Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 72 Feng Yun is conferred

Just as Feng Yun guessed, someone came from Zhongjing within three days.

The eunuch who announced the decree was a strange young eunuch, who passed by the edge of Huaxi Village and attracted a lot of attention.

The young eunuch took Wei Zheng and a group of imperial guards away, but did not say how to deal with them, saying that they would be dealt with after returning to Beijing.

Wei Zheng took Shao Xueqing and Luo Yue away.

The concubines awarded by the general had to be swallowed up and kept by his side even if someone said something bad.

Especially Luo Yue, who secretly brought him food and drink these days, accompanied him to work in the fields, took him to Huaxi to catch fish and play in the water, told him some anecdotes he had never heard of, and played some "wild fun" he dared not even think about, which gave him great comfort in his miserable "farming years".

Feng Yun personally sent Shao Xueqing and Luo Yue out.

She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the long, winding team slowly disappearing in Huaxi Village.

"Finally left."

Xing Bing said: "I still don't understand why the girl is like this?"

Feng Yun asked: "What don't you understand?"

Xing Bing said: "The surname Wei's methods are vicious, wouldn't it be better to kill him?"

Feng Yun smiled, "At the beginning, I thought so too."

Killing Wei Zheng, there will no longer be the evil chief of the Imperial Guards.

But later on, thinking about it carefully, not to mention whether killing Wei Zheng would leave trouble for Pei Cong and attract criticism, Wei Zheng's future was actually created by his identity as the chief of the Imperial Guards, and it was the times that made people.

"But without Wei Zheng, there would be Wang Zheng, Xie Zheng, Liu Zheng... Maybe they would be more vicious and shameless than Wei Zheng."

It's still the chief of the Imperial Guards with vicious methods, nothing will change.

But this Wei Zheng will no longer be the same Wei Zheng as before.

The contradiction between Wei Zheng and Fang Fucai will intensify, and the palace intrigue will be staged.

Li Sangruo will also be suspicious of Wei Zheng.

And Wei Zheng...

Once he believed that the Queen Mother Li had once thought of killing him under the instigation of Eunuch Fang, and that it was the general who pleaded for him that saved his life, his mood would change.

The human heart is very sensitive. Once the seeds of doubt are planted, they will no longer trust completely as before. Li Sangruo treated Wei Zheng like this, and Wei Zheng would be even more so after he had Luo Yue...

Without complete trust, there would be no complete loyalty.

Xing Bing sighed, "Will the Queen Mother Li kill Wei Zheng?"

Feng Yun said, "Of course not."

In the final analysis, the only thing Wei Zheng had done was to beat Alou, and he had already paid for it with labor.

Sleeping with concubines randomly was just a private virtue. The general did not blame him and gave him two concubines. It was not a crime.

As for the rumors spread privately to the Queen Mother...

Not to mention whether there is evidence, even if there is, what does it matter?

Unless the Queen Mother agrees that those things are true.

Otherwise, if Wei Zheng is convicted for this, it is equivalent to confirming the truth of the rumors. Otherwise, how could she easily target a general of the Left Guard?

"Even if the Queen Mother is angry and resentful, she can only hide it in her heart. On the surface, not only will she not blame him, but she may even comfort General Wei for his hard work in farming."

Li Sangruo, she can only swallow her anger.

Feng Yun thought about it and found it funny.

Li Sangruo probably never thought that the "arrest plan" she carefully prepared would turn into a farce. The biggest victim is herself.

Feng Yun was in a very good mood when she thought of Li Sangruo's rage and helplessness in the Jiade Hall.

She called Xiaoman, changed into a colorful dress, and went out with an umbrella to see her vegetable field.

Xiaoman and Daman didn't know why Feng Yun liked to see the seedlings so much.

Two or three times a day was not enough. She would come to see the vegetables whether she was happy or not. Sometimes she would go seven or eight times and never get tired of it.

"You don't understand."

It's not just fun.

The green vegetables and sunflowers have sprouted, small, tender green, full of new hope...

Looking at her farm is like looking at the kingdom she conquered.

However, the land in the farm has not been fully planted yet, there are not enough seeds and manpower. But Feng Yun is not in a hurry, and asks people to compost the fields and slowly cultivate them.

She has many plans in her mind, just waiting for them to take shape slowly...

She was standing on the ridge of the field with her little thoughts in mind, talking to her new neighbor, the eldest sister-in-law, and turned around to hear a soldier happily reporting.

"Twelve Niang, He Gongcao is here, there is great news..."

He Qia came from Andu City, dusty and smiling.

When he entered Huaxi Village, many farmers greeted him warmly, which shows that he is very popular among the villagers.

