Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 76 The Long Night

Pei Madang did not bring any bodyguards with him. In full view of everyone, he snatched Feng Yun onto his horse, and the two of them galloped down the long street at night...

This was the first time that Feng Yun rode such a fast horse. He almost jumped up and his body became stiff with nervousness.

What do you call a stroll?

Who goes out shopping like this?

"Hold me." Pei Ran lowered his head and his voice fell on his ears, making Feng Yun's ears feel hot.

Running along the long street at night, the wind was very strong. Pei Madang's cloak fluttered behind him, and his broad shoulders seemed to envelop Feng Yun's petite body in his arms, like a huge shadow.

He had no expression, and Feng Yun had no way of guessing what he was thinking. Only his breathing disturbed her racing nerves in the quiet night.

When Pei Ran left Huaxi Village that day, the two of them broke up on bad terms.

Didn't he still feel angry when he came back to find her in the middle of the night?

"General?" Feng Yun was so shaken that his stomach couldn't bear it, and he called out slightly.

This sound was swallowed up by the night wind, and there was no response from Pei Ran.

The hoofs of the horses are like a flying arrow running wildly.

Feng Yun gradually collapsed.

Sitting on the horse, she had difficulty controlling her posture. She fell into Pei Ran's arms, with his tightly tied arms around her waist. At such a fast speed, she didn't know what kind of madness Pei Ran was going to have. Pinch him on the leg...

Pei Madang suddenly tightened the reins.

The big black horse raised its front hooves high, neighed dissatisfied, and slowed down its pace.

"Are you feeling uncomfortable?" A low voice asked, falling on his ear.

Why is General Pei so gentle and soft-spoken today?

Feng Yun swallowed back his anger and looked at him sideways.

"The general is not in a hurry to reincarnate, is he?"

Pei Ran:......

The man's face was cold and hard. Feng Yun noticed the coldness in his eyes and put on a smile again.

"Otherwise, what's the point of rushing back to race horses?"

Pei Ran: "This is not called horse racing."

Feng Yun then remembered the common name of horse racing and smiled in surprise.

"Then why did the general run so fast?"

Seeing that she had completely forgotten what she said she wanted to "go for a stroll", Pei Mang hugged her and turned her back with a strong push.

The instant weightlessness of his body made Feng Yun instinctively hug his neck, sit astride him and face him again, annoyance appeared on his face.

"The general came back suddenly from the camp just to make things difficult for me?"

Pei Madang is really very tall. Sitting on the horse and looking down at her, he is also looking down.

"The scouts came to report that there is a Nan Qi spy sneaking into Andu."

Feng Yun's heart skipped a beat as he thought of Ren Rude.

She has no plans to fully confess to Pei Ran.

At least, not yet.

In Feng Yun's view, counter-intentional schemes are also schemes, and bad guys are also good players, and they can all be used to his own advantage.

If Ren Rude is not exposed to Pei Mad, Ren Rude will mistakenly think that she is just angry with Feng Jingting and Xiao Cheng to win her change of heart.

Feng Yun was waiting for the day when they would instigate her to betray Pei Ran.

When the time comes, she will prepare a big gift for Xiao Cheng...

She raised her face and said, "I have never heard of it."

Pei Ran asked: "Xiao Cheng didn't send anyone to look for you?"

The topic suddenly turned to this, Feng Yun looked into Pei Madang's dark eyes and smiled softly.

"Prince Jingling is so happy with his wedding, how can he remember the abandoned wife of Andu County?"

Pei Madang squeezed her waist: "Why did Ji hide it?"

Huaxi Village is full of Pei Mad's spies. It's not surprising that he knew that Ren Rude had been here. But the Huaishui Bay Camp is so far away from Andu City. Did General Pei really not even take a breath?

Do you just distrust her?

Feng Yun said: "When Andu opens up the land to equalize land, refugees from all over the world will surely come to seek refuge. There will be a mixture of good and bad, including three religions and nine streams. The general should be prepared..."

He added: "Mr. Ren who came to visit me in Huaxi Village today is an old friend of my father's. He travels north and south all the year round, doing tea business. He also has a teahouse in Andu. Knowing that the general loves me, he boldly came to visit me."

