Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 73: Endless Hate

Ge Yi whispered: "That's Mr. Ren. Girl, we didn't betray, we didn't say anything. Mr. Ren guessed it..."

Feng Yun smiled and said nothing, giving them a calm look.

She didn't move until the man approached.

Several tribes gathered around and stood ready.

And Feng Yun is just searching for old memories...

The knight laughed loudly, and the sound had already arrived before anyone arrived.

"Brother Ge, please give me a good chase."

His voice was light and familiar, as if he was a close personal friend.

After saying that, he got off his horse and walked up to Feng Yun, cupping his fists and saluting.

"I, the next Rude, have met the Nagato girl."

This was the first time someone called Nagato girl, and Feng Yun returned the greeting with a smile.

"I wonder if Mr. Ren has any advice?" Feng Yun confirmed that he had never seen this person in his life so far, and said it more conservatively.

Ren Rude smiled again, looking very easy-going and approachable.

"To be honest, girl, I'm here to apologize today. I had some misunderstandings with the girl's servants and invited them to be guests in my humble residence for a while. Now that the misunderstanding has been eliminated, I quickly sent them back. I also ask for your forgiveness, girl."

Ren Rude bowed his head to the ground again, showing his sincerity.

Feng Yun pursed his lips and smiled.

He directly stated the identity of the Ge brothers, clearly trying to intimidate someone, but he did not mention the purpose of his visit. Feng Yun was a little unsure of who he was, so he only said:

"The little girl doesn't understand what Mr. Ren said."

Ren Rude stroked his beard and smiled, "It's a long story. Can I go to your residence to ask for a cup of water and explain it slowly?"

Feng Yun gave Xiaoman a look, "Please."

In her previous life, she met Ren Rude three years later.

At that time, Xiao Cheng had proclaimed himself emperor in the Southern Qi Dynasty, and Ren Rude was his staff. Later, he was naturally also a member of the Yin clan, and he was very important...

What's ridiculous is that Ren Rude was the one who came to peace with Xiao Cheng in his previous life.

He had a clever mouth and was eloquent. He worked hard to convince Feng Yun to help Xiao Cheng retake Andu County and betray Pei Mad. It was he and Xiao Cheng who planned the Andu incident, which led to Pei Mad's defeat. Walking to Pingcheng...

He came again in this life, three years in advance.

If he hadn't come, Feng Yun wouldn't have known that this person had been lurking in Andu County for such a long time and was a bystander of the incident from beginning to end...

This time she wanted to see how Ren Rude would coax her.


Ren Rude was very confident before entering Feng Yun's farm.

At least, when he saw the cypress wood plaque with the word "Nagato" written on it, he didn't have the slightest sense of awe, but within a moment of sitting in the main room, he changed his contempt.

He had never seen Feng Twelve Niang up close, but he knew a lot about her.

In Ren Rude's heart, Feng Twelfth Mother was beautiful but useless. She had admired Prince Jingling since she was a child and was not liked by the Feng family. She might be a little smart, but she couldn't get rid of the short-sightedness and ignorance that ordinary girls who grew up in a family house would have... …

Apart from that face, there was nothing he originally disliked about Feng Yun...

But when he sat down and took a look, he saw the clean and tidy hall, the two green lotus plants on the high-necked porcelain vase on the table, and the beautiful and romantic girl in front of him. Elegance is not enough to describe it. The beauty of this charm, he flipped through his mind. There is no word to describe it.


It's hard to say what kind of temper this woman is, but she will never be impulsive.

Not easy to deal with.

Ren Rude lowered his head and took another sip of tea.

The third time.

Feng Yun smiled slightly, "Mr. Ren, do you like tea made by a little girl?"

Ren Rude's eyes brightened slightly, as if he was surprised, "Did the girl make it herself?"

Feng Yun smiled and nodded.

Ren Rude asked: "What is the name of this tea?"

Feng Yun said: "I hate Mianmian from afar."

Ren Rude frowned slightly, "I'm sorry to say it bluntly, but this name sounds gloomy and melancholy, which is not in line with the girl's bright mood..."

Feng Yun: "How does Mr. Ren know that I am in a bright mood?"

Ren Rude laughed: "When I was in Andu, I heard that there was a girl named Li Zheng in Huaxi Village. From ancient times to the present, girls must have been the first ones. How can they not be beautiful?"

He thought that by saying this, Feng Yun would be somewhat happy.

How can such a young girl hold back her pride?

Her sister Feng Ying is an example. When she was carried into Prince Jingling's palace in a small sedan chair, she was so happy that she seemed to have won the world...

However, Feng Yun did not move. The old monk sat looking at him as if in trance, smiling slightly, as if he didn't know what he meant, and let him guess.

Ren Rude didn't want to play riddles anymore.

He arched his hand towards Feng Yun, "Ren runs a teahouse in Andu City, right in Mingyue Lane, West City Gate, and it's called 'Yuqian'. The girl passed by that day, do you have any impressions?"

Feng Yunhan looked at him with a smile, "No wonder Mr. Ren cares so much about Humble House Tea. It turns out he runs a tea house. As for the young lady just now, she is already doing her own thing."

He raised his hand again and said, "Mr. Ren, please give me more advice."

Feng Yun spoke slowly, politely and without any emotion.

