Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 74: The Village Head’s Wife

The surroundings were awkwardly quiet.

Ren Rude knelt down in front of the wooden desk. On one side of the screen with bamboo curtains, two maids stood silently.

Only Feng Yun was quietly sipping tea in the west room.

I hate you so much.

As Ren Rude chewed the name of the tea, he suddenly felt uneasy, and the wide-sleeved and dark clothes on his body seemed to be suffocating.

"I am so rude and inappropriate to mention the girl's sadness."

Feng Yun raised his eyes, the smile on his face not gone, "Sir, you are too worried. I have hundreds of hectares of fertile land, a group of servants, an official position, and Pei Lang's favor, how can I be sad?"

Ren Rude found that he was wrong again.

The girl in front of her was astonishing at first sight. Such white, tender and delicate beauty was nourished by good times.

Pei Mading dotes on her very much.

Only when you live a good life can the water produce such color.

It's useless to test her anymore, and it's obviously impossible to use the affairs of the Ge brothers to manipulate her. This girl is not afraid of Pei Mad at all. Even if her frame-up of Lin E is exposed, Pei Mad will not embarrass her for an unfavored concubine...

Rude couldn't open his mouth despite the words he had planned before coming.

Then he said: "No matter what, the girl and I are the same people. If the girl has any grievances in Andu, Ren will definitely do her best..."

Feng Yundan smiled and nodded without saying anything.

When Ren Rude came to see her in her previous life, she was Pei Man's abandoned wife, crying all the time. Ren Rude came with Xiao Cheng's false feelings, as if he was the savior.

This time, he never mentioned Xiao Cheng, and he was too embarrassed to mention it again, so he could only talk about the friendship between old friends and make plans later.

Destiny seems to have changed direction, but Feng Yun believes that what is supposed to come will still come...

Dogs can't change their habit of eating shit, and Xiao Cheng will eat it too.

She was very willing to see the day when Xiao Cheng was slapped in the face, and she was also waiting for Ren Rude to talk about his divorce plan...

The two chatted for a while. Ren Rude saw that this girl was polite but without emotion in every word. It was really difficult to deal with it. He lowered his head and took a sip of tea and changed the topic.

"Is it convenient for the girl to send someone to Shiguan County to buy grain seeds and farm tools today?"

Feng Yun said: "In this world, people's livelihood is difficult."

Ren Rude smiled and said: "I don't have any other skills, but I have traveled a lot and made many friends. If the girl wants to reorganize the manor and start farming again, I have an idea, and I can borrow the help of others..."

Feng Yun paused for a moment: "Sir, please enlighten me."

Ren Rude stroked his beard and said, "Have you ever heard of Tujiawu Fort? I am close friends with the master of Tu Fort, and we may be able to help you."

When sleepiness comes, someone hands you a pillow.

Feng Yun smiled and arched his eyebrows, "Sir, you are so kind."

Since this Ren Rude wanted to sell her a favor, she would accept it.

So Ren Rude made an appointment with her.

"In three days, I will take the girl to Tujiawu Fort."

Before leaving, Ren Rude shamelessly asked Feng Yun to give him a can of tea. Feng Yun happily gave it to him and sent him to the door of the farm with a smile. The two of them bowed to each other and said goodbye. There was no clue on their faces, let alone trying to figure her out. thoughts.

Ren Rude felt sad and returned to the teahouse in front of the rain. He put down his bamboo hat and hurried back to his room to write a letter.

"After all this, nothing has been done. Mr. Feng and you have hurt him deeply, and if he is deceived by thieves again, it is really difficult to win his trust. You should take care of it slowly and not in a hurry..."

"When you clarify the affairs of the court to ensure that the overall situation is safe, and then raise the troops to safely cross over, why worry about the girl not returning?"

After sending Ren Rude away, Feng Yun asked Xing Bing to close the door and send everyone out, and then asked the Ge brothers alone.