Pei Ran said nothing, his eyes were dark, and his breathing suddenly became sticky.

The horse was still walking slowly. Maybe it was aware of the discomfort caused by the friction caused by the two riding together?

Feng Yun stepped back and put his hands on Pei Ran's shoulders.

Unexpectedly, Pei Ran suddenly spoke: "Is everything Ji said today true?"

Feng Yun nodded without thinking, "That's natural."

Pei Madang said: "My beloved is a gift from heaven, will you never leave me?"

Feng Yun's head buzzed.

Pei Madang didn't finish what she said, and he didn't even say that disgusting sentence, "Pei Lang's kindness to me is better than that of my family." But Feng Yun thought that he would know every word of what he said, and he couldn't wait to find a way to hide it. Go in, or die on the spot.

She lowered her head to cover up her embarrassment: "It's just a few angry words, general, don't take it to heart..."

Pei Ran didn't speak, and didn't seem to be planning to say anything. He just tightened his grip on her waist and pulled her closer, much closer than usual. In this way, Feng Yun seemed to be straddling him, and he could easily detect it. His emotions were so intense that his ears were on fire.

"The general is in good spirits."

"Sorry." Pei Ran's voice was hoarse.

She said she was sorry, but there was no hint of apology in her body. With a bump in the big black horse, he bumped into her heavily, pressing her even harder than before. This made Feng Yun very angry, but Ren was left in a dilemma. In his arms, there was no room for struggle.

"General, if you suspect that I am collaborating with the enemy, just kill me. Why humiliate me?" Feng Yun grabbed Pei Madang's arm and pinched him hard, doing as he was told.

Pei Madang loosened his arms a little and raised her face slowly, "You said those things without sincerity, just to get angry with Xiao San?"

Feng Yun didn't know how to smooth things over for a while.

The person in front of her hated being used by others. Although she did want to use him, she couldn't say it directly in front of the real owner, right?

Feng Yun smoothed the wind-blown hair around his ears and said, "I regard the general as my family. This is true."

"Very good." Pei Madang's dark pupils seemed to have a cold light, "What is family?"

Feng Yun tried hard to recall what he had said to Ren Rude.

"As early as that day, I made it clear to the general that the general and I are of the same mind. I can't go back to Qi State or the Feng family. There is no need for the general to be so guarded against me..."

"Feng Shi Ayun." Pei Madang's face was calm, but his eyes were extremely aggressive, "How do you want me to trust you?"

The arms wrapped around his waist became tighter and tighter. Through the two layers of clothing, Feng Yun could feel the gentle friction as the horse walked, as well as the ruthlessness and desire gushing out of Pei Man's breath.

She felt bad.

If she were a girl at that time, she would definitely slap her in the face and call her a slut. But she was a mature woman, and she had been close to Pei Madang for three years. Such gentle teasing was enough to distract her.

So he asked: "How can the general trust me?"

Pei Ran didn't speak.

His dark eyes stared at her firmly in the night, and his breath was scorching.

He has never been shy about asking for anything he wants.

In fact, as long as he wanted to, Feng Yun couldn't refuse, and he wouldn't refuse.

But if he wanted to dominate both body and mind, Feng Yun couldn't give it to him.

"I can do whatever the general wants. Can the general comply with my two conditions?"

The two talked about it the day she fell into the water.

Pei Ran gave the answer as if he was leaving.

After all this time, Feng Yun guessed that he still hadn't changed his mind.

Unexpectedly, he asked: "You follow me, but you don't live in the back house, you don't give birth to children, and you don't ask for your status. Aren't you afraid of gossip?"

Feng Yun smiled, "With the general protecting me, who dares to gossip?"

Pei Ran looked down, his dark eyes reflected in the moonlight.

Feng Yun continued to express his loyalty: "I don't want to enter the general's back house, but I don't want to restrict myself. It's not that I don't want the general. I am with the general as a subordinate, and we will be more comfortable with each other..."

She tried to make Pei Ran understand herself.

"I know that the general has a lot of doubts in his heart and feels that Feng Ayun is unreasonable. He wants it, but he still refuses...but I have my reasons."

"Oh?" Pei Madang stared at her, "Tell me."

The look of "I'm watching you lie" made Feng Yun laugh.

