for the general to come forward, so I can only convey it to General Dawei..."

Having said that, what else does Wei Zheng refuse to do?

He cupped his hands, bowed his head in the direction of Jieqiu Mountain, thanked the general sincerely, and then followed Feng Yun towards Changmenzhuang.

After inviting Wei Zheng into the west hall, Feng Yun called Luo Yue to serve him and talked for a long time.

When he walked in, Wei Zheng's face was still gloomy.

Leaving Zhuangzi, there was a smile on his face.

Obviously, Feng Yun's words made him very satisfied.

Ao Qi followed Feng Yun for most of the night until Wei Zheng left, then stepped forward and asked, "Is the matter resolved?"

Feng Yun yawned and felt a little sleepy.

Hearing Ao Qi's question, he turned around and looked at him with a smile.

"Didn't Guard Ao see it? General Wei and I have settled our differences."

Ao Qi asked: "What did the girl say to him?"

Feng Yun thought for a moment and told the truth.

"I just said that the general will help him intercede in front of the Queen Mother, so that he can return to Zhongjing without fear of his life. As for the rumors, I also have a way to solve them for him..."

Ao Qi was a little surprised.

"How could the general plead for Wei? And the rumors in Andu County have probably spread to Zhongjing. How can the girl solve them?"

Feng Yun said: "General, please beg me. How can someone named Wei know about it? As for how to solve it, this is the idea I gave to General Wei."

Ao Qi was confused and couldn't understand it at all.

But Feng Yun was really tired. He yawned and his eyes filled with tears.

"It's getting late and I'm sleepy. Guard Ao should go back and rest soon. We'll talk about it tomorrow if we have anything to do."

After taking two steps, she seemed to remember something and turned back to Ao Qifu.

"Thanks to Guard Ao for protecting me tonight, otherwise, I wouldn't have dared to be so bold as to block Wei Zheng in the middle of the night."

Ao Qi opened his mouth. He originally wanted to say a few words of concern, but when the words reached his lips, they turned out to be.

"The general's orders are the duties of my subordinates. No need to thank you."

Feng Yun smiled slightly and left.

When she could no longer be seen, Ao Qi suddenly woke up and wanted to smash his mouth that could not speak.


Before dawn the next day, Wei Zheng sent a letter to Zhongjing.

This time the letter not only contained sincerity, loyalty, and appeals for injustice, but also included a purse, telling the story of Fang Fucai's deliberate frame-up in vivid detail, and severely suing Eunuch Fang.

The messenger came by horseback from outside Changmenzhuang.

An hour later, Feng Yun stood up and received the news from a delighted Xing Bing.

"The girl is really good at predicting things."

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