Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 71 Winning over the people

Feng Yun yawned and looked like he hadn't woken up.

"The Queen Mother is going to have a headache now."

Fang Fucai's errand in Andu County was not handled well.

Lin E is dead, but Feng Yun is alive and well. Li Sangruo was not satisfied with his father-in-law. He had received twenty blows and was still recovering from his injuries. With Wei Zheng's complaint, he didn't know who Li Sang would believe.

Feng Yun said: "Speaking of which, I have to thank Lin E and Yuan Jiao."

That purse was the one Yuan Jiao took to look for someone in the teahouse at the city gate on the day she died. Feng Yun guessed that it was a token left by Fang Fucai to Lin E. Yuan Jiao also knew about it, so she had the courage to take it. Come to find someone with your wallet...

After Yuan Jiao's death, the purse fell into Feng Yun's hands.

Unexpectedly, she asked Luo Yue to give Wei Zheng her purse last night, and Wei Zheng recognized it at a glance as being Fang Fucai's.

Wei Zheng was already suspicious.

In this way, there was no need for Feng Yun to sow discord anymore. He put the whole matter together and concluded that it was Eunuch Fang's destructive move to seize power.

He no longer doubted Feng Yun and directed all his hatred towards Eunuch Fang.

Feng Yun glanced at Xing Bing.

"This is what I said that day. If the enemy is strong and we are weak, it is better to lure him with benefits, make the enemy penetrate deeply, then expose his shortcomings, and divide them..."

Xing Bing thought about it carefully and nodded.

"What will the girl do next?"

Feng Yun: "Divide and transform."

Xing Bing said oh, seeming to understand but not understanding.

Feng Yun smiled and took out a book from his hand and handed it to him, "When you have nothing to do, you should read more. Books can cure all doubts."

Xing Bing was stunned, and suddenly felt that one of them was as big as two.

He didn't know much about literacy and didn't like reading. He didn't expect that in addition to leading exercises and practicing, he actually had to do the things of a scholar.

"Girl, I...I won't read it, right?"

Feng Yun smiled when he saw his face flushed with confusion.

"Read, how can you not read? In the future, we will have more than 20 or 30 chapters. When the team grows, what will you, the commander, do?"

"How to do it?" Xing Bing asked reluctantly.

"It's all written in the book."

Feng Yun smiled and raised his eyebrows, and reassured him, "Just take it down and take a look. If you don't understand anything, feel free to ask me."

Xing Bing scratched his big head, knowing that he could not escape this "study debt". He was a lot of years old, and he had to be pushed to study like his two sons.

Feng Yun has set up the stage, and there are no shortage of opera singers.

After finishing breakfast, she sent people to the west room and gave Shao Xueqing and Luo Yue a horse of good materials, so that they could make clothes and dress more elegantly. She also stopped their rough work in the village.

Shao Xueqing had such a good face, but after that day, she was so ashamed that she refused to see anyone. She couldn't let go of her "noble daughter"'s reserve, and she was also very resentful towards Feng Yun...

Because it was Feng Yun who led people to catch the traitor.

It was Feng Yun who exposed her scandal to others.

But Luo Yue was different.

She grew up in a building and suffered a lot since she was a child. She is used to looking at faces and sizing up situations.

From the fact that Feng Yun called her to accompany Wei Zheng last night, handed her the purse, and told her what to say, she knew that Feng Yun intended to promote her.

She didn't have many opportunities in her life.

If there is a slight possibility, we will seize it.

This was also the reason why after she found out that Shao Xueqing was cheating on her and having sex with Wei Zheng, she was so brave that she refused.

But now, Feng Yun regards her as one of his own, so she naturally doesn't dare to neglect him.

After collecting the materials, she hurried to the main room to thank her.

Feng Yun was shaking a cattail leaf fan, thinking about how to "divide and transform". Seeing how sensible she was, the smile on his face became a little brighter.

Feng Yun likes smart women.

"Luo Ji, you don't have to be polite. We were sisters before. Later, Luo Ji followed General Wei and went to Zhongjing for a walk. Maybe there will be places where I need Luo Ji's care..."

At this point, she sighed slightly and said sincerely:

"I asked Luo Ji for your forgiveness if I felt sorry for you before."

Luo Yue shook her head, "Girl, I have nothing to be sorry for. At that time, you and I, sisters, were abandoned by our families and sent to the enemy camp. The road ahead was uncertain and life or death was uncertain..."

At this point, her eyes turned red and she wiped the corners of her eyes with a handkerchief.

"If it hadn't been for the girl's face, I don't know what the situation would be like now..."

Feng Yun asked: "Don't you blame me? One man occupies the general and makes you work?"

Luo Yue smiled bitterly.