Ren Rude suddenly broke into a sweat.

If he hadn't been the one here today, he would have been confused by this girl's few words.

So Ren Rude thought of King Jingling.

How could he let such a beautiful girl not marry and go to guard the mausoleum in the miserable wind and rain? Now I have to settle for the next best thing, how painful would it be to marry her sister?

No wonder even after the war, I still think about it and refuse to give up...

Ren Rude said reluctantly that Feng Ying was also very beautiful, but the beauty was in the bones and not in the skin. To compare Feng Ying with Feng Yun's charm and appearance was like blasphemy.

"Mr. Ren?" Feng Yun once again reminded Ren Rude, who was distracted, "But find out what is mean in the tea? You can make it clear."

Her fingers grazed the edge of the tea cup.

A little impatient, Ren Rude noticed it.

He even suddenly realized that instead of playing tricks in front of this girl, it would be easier to gain her trust than to be honest about his intentions.

Those beautiful eyes can see into people's hearts.

Ren Rude suddenly stood up and bowed deeply to Feng Yun.

"To be honest, I came to Huaxi Village with two guys a few days ago."

After that, he glanced at the Ge brothers who were kneeling down and bowing their heads in silence.

"That day I saw two Ge brothers snooping in the girl's back room. I mistakenly thought they were prostitutes and immediately knocked them unconscious and took them away..."

Feng Yun was still smiling, his face unchanged.

He didn't ask, he wasn't in a hurry, he just waited for him to continue.

Ren Rude said: "I should have told the girl to know, but I am from Qi, and I used to walk around Taicheng often. I was afraid of misunderstandings and bringing trouble to the girl. Also, the girl's reputation is important, and it will be inconvenient to spread the word..."

Feng Yun: "Thank you very much, Mr. Ren."

Ren Rude didn't react, but Xing Bing's ears felt warm.

Every time his girl said she wanted to thank someone, that person would either receive a heavy reward or be in bad luck. This Ren Rude was obviously not the former.

Ren Rude didn't seem to notice the change in Feng Yun's expression, and his expression became more solemn.

"The girl doesn't know something. I came to Huaxi Village originally to find out the girl's reality."

Feng Yun raised his eyebrows, looking surprised.

"Oh? How can a prostitute attract your attention?"

Ren Rude's eyes were stern, he looked around, and lowered his voice. His expression and movements showed that he was about to say something important. Feng Yun became serious as expected and listened attentively.

But I heard him say:

"Young lady, I don't know, but I have some personal relationship with Mr. Feng."

Feng Yun's eyes flashed slightly, and he lowered his head to drink tea, "Feng Jingting presented himself to the city to beg for surrender, fled Andu in embarrassment, and left such a mess for me. Mr. Ren also saw it, and my personal relationship with him is of no use to me."

Ren Rude smiled awkwardly, "The situation was unstable at the beginning. I sat on the wall and watched. The girl's life was really difficult. But Mr. Feng never gave up on the girl. He was always thinking about her..."

Feng Yun rolled his eyes and chuckled disapprovingly.

"Is the situation stable now? Is the Qi army preparing to cross the river to attack the city, or is King Jingling sure of victory? Or is Mr. Feng Jingting sent as a lobbyist?"

Ren Rude frowned slightly.

After a pause, he asked in a low voice:

"Do you want to come back, ladies?"

Feng Yun smiled and shook his head, "The Feng family has abandoned me, and King Jingling has married another wife. Where can I find a place to stay when I go back?"

Ren Rude was slightly surprised.

He didn't seem to expect that Feng Yun would know about Taicheng so quickly, and he was very hesitant in his words.

"Have you heard all this, lady?"

Feng Yun hummed slowly and said with a smile: "The general is very affectionate and will never hide anything important from me. King Jingling is very happy to marry his wife, and everyone in the world knows about it. When the general gets the news, he will naturally tell it to me. "

She knew that every word she said today would fall on Xiao Cheng's ears.

Therefore, he unceremoniously showed off his love with Pei Madang.

"I originally thought that if I surrendered to the enemy camp, I would be falling into a pit of fire. Who would have thought that it was actually a gift from my beloved man... Mr. Pei's kindness to me has already surpassed that of my family. In this life, he and I will never leave each other."

Ren Rude was a little surprised.

"As far as Ren knows, King Jingling married an equal wife. On the wedding day, King Jingling paid tribute to his ancestors and publicly stated that the girl was his legitimate wife..."

puff! Feng Yun seemed to have heard a big joke, and his eyebrows curled up in laughter.

"Then he really has no self-awareness."

He seemed to have thought of something, and asked jokingly: "On the wedding day, didn't King Jingling catch a hen to worship with him? Did he and Feng Ying also have a chicken tied up on their wedding bed during the wedding night? ? Two chickens are born together, and the hen is the most important?"

Ren Rude made her speechless.

He found that things developed very differently from what he expected.

This girl didn't miss Qi Guo, the Feng family, or even Xiao Cheng at all.

Hen: Why are two chickens born together? We in the chicken world are not so shameless. Don't say that to me, cluck, cluck, cluck...

Rooster: The girl's words will not only reach Xiao Cheng's ears, but also your Pei Lang's ears... cluck, cluck, cluck.

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