"General, do you think I look good?" she asked.

Pei Ran didn't answer, but he tightened his grip on her slightly, and brought her close to him, letting her feel his beauty with his actions.

Feng Yun groaned unbearably, then glared at him angrily and continued:

"In today's world, a woman who only has beauty but no ability to protect herself will not live long. I am not willing to be a concubine, and I don't want to use sex to cause trouble, but I don't want to die, let alone fall prey to the nobles, so , the general’s protection is survival for me.”

She stared at Pei Ran with burning eyes.

"But if you ask for something, you must give something. I understand this truth. I will not take advantage of the general for nothing."

Pei Ran asked: "How do you give it to me?"

The night was so dark that they couldn't see the emotions in each other's eyes.

Feng Yun said softly: "I have talents and can serve the general. If the general still needs my people, we can put aside the fetters and get what we need. If we don't talk about love, marriage, and the family home, we won't have children. When we get along, Have fun, don’t be entangled when you are apart, be happy when you come, and don’t feel sad when you leave.”

Pei Ran was startled for a moment, his jawline was obviously tight.

"As Ji said, those are called dog men and women."

Feng Yun was stunned for a moment, and this time he actually laughed out loud.

They don't talk about marriage or feelings, but they can still hang out with each other. They really sound like a couple.

But these words came out of Pei Ran's mouth...

She couldn't help laughing.

"Does the general agree?"

Pei Ran said nothing.

Without saying anything, Feng Yun took it as his acquiescence.

It was like this before, and she still has this habit.

She immediately put her arms around his neck, and her face brightened, as if a major life event had suddenly been solved.

"The general agrees, that's great."

Pei Ran's voice was hoarse: "Don't you regret it?"

She understands that in the eyes of the world, this is called sexual immorality, and only nameless and statusless women suffer.

Feng Yun hummed softly, put his forehead against his neck, and rubbed it tenderly, "I have also missed the general for a long time. The night is just right tonight, why don't the general stay in the mansion for a night before leaving..."

Pei Madang pressed her lower back hard and said coldly: "Since we are a dog and a woman, wouldn't it be better right away?"

Feng Yun raised his eyes in shock.

Pei Madan was staring at her with a cold expression.

His face was solemn and his eyes were sharper than ever, almost inhumane.

In fact, she and Pei Ran had that experience once.

On horseback.

This is why Feng Yun just wanted to give him a laugh when Pu Yangjiu said that General Pei was restrained and conservative.

His restraint and conservatism were probably all given to his sweetheart.

In the first year I got along with her, she seemed like a gentleman, but later on when I got to know her better, I almost had sex with her.

At this time, the sky is wide and the earth is wide, and the horses are walking freely.

The dark night concealed the emotions in their eyes.

The secret rubbing was amplified by the horse-step running. No one spoke, but they knew each other well. This indescribable tacit understanding made Feng Yun defenseless, and she could not ignore the amazing power under the strong body, invading her territory like a beast...

Feng Yun buried her head in his shoulder and put one hand around his waist, "Can we go back home?"

"Let's walk for a while." Pei Cong was in an abnormal mood today.

Feng Yun frowned slightly, "The general's heartbeat is very fast."

Pei Cong did not speak.

The heated discussion just now seemed like a joke.

The inexplicably cold air flow separated them invisibly. A world.

Feng Yun waited for a long time, suddenly raised her hands, turned his face, and looked up, "The Puyang doctor said that the general is sick. What is the disease? Is it serious?"

Pei Cong: ...

This Puyang Jiu can die.

Feng Yun suddenly suggested: "How about I help the general?"

She used a soft tone, and a small hand fell on him mischievously, and slowly retracted, "I think the general's illness is serious. If he doesn't get treated, he will get worse..."

"Feng Yun." A tingling sensation jumped up from his tailbone, and Pei Cong's hand holding the reins trembled violently. He grabbed Feng Yun's wrist and pulled her in front of him, looking like he wanted to eat her.

"Ji is so presumptuous..."

Feng Yun raised his face, "General, the moonlight is just right..."

Pei Cong panted.

He grabbed her and kissed her, densely.

Feng Yun's heartstrings seemed to be broken, and he lost his strength and slowly hugged his neck.

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