"It's too late for me to be grateful to the girl, so how can I blame the girl? I'm not a fool like Lin E. I have already seen clearly that even if there is no girl, the general will not want us. It's just that they don't understand and are deceiving themselves. As for the work …”

She raised her beautiful eyes slightly and said, "You only eat when you work. It is natural that I have never had a bite of cheap food since I was a child. Having food to eat is better than starving to death. The girl is not harming us. On the contrary, the girl is saving us because she wants to Tell us that people in Israel don’t last long. Only by working and eating can we be practical..."

Once the conversation started, Luo Yue talked endlessly.

"If I do such a despicable thing, the girl must look down on me. But I grew up in the building and learned how to serve men..."

As she spoke, Luo Yue burst into tears.

"Girl, in this world, there is really no way out for a daughter's family. I am lazy and want to live a better life. I want to wear beautiful clothes and expensive jewelry. I want someone to take care of me and lead a relaxed life... Did I do something wrong? "

"You're not wrong." Feng Yun said, "Who doesn't have selfish motives? I do too."

When Luo Yue heard what she said, she actually felt like a confidant.

"Actually, I knew that the general could not be relied on, so I wanted to find a husband to rely on again. I didn't hurt anyone else, and I even told Shao Xueqing about my thoughts. I didn't expect that she would be the first to get there..."

When she talked about what happened that night, she became angry and full of hatred.

"I want that man, but she insists on snatching him away. I don't want to make her feel better. She wants face, but I don't have to. It depends on which of us is more determined."

Feng Yun smiled.

"I'm not looking down on you. On the contrary, I think Luo Ji is very brave."

Luo Yue had had enough of strange looks these days. When Feng Yun said this, more tears filled her red eyes and fell down.

"The girl is very different from others, she has great knowledge..."

Feng Yun smiled and asked her, "You just said that you have only learned one thing since you were a child, how to serve a man, right?"

Luo Yue's cheeks turned slightly red and she bit her lip.

"When I was with General Wei, I was innocent, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to follow the girl. I just saw a lot, listened a lot, and knew some skills that others didn't..."

Feng Yun said: "Then are you confident that with your skills, you can win the favor of General Wei?"

Luo Yue was stunned for a moment.

She didn't quite understand what Feng Yun meant.

Feng Yun said: "I think it won't take a few days for the imperial court's decree to arrive in Huaxi Village. You and Shao Xueqing are the people rewarded by the general to Wei Zheng, and he will definitely take you with him. When you go to Zhongjing, you are not familiar with the place. You are not familiar with it. People can rely on..."

Luo Yue cried even harder and started sobbing.

It turned out that the girl was thinking about her and worried about her.

"Don't worry, girl." Luo Yue gritted her teeth and said, "Unless he, Wei Zheng, is not a man, I will have something to do. I may not be able to dote exclusively on you, but with Wei Zheng's favor, I am very confident."

She was able to pull Wei Zheng out of Shao Xueqing that night. Among other things, her audacity was unparalleled by others.

Feng Yun said: "In the past two days, while General Wei is still here, you can go over there and stay with him. This is when General Wei is in trouble. As the saying goes, a friend in need is a friend indeed, Luo Ji should understand what I mean."

Luo Yue is a smart person and fully understands what she means.

"Thank you, lady, for your help."

Feng Yun said again: "When you leave, I will give you a personal sum of money, which will be used as a dowry, and then let Xing Bing pick two attendants for you, and take them to Zhongjing, so that you will be more or less taken care of." "

Luo Yue was so grateful that she didn't know what to say.

While crying, he held Feng Yun's hand and thanked him profusely.

"If the girl doesn't mind, Nagato will be my natal sister from now on, and the girl will be my natal sister."

Feng Yun patted the back of her hand gently, "Okay. You and I, sisters, have the same spirit. But there is one thing..."

She whispered, "You know that people in the world are very jealous and there are many people with evil intentions. Just understand what you and I sisters say in private. Don't make it public and cause unnecessary trouble. Especially in Beijing, where there is a mixed bag of fish and dragons, sisters must be especially careful... "

Luo Yue nodded and made a serious promise.

"Don't worry, sister. You are my sister's support. She will never talk nonsense and harm her."

Feng Yun felt more and more that this woman was exquisite and knowledgeable.

"It's a deal. I'm waiting for the good news about my sister in Andu. I hope that my sister will be favored by General Wei and become his first wife, so that she can get her wish."

Luo Yue burst into tears and smiled, "Sister, I must take good care of him so that he can't get off the bed and have the energy to find other little goblins."

Feng Yun smiled so hard that his eyes rolled up. It was rare to see such a fierce woman. She talked to Luo Yue for a while before letting her go down.

Wei Zheng: General, help me, someone wants to interrogate me...

Ao Qi: Why are you a villain struggling? The general also has to deal with it. Humph, some people want to be beaten but haven't yet.

PS: I added an update today, do you feel it?

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