He Qia also bowed one by one and returned the greeting with a smile.

Seeing him coming to Feng Yun's house, a group of people followed him, wanting to hear the news.

He Qia got off the carriage, straightened his clothes, and walked to Feng Yun.

"Girl, I'm here to tell you good news."

Feng Yun asked with a smile: "What's the good news?"

He Qia cleared his throat, carefully took a piece of silk book from the clerk, and said loudly:

"By order of the general, Feng Ayun is appointed as the head of Huaxi Village, and will take office today."

Head? Female head?

This is something I have never seen or heard of.

When can a young lady be a head?

The villagers who were watching were stunned at first.

When this was confirmed, warm congratulations were immediately heard.

"Congratulations, girl, congratulations, girl."

These days, Feng Yun intentionally or unintentionally asked Buqu to do some small favors for the new farmers. He built thatched houses, repaired roofs, dug soil, and brought along whatever he could...

Feng Yun did these things not to be a good person.

In troubled times, people are like ants, and no one can survive alone.

Only by revitalizing Huaxi and revitalizing Andu can she live a better life here...

But these benefits given by Feng Yun had a very benign effect.

In troubled times, no one cares about her gender, they just know that with her staying upright, life will be more prosperous.

The congratulations kept coming, and it took Feng Yun a long time to react.

The counselor she wanted to be was to help Pei Man make plans, draw out his wolf nature and ambition, and then wait for him to attack the city, beat Xiao San to pieces, and then turn around to overthrow the regime of Empress Dowager Li and her son...

In the end, she relied on this ability to follow the dragon to establish her own power.

She could enjoy the cool shade under the big tree. From then on, she would eat well, drink well and travel around the mountains and rivers. She would grow old in peace, and she could close her eyes for another lifetime.

But she never thought about becoming an official.

Of course, Li Zheng was not a serious official.

In an era of frequent wars, the Liju system was repeatedly disintegrated and rebuilt.

Clan, township, and defensive fort systems all coexisted in this era. The systems of each county were different, and in many places they even had their own responsibilities.

The rules of the documents issued by He Qia are that five households are in a neighborhood and there is one neighborhood leader; ten households are in one ten and one is in length; one hundred households are in one li and there is one li zheng.

Clan settlements are dominated by clans. In villages like Huaxi Village where there are no clan leaders, most of them are held by local people with high moral integrity...

Feng Yun felt that he was qualified.

Moreover, this was Pei Man's right to appoint officials. Appointing her as a subordinate official did not require the approval of the court. From now on, she would be an official in the General's Mansion.

With this, the identity is completely different.

Feng Yun took the silk book and bowed slightly.

"Congratulations, Cao thanked the general for me."


Huaxi Village suddenly became lively with Li Zheng.

Farmers in the village came to congratulate one after another. Feng Yun immediately asked Zhuangzi to light a fire to cook, and gave two steamed buns to each villager as a return gift.

The steamed buns made from white flour are fragrant and make people drool after taking one bite. People who originally didn't want to come to congratulate me all came with their children in tow.

The happy people seemed to have forgotten that there was a war just around the corner.

Huaxi Village is only a hundred miles away from Huaishui Bay...

Feng Yun was immersed in the joy of having a big job as a new official, and immediately asked Xing Bing to go to Shiguan County in person.

The land in the village needs to be reclaimed and cultivated on a large scale, and there is a shortage of seeds and farm tools. It will be too late if we wait for the imperial court to send it to Andu County, or for Andu County to recover on its own.

What's more, with Andu at the forefront of the war, it is still unclear whether the Jin court will do anything practical to restore people's livelihood...

Xing Bing set out before dawn, driving an ox cart and picking up two villagers who were going to the city to buy their own furniture. It was already dusk when he returned to Huaxi Village.

The bullock cart brought back two familiar faces.

One is Ge Guang and the other is Ge Yi.

The bullock cart drove all the way into the gate of Zhuangzi. The two people jumped down from the shaft and bowed to Feng Yun from a distance.


Feng Yun was slightly surprised: "Where have you been?"

Ge Guang raised his head, "We..."

He hesitated to speak and glanced behind him, "We ran into some trouble and were rescued by Mr. Ren."

"Mr. Ren?" Feng Yun raised his eyebrows.

"Mr. Ren is the owner of the teahouse in Andu County..." Ge Yi rushed to speak.

However, before he could say the next sentence, the sound of horse hooves was heard outside the door.

Usually the only people who come here on horseback are Pei Ran and others. Feng Yun was startled and looked back. Unexpectedly, what came was a man in a bamboo hat dressed as a swordsman. Most of his face was hidden under the curtain of the bamboo hat, and he could not see clearly. distinct……

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