The two of them were very upset about what happened that day.

They were waiting outside, waiting for the message from Feng Yun, so that they could go up and kidnap people and leave. They also calculated the time when General Pei would arrive, and how to blame Eunuch Fang and how to escape.

Unexpectedly, at that juncture, they were stared at.

Ge Yidao: "Mr. Ren has two guys beside him who are very capable. Under their hands, we two brothers will be defeated if we can't make it in three moves."

Feng Yun asked: "What's your name?"

Ge Guangdao: "One is called Jin Ge and the other is called Tiema, and they come and go without a trace. Ge Yi and I were beaten unconscious before we could see where these two people came from..."

Jin Ge, Iron Horse?

Feng Yun was surprised when he heard these two names.

Ge Guang's description of disappearing without a trace may be a bit exaggerated, but these two people are indeed very capable.

They were originally the shadow guards of Prince Jingling's Mansion. As far as Feng Yun knew, these two mainly guarded Xiao Cheng. They almost never left Xiao Cheng's side. They were the two most powerful guards under him.

Now Xiao Chengshang is waiting in Taicheng to force the palace to seize the throne. He is no longer with him, but appears in Andu, and even visited her farm...

What is Xiao Cheng going to do?

In Feng Yun's mind, Xiao Sanlang's handsome and noble face appeared. He was standing in front of the hall in a wedding dress, looking graceful and noble...

That was how he looked when he married her.

It’s been a long time since we last met, Lang Jun.

Feng Yun smiled.

The newly married Xiao Lang will not miss her.

Are they here to find the whereabouts of Wen Xingsu?

This is the most reasonable explanation.

"My two brothers were so ashamed when they found out they were captured, but no matter how they pressed us, we kept silent..."

"When they couldn't ask for anything, they left us in the teahouse and told us that we would have enough to eat. We didn't dare to act rashly for a while, so we pretended to agree... Today, Mr. Ren suddenly said that he would send us back to our hometown. He thought he was going to sell us... ...Unexpectedly, he took us to intercept Xingtou and asked him to take us back to Nagato..."

Xing Bing nodded, confirming what the two said.

Feng Yun said nothing.

Brother Erge was very uneasy.

"The girl believes us, we really didn't say anything..."

"God knows how that Mr. Ren knew that we were from Zhuangzi."

"Girl, we really never said..."

"I know." Feng Yun smiled slightly and called them to stand up, "If you want others to know nothing, you have to do nothing yourself. There is no airtight wall in the world..."

Moreover, that tea house was originally Lin E's sweetheart, and Yuan Jiao also went to seek refuge there, so she had some connections with Eunuch Fang. Now that the boss behind the scenes has become Ren Rude, what happened needs to be verified.

Feng Yun said nothing more and sent the Ge brothers to rest. After giving Xing Bing a few instructions, he went to the yard to watch his purchases in Shiguan County.

On the bullock cart, there were only two or three bags of grain and some scattered farm tools.

Xing Bing was very ashamed, "I traveled all over Shiguan County and couldn't buy anything else. The harvest in Shiguan County this year was not good, and a lot of refugees came in. Food has long been exhausted. The government has left enough for farming. For use, all the grain seeds are released and eaten, and farmers have nothing left to spare..."

He also picked up a small iron hoe he had brought back.

"Muli and wooden rakes are okay, but all iron farm tools are very expensive. You can't buy them ready-made with money. You have to order them in advance and exchange them with grain and cloth..."

Seeing Feng Yun's frown, Xing Bing sighed: "There are bandits everywhere, the trade routes are cut off, and the blacksmiths have no iron to make."

Ironware was inherently valuable, and the imperial government was very strict during wartime. Originally, in addition to making farm tools, Feng Yun also wanted to order a batch of swords, guns, bows and arrows for Mei Ling tribe to strengthen their defense.

Now it seems like a fantasy.

The Feng family has a lot of farmland and does not have good farm tools, so they can still rely on manpower. But many farmers really can only rely on their hands to dig food in the soil.

Feng Yun went for a walk in the field in the afternoon.

The lack of farm tools and grain is a difficulty faced by most farmers in Huaxi Village. She saw with her own eyes people pulling wooden plows in the fields and the whole family working hard together.

Someone saw her coming out and asked if they could borrow an ox or an iron plow...

It's not easy to do it here.

Pei Madang gave her a big problem.

Feng Yun went back to the house, wiped his face, and asked Xing Bing to take people to notify the villagers.

"Meet under the big locust tree outside Changmen Village. The corps commander, who is the commander, must be called by name."

At this time, A-Lou was recuperating in the house, so Xing Bing was treated as A-Lou. He did a lot of things and it went smoothly. He went out after calling two steps.

As the name of Huaxi Village suggests, there is a small stream surrounding the village that leads to the Changhe River. Changmenzhuang occupies a corner of the creek bay. Outside the gate is a wide flat dam, and below the dam is the stream. It is the largest residential land in the entire village. Most of the other village households surround the village and the stream, and the scenery is unique.

In less than half a quarter of an hour, villagers came one after another under the three large locust trees lined up outside the courtyard.

The corps commander, the commander is the fastest.

This is the first time Feng Yun has held a meeting since he took office.

Several bags of planting grain and some scattered farm tools had been placed under the locust tree.

These days, food is life-saving.

Anyone who has food always hides it. Looking at the big bags like this is very eye-catching.

The children were running around the locust tree, and the adults were waiting quietly.

"Ms. Li Zheng, what are you doing?"

"Is the food distributed to us?"

Feng Yundu responded one by one, "I'll tell you when everyone gathers."

Although the title "Mrs. Li Zheng" is a bit strange, at least it is unique. In the two countries of Jin and Qi, there is no woman who can be Li Zheng, only Feng Yun.

When everyone gathered, Xing Bing struck the gong.


The crowd fell silent and listened carefully to Li Zhengniang's speech.

Feng Yun has no official addiction. He doesn't talk much and is concise.

“Grain seeds are not meant for eating, they are grown.”

"Agricultural tools are collectively owned and divided equally according to the size. If you don't have any farm tools, you can ask the corps leader to write it down. The corps leader will then report it to the captain and use it in turn so that no family is left behind."

"There is no such thing as a free lunch. Buying grain seeds and renting farm tools all cost money."

"If you don't have money, you can keep accounts first and keep it on credit. You can make up for it after the grain is harvested."

"Farming tools and grain are not enough, and more will be purchased. In the future, every household will be able to use iron farm tools."

"There are more and more people in Huaxi Village, so there must be a village rule. When I finish writing it, I will post it under the three locust trees. Those who are illiterate can ask the corps leader and chief to interpret it."

There was a buzz in the crowd.

Changmenzhuang has many strange rules, all of which were set by Feng Twelve Niang.

When people in the village first heard about those things, they were very joking, and later they became envious.

In such a world, her servants can eat three meals a day, and even taste a little meat from time to time. With such a good thing, there is nothing wrong with following the rules.

What's more, Feng Twelve Niang said that she would get iron farm tools.

Iron tools are much easier to use than wooden tools. They are durable and labor-saving. With iron farm tools, your hands will not get so many bloody blisters and cracks. Farmland can also be deeply cultivated and cultivated. If you produce more grain, you can have enough to eat. …

There was a burst of cheers under the big locust tree.

Most people were happy to hear that Feng Twelfth Mother had also set rules for them.

But if there are too many people, it is inevitable that there will be one or two difficult people.

"Why should I abide by your rules?"

"The fields belong to our family. If you say that, don't all the people in our village become your family's tenants? How is that different from the past?"

That voice sounded like a gangster.

Feng Yun looked over and saw an unfamiliar